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8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. - Romance - Nairaland

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8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by nuges1(m): 8:02pm On Jan 24, 2013
…a sex-only motivated man will bolt like a thief in the night before you even have time to turn over on his side.

We’ve all been there: Sleeping with a seemingly great guy whose motives we can’t seem to figure out. Maybe he’s giving mixed signals or no signals at all. Either way, something in us makes us wonder if he’s in it just for sex. Well your first clue, should be your trusty gut, but maybe your gut isn’t so trusty because it is wrapped up in insecurity. In that case, here are eight more clues that may help you solve the mystery of whether your lover is interested in you as more than just a bedmate.

WARNING: The truth of these clues may sting, but better to know where you stand, than to lay down for too long with the wrong guy, right?

1. Weekday lovers

If your guy seems to always be MIA during the weekends, this is a clear sign that he is reserving weekends for someone else on his literal to-do list, or keeping his options open to meet other women. “When a girl is just a girl I’m into for sex, I’ll never ask her out on a weekend. Weekends are strictly reserved for A-listers and new opportunities.” – Mike, 27, Chicago

2. Sporadic contact

A guy who is really into you will communicate regularly. A guy who is in it to sex it, calls, texts, emails and pops-over only when he is feeling frisky and knows that you will indulge his desires. If the sight of your man’s name on your caller ID surprises you, chances are, this is a sex only situation.

3. Invitation to nowhere

He never invites you to go out with him – his friend’s birthday party, his work happy hour, not even a lackluster dinner and a movie. Bottom line: “Dates” are always cozy nights in. Why? Because that is the easiest place to, you guessed it… have sex.

4. Time’s up!

You spend just enough time together for a little pre-intimacy, sex and maybe a nap. Unless there’s time and desire for a round two, a sex-only motivated man will bolt like a thief in the night before you even have time to turn over on his side.

5. Late-night lovers

A sure in-it-for-the-sex-only sign is when your man only reaches out to you after hours, also known as a “booty-call”, when the day is done and quite possibly last call has been shouted. Although he coos for you sweetly on the other end of the phone, perhaps begging for your hot body, just know that you might be on a long list of lovelies, any of one of whom can satisfy his sexual cravings for the evening.

6. Tangoless texts

The sex-only guy is remorseless when it comes to leaving your texts unresponded to for hours – even days – and sometimes doesn’t respond at all… unless of course you are reaching out to setup a boudoir appointment. And in that case if his RSVP his positive, his reply back is immediate. Same goes for phone calls, emails, Facebook messages, tweets or any other form of communication.

7. Sexy speak

You two speak one language: Sex. And that’s it. If you think hard about it, you may know everything about how he likes “it” but you have no clue where his parents live, what he wanted to be when he grew up, the food that makes him gag, and if he has a middle name. There’s lots of moaning and groaning, but no chatter about work, family, friends, problems, triumphs, etc. Sam, 31, of New York says, “A woman who presents herself as a sexual showpiece will be treated that way. Come to the table at the very beginning with more than just the ability to blow me away in the bedroom. Blow away my mind too and that way I’ll consider you relationship worthy. You don’t have to play like a virgin, you just need to offer more than T&A.”

8. Listen from the beginning

He told you straight up that he doesn’t want a girlfriend, doesn’t have time for a girlfriend, can’t deal with a girlfriend… and just wants to have casual fun. It is up to you if you want to listen… but remember, most guys don’t want to deliver news that women don’t want to hear unless they really mean it. Justin, 24 from Oakland says, “Know who you are and be in charge of what you want from the beginning. If you leave it up to me, then I’m probably going to go for what is easiest… and that’s never a relationship.”

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Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Caracta(f): 1:20am On Jan 25, 2013
246 views and no comment? Why na?
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Caracta(f): 1:22am On Jan 25, 2013
I like No. 8

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Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Mynd44: 3:05am On Jan 25, 2013
If any guy tells a girl number 8 and she falls, she needs help
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by heed101(m): 3:06am On Jan 25, 2013
The clues are dull.
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Caracta(f): 3:59am On Jan 25, 2013
Mynd_44: If any guy tells a girl number 8 and she falls, she needs help
Serious one...
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by nuges1(m): 6:18am On Jan 25, 2013
heed101: The clues are dull.
if d clues are dull 4 u it actually means you are dull too.cheers!!
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by nuges1(m): 6:19am On Jan 25, 2013
Caracta: I like No. 8
y nau!!
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Ike77503(m): 7:10am On Jan 25, 2013
Seriously, this could be said also for WOMEN...most of you ladies reading this knows and can relate to having done some if not all of these to MEN...c'mon GIVE me A break ! Its a DOG bite DOG world...Mshhewwww

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Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Rooneyboy(m): 7:28am On Jan 25, 2013
Nonsense .
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Nobody: 7:36am On Jan 25, 2013
Mynd_44: If any guy tells a girl number 8 and she falls, she needs help
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Nobody: 7:53am On Jan 25, 2013
Females on NL, hope u read all. I dont want to hear, evrytym he wants my body, dats all d sign u need to know.
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Mynd44: 9:07am On Jan 25, 2013
I know a lot of girls on NL who will fall for number 8 though. Just follow a certain guy's PMs and you will be shocked at the thinking of some females here

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Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Djicemob: 9:08am On Jan 25, 2013
Av actually done 1-7 on some1,1st I was killin myself 2 get her as my true girlfrnd not even s-e-x buddies bt she gave in rather 2 easy(maybe cos I was A̶̲̥̅ bigshot/celebrity in skool bak den)and dat turned me off bt I felt 'WTH' lemme c how she tasted,I did and she tasted gud so I decided to have her as my s-e-x buddy.Am not in skool anymore and am A̶̲̥̅ lil more mature nw and I kinda regretted I treated her like dat.IMO no girl shld be treated dat way and no girl shld place herself too cheap to A̶̲̥̅ guy even if u've been eyeing dat particular guy.#gofigure
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Nobody: 9:09am On Jan 25, 2013
And the unfortunate thing is this: most ladies are aware of these clues from the very start. But they choose to believe that one day,the 'fvckingship' will enter into a relationship...which often times never happen.
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Mynd44: 9:17am On Jan 25, 2013
binger: And the unfortunate thing is this: most ladies are aware of these clues from the very start. But they choose to believe that one day,the 'fvckingship' will enter into a relationship...which often times never happen.
True. A lot of people enter relatipnships realising that the person is wrong but they have silly expectations that the person will change for the better
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 9:47am On Jan 25, 2013
@OP you got me right there.. grin grin grin so what is wrong with wanting a girl just for SEX? It is over-rated, why should any sort of importance be put into 5 seconds of pleasurable ejaculation not counting hotel bills, room-service and the boring drive back home. sheesh!! females often place a high value on SEX.. and it is wrong, a lasting meaningful relationship will pay you in the long-run.. have SEX, it is fun and as long as you do not attach any emotional (delusional) value to it, you will see other aspects of your Social life that are far more meaningful than SEX..

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Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Nobody: 10:21am On Jan 25, 2013
True. A lot of people enter relatipnships realising that the person is wrong but they have silly expectations that the person will change for the better
Nna,my bloda,the thing tire me...their case is what i call 'hopeless hope'
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by KweenAdz(f): 10:44am On Jan 25, 2013
Nice one...And wat are d signs dt she only wants him for sex too...#JstAsking
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 12:02pm On Jan 25, 2013
KweenAdz: Nice one...And wat are d signs dt she only wants him for sex too...#JstAsking

1: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
2: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
3: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
4: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
5: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
6: She is always calling and asking, "When are we going to see?"
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by CrimsonLove(f): 12:04pm On Jan 25, 2013
KweenAdz: Nice one...And wat are d signs dt she only wants him for sex too...#JstAsking
same signs
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Nobody: 4:03pm On Jan 25, 2013
Caracta: 246 views and no comment? Why na?
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Boss13: 4:39pm On Jan 25, 2013
I heard these stuff on the radio today. The radio presenter was giggling like a fool like she discovered some new theory.
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by kedukc(m): 5:18pm On Jan 25, 2013
Re: 8 Signs He Only Wants You For Sex. by Mynd44: 5:19pm On Jan 25, 2013

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