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Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? - Culture - Nairaland

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Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by kinglarry(m): 10:40pm On May 01, 2006
What is white wedding? is it really for the virgins or anyone that is smart enough not to be impreginated during courtship?. And are guys exempted?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by hotangel2(f): 10:53pm On May 01, 2006
cheesy cheesy cheesy This is a good question. lol,

WHite weddings are for people who didn't get pregnant durring courtship. Finito.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by dominobaby(f): 10:58pm On May 01, 2006
Lol, hw do u mean?i know white wedding to be d ceremony dat takes place n da church n d bride dresses in a white gown.white is meant to signify dat d lady is stil a virgin.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by hotangel2(f): 11:01pm On May 01, 2006
it is meant to. But nowadays, nahh!
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by dominobaby(f): 11:32pm On May 01, 2006
Dese days, d ones wu r preg on d wedding day wear cream coloured gowns n no veil.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by Idekeson(m): 12:53am On May 02, 2006
Is there a rule on the color a woman should wear on wedding day? Is it enforced by any one?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by Hotstepper(f): 3:38am On May 02, 2006
the dress is normally white but hey people wear wuteva diz dayz
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by babymine(f): 10:12am On May 02, 2006
The white signifies purity. It means the lady hasn't been defiled by any man yet. But nowadays one wouldn't be surprised if the lady is pregnant already and still wears white for the wedding. grin grin grin
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by bolex(m): 8:59pm On May 02, 2006

evry human being called 'THE BRIDE' wears a white gown before wedding

But , oh well

It would be a nice for me to marry a virgin

Wateva God says sha

Na Him go choose for me

Let his will be done

cool grin

I want a traditional wedding sha wink

feel me ?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by nikitareal(f): 12:42pm On May 05, 2006

The white signifies purity. It means the lady hasn't been defiled by any man yet. But nowadays one wouldn't be surprised if the lady is pregnant already and still wears white for the wedding. grin grin grin
dts very true ma dear,
dt was den n this now
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by Queen1(f): 1:17pm On May 05, 2006
not only virgins where wedding gowns now a days
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by larger20(m): 2:56pm On May 05, 2006
days of white wedding is over, how can u tell that the girl is a virgin?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by balash(m): 8:35pm On May 06, 2006
Hmmmm na true una talk jo well make we all for get am jare
na god go save
us for this
country 4 real
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by kimba(m): 4:36pm On May 08, 2006
WHite weddings are for people who didn't get pregnant durring courtship. Finito.

Lol, hw do u mean?i know white wedding to be d ceremony that takes place n da church n d bride dresses in a white gown.white is meant to signify that d lady is stil a virgin.

Dese days, d ones wu r preg on d wedding day wear cream coloured gowns n no veil.

Pls, are these statements of fact? so that the next time i see a white wedding, i would conclude, im curious pls.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by eveseh(f): 9:24pm On May 10, 2006
i think it's for everyone undecided undecided undecided
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by akara(m): 9:18am On Apr 16, 2007

LOL. If white weddings was for virgins only, why is there still so many bridal shops selling white gowns? grin

Me thinks its for anyone who wants it, Its just an image thing.

Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by derinsola(f): 10:12am On Apr 16, 2007
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by richylaw(m): 10:38am On Apr 16, 2007
meant to signify the purity of the lady, but now thing has gone the other way round, it's more of a societal and ego thing.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by Beline(f): 12:48pm On Apr 16, 2007
white wedding is not meant for the virgins alone, this is totally out of our culture we adopted it through Christianity, white wedding is the way the white conduct their marriage just like our traditional wedding but since we adopted their religion we equally adopted their marriage style.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by Beline(f): 12:57pm On Apr 16, 2007
wedding generally is stressed in the Bible for virgins and I believe personally because ladies in those days were bethroded before the age of fifteen that was why virgins were still found everywhere, now will you expect a lady of twenty seven or thereabout to be a virgin? things has change and Church or white wedding as it is generally known is for the couple to ask God for His blessing not to signify any purity

If you are a virgin does that mean you are sinless?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by cletusia: 1:48pm On Apr 16, 2007
Abeg make we hear something for whoever dey wear white wed. brides these days see nothing wrong in selecting colours and some that wed in white have been so lucky to finish their wedding receptions before being rushed to the labour rooms.If anybody like,make en wear green,white and green, like our dear country ,
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by diyobdw(f): 5:31pm On Apr 16, 2007
white wedding this day mean wearing an english dress.Virginity is out of it.
anyway why should the colour of your wedding gown matter anyway
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by nazzyon(m): 8:21pm On Apr 16, 2007
I see nothing white in a wedding which the woman has been defiled several years before she even dreamt of getting married. Most especially the now 16 year old girls most of them had gone wild before age 16.

Honestly to get a virgin in girls is rare, I only think of it as a myth. And if you are don't be offended.

Pardon me.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by aidexlaw(m): 10:31pm On Apr 16, 2007
Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonored); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous. (Amplified)
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by diyobdw(f): 11:49am On Apr 17, 2007
SO?! what do we do about the reality in our faces undecided
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by aidexlaw(m): 3:01pm On Apr 17, 2007
Let us fear God. His word can not be broken. We should seek His grace to overcome the "reality" we are facing. We should also remember that others have faced such challenges and did not compromise.

A genuine repentance and relationship with Jesus is the first step to overcoming.

Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (KJV)
(Read the whole chapter to get the full picture)

I pray you have a glorious married life.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by cennific(f): 11:31am On Apr 18, 2007

Let us fear God. His word can not be broken. We should seek His grace to overcome the "reality" we are facing. We should also remember that others have faced such challenges and did not compromise.

A genuine repentance and relationship with Jesus is the first step to overcoming.

Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (KJV)
(Read the whole chapter to get the full picture)

I pray you have a glorious married life.

What does all this have to do with the topic? The guy asked a simple question and there you go getting all preachy. Since you seem to be such a Bible expert, I'd like to know if the bible specifies a particular colour of dress for a wedding. Accepted, all brides were virgins then (or were they?) but was there really a dress code?
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by nossycheek(f): 2:15pm On Apr 18, 2007

We have virgins aged 16, some 33 and even 37. Just in case you are doubtful, they are still there, waiting for the groom.
What I mean is that there are still those that are still able to restrain themselves from being exploited by men in the name of
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by spoilt(f): 5:44pm On Apr 18, 2007
we have a culture that forces women to get pregnant to prove they are fertile before marriage. its unfair and stupid. how then can men do a turn around and expect virgins everywhere? angry
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by nazzyon(m): 8:42pm On Apr 18, 2007

Are we not the same people who say those old aged stories are past and does not apply to us. Why should we go back to it then.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by nazzyon(m): 8:57pm On Apr 18, 2007


We have virgins aged 16, some 33 and even 37. Just in case you are doubtful, they are still there, waiting for the groom.
What I mean is that there are still those that are still able to restrain themselves from being exploited by men in the name of

I agree with what you said but I seldom go out and whenever I do I used to visit a friend whose brother owned a tutorial institute and what I see over there and along the way really convinced me that large percentage of people amongst the girl has been defiled because their request is glaring. 

What those girls do honestly if you see them you will be convinced. I know most people may think that I am painting them devilish. It has gotten to the extent that some where even making sexual advances @ me.

Do not be offended if you felt insulted or something.
Re: Are White Weddings For Virgins Only? by hannydarl(f): 2:06am On Apr 19, 2007
I noticed mostly guys believe that white weddings are for virgins and they condenm the fact that virgings hardly exsist but i beg make una tell me who disvirgined all the virgins?You guys take the virginity of other peoples sisters and other guys take the virginity of your sisters and the trend continues so boys stop dreaming about marrying one even our elderly men who are old enough to be grand pa's have joined the game of nailing young girls.

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