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Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by uboma(m): 7:05am On Feb 03, 2013
Please does anyone have detailed information about the above company? Are they for real? I know of someone who late last year was introduced to this company for recruitment purposes. She had to pay money to access their recruitment form. she was promised that by January this year, she will commence work. We are now in February and she is still waiting to be called to resume work. She was also compelled to pay a certain sum for uniform and boots. I have surfed the net to gather any useful information about the company but nothing tangible. I keep telling her that they are not for real because if they are, they would:

1- have a functional website.

2- not request money to complete their form nor charge for uniform and boots etc.

I pity gulible Nigerians who are out to get a job at all cost even being oblivious to fraudalent acts. Please share any information you have on this issue.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by blinksjeff(m): 2:22pm On Nov 08, 2014
Elites community initiative corps are fake pls advice anyone involve in it to stay back cos its fake......there general commandant okpara is just using them,ECI is fake don't patronise it pls to avoid becoming a victim.i was a victim.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by uboma(m): 3:56pm On Nov 08, 2014
Elites community initiative corps are fake pls advice anyone involve in it to stay back cos its fake......there general commandant okpara is just using them,ECI is fake don't patronise it pls to avoid becoming a victim.i was a victim.

Can you please share your experience about them for the benefit of some who may still be considering patronizing them?
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by blinksjeff(m): 6:38pm On Apr 05, 2015
Eci is a fake company that are looking for money for in all cost they charge for forms at the rate of 5000naira and charge for uniforms at the rate of 15000,they also charge u for their training certificate and membership form at the rate of 5000,they also charge for accreditation at the rate of 15000,I was recruited at nysc keffi road, we were ask to pay for accommodation 6000 but ntin was rendered we slept outside,okpara the gen.commandant don't come to see how trainning is going on,if at all he wil come he will not spend upto 20mins. And he will leave,he has promise us times witout numbers dat it will comission by d government but all were lies,little do we know that ECI was regestered as a private security guard,thankGod for some of our members dat were close to him realise we all dupt, and decided to inform everyone dat its fake,my pains is dat even as I speak some people ar still following him....well I pray dat their eyes should be open even as ours has been open. AMEN.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by bytheyan(f): 1:18am On Apr 21, 2015
The message I received: Ur Reminded Dat Interv. Contn. frm Monday 20/04/015 To 25/04/015 At Elite Hd Office Ankpa Ward Opp Aveco Collg. Mkd,pay #5,500 4 Ur Materias 2 Elite Corp Govt Acct:first Bank, Acct Name:associatn Of Elite Community Initiatv, Acct No 2026890777 Bring Teler 2 Our Office At No2 Ankpa Ward Opp Aveco Model College Makurdi 4 Regt.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by iceman246(m): 7:44pm On Jun 23, 2016
ECI is shaking.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by SamuelAnyawu(m): 8:55pm On Jun 23, 2016
Elites has never been approved and will never be approved, even Peace corps that has passed some stages is still on voice mail.

Don't be deceived it's all scam, I know their office at Aveco area cool cool

Story for the gods
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by gentlegenius(m): 7:14am On Aug 07, 2016
I stand here bold to say Elites community initiatives corps of Nigeria(ECI) is not fake it's incooperated with the Nigeria police to combat crime and corruption in Nigeria. Currently on the second batch trianing graduating by 24.6.2016 in Jos and the third batch will be hield in Benue state so dnt agree. With anyone that says it fake. The so called Opera had been shout up from the organization to get my details on Elites corps call me officer AJEYI EMMANUEL ON 08187843400. Am equal to any examination on this topic to prove my. Organisation worthy. And to add to this we are working hand in hand on community policing with the Nigeria police force. The main funtion of Elites corps when finally arrived is on community policing and bodering security. Note my number is open to you : 08187843400
Do they pay you for doing this work? Especially after all you you spent to join them.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by uboma(m): 5:18am On Aug 08, 2016
Elites has never been approved and will never be approved, even Peace corps that has passed some stages is still on voice mail.

Don't be deceived it's all scam, I know their office at Aveco area cool cool

Story for the gods


I wonder why some people still fall for these cheap scam.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by iceman246(m): 3:29pm On Jun 12, 2022
Elites ones had a vision but that vision had been killed up by one selfish man who only wanted himself been enrich. God will judge him for allowing people to suffer through the path thinking he was giving employment to the youth. God will arrest him.
Re: Elites Community Initiative (corps) Of Nigeria (ECI) by iceman246(m): 1:52pm On Dec 11, 2022
Elites vision is only killed by selfish people. The so called runner of the organization refuses to let the government take hold of it.

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