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Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy - Foreign Affairs (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by sylve11: 1:04pm On Feb 20, 2013

Believe me,you,ll not notice the smell till you,ve c.um...those horrible smells will even be so erotic to their customers.you,ll not perceive it till you,ve offloaded,then your head clears wella and you,ll be wondering how you got there and what took you there..

Then you,ll SWEAR you,ll never go there again...after three days you are inside that bush on that filthy mattress banging your sorrow away....abeg all hail edo women ..dem de represent well.

laff wan kill me! Abeg this post don make my day! grin grin grin grin grin cool
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Nobody: 1:07pm On Feb 20, 2013
obo_man: No.... I don't think we should blame it on poverty in Edo state.. Edo state is not the only state that suffers from poverty in nigeria.

There real problem is that for some strange reasons, the culture in that state doesn't do enough to frown against it...

Why do these women want easy route out of life? Why can't they be like other strong-minded nigerian women, that would rather die than sell their bodies for money?

You can never justify prostitution with proverty.
It's just like a male armed robber blaming proverty on why he is into robbery. What happened to our good old-fashioned work ethic?

@ parents, pls don't send your children to anywhere you can't visit. Don't let some scum bags lie to you that they want your daughter to come with them, that they will provide education and work for her.

Education isn't free in europe for non-europeans...

And jobs are hard to get in europe, especially if you an unskilled 18 yrs old Edo girl.

@ oba of benin and edo gov, make stopping this plague a top priority. Embark on a state-wide campaign. It is becoming a national embarrassment.

@ parents, let your kids stay with you and bear the hard times 2gether, instead of succumbing to the lure of greed....

Most parents that succumbed would have to cope with their daughters coming home years later with hiv and coming home empty-handed, often distraught and mentally sick for life


You are a good guy.God bless you !
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by stpat1(m): 1:08pm On Feb 20, 2013
tonididdy: These chiicks u see have homes in nigeria built via this 'dirty looking place or biz'...it all boilss down to pacckkaging when u come back home...#edo boy 4 life

You are more than a slowpoke. In others words, what they are doing is ok abi?
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Olalekan0(m): 1:09pm On Feb 20, 2013
klumsy: tongue[color=#770077][/color] what i don't get is why on earth they left their country to be degraded to the standard of a mad person staying and sleeping in the forest. if its the work of prostitution, they might as well do it in naija and have decent accommodation aka brothels to say the least ( that's if they are Nigerians o
am not undastandin dis people at al
u b king where u cum from bt now u dey slip 4 bush
A vast majority of prostitutes in italy live in brothels and/or hostels,i guess these ones in the picture are just trying to maximize profit by living in the woods which is free of charge,besides they may just stay there to service their clients while they go home to stay when they're not working.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Oahray: 1:11pm On Feb 20, 2013
Ok, I'v seen the pics. So how did they know the girls are Nigerians?
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by brixton: 1:17pm On Feb 20, 2013
OP, u shud change ur thread heading. Lst tym I checked al black pipo were nt NIGERIANS
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by honeeyplum(f): 1:20pm On Feb 20, 2013
Dre is no evidence dat dse ladies r Nigerians or do dey ve tribal marks on dre faces or coat of arm inscribed on dre foreheads?....terrible living conditions by the way n some men ll go to dis place #smh#
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by RedLight1: 1:21pm On Feb 20, 2013
Ivynwa: I'm speechless at these pictures and still trying hard to believe that girls throw down mattresses in the forest (or do they even live there in the forest ). Where is the proof that those mattresses were laid by Nigerian girls or they are just writing terrible things and ascribing it to Nigeria as if our country is the capital city of hell fire. Let them remove these disgusting and undignifying pictures from the net and stop connecting the name of our country to it.

How can they snap pictures of a condom dump site and write and ascribe it to Nigerian girls? What shows that that refuse was from Nigerians and not people of other countries? what is the name of the media house that wrote that stuff let me write and tell them not to be connecting Nigeria to their damn rubbish.
bhuda bless you :*
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Rapmaestro(m): 1:21pm On Feb 20, 2013
SMH.... 4 d OP
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Panter215: 1:21pm On Feb 20, 2013

I just posted four videos, yet you're still living in denial smfh... I don't give two phucks if you think I'm Nigerian or not, that's your prerogative - you can continue to live in denial till you leave this planet... However, I'm just tired of sharing the same nationality with dogs and criminals who don't understand the principles behind black pride/consciousness and selflessness... I shall continue to call the spade a spade - fvck your emotions!!!
Four videos of what? Watched them and saw no similarity to the picture of women in the bush. I have no doubt that some Nigerian women (and men) prostitute but so do all countries citizens. I also do not see how the picture attached in this tread can be linked to Nigerian women in Itayi. Please donot have a mind set and conclude that any picture of black person doing some wrong are Nigerian. Please give yourself some respect if you are a Nigerian but if you are not then note that the day I run into you, we will settle it is not so pleasant way.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Nobody: 1:23pm On Feb 20, 2013
tchidi: Who patronises dem in d bush na?
No be even better ashawo sef undecided undecided
you no see the amount of condoms...really depressing that a person will equate himself to an animal
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Nobody: 1:29pm On Feb 20, 2013
Four videos of what? Watched them and saw no similarity to the picture of women in the bush. I have no doubt that some Nigerian women (and men) prostitute but so do all countries citizens. I also do not see how the picture attached in this tread can be linked to Nigerian women in Itayi. Please donot have a mind set and conclude that any picture of black person doing some wrong are Nigerian. Please give yourself some respect if you are a Nigerian but if you are not then note that the day I run into you, we will settle it is not so pleasant way.

Are you just being intentionally silly?? When you see black prostitution in Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, and Greece - 9 times out of 10, they're Nigerians....

Just like when you see black people in the western world fighting over fried chicken - 9 times out of 10, they're African Americans...

Use your brain cells and stop living in denial - they're Nigerians!!
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by coogar: 1:29pm On Feb 20, 2013
the women in the pictures are nigerians.....the only clause is many of them are doing this against their will. forced to pröstitute to buy their freedom from their madames. they cannot run or go to the cops as they all swore an oath of secrecy.

it's what it is - much ado about nothing!


Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by 2goodbobo(m): 1:31pm On Feb 20, 2013
What a pitiable disma pisma
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by FXKing2012(m): 1:34pm On Feb 20, 2013
This is unbelievable!
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Nobody: 1:36pm On Feb 20, 2013
I'm sure Tarzan is having a swell time and thanking Zeus for his African connection!
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by savanto: 1:38pm On Feb 20, 2013
This is an old post.....very old. I wonder why the mods
Will put it on FP.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Litmus: 1:42pm On Feb 20, 2013
Most of this type of images are lies,nothing to do with Nigerian girls, predominantly.Africa hide their shame always under the Nigerian banner. One only need post any derogatory image of black people anywhere in the world and label it Nigerian.

the sad thing is, since Nigerians arnt that way inclined we find it hard to believe that human beings could be so pitiful and disgusting minded as to take delight in smearing and demonizing others instead of trying to get wealthy and so we sort of believe the lies.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by tantita(m): 1:43pm On Feb 20, 2013
Ivynwa: I'm speechless at these pictures and still trying hard to believe that girls throw down mattresses in the forest (or do they even live there in the forest ). Where is the proof that those mattresses were laid by Nigerian girls or they are just writing terrible things and ascribing it to Nigeria as if our country is the capital city of hell fire. Let them remove these disgusting and undignifying pictures from the net and stop connecting the name of our country to it.

How can they snap pictures of a condom dump site and write and ascribe it to Nigerian girls? What shows that that refuse was from Nigerians and not people of other countries? what is the name of the media house that wrote that stuff let me write and tell them not to be connecting Nigeria to their damn rubbish.
....sharaaaaaaap! Who's connecting ur vile country 2 anything it hsnt already connected itself 2... Last time ur country man attempt detonating a bomb on a plain n Nigeria was label a terrorists nation u rants said al u cold 2 distance ursef frm it 2dye wrest do u rank among terrorist nation if nt @d very top
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by freecocoa(f): 1:45pm On Feb 20, 2013
Wait o, people actually go to have 5ex in the bush in this age and time?

P.S. Why do I find most threads confusing these days?undecided
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by sgsltd(m): 1:45pm On Feb 20, 2013
omo onile olona
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by tantita(m): 1:46pm On Feb 20, 2013
tantita: ....sharaaaaaaap! Who's connecting ur vile country 2 anything it hsnt already connected itself 2... Last time ur country man attempt detonating a bomb on a plain n Nigeria was label a terrorists nation u rants said al u cold 2 distance ursef frm it 2dy were do u rank among terrorist nation if nt @d very top
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by vanstanzy(m): 1:47pm On Feb 20, 2013
tonididdy: take am easy, una nor dey joke for where u from come

That ur joke, pack some punch ke! Sorry o! Nexttime write something in Italics, Parenthesis or so, to tell people its

just a joke. Graphics will be better. smiley smiley smiley
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by scopusng(m): 1:47pm On Feb 20, 2013
Ivynwa: I'm speechless at these pictures and still trying hard to believe that girls throw down mattresses in the forest (or do they even live there in the forest ). Where is the proof that those mattresses were laid by Nigerian girls or they are just writing terrible things and ascribing it to Nigeria as if our country is the capital city of hell fire. Let them remove these disgusting and undignifying pictures from the net and stop connecting the name of our country to it.

How can they snap pictures of a condom dump site and write and ascribe it to Nigerian girls? What shows that that refuse was from Nigerians and not people of other countries? what is the name of the media house that wrote that stuff let me write and tell them not to be connecting Nigeria to their damn rubbish.

Haba, you bi lawyer? Who cares? I like what they are doing.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by vanstanzy(m): 1:53pm On Feb 20, 2013
Prostitution ring! Mans inhumanity to man embarassed embarassed. My heart bleeds for those girls. cry cry cry cry
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Panter215: 1:57pm On Feb 20, 2013

Are you just being intentionally silly?? When you see black prostitution in Italy, Germany, Spain, Holland, Switzerland, and Greece - 9 times out of 10, they're Nigerians....

Just like when you see black people in the western world fighting over fried chicken - 9 times out of 10, they're African Americans...

Use your brain cells and stop living in denial - they're Nigerians!!
Nothing more from me.
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by Decency75: 1:57pm On Feb 20, 2013
shymexx: Lmao.. I can't even imagine the kind of smell that would be oozing out of their pums....

Who the heck is paying to sh.ag these people?? - and doing it on a refuse dump undecided undecided

Oh well, there are junkies everywhere in the world, anyway... undecided

are there no snakes inside this bushes?
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by dipo1: 1:58pm On Feb 20, 2013
Sad they have to claim these are Nigerian without any proof of it. We all know Nigerian are involved in the shameful act of prostitution but pictures should at least include signs that these are really Nigerians. Ghanians, citizens of Benin also practice prostitution but its only Nigeria everyone sees
Re: Pictures Of Nigerian Roadside Prostitutes In Italy by vanstanzy(m): 1:58pm On Feb 20, 2013
Just wondering how these girls clean-up and take their baths. embarassed embarassed embarassed

Poverty is not really the cause of these SHAME men (male and female) subject themselves to, but GREED!

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