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Iyawo Nylon Bag - Literature (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Iyawo Nylon Bag (252846 Views)

Lagos … And My Polythene Bag By Chydee / Lagos … And My Polythene Bag By Chydee (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Nobody: 10:54pm On Feb 26, 2013
Nice one, Ishi dear, really nice. You're making me hate the story so you're telling it really well.
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by MaziOmenuko: 5:47am On Feb 27, 2013
Nice work, your descriptive prowess is excellent.
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by IcemanP(m): 3:32pm On Feb 27, 2013
Nice use of words...
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by ITbomb(m): 4:39pm On Feb 27, 2013
Mazi_Omenuko: Nice work, your descriptive prowess is excellent.
If Mazi says it is excellent , who am I to dispute.
But wait o , ur update seems to take time to boot , abi u dey take dat from Mazi?
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by FoxyUltimate(m): 10:33am On Feb 28, 2013
I am following you Ishi.... You know what af mean, bumper to fender wink wink
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 11:48am On Feb 28, 2013
If Mazi says it is excellent , who am I to dispute.
But wait o , ur update seems to take time to boot , abi u dey take dat from Mazi?
I'm working on it o. I am a slow typist, so when it takes some folks two hours to type ten pages, it takes me double that time to type same number pages. Can be such a bummer. angry
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by ITbomb(m): 11:57am On Feb 28, 2013
I'm working on it o. I am a slow typist, so when it takes some folks two hours to type ten pages, it takes me double that time to type same number pages. Can be such a bummer. angry
So can I be your typist?
You just read for me and I type
I work better at night. Hope you are nearby

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 12:15pm On Feb 28, 2013
Foxy_Ultimate: I am following you Ishi.... You know what af mean, bumper to fender wink wink
Thanks smiley
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Nobody: 1:58pm On Feb 28, 2013
Ah.. Forgot to drop my comments.. Was to busy thinking up different endings in my head...

A round of applause, o ishilove... Great story, very descriptive... The mind of both protagonist and antagonist laid bare.. I love it.....
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 12:54am On Mar 02, 2013
Mother came home early from work that evening. She was in unusually high spirits and her face was relaxed as she softly gave cooking instructions to the first daughter of the family, Andrela. Andrela’s twin brother, Andrew was off somewhere doing what he knew best; beating the living daylight out of a classmate who had had the audacity to laugh at him when his knickers had suddenly given way at the seat during a game of soccer. Andrew was thirteen years old and 5ft. 7 inches of gangly arms and feet and a permanent scowl. When asked why he never smiled, his consistent reply was there was nothing in this world to smile about. Andrela on the other hand, had to be constantly reminded that only mentally unbalanced people smiled even when there was no reason to smile. Mother said that while other babies came out of the womb and cried when they drew their first breath, Andrela, who had preceded Andrew, had drawn a lungful of air, and grinned. Chilo could never be sure if Mother had been jesting or was in earnest. Kodi, the eldest son was in a neighbour’s house playing card games.

Chilo had agonised within herself while she ate the pastries her tormentor had left her, on whether to tell her parents about Prince’s constant unwanted attention which had taken a turn for the worse that afternoon, but she finally came to the conclusion that it would cause too much trouble for everyone. Prince would be very upset, and who knew, he might suddenly remember that they owed rent and throw them into the streets. No, she would just have to endure, she had concluded. Besides, he had promised to stay away from her so she would have to let sleeping dogs lie.

Watching her mother and sister work side by side in the kitchen while humming along to the beat of Mark Morrison’s “Return of the Mac”, Chilo felt a deep, unexplainable sadness. She carried the burden of a heavy secret, a burden that felt too great for her young shoulders.

True to his words, Prince kept his distance from her for a couple of weeks, but like a dope fiend hooked on cheap crack, he went back to his unsavoury ways after three weeks.

“You promised!!” Chilo protested vehemently while struggling with him one morning. The last tenant had barely left the compound before he pounced on her.

“C’mon, you this girl, behave yourself now. Cooperate with me and I will treat you fine”, he rumbled, slobbering all over her. The day was hot and both tormentor and the tormented were sweating profusely. The sweat worked in her favour because it made her skin slippery, so she was able to slip, eel-like, out of his grasping hands and flee into the safety of her home.

She wasn’t so lucky two days later. Prince was becoming more and more daring in his assaults, so when he had come a’ groping that afternoon, Chilo decided that enough was enough, for once and for bloody all. While she endured the assault, her quailing mind fixed upon a plan, and without thinking twice about it, acted on it.

She stopped struggling and went limp in his hands. The old lecher, thinking she was finally cooperating, intensified the pressure of his caresses. Then without warning, she lifted one fist and with as much force as she could muster, smashed it on the turgid object that was rudely poking her from behind.

Prince bellowed.

Whether in pain or rage, she could not tell. What was important was that he released her with immediate effect. However, if she were to place her money on a bet, she would bet that he was in a lot of pain. A WHOLE LOT. What inspired the organ smashing move was an episode with Oliver, her little brother. Some weeks back, she had been bathing him and he was badmouthing her as usual. When she had gotten tired of his heckling, she had transferred the sponge she was using to bath him to her left hand, raised the middle finger of her now free right hand and gave his tiny ‘peepee’ a hard flick. The brat’s squawk of pain had brought their mother running into the bathroom. Grinning, Chilo had confessed her mischief, and mother had given her a stern warning never to try such again because the ‘place is very delicate and any small mistake there can cause great pain’.

Having the good fortune to remember this episode while she was trapped with Prince, the child figured that the amount of pain a blow to a peepee was capable of inducing might be proportional to size. A small blow for a small peepee, a big blow for a big peepee, which Prince undoubtedly possessed judging from the width of what poked her from behind. So instead of a small blow like the one she had administered to Oliver, she had fisted her hand and dealt a massive blow to ‘that sensitive place’. The resultant bawl that followed the blow convinced her that she had being right in her deduction.

Prince bent over double, and fell flat to the ground, clutching the battered organ and groaning in severe pain. Looking at the man who had been the cause of so much discomfort and heartache, Chilo felt nothing but loathing. Loathing gave way to anger.

“You promised that if I didn’t tell anybody, you will stay away from me!” she raged at the writhing figure. “Why are you always disturbing me? Why don’t you go and look for your age mate to love?? Uncle Prince, doesn’t it matter to you that I am only ten years old, ehn? Answer me, you this wicked man!”

Prince’s reply to this incensed query was a warbled snort.

“Leave me alone otherwise God will punish you!!”

She turned to storm off but a thought occurred to her. She turned back, cautiously approached Prince, raised one slippered foot and gave him a hearty kick in the shin. There, you nasty old man, this is for always touching my bre.as.ts and buttocks! The kick gave her a sense of satisfaction and she couldn’t resist giving him another one, on the thighs this time. This, you old coot, is for all those times you have been rude to my parents because we live in your stinky old house.

She would have loved to give him another kick in the peepee, but since they were still tenderly encased in Prince’s trembling hands, she contented herself with giving him another kick in the shin before turning and walking away as fast as she could. If Uncle Prince suddenly recovered before she got to her apartment, she was as good as done for.

Inside the safe confines of the room Chilo shared with her siblings, she sat shuddering on the floor. The adrenaline rush which had fuelled her rage was dissipating, slowly replaced by cold dread. ‘My God, what have I done?’ she thought. Prince was surely going to throw them out on the streets now.

She moaned and lay on the floor. What a dreadful mess. What will I tell Mummy and Daddy when they come home? she asked herself. ‘The truth’, something whispered from deep within.

What truth? That I beat up the caretaker who has been accommodating us? That I made him angry even though Daddy warned us not to make him angry? That he is likely going to throw us out and we will end up living under the bridge? What truth??

She got no answer. She squeezed her eyes and tried to think up a reasonable lie to tell her parents but she came up short. She didn’t regret defending herself against Prince, but her major concern was the consequences of her actions. Immediate eviction, she imagined. She had acted purely out of self defence against his unwanted attentions that often left her feeling dirty and weird. This odd feeling wasn’t unpleasant, it was rather delicious to say the cold truth, but she wasn’t curious enough to explore it. And to think that it was the dirty thing Prince did that often brought about the weirdness. She had felt her body burning up again when the revolting man had touched her today but she blocked it from her mind.

Chilo curled herself into a foetal position and lay there, mind whirling, until she fell asleep.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The sound of a knock on the door woke her up. She heard the door open. Good, Oliver had opened the door. Her mind floated about a bit before the sound of Mother’s voice brought it crashing down to reality. ‘O God, Mummy is back!’ she thought wildly. She expected Prince to come barging in any minute to order them out of the house. Nne Ejime, Chilo made me angry today, so your time of grace is up. Away with you, your brood and you!

She wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Maybe if Prince heard that she had disappeared into the bowels of the earth, he would forgive her and not throw her family out.

She quickly got up, crawled to the window of the room and peeped out. No activity, yet. The window overlooked Prince’s apartment so she could see what went on there. That was why she had known when he had gotten up from the floor where she had left him writhing in pain and entered his room. It was also why she knew of the almost daily visitations from his niece.

She shivered in apprehension and slowly walked back to the bed with the battered mattress. The mattress was older than she was as far as she knew. She didn’t know how long she mentally gnawed her nails until the door leading to room suddenly flew open. She jumped. Mother never knocked. She simply barged into every room like a battering ram and woes betide you if you were up to any mischief.

Mother stood, arms akimbo, in front of the open door looking bemused.

“So you did not hear me come in, abi? That is how one day a thief will come into the house and pack everything.” She complained.

Chilo wanted to point out that any thief who came to their humble abode looking for what to steal would be gravely disappointed, but she decided that then wasn’t the time for such poignant observations.

“I’m sorry, Mummy”, she quietly said, and to her horror, burst into tears.

Oily, her tears, careened down her child’s face. Mother was startled and immediately crossed over to where the distressed pre-teen sat. She looked so small and helpless. Chilo wasn’t a child given to fits of crying, so whatever had upset her must really be serious.

“Chilo, what is it?” her worried mother asked. “Why are you crying? Is it because of school? Don’t worry, very soon you will start, I promise. Even if means going to borrow, I will, so stop crying, you hear?”

The child’s sobs only increased. The tears seemed to come out from the depths of her soul and it wrenched her heart. “My baby what is it now. Why are you crying like this? You are making me worried o. It must be school, abi? You are tired of staying at home all alone. Don’t worry, ehn, it is almost over.”

“Mummy, it isn’t school” Chilo wailed.

“Then what is it?”

The child took a shaky breath, and in between sobs blurted out: “It’s Uncle Prince!”

Mother sighed with relief and rolled her eyes heavenward. So that was it. That difficult man had probably scolded her. It was a surprise because Prince seemed to be very fond of Chilo.

“What about Prince? Did he beat you? Did he scold you? Don’t mind him jor.”

O dear Mother, I wish what troubles me is an ordinary beating or scolding, the young child thought with deep despair.

Chilo snuffled some more, swallowed a huge lump of watery mucus and said something under her breath.

“Chichi what did you say?”

Chilo muttered again, louder this time, but not loud enough for her mother to hear. Mother, who had seated herself beside to the little girl when the briny deluge had been unleashed, bent down closer to hear what she was saying. She could perceive the phlegm on the child’s breath and her heart ached. Poor child, the innocent ones were always the hardest hit during tough situations.

“Mummy, I said Uncle Prince has being touching me!” she all but shouted now.

Ice prickled Mother’s veins, but she pushed it away. No, it wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t.

“What do you mean by touching you??” Mother asked, trying to keep her voice steady. Chilo didn’t, or couldn’t answer. Dejected, she bit her upper lip and quickly looked down. Mother seized her chin with one strong hand, forced her to look into her mother’s eyes and growled:

“What do you mean by he has being ‘touching you’? WHERE HAS HE BEING TOUCHING YOU?!?”

“On my brea.sts and my ‘tatu’ ”, whispered the child.

Eyes wide,nostrils flared like a terrified animal, Mother’s head reared back, and all was still. . .

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by LarrySun(m): 1:22am On Mar 02, 2013
Prince is in trouble, I tell you! Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.


Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ollyfad(f): 2:02am On Mar 02, 2013
yeay!!! Mother suldnt jst beat d livin day out of im bt suld castrate his peepee 4 tryin 2 defile my chilo

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by MaziOmenuko: 6:44am On Mar 02, 2013
Dear ishi,
In case you run out of idea of what the mum would do to prince, let me suggest that she grabs the biggest kitchen knife she had, stormed into prince's room and met him sleeping. Then she, out of fury, raised the knife directly against the space in-between his laps and hit. . .again, and again!!!


Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 7:04am On Mar 02, 2013
Mazi_Omenuko: Dear ishi,
In case you run out of idea of what the mum would do to prince, let me suggest that she grabs the biggest kitchen knife she had, stormed into prince's room and met him sleeping. Then she, out of fury, raised the knife directly against the space in-between his laps and hit. . .again, and again!!!
shocked shocked shocked

Gaaaaangster!!! shocked cheesy


Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 8:12am On Mar 02, 2013

You've no idea how relieved I am to read that nothing else happened to that child. Was literally holding my breath till I got to the end.

Abeg Ishi, make you weave this story so that evil does not contaminate the innocent here o! Let Chilo's mother back her solidly on this one pls...


Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 8:20am On Mar 02, 2013
@Efe, Evil often times contaminates the unsullied no matter how hard we try. It is very difficult to remain clean in a dirty world. When you wear a white cloth and move through a bustling, soot filled market, don't expect the white shirt to remain pristine.

That is what this story is about.

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 8:21am On Mar 02, 2013
^^ I know that!

But even then, evil doesn't always succeed does it? sad

Oh well, I guess what will be, will be... abi? undecided
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by ITbomb(m): 8:22am On Mar 02, 2013
And the mother was wroth and took it out on Prince , then Prince threw them out of the house and their poverty multiplied .
I don't like this story but still curious to see the end
*where did I bookmarked that Mazi's stuff*
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 8:25am On Mar 02, 2013
ITbomb: And the mother was wroth and took it out on Prince , then Prince threw them out of the house and their poverty multiplied .
I don't like this story but still curious to see the end
*where did I bookmarked that Mazi's stuff*

Neither do I.

I'm on a different wavelength though. Methinks Ishi might get the mother to brush the event under the carpet and even blame the poor child!

A case of materialism superceeding morality sad
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by MaziOmenuko: 8:47am On Mar 02, 2013
Ishilove: @Efe, Evil often times contaminates the unsullied no matter how hard we try. It is very difficult to remain clean in a dirty world. When you wear a white cloth and move through bustling, soot filled market, don't expect the white shirt to remain pristine.

That is what this story is about.

Tell her!!! She went all saintly on my thread and decided to pull out; just because I highlighted an obvious event that happens in real life!!!

I bet my a'r's'e Efe haven't been in Nigeria for a long-long time!
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by weezii(m): 8:52am On Mar 02, 2013
nice one dear, now following

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Oahray: 8:58am On Mar 02, 2013
@Efe, I know of a few cases of child molestation in which nothing happened. Especially when the offender is a close relative or family friend. Really sad.

@Ishi, Chilo thinks and speaks in very smooth and tushed-up english. Rather impressive for a lil girl not going to school.

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 9:01am On Mar 02, 2013

Tell her!!! She went all saintly on my thread and decided to pull out; just because I highlighted an obvious event that happens in real life!!!

I bet my a'r's'e Efe haven't been in Nigeria for a long-long time!

Na which one be 'saintly' again?? undecided

Your idea of 'fun' & having a 'good time', differs from mine.

I believe that as humans, we're equipped with the ability to tell wrong from right. Obviously, we both have differing principles on that.

Now stop vexing for me jare. You've got more than enough followers. So having one 'pull out' should be nothing more than a mere drop in the ocean jare.
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 9:04am On Mar 02, 2013
Oahray: @Efe, I know of a few cases of child molestation in which nothing happened. Especially when the offender is a close relative or family friend. Really sad.

@Ishi, Chilo thinks and speaks in very smooth and tushed-up english. Rather impressive for a lil girl not going to school.

I know. Happens over here too...

Nor mind Ishi getting an illitrate child in Naija speaking Queen's English cheesy

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Nobody: 9:34am On Mar 02, 2013
Come, una don start again? Wetin be this na? If you don't like the story pls go away! What's with the contaminating 'innocent' minds? If you want a fairy tale pls go pick up Mills and Boons. Ah ah!

I de vex Ooº°˚˚˚°º‎​oO . Ishi if you like make Prince r.ape the girl. Its YOUR story. Anybody that wants to enforce their fawking hypocritical morality on this story will have ME to contend with.



Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 11:42am On Mar 02, 2013
Oahray: @Ishi, Chilo thinks and speaks in very smooth and tushed-up english. Rather impressive for a lil girl not going to school.

Nor mind Ishi getting an illitrate child in Naija speaking Queen's English cheesy
Lol. The thought processes of Chilo are expressed in the language of the universal/omniscient narrator. I.e, the author.

Chilo's tushed up English. . . Her folks were well to do before they fell on hard times. I wanted to add that part but it seems it skipped my mind. Thanks for pointing it out. I will find somewhere to squeeze it in. cheesy
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 11:43am On Mar 02, 2013
brokoto: Come, una don start again? Wetin be this na? If you don't like the story pls go away! What's with the contaminating 'innocent' minds? If you want a fairy tale pls go pick up Mills and Boons. Ah ah!

I de vex Ooº°˚˚˚°º‎​oO . Ishi if you like make Prince r.ape the girl. Its YOUR story. Anybody that wants to enforce their fawking hypocritical morality on this story will have ME to contend with.

Calm down dearie. smiley
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 11:49am On Mar 02, 2013
@Efe, wow. Did Mazi describe an act of bestiality, necrophilia or incest?

@Mazi, I recall Efe was one of your most diehard fans so I am quite shocked to learn that she has unfollowed your thread. Please can you PM me the link let me view the particular scene?

#aprokotinz# cheesy
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by MaziOmenuko: 12:12pm On Mar 02, 2013
^ ^ none of the above. She flared up when I "slept with a married woman" at nysc camp. Anyway, it was actually the last straw as she's had other concerns both expressed and un-expressed.

I guessed she was also being disturbed that you were "molesting" that poor girl, despite it being one of the obvious evils of the society, likewise the events of my thread.

All the same, let me not derail your wonderful thread with my whining, you're doing a great job.
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by EfemenaXY: 1:56pm On Mar 02, 2013
Lol. The thought processes of Chilo are expressed in the language of the universal/omniscient narrator. I.e, the author.

Chilo's tushed up English. . . Her folks were well to do before they fell on hard times. I wanted to add that part but it seems it skipped my mind. Thanks for pointing it out. I will find somewhere to squeeze it in. cheesy

Good. Now send my cheque through the post ma'am. tongue

Ishilove: @Efe, wow. Did Mazi describe an act of bestiality, necrophilia or incest?

@Mazi, I recall Efe was one of your most diehard fans so I am quite shocked to learn that she has unfollowed your thread. Please can you PM me the link let me view the particular scene?

#aprokotinz# cheesy

PM wetin jare? I don tell you before say apoko-ism na your middle name!

Re: the bolded...what can I say apart from "Choi!!" shocked shocked grin

Mazi_Omenuko: ^ ^ none of the above. She flared up when I "slept with a married woman" at nysc camp. Anyway, it was actually the last straw as she's had other concerns both expressed and un-expressed.

I guessed she was also being disturbed that you were "molesting" that poor girl, despite it being one of the obvious evils of the society, likewise the events of my thread.

All the same, let me not derail your wonderful thread with my whining, you're doing a great job.

Not really.

Sex sells but it quickly looses it's shine after a while.

I just got bored and decided to move on, that's all. Nothing personal... smiley
Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Bluediamond1(f): 2:26pm On Mar 02, 2013
Ishi,nice work u got there.u r telling it d way it is n u know wat?i love dat u r not mincing words.
Some grew up in a safe environment n so thinks everybody else does forgetting d average girl or boy on d street goes thru some experience they are either ashamed or afraid of talking about.
My dear wateva u do,jst kip it real.

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Re: Iyawo Nylon Bag by Ishilove: 3:06pm On Mar 02, 2013

I just got bored and decided to move on, that's all. Nothing personal... smiley
shocked embarassed

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