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How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent - Programming - Nairaland

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How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent by BigStar1(m): 12:09pm On Feb 28, 2013
Dear all, I was recently given an assignment at my place of work. The assignment is based on a VB application that is being used for some official routines. The developer had left the company. He didn't create any exe for the software. He only compiled it and copied it to the system where they use it. Now, I am to copy it to some other system. But it always complain about some missing ocx files. In a nut shell, I planned to de compile it, improve on it and make the exe for the software. Searched online for a decompiler, I got "VB Rezq". I downloaded the demo, it decompiled the App but the forms are empty. I need a crack for it and tried if it works fine. My boss would buy it based on my recommendation, but I am not sure if it will give use what we wanted. And I don't want him to see me as someone that doesn't know what he does. Please help.
Re: How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent by BigStar1(m): 4:16pm On Feb 28, 2013
Funny! Nairand moderators are really working ooo. They re framed the title of my topic for me. Kudos!
Re: How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent by blenyo11(m): 6:16pm On Feb 28, 2013
Have you considered recreating the software yourself? If you are the developer
of the software, will you be happy if another person do what you are planning to do?
If I were, I wont be. the company could go and get the developer to do he work.
Developers!!!! We should be watching each others back
Re: How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent by fallguy(m): 8:24pm On Mar 01, 2013
on a drastic note y not contact the company behind d vb decompiler u gat . Table ur problem to them to see if they can assist u.
Re: How can i completely decomplie this VB software - its urgent by BigStar1(m): 9:08am On Mar 04, 2013
blenyo11: Have you considered recreating the software yourself? If you are the developer
of the software, will you be happy if another person do what you are planning to do?
If I were, I wont be. the company could go and get the developer to do he work.
Developers!!!! We should be watching each others back

Thanks for your comment and suggestion. The company is just trying to look for a way of minimizing the expenses. The software works fine on a system. They only want it running on two others. Building from scratch is not going to be the best option. I guess.


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