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Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by pintos(m): 8:39am On Aug 13, 2005
We have all had our high and low ebbs in life.

There are times when you are on top of the world, feeling so cool and pleased with everything around you. Alas, there comes a time when it looks like the whole world is falling on you. Such is Life and we just have to live with that realization.

Loving, could you be kind enough to let us into your little world of joy and sadness? What were the happiest and saddest moments in your life?
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by pintos(m): 8:49am On Aug 13, 2005
As for me, my happiest moment was when I appeared for the first time in Court for a Client........although i was so nervous.
My saddest day makes me want to cry..................The day my beautiful-six footer, kid sister passed away...............May her soul rest in peace!
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 2:47pm On Aug 13, 2005
Awww.sawry cry cry. May her beautiful soul reast in peace.

The happiest moments of my life?? I don't know which one is but i am always happy when things go my way. When I tell a guy I don't like him anymore, and when i pass my classes. When i argue [don't matter if I loose or win, i am still happy i argued]. Also when i prayed for something and it happened.

The saddest moments of my life?? I always try to overcome sadness. Although i get sad sometimes, like i was sad yesterday...just cause my crush hasn't noticed me. Stupid boy! A sad memory of mine was when i left my ex bf in Nigeria. (was very sad) sad
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 7:09pm On Aug 13, 2005
happiest moments- Awards ceremony i attend every year
Saddest Moments- when i get told off by anyone, or wen am not allowed on de computer..and de day my uncle, his wife, and my 3cousins dies.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 7:11pm On Aug 13, 2005
Ouch Nike. Sawry. Car accidents?
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 7:12pm On Aug 13, 2005
no.. SS and typhoid fever
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 7:15pm On Aug 13, 2005
All of them May their soul rest in peace. cry
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 7:16pm On Aug 13, 2005
tanxz gurl
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by pintos(m): 11:54pm On Aug 13, 2005
Angel, Thank you for your sympathy.
God is the great Comforter.
Nike Baby, when is your next awards?

no.. SS and typhoid fever
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by Pinky(f): 9:28pm On Aug 14, 2005
A sad memory of mine was when i left my ex boyfriend in Nigeria. (was very sad)
hot angel u seem to have seen it all! how old were u when u left ur boyfriend in nigeria? u re so so exposed for that ya age o

nike am so so sorry! accept my sympathy pls
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 9:35pm On Aug 14, 2005
thanks guyz

my next awards is the september 15th..am soo excited, presents coming up
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 9:41pm On Aug 14, 2005

hot angel u seem to have seen it all! how old were u when u left your boyfriend in nigeria? u re so so exposed for that ya age o

nike am so so sorry! accept my sympathy please

Pinky, i Haven't seen it all. I left him at age 13.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 9:43pm On Aug 14, 2005
haha..hotangel, wow, dats my age..its sad parting wit sum1 u love fo sho
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 9:44pm On Aug 14, 2005
You r 14 Nike. Yes it's sad parting with someone.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by pintos(m): 10:20pm On Aug 14, 2005
Na waoooooooooooooooh
These gurls una go kill person for here.
By the time una reach 21, una go write better books on Romance.
Please make me your publisher..
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 10:26pm On Aug 14, 2005
This isn't about killing person. The world is changing. Your season is not the same as our season.

It's gonna be rare before you see a 12/13 year old girl doesn't know about all these things.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 6:16am On Aug 15, 2005

Na waoooooooooooooooh
These girls una go kill person for here.
By the time una reach 21, una go write better books on Romance.
Please make me your publisher..

oh my G-D! romance books are sooo not my fav. books. i prefer classics cool. and i'm totally different.
hot angel, i didn't have a boyfriend at 13. is that supossed to be uncool? cool
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 6:18am On Aug 15, 2005
But u knew about guys right? You just didn't have one. That is not un-cool. it's cool. Having a boyfriend at age 13 isn't what makes you cool. It's just the age at which your hormones run like crazy and makes you wanna try new stuffs.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 6:24am On Aug 15, 2005
false. my hormones weren't running crazy... at least that wasn't the case for me & my best friend then. we were 12 and we used to make fun of the guy crazy girls. we had a fun time doing that too. hehe grin
i used to be scared of those boys then too cause i heard a lot of bad stuff from my mom about guys lipsrsealed.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 6:31am On Aug 15, 2005
I knew you were brian-washed while reading the reply. lipsrsealed

We were all brought up in different ways. Our enviroment and surrounding are part of our up-bringing. Your mom already told you stuffs that will make you not wanna try the stuffs most (note: i didn't say all) people your age do.
Normal science says that teenagers at age 13-16 have hormones that run fast.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 6:44am On Aug 15, 2005
i don't mean when you're 14 and up i was talking about being 12 and 13. not that i was scared of boys or anything. trust me i hung out around most of them but not liek the boyfriend /girlfriend stuff.... (well i kind of had a boyfriend when i was 7 and 8 but it wasn't serious..he was italian. duh!!). just simple kid's play gossiping, getting in trouble (because i remember this one time i found a love note some girl wrote to a guy and told my bff (that's what we do) and we basically humiliated her just for the fun of it. not that i'll do that kind of stuff now. we told everyone our mouths could get to) and we go in trouble for it too because the girl+ her friends got mad at us. the guy didn't because he was my friend. .............now i'm not making any sense.

okay point is....i personally didn't want to try stuff liek that + i was thinking if you did that at that age you won't be smart and i really wanted to be smart.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 6:53am On Aug 15, 2005
L.O.L I understand what you mean. Most bf's u have at age 12-13 are kinda like play bf's anyways.
And as for being smart, i must say the guys i moved arround were hot-smart asses. They are competitive guys and my sister (she is my cousin....i basically grew up with them) told me never to move with dumb guys cos they'll make me dumb. Infact i didn't even move with dumb girls (Saying dumb in this sense isn't my way of saying i was smart, i was just an average student tryna improve...and i knew moving with average kids like me ain't gon help me).

I did/knew all this stuffs and i am proud to say i am now smart. I picked on people and all that stuffs.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 7:01am On Aug 15, 2005
hehe. grin cool
now back to the topic. what are your happiest and saddest moments in life?
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 7:02am On Aug 15, 2005
I already told u mine. What abt yours? you didn't say it/them.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 7:11am On Aug 15, 2005
happiest: probably when i'll graduate from High School. and that didn't happen yet.
saddest: this neighbor i used to have, her son died. he was the sweetest baby ever i think he was born prematurely , those stupid armed robbers attacked us in nigeria. my dad got injured
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 7:13am On Aug 15, 2005
Awww...sorry, i hope ur dad is okay??
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by WesleyanA(f): 7:14am On Aug 15, 2005
of course. that happened liek .....way back when?
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 7:38am On Aug 15, 2005
ohh okay. cheesy
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 10:28am On Aug 15, 2005
gurl i kno am 14 wat i meant is i had my first bf wen i was 13, gosh he was soo hot and brainy
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by hotangel2(f): 10:30am On Aug 15, 2005
Alright. lol.
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by nike4luv(f): 11:13am On Aug 15, 2005
i still remember de last letter he sent to me..gosh it was soo long cry
Re: Happiest And Saddest Moments in Your Life? by layi(m): 7:09pm On Aug 15, 2005
Saddest moments was when i had to drop out of medical school as a result of a stupid decision i made then. But i'm back anyway.
Also when my dream girl rejected my "toastings". This was 7 years ago (still toastin her though) but we r still best of friends today. She prefers me to her boyfriend anyway (i can tell). Reason why i said in 1 of my post; "Theres a friends that sticks closer than a lover..oops i mean brother".
Happiest ke? I no go use my mouth block happiness. I'm yet to have the happiest but so far it's when i got healed of scurvy at a crusade(Total Experience), when i became born-again and when i made my first Nmillion(few months ago).

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