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Bonny Light Crude Oil 2M Barrels TTO $26 Gross Discount All Fees Paid - Business To Business - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Business To Business / Bonny Light Crude Oil 2M Barrels TTO $26 Gross Discount All Fees Paid (5835 Views)

How Many Barrels Of Crude Oil Are In 1 Metric Ton??? / Available 2m Barrels Blco - Cif With 2% Pb. Pop Confirmable On Shell Screen / Already Loaded Vessel Of Bonny Light Crude Oil. (2) (3) (4)

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Bonny Light Crude Oil 2M Barrels TTO $26 Gross Discount All Fees Paid by K2: 2:38am On Mar 21, 2013
If you have anyone interested who could move on this quickly with financial instrument. Payment is direct to NNPC's account in Luxembourg. Buyer's side is open on the SPA. I will not be on the buyer's side. It was done for a buyer taking the vessel to Spain and till now hasn't come with up instrument. It's currently available 2m barrel cargo offshore Bonny Terminal. They could communicate with the Captain and AIS could be turned on.

N.B.If your buyer doesn't understand flat price, the official price for Bonny Light (Brent ) right now is $108.77 per barrel . http://www.bloomberg.com/energy. The seller is offering your buyer at $82 per barrel which is a discount ot $26.. A $12/8 gross discount on TTO is only = $96/ per barrel. Forward this to your buyer and if they still want to buy it at such price, I will mark up the price to $12/8 and pocket $14 per barrel x 2M barrels into my account.


Quantity: 2m

Price: $82/barrel including commissions, $76 Net to buyer; $2 to Buyer's side (Open), $2 to seller's side (Closed), $2 Transaction Coordinator (Closed)

Available: Cargo Documents, Q88, Letter from Commercial Owner to Local Handler for Chattering

Q & Q: Done by Overseas Marine Services

Reassignment Fee: Paid

ATB & Clearance Issued

Payment: MT103 directly to NNPC account in Luxembourg (for cost of cargo).

Location: Nigerian Waters.
Re: Bonny Light Crude Oil 2M Barrels TTO $26 Gross Discount All Fees Paid by K2: 9:57pm On Mar 21, 2013
Another TTO With Performance Bond


1. Seller issues a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) to the Buyer.

2. Buyer signs the SPA and returns to Seller with their Company Profile.

3. Seller releases the loaded cargo documentation for Buyer’s confirmation. These documents will include:

-Authority to Sell
-Bill of Laden
-Quality and Quantity (Q&Q) Report issued by NNPC
-Tanker Ullage

4. Once material has been vetted within 48 hours, Buyer sends RWA to sellers Bank indicating their preparedness to issue an SBLC/BG

5. Sellers Bank responds with a (RWA) to issue a 2% Performance Bond of the equivalent of the first delivery of 2 million barrels after confirmation of buyer’s SBLC.

6. Seller arranges for transponder to be turned on and it is to remain on for the duration of this transaction. Failure of the vessels transponder to remain on until the Buyer has taken control of the vessel will automatically null and void this agreement.

7. Vessel moves to Canary Islands/Ghana

8. Seller issues to Buyer a Marine ATB and Buyer’s Inspectors’ board vessel for Quality and Quantity (Q&Q) verification. Buyer will pay for the cost of Inspection.

9. Shipping Documents and Title are transferred into the Buyer’s name at the Seller’s cost.

10. Payment for the full Cargo is effected by the Buyer’s Bank by KTT SWIFT WIRE TRANSFER via MT103/23 to the Seller’s designated account simultaneously with payment of commission to the Agents within 48 hours after presentation of documentation in Buyer’s name.

9. Buyer takes over the vessel and sails to Buyer’s destination at Buyer’s cost.

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