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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? (78719 Views)
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Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by blackbeau1(f): 7:58am On Mar 25, 2013 |
It is.besides,even if it isn't,you are human and as you keep kissing your spouse,there is every possibility that you may just go farther than you expected and end up hating yourself. To be on the safe side,just skip it 1 Like |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by yarginnama: 9:18am On Mar 25, 2013 |
what is happening my people? it'smonday again. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by Kosigift(f): 10:53am On Mar 25, 2013 |
nasyl:My dear, smoking isn't d only survival option in a cold country so contrary to ur statement, JESUS wudn't resort to smoking to survive and besides there shud have bin extreme cold weather cases wen Jesus was still on earth buh we neva read anywhere dat he smoked to Survive! Secondly, dat one's concience does not disturb him while doing sumfin does not make d act automatically rigth! Dis is because I cud get so use to lying dat my conscience no longer pricks mi wen I lie buh dis does not make lying rigth! It is stil a sin no mata how linient my conscience is towards it. Lastly, a personal relationship wit God is very very important buh I quite disagree wit u wen u said some bible verses cud make one's life miserable! I want to believe u are a christian and u know dat God's word is God himself! So contrary to ur opinion, bible verses or d bible as a whole shud give one a meaningful direction and not make one miserable. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by joinnow: 11:13am On Mar 25, 2013 |
Wisely, therefore, you must consider the consequences of engaging in conduct that arouses sexual feelings. What if you are too young to marry? Then why kiss or do anything in a way that would arouse you sexually? All that this would accomplish is to cause you frustration. This is because there is no way for you as a true Christian to take those romantic feelings to their logical conclusion—sexual intercourse. The Bible makes clear that such relations are proper only within marriage.—1 Corinthians 6:18. Consider, too, the other person, who might be aroused sexually by your romantic activity. Is it not deceitful, and even cruel, to kiss or caress someone you are not in a position to marry or may not even seriously consider as a potential marriage mate? (Compare Proverbs 26:18, 19.) The Bible warns: “The cruel person is bringing ostracism upon his own organism.”—Proverbs 11:17. It shouldn’t be any secret to a Bible student that a romantic touch or a kiss can arouse strong sexual desire. The Bible tells of the seduction of a young man by a prostitute. It says: “She has grabbed hold of him and given him a kiss.” (Proverbs 7:13) Such a kiss or touch can trigger a profound physical response. As intimacies progress a boy or a girl becomes increasingly aroused. Frankly, the body is getting ready for sexual intercourse. If a couple are married, they can satisfy their passions in a delightful and honorable way. But when an unmarried couple indulge in passion-arousing sexual play, problems are sure to result 1 Like |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by talk2me006(m): 11:20am On Mar 25, 2013 |
c++_crazy: |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by bollybees(m): 12:04pm On Mar 25, 2013 |
1 Corinthians 1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. It's not good for a man to touch a woman not to talk of kiss...This was written to people of Corints who faced more sexual temptation than any you can think of today. This was a city were it was legal to have sex in the public. If christians could survive in Corinth you can... |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by nenergy(m): 1:08pm On Mar 25, 2013 |
specialguest:hehehehehehe...i will teach her,theoretically 1 Like |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by ogaju007(m): 9:06pm On Mar 25, 2013 |
black_beau: It is.besides,even if it isn't,you are human and as you keep kissing your spouse,there is every possibility that you may just go farther than you expected and end up hating yourself. To be on the safe side,just skip it Come and i will teach you how to kiss without going that far? what kinda kiss you want? German, French, chineese even naija kiss i get am.... |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by susay2006: 7:49am On Mar 26, 2013 |
ogaju007:bad boi.. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by ogaju007(m): 7:09pm On Mar 27, 2013 |
bollybees: 1 Corinthians I will make you kissers of men, kissers of men, kissers of men if you folloooooowwwwww meeeeeee ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by hardbody: 10:53am On Apr 11, 2013 |
LondyC: I think the problem with most christians is that we are still trying so hard to justify ourselves by our own righteousness which is gotten by obeying the law. So since the law says 'do not commit adultery' not 'do not kiss' then we feel justified to do the things which were not clearly stated. This was why God had to send Jesus to die for us because He saw that the Law could not make us holy. We are now in the new covenant which is written in our hearts by the blood of Jesus. We are now Baptized into Jesus and the Holyspirit dwells within us. 2nd Corinthians 3v6 If thinking of adultery and fornication is as guilty as the real act, let just then go ahead and keep committing it, so that I will know exactly what I am being punished for. Some interpretation indeed. 1 Like |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by hardbody: 11:02am On Apr 11, 2013 |
LondyC: I think the problem with most christians is that we are still trying so hard to justify ourselves by our own righteousness which is gotten by obeying the law. So since the law says 'do not commit adultery' not 'do not kiss' then we feel justified to do the things which were not clearly stated. This was why God had to send Jesus to die for us because He saw that the Law could not make us holy. We are now in the new covenant which is written in our hearts by the blood of Jesus. We are now Baptized into Jesus and the Holyspirit dwells within us. 2nd Corinthians 3v6 If thinking of adultery and fornication is as guilty as the real act, let just then go ahead and keep committing it, so that I will know exactly what I am being punished for. Some interpretation indeed. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by charmingeyes(m): 11:28pm On Jul 08, 2013 |
Afam4eva: Most Christians are dummies. That something sounds or looks sinful doesn't make it sinful. Read your bible and see if you'll find where it says that it's a sin or not. are u not d worst dummy for expecting to see it directly/physically in the Bible? Do u think d Bible is an ordinary instructional manual. If u can't read the Bible praying the Holy Spirit to interpret and shapen ur understanding, think twice and come out of religion and embrace Righteousness. Thanks @Op, I support all articles against. It shouldn't be seen if u crave to attain righteousness in the sight of God, not men. Hugging can be condoned, if pure and jst friendly, not intimate, if u understand what I mean. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by charmingeyes(m): 11:39pm On Jul 08, 2013 |
joinnow: Wisely, therefore, you must consider the consequences of engaging in conduct that arouses sexual feelings. What if you are too young to marry? Then why kiss or do anything in a way that would arouse you sexually? All that this would accomplish is to cause you frustration. This is because there is no way for you as a true Christian to take those romantic feelings to their logical conclusion—sexual intercourse. The Bible makes clear that such relations are proper only within marriage.—1 Corinthians 6:18. on point. May God bless u with more wisdom. Amen |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by charmingeyes(m): 11:48pm On Jul 08, 2013 |
woodcook: So many people are going to call for my head by the time they finish reading this. i think some ppl are Christians by mouth. My dear, come out of canal radical religousness and embrace Christ, living a spirit-filled life. Thanks. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by Godmouth(m): 9:13pm On Nov 30, 2013 |
Find Out!: Honestly speaking I agree with you 100% than a lot of Christians here who are talking rubbish saying that kissing a potential spouse isn't a sin. I am a Christian and I'm shocked by what so many 'so-called' Christians are saying here. I want to to be you are muslim: but you have made complete sense here. Kudos 1 Like |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by inosend: 10:08am On Jan 09, 2014 |
nbright: Christianity is diverse o... Pastor Chris said wanking isn't a sin while some other Pastors will tell you that it's a sin.... Who do we believe?... That's why I do my thing my way and wait till I meet the Lord to know if I do it the right or wrong way..Are you a follower of Christ or pastors? My brother, BELIEVE only the BIBLE. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by rsknchrist(m): 1:05pm On Jan 09, 2014 |
Timijo: I like your answer and the biblical verses u quoted. Bros do you know that as a Christian you have to be current in bible. That's why God said in Joshua I:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success and 2Tim.2. 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by rsknchrist(m): 1:05pm On Jan 09, 2014 |
Timijo: I like your answer and the biblical verses u quoted. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by XaintJoel20: 3:12pm On Dec 06, 2015 |
nbright:Then it maybe too late then. Let the Bible guide.. |
Re: Is Kissing And Hugging Sinful In Christian Courtship? by Babafaros(m): 6:35am On Dec 13, 2015 |
nevderek: |
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