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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Why Study That Course? (1920 Views)
Why Study In Slovenia / Why Study In California University And Colleges, US / Think About This Before Or After You Make That Course Choice (2) (3) (4)
Why Study That Course? by drealnoni(f): 11:37am On May 09, 2006 |
hi everyone,what was instrumental in making you study d course u did in the me i decided to pursue a degree in computing after watching a movie called fair game when i was in ss1 the movie had cindy crawford and william baldwin in it, i was just too impressed with the display of the technology behind computers such that i made sure it was computer engineering or share with us what inspired you to be what you are or about to become. ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Rolly: 7:05pm On May 10, 2006 |
ok. since i was a kid, i have been interested in science. i joined the scinece club in elementary school, i was in science class in secondary school and when i got in to college, i tot i was making a mistake. i tried to do something else like business and i ws totally going off track so i decided to stick with medicine. so far, i have learnt that i want to know what is happening in the body, why it is happening and what can be done to stop it and i canot see a medical channel or program and continue flipping channels. i have seent that i always want to know whats new in the medical field and i'm working on how i will be able to contribute. I was inspired by me from the start but now, various doctirs like, NICETOHAVE, and my family doctor, Dr. Ogun and Dr. shobowale have really inspired me. now i know that it is either medicne or nothing else. iknow it wont be easy but i would rather go in and see for my self that it is hard than quit even before i get there. so, yes. it is me and my medicine ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by dominobaby(f): 6:30pm On May 11, 2006 |
Well, ever since i was a kid, i waned 2 read medicine and d idea kinda stuck 2 me. My parents were so supportive cos dey chipped d idea 2 ma 4 older siblings bt dey all declined, then me coming up with da interest got 'em thrilled!! But guess what da nasty UME wudn't let me and after i decided 2 go 4 something else. Engineering was neva on ma mind, but what would i do? I gav it a thot n when i remembrd i so luvd maths n physics, i opted 4 elect.elect n boy oh boy, am i luvn it! I'm going places y'all, just watch out. Basically, it was cos i wasn't admitted 4 med, i gave e.e.eng a thot and i'm happy wid it. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by babwilms(m): 1:14pm On May 12, 2006 |
Well my grandfather was an Automobile engineer but not of his children pursued a career in engineering. So i decided to become an engineer since i was eight years old but i later changed my mind few months before going to university. I decided to pursue a career in Aeronautical Engineering simply because only few people have tapped in to the industry (few Nigerians) unlike the other types on Engineering. Now i have an ambition to obtain chartered engineering status with few years experience in USA or Europe before returning to Nigeria to contribute to the improvement of the sector in Nigeria. Well its a big challenge for me in this field, sometimes i ask my self what am i doing on this course?. Currently i'm on my placement year in France. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by spikedcylinder: 6:45pm On May 12, 2006 |
Thats very impressive babswilms. Do you have to understanf French to study in France?Thats probably like the dumbest question of the year but i plan to do my masters degree in France and i was wondering if there are some Universities that dont require you to speak French. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by babwilms(m): 7:32pm On May 12, 2006 |
@spikecylinder. You have to be able to speak french, however some lectures are given in english e.g. if u want to study european laws, some modules in engineering as well. The language is kind of difficult to grasp, thats why i cant wait to go back to the UK. I will advice you to take six months intensive course in french language before deciding to do ur masters here. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Hotstepper(f): 3:02am On May 13, 2006 |
hmmmmmm since I was a kid, I alwayz wanted to read law cuz I love to argue and can make my opponent agree with me and also that my aunt is a lawyer and loved the way she dresses. I neva liked science courses (da only one 4rom 7 kids, lol) so i went for arts and I enjoyed reading esp. anything about politics and international affairs. I can spend da whole day reading news, lol Well, throughout high skool, i took law classes as a course and participated in law debates, mock trials, competions etc and my teachers then encouraged me 2 go for it and knowing that i liked it though that period I was doing it. My dad supported it since he wanted ma elder sis. 2 do law but she went for engineering. But upon applying for uni., I changed my mind although afterall I have to do sumthing for my under grad. b4 going to law skool but made up ma mind that I don't want again simply cuz I can't stand reading novels, going 2 courts etc so the other love of my life which is politics and Int. affairs came 2 ma mind. 1st 2 years, I did International relations but decided 2 switch to Political Science so that I can learn French b4 going into Int. Relations again. Now am almost graduating 4rom Pols. Science, I will def. do my MASTERS in International Relations, Afterall IR (INT. RELATIONS), IDS(INT. DEVELOPMENT STUDIES) AND POLS. SCIENCE are all realted, am loving it ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by hotangel2(f): 3:56am On May 13, 2006 |
Hmm, Lets see. WHy am i majoring in nursing? Well, i won't say ever since i was a child i've wanted to be a nurse. I never wanted to be anything, whenever we were asked "what do u want to be", i just say "anything that my brain can carry", or if i see that im in the midst of bank managers and doctors, i say "doctor", "nurse", "banker". truth be told, i don't know why im majoring in nursing now. Of course I know why, but it's not like i was inspired by someone, or something of that nature. I like to make people feel good, and i just like taking care of people, im not afraid of blood, or wounds or have any hospital "phobia". Explains why "grey's anatomy" is my fav tv show. Then again, Nursing is the only thing i wanted to do after i graduated high school. Every other thing just wasn't "it" for me. I was a science student in high school, i love biology (WORD), chemistry is like mehhh, and i sooo soo much love Anatomy and physiology (my result for this semester can prove that) -- i took Anatomy and physiology II before i took I, and duhh, I passed TWO very good. (enough bragging). ![]() Now let me be real real with you. If i become i nurse, there's nothing to loose and soo much more to gain. My godfather has promised me a whole bunch of stuffs if i should get my BSN degreee in nursing. Do u freaking know how much i'll get paid per hour? Then again, my auntie would be soo proud of me, and my dad and most importantly i'll be proud of myself --- well proud of myself because everyone is proud of me. I'll get my BSN when im 19, or 18 and half. I have just mostly 2 more years to go. I'm 16 now. Once i get that, i can then go into something i soo much want to do. Don't get me wrong, being a nurse is something i want to do, but Fashion/beauty is something i know i must DO! Like i MUST DO IT. Btw i will still have time. Afterall most people get in college at 20. I would already have had one degree and going for another. Well, that's my story. ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Zahymaka(m): 4:23am On May 13, 2006 |
There's something about books and Zahymaka -- we bond easily. I wanted to be a writer when I was young but my family laughed me to scorn because they obviously thought I was joking. I was told that the pay wasn't enough, etc etc -- but it's just something I love. I decided to become a Mechanical Engineer -- following in my Dad's footsteps. My Dad didn't approve -- he wanted to be 'Papa Doctor' -- Medicine's the last course I'd take on Earth after Philosophy and Political Science. Sometime after I graduated, I decided to learn how to build websites [HTML and so on]. It wasn't very challenging because I learnt it in a very short time. I decided to look for the toughest programming language I could find -- C++ sounded intimidating so I went for it. Alas, it turned out to be too much of a challenge and I decided to learn C -- afterall, C++ grew out of C. Boy, was I wrong. I nearly went crazy over pointers -- everything's done with pointers in C. I quickly ran back to C++. I picked up Visual Basic and C# somewhere along the way, and went to work for a software company. That was when I discovered I was chronic coder -- I loved writing obfuscated code that nobody could understand except me [I have very good memory and can still recognize uncommented code I wrote over a year ago]. Of course while working for the company as the Project Manager of the web development team I had to give up this nasty habit. Someone suggested I major in Computer Science, and I said,' Sure, why not?' And I've coded happily ever after. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by spikedcylinder: 4:33pm On May 13, 2006 |
Zahymaka: Graduated from where?High school or Uni? @babwilms,i know i eventually have to take a course in french but i was hoping there was i way i could avoid it! ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by IAH(f): 4:48pm On May 13, 2006 |
Zahymaka, ironically I prefer C to C++ because I've not totally understood the "Classes" in C++. Still learning though ![]() The thing is I don't seem to have any course I'm like sooo interested in ![]() ![]() ![]() So long ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Zahymaka(m): 6:21pm On May 13, 2006 |
spikedcylinder: High school -- ever heard of a 17-yr-old graduate? IAH -- I love classes and templates -- they're absolutely cool. C just freaks me out. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by spikedcylinder: 6:24pm On May 13, 2006 |
I was beginning to wonder o! |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Hotstepper(f): 7:49pm On May 13, 2006 |
I have seen a 17 yr old college graduate, there is a 14 yr old guy dat would be entering his last year in ma skool, and Hotangel is 16 at uni, datz normal, good luck every1 ooo with diz education of a thing ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Consultant(f): 12:26am On May 14, 2006 |
My parents shipped me off to Science class in SS1 - no questions asked. By SS2 i knew that Physics and Chemistry were not for me. Unfortunately i didn't fit into Arts class ( i didn't like government) or commercial class (hated commerce) either, so i created my own class - social science and ended up being the only "Science" student in my school who didn't do Physics and Chemistry in SSCE. ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by spikedcylinder: 11:12am On May 15, 2006 |
Hotstepper?you dont plan to go to college? @cosultant,what career changes have you made? |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Hotstepper(f): 7:59pm On May 15, 2006 |
@spikedcylinder, I am already in college, am going into ma last year in sept. and a 14 yr old is in ma skool andgoing into his last year as well in sept, and gat a friend dat finished uni. at 18, hmm got alot of cuzzins in uni. at 15 and 16, peace |
Re: Why Study That Course? by Consultant(f): 9:31pm On May 15, 2006 |
@cosultant,what career changes have you made? I started working in a bank after i got my BSc. Left to work for Arthur Andersen, didn't like it, went back to banking, ended up in Accenture (business consulting), got an MBA, now doing Human Capital Consulting. Final destination is a PhD in some education related field - possibly educational management. Goal is to own several schools in Nigeria, sometime in the future. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by hotangel2(f): 9:35pm On May 15, 2006 |
spikedcylinder: U shouldn't wonder oo my sister. Things are changing these days. |
Re: Why Study That Course? by spikedcylinder: 9:21am On May 16, 2006 |
true hot-a.Kind of makes me feel like a loser though.21 and still in uni! ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Study That Course? by tokchic(f): 12:17am On Jul 17, 2007 |
law |
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