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Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. - Business (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 2:55pm On Apr 04, 2013
bebe2: hi NL, i have a bakery in benin city nigeria. it was opened in january and its been run by my sister.
the problem is were are not making a profit.
i spent about 4million setting it up but it has refused to get off the ground.

cost of baking one bag of flour (including other ingredients)according to my calculations is about N11,800.
they are making profit of about N1200 fom each bag after expenses.
this doesnt make sense, i expect to make at least 40% of the cost of making a bag of flour.

we cant even holdon to a baker they come spend 1 month and they are gone.

pls anyone wit experience, can u help wit tips?

Benin air-space too busy with Air-Commodores so why your bakery go get off the ground?

Secondly, if you go search under ur sister bed, you go find out say she take ur remaining profit take chatter milo and bournvita wey she dey take fall the loaves thrice daily grin

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Consultville(m): 2:59pm On Apr 04, 2013
bebe2: hi NL, i have a bakery in benin city nigeria. it was opened in january and its been run by my sister.
the problem is were are not making a profit.
i spent about 4million setting it up but it has refused to get off the ground.

cost of baking one bag of flour (including other ingredients)according to my calculations is about N11,800.
they are making profit of about N1200 fom each bag after expenses.
this doesnt make sense, i expect to make at least 40% of the cost of making a bag of flour.

we cant even holdon to a baker they come spend 1 month and they are gone.

pls anyone wit experience, can u help wit tips?
Involving family members in business most times does not work well even if you are around, how much more when you are not around my simple advice is, you need to take the bull by the horn, relieve your sister of the job and get a good Manager am afraid you might need to come down to Nigeria and operate it for like a month from there you will be able to study the terrain of things and recruit someone that has a better experience, with this one month you could have developed an 'operating manual' for the business, that any reasonable Manager can follow with you being there or not.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by occam(m): 2:59pm On Apr 04, 2013

God bless u my dear, everything they will call me, so I thot, open a business and we can all benefit from it.

But am still being asked for school fees and all sorts. I have 4 kids of my own. If I worry about just me and my nuclear family I will be very rich I will holiday all over the world but I have to worry about my nieces and nephews. [/b]I can't ignore them, they were born in my presence, cared for them, fed them bath them, [b]I love them as my own but by the time I pay this pay dat, I start struggling to meet my own bills.

I tire jare

Seriously, you are running a charity not a business. You want to help these folks and yourself? Sell that charity/business and move on. Chances of that "business" growing is almost nil.

Relatives are the worst to involve in your business. Sentiment will kill the damn business since you can't take firm decisions.

You're becoming a cash cow and they'll milk you dry. They're not paying school fees with that money . NO. The money is spent rocking at clubs, buying blackberry, paying mobile airtime, paying for asoebi, gallivanting from town to town. And you're struggling to pay you own bills.

This is Nigeria today. Maybe your nieces/nephew are exceptions to the rule.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by TableLeg(m): 3:06pm On Apr 04, 2013
Tall order... You will struggle to run a business the way you want if you are not actually there!

Success stories are very rare

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 3:31pm On Apr 04, 2013

tell me more about this, sounds interesting

Go to maplin or search for swann on amazon. You should find exactly what the guy is talking about. It is easy to setup.

2 weeks ago maplin had various offers for cctv camera's.

All you need is a ladder and a set of tools to set it up.
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by lumideezle(m): 4:20pm On Apr 04, 2013
Since this is a forum I'll give you professional advice for free but for effective implemetation u would have to contact me and then I'll charge u big time *smiles* hope that's fair enough?
Ok I'll start by introducing my self,I am a business development Analyst with experience in SME start up( small and medium size businesses) that's all you need to know 4 now, let's get 2 d business @ Hand.

1) From your post I can tell you did not plan your business properly usiing the right layed down business processess, you just felt hey!! I have the money, and business idea so let's go do some investment shall we *smiles* don't feel bad darling, 80 percent of Nigerian businesses start up like that so you are not the only one in that ship, and of cuz 90% of them close up within the first 6mths and the rest 10% fall into deep trouble and invite people like myself and my team to rescue them out. And of cuz we bill them.

2) So I hear u saying "over sabi, how do you know I dint plan my business properly" well my dear I'll break it down to you.
A) Every business has a theething stage wereby it seems like you are not making profits but in actual sense your business in just warming up and gathering momentum to make profits. Now as an investor, if you do not understand dis basic business principle, you could give up 1 month or even 1 week to your breakeven point.
2) "Ha Oga teacher, which 1 be break even point again this your grammar don dey break head o " sorry hon I forgot to introduce that. You see before you even put 1kobo into any business, you need to do something called a business plan, now your business plan includes
I)Executive summary( what is this my business all about sef, who do I plan to sell to, where do I locate it, which name I go call am? Who are my competitior etc) the list is endless

II)Marketing plan(who gan gan do we wanna sell our product(bread) to you are not gonning to be consuming all of it right? Are these people willing to buy my product(bread) ? Why should they buy my own bread and not Madam chuka and son's Bread, what makes my bread stand out from the crowd ? If my customers are willing to buy my bread , do they even have the money, can they afford it ? How to I sell to these customers, where do I meet dem, how old are the people I plan to sell to? What is their disposable income ? Who are my competitiors, what are their SWOT Many more questions are answered here.
III)FinanciaL Plan( how much do I need to start the business, how much do I need to run the business daily, how much am I going to sell my bread?, how much am I gonna pay my workers, how many of them do I need to employ, At what point do I break even( now there is the word again, simply put your break even point is the day/month/ year / when you expect your business makes its first profit(trust me its usually a big celebration) after deducting all your fixed and variable costs. Believe you me some businesses have a breakeven point of 6years as an outsider you think they are just stupidly wasting money, but the investors know exactly what they are doing and they do not expect to make any profit till the exact day of their break even. You would be surprised that companies like etisalat might(isaid might o, I no know o) not have broken even but hey !! Watch it they know they are doing because they have a business plan )
IV) Business processes( what processes do I need to set in place for my business to suceede? Etc

So my dear to answer your question directly, first things first, temporarily shut down your bakery, get professionals to prepare a good business plan and feasibility study so you can know exactly what you are or have gotten yourslf into. Need I say Stick to your freaking business plan?
Just incase you need more info, google "sme toolkits Nigeria" its a powerful free tool for small business owners like yourslf, that can gurantee your success in any business you choose to do if used properly.
With these few points of mine hope I've been able to confuse you*smiles* that you need 2 start from scratch again inorder to make your business. A success.
Contact me danniesmail20010 at yahoo dot come


Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Rimbaldi: 4:45pm On Apr 04, 2013
strangest: We can set up cctv cameras in your bakery and route it through IP servers for you to be monitoring your bakery anywhere in the world. Lol... Only you that knows how hard to get the money to open a business can successfully control it, others will always see your business as a way to better themselves

On the prowl, looking out for his own pocket.
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Rimbaldi: 4:48pm On Apr 04, 2013
uch90: I remember I bought a car sometimes past and gave out for transport business, the experience is not what u want to hear, horrible. The advise is well said your presence 100% matters.

Everybody in Nigeria knows that transport business is next to impossible to make profit from UNLESS YOU OWN A FLEET OF VEHICLES or you drive the bus/taxi ur damn self. So being miles away and expecting to get returns...pprrrrrf! What can I say?
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Tstark(m): 5:02pm On Apr 04, 2013

I like this statement of yours, its obvious one of the reasons for this investment is to help your family.May be proceeds from this business would help them in their day to day issues. I would want to suggest, you hand over the business to everyone of them.Let them understand the size of investment, breakdown how proceeds should be shared and how much is yours at the end of the month. I tell you, every hand would be on deck to make the business work. They would be the directors themselves and make them understand if it fails, then nobody should ever disturb you.

This is the worst advice ever....if she does that they will wreck the biz, sell it off, and resume asking her for money.
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by kodewrita(m): 5:29pm On Apr 04, 2013
bigheart2013: Yes you can! I asked a similar question before on Nairaland and got very useful tips. Here's the thing.

1. Businesses are established not only for financial profits (cash) but also for economic profits (non-cash), which may be to provide employment ur sister, or to make name, etc. establish which one is more important to you.
2. If you live outside Nigeria never hire a family member or relative to run your business.
3. Don't hire anyone who come to you advertising him/herself or begging for jobs
4. Hire people through a thorough interview process like a real company does. They'll respect the job more.
5. Do not pay salaries. Share the risks by paying only commissions (usually 10% on sales, or about 40% on profits.
6. Commission on sales is more motivating for hard-working people
7. U can also pay a base + commission. Anyone who cannot live on commission is not business-minded. Afterall the owner lives on profit only
8. Have a Bank account with a Microfinance bank (they help small businesses more) not a commercial bank
9. Every dime made must be paid into the bank (and withdrawn if needed)to build cash-flows in case you need loan some day. they should take picturess of bank slips and receipts of purchases and BBM u immediately the transaction is done.
10. Use BBM to stay connected and on top of business. BBM can transmit instant pictures of events & real-time chats as if you are there.
11. Be ruthless, professional, and out rightly non-sense with Nigerians. A lot of fraudulent crappy people out there.
12. You may take a bank loan to share the risk with a local bank, and let part of the loan be management TA (technical assistance), so the bank can provide their own manager to run the bakery professionally as a partner.
13. Another option is to rent out the bakery to a baker who pays you a flat fee every month, just like you will rent out a house you built to a tenant.
14. Every receipt must have the seller's or buyer's phone number on it (not hand-written). make random calls each month to audit or confirm transactions. If they know you call sellers and buyers, they will shape up.
15. Be patient! A business setup in January is not supposed to be making profit by now o!. It usually takes about a year or more to make profits.
16. On marketing use established re-sellers who buy in bulk and pay cash- Supermarkets, bread sellers, restaurants, shops, etc. Don't sell directly to people yet.
17. Please, please, please, hire a lady as a manager, preferably an educated married lady with kids. That's the only thing that works in Nigeria. They may be slow, but at least they won't loot your funds.

18. Ok having said all this. Please fire your sister now if she's not performing. Give her N350k gift to start her life somewhere grin grin grin

All the luck.

This advice applies to people who also run their own businesses in the same country they live in. I am printing this out to stick on my wall. This is top-class advice.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Rimbaldi: 5:39pm On Apr 04, 2013

The bakery is in ikpoba hill, aduwawa.

Our sales is not great, we just bought a van to help wit distribution.

Bakers are not staying for long we ve been looking for bakery helper for sometime wit no luck.

Once we register the van am hoping sales will increase.

In my opinion,

1. ur business is still very young and u are too much in a hurry to start making profits. You don't even have the framework on ground yet and u expect profits?

2. Did you formulate a business plan for the venture cos it sounds to me like u just upped and poured money into venture?

3. If u set out with a plan from the onset, then u should know that 2-3 months is not enough to break even. Stick to the plan with only minor adjustments due to operational realities on ground.

4. Our people can be dubious BUT before u start blaming ur sister, how much do u know about how the business is being run?
5. What kind of bread do u make? Who are ur target clientele? What are u doing to reach out to them and get them to patronize u? What incentives are u offering them? Why should they buy less of some other baker's products and more of yours? Or do you expect them to just jump at ur bread? Na ur bread sweet pass for Benin? Ur sales are only as good as ur marketing strategy. Even companies with less than average quality products still make a killing with the right marketing mix.

5. U LIVE IN THE UK AND U CANT SEE THE SALES ADVANTAGE IN THAT EVEN WHEN NAIJA DEY WORSHIP ANYTHING EFFIZY WORTHY? How attractive is your packaging and how appealing is ur bread to the eye? Does ur bread wrapper contain ur uk mobile number as one of customer care hotlines? Do you call customers randomly to keep a tab on sales and for PR purposes?

6. How often are u in touch with ur sister? How many times a day do u call her or BBM her to keep tab on operations? How many of ur workers do u have their contacts and do u reach out to them at all? I don't know ur sister, but I don't think she should run the business. You can let her oversee things generally while she is on a stipulated salary or COMMISSION(preferrable) but not run the business. Employ someone with experience and let her manage the person if necessary. If she doesn't like the terms and conditions, she will look for something else to do with her life or like someone said earlier, give her a parting gift. Get POS machines and let customers pay directly into ur account at the swipe of a card. Do online transfers to an operational account for purchases and sundry expenses.

7. I concur with what Bigheart2013 said in his post and this is just an addition. 4mil is reasonable to start that kind of business but will do a lot more if u planned well ahead. What usually prevails is that people just do a little research and pump money into a business because they have it, and when the venture flops it is easy to blame it on the next guy. A lot of people here who got burnt probably did not do their own research and relied heavily on the info their kith and kin provided them with only the expected profit margin ringing in their ears like door bells. If u want to start a business that would be run by proxy, it is usually best u start and run it urself for a couple of months to really get first hand experience. So I suggest next time u can get a leave, come down to benin and run it for a couple of months, that way u get to know the challenges and strategize on how to surmount them. We have foreigners owning businesses in Nigeria and running them by proxy through the same Nigerians that everyone is quick to call criminals. How do they do it? One way is they employ locals and get their 'brothers'(countrymen)to manage everyone else without really having that power to squander funds. Take Lebanese businesses in Nigeria for example, some of their operations are structured to undergo approval from UAE,Qatar or wherever else their HQ is located and very often, the real management teams make unexpected trips to inspect operations. I know urs is a small scale venture compared to those, but u could take a cue from them. UR REAL PROFIT COMES WHEN U HAVE A STEADILY GROWING LIST OF LOYAL CUSTOMERS. UR FIRST TASK IS TO GET THEM HOOKED ON U.


Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 5:43pm On Apr 04, 2013
bebe2: hi NL, i have a bakery in benin city nigeria. it was opened in january and its been run by my sister.
the problem is were are not making a profit.
i spent about 4million setting it up but it has refused to get off the ground.

cost of baking one bag of flour (including other ingredients)according to my calculations is about N11,800.
they are making profit of about N1200 fom each bag after expenses.

Hello maaa'm u can thrive successfully with ur business here in Nig. While U re outside, If n only If U mek me the manager of that business. Contact me if u re interested
this doesnt make sense, i expect to make at least 40% of the cost of making a bag of flour.

we cant even holdon to a baker they come spend 1 month and they are gone.

pls anyone wit experience, can u help wit tips?
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 5:46pm On Apr 04, 2013
bebe2: hi NL, i have a bakery in benin city nigeria. it was opened in january and its been run by my sister.
the problem is were are not making a profit.
i spent about 4million setting it up but it has refused to get off the ground.

cost of baking one bag of flour (including other ingredients)according to my calculations is about N11,800.
they are making profit of about N1200 fom each bag after expenses.
this doesnt make sense, i expect to make at least 40% of the cost of making a bag of flour.

we cant even holdon to a baker they come spend 1 month and they are gone.

pls anyone wit experience, can u help wit tips?

Hello maa'm u can successfully thrive in ur business here in Nig 4rm d UK, If n only IF u make me the manager of that business. Should u b interested contact moi. smiley
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bebe2(f): 5:51pm On Apr 04, 2013

Hello maa'm u can successfully thrive in ur business here in Nig 4rm d UK, If n only IF u make me the manager of that business. Should u b interested contact moi. smiley

Hmmmmm ok, wat experience have u got?
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Rimbaldi: 5:53pm On Apr 04, 2013
Virgin Finder: Nigerians are extremely ruinous people, most of them.
They can't be trusted, not even your family members.

By the time you return home to inspect your business, your sister would've built a house, bought 2 cars and opened her own bakery off your sweat.

Who is a fool? How can you stay over and expect someone to do all the hard work for you just like that.

Nigerians are not that human o.

Even under your very watchful eyes, you'll find them trying to defraud you not to talk about when you are miles away.
Madam, you are on a long thing

It is this kind of mentality that keeps Nigerians abroad for donkey years only for them to come back in their old age with jeans and shampoo head and nothing else to show for it. The world is getting smaller by the day and instant communication and information is just a click away, why don't u use it?
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bebe2(f): 6:02pm On Apr 04, 2013

In my opinion,

1. ur business is still very young and u are too much in a hurry to start making profits. You don't even have the framework on ground yet and u expect profits?

2. Did you formulate a business plan for the venture cos it sounds to me like u just upped and poured money into venture?

3. If u set out with a plan from the onset, then u should know that 2-3 months is not enough to break even. Stick to the plan with only minor adjustments due to operational realities on ground.

4. Our people can be dubious BUT before u start blaming ur sister, how much do u know about how the business is being run?
5. What kind of bread do u make? Who are ur target clientele? What are u doing to reach out to them and get them to patronize u? What incentives are u offering them? Why should they buy less of some other baker's products and more of yours? Or do you expect them to just jump at ur bread? Na ur bread sweet pass for Benin? Ur sales are only as good as ur marketing strategy. Even companies with less than average quality products still make a killing with the right marketing mix.

5. U LIVE IN THE UK AND U CANT SEE THE SALES ADVANTAGE IN THAT EVEN WHEN NAIJA DEY WORSHIP ANYTHING EFFIZY WORTHY? How attractive is your packaging and how appealing is ur bread to the eye? Does ur bread wrapper contain ur uk mobile number as one of customer care hotlines? Do you call customers randomly to keep a tab on sales and for PR purposes?

6. How often are u in touch with ur sister? How many times a day do u call her or BBM her to keep tab on operations? How many of ur workers do u have their contacts and do u reach out to them at all? I don't know ur sister, but I don't think she should run the business. You can let her oversee things generally while she is on a stipulated salary or COMMISSION(preferrable) but not run the business. Employ someone with experience and let her manage the person if necessary. If she doesn't like the terms and conditions, she will look for something else to do with her life or like someone said earlier, give her a parting gift. Get POS machines and let customers pay directly into ur account at the swipe of a card. Do online transfers to an operational account for purchases and sundry expenses.

7. I concur with what Bigheart2013 said in his post and this is just an addition. 4mil is reasonable to start that kind of business but will do a lot more if u planned well ahead. What usually prevails is that people just do a little research and pump money into a business because they have it, and when the venture flops it is easy to blame it on the next guy. A lot of people here who got burnt probably did not do their own research and relied heavily on the info their kith and kin provided them with only the expected profit margin ringing in their ears like door bells. If u want to start a business that would be run by proxy, it is usually best u start and run it urself for a couple of months to really get first hand experience. So I suggest next time u can get a leave, come down to benin and run it for a couple of months, that way u get to know the challenges and strategize on how to surmount them. We have foreigners owning businesses in Nigeria and running them by proxy through the same Nigerians that everyone is quick to call criminals. How do they do it? One way is they employ locals and get their 'brothers'(countrymen)to manage everyone else without really having that power to squander funds. Take Lebanese businesses in Nigeria for example, some of their operations are structured to undergo approval from UAE,Qatar or wherever else their HQ is located and very often, the real management teams make unexpected trips to inspect operations. I know urs is a small scale venture compared to those, but u could take a cue from them. UR REAL PROFIT COMES WHEN U HAVE A STEADILY GROWING LIST OF LOYAL CUSTOMERS. UR FIRST TASK IS TO GET THEM HOOKED ON U.

Am glad I opened started dis thread.
I am learning so much, I will take all ur advice. Def need to increase sale.

I am looking fo a general manager with bakery experience, wen I get one I will take my sister of operation and she can jus act as a figure head.
I will go home in September to see wat I can do.

Thanks for ur time

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by creativemusic: 6:04pm On Apr 04, 2013
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin faith grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bigheart2013(m): 6:08pm On Apr 04, 2013
lumideezle: So my dear to answer your question directly, first things first, temporarily shut down your bakery, get professionals to prepare a good business plan and feasibility study so you can know exactly what you are or have gotten yourslf into.

There are many good points you made in your thread, as a professional but it was lost with so much laced-in advertisements of your services. So apparently you were not providing her any solutions, rather advertising your service.. Trust me dear, it's a warning alert in biz.

The issue is this is an existing business (Already a Portfolio) and not a new business in incubation. So the approach is not the same. She wants profit maximization strategies, which could be cost-cutting, output maximization, product diversification, or risk mitigations. Please we want to learn from you, from your experience with your clients and pray you narrow down to solutions. God will reward you immensely even if cannot pay you. I own a biz there and want to learn too.

A doctor doesn't tell a lung-cancer patient to get out and hang himself because he's smoker. Help if you can.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bigx(m): 6:12pm On Apr 04, 2013
Does your sister have prior experience in running a bakery or is this her first time?
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 6:52pm On Apr 04, 2013

Hmmmmm ok, wat experience have u got?
Nairalanders can attest to my credibilty!
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bebe2(f): 7:47pm On Apr 04, 2013
bigx: Does your sister have prior experience in running a bakery or is this her first time?
No it's her first time undecided
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bigx(m): 8:12pm On Apr 04, 2013
No it's her first time undecided

I think you should get someone who's managed a successful bakery before. It might be more costly but would pay off with time.
Family isn't always the best for business
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by bebe2(f): 8:36pm On Apr 04, 2013
blink182: instead of you trying to convince her, you are making rubbish of her genuine concerns. Bini people when no de use juju play. I believe u even told a lie by saying you don't believe in juju.

In the long run, you seem more like someone who wants to tell us she has a bakery than someone looking for feasible business solution.

pple nevacease to amaze me, wats ur problem? i shud beg her, wat for.

i have seen various post of urs and thot u were a sensible person. wat do u want me to tell her? "pls advise me, my sister wont juju to kill u" how petty does dat sound? ave u seen the amount of advice i hace recieved on this thread? did u see any other person repeat that statement of hers.

and I repeat I DONT BELIEVE IN JUJU!! unless u can convince me otherwise.
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by yam: 9:18pm On Apr 04, 2013

thank u, am giving it 8mths to improve if it doesn't I will rent it out as stated in option 13.

Pls be very careful dont let the value of all that are in place depreciate before the 8th mths, i think the 8th month is just too far

How i wish i had someone that can place such in my hands cry Life has always beign different stroke for different folks.

Call it the Option 13 that is the best option. Dont mind people that give people dey dont even know bad names

Your business will succeed beyond ur expectation in Jesus Name.

Call it Option 13 Breads.i need a taste.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by blackbeau1(f): 9:46pm On Apr 04, 2013
You can't. You need to come to Nigeria and stay for @ least two months,from there,you'll manage your business and make sure it stands on its feet before leaving it to someone else. There's an adage that says If you want something done,Do it yourself.

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Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Petraman(m): 10:04pm On Apr 04, 2013
May be she put d bakery in my charge and let me manage it for her. I promise she'll not regret it
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by damola1: 10:33pm On Apr 04, 2013
If you want the business to be successful.

It's a simple trick. Go back home, and set up your preference for each of the roles that'll make it a success, while learning, documenting it as a user guide and also monitoring system, and defining them to the last letter, you can also modify other people's preferences to suit yours... don't forget to make sure other people can also add their preferences to make it better.

Without the owner's preference, then it's basically you investing in some else's idea.. and if you want to do that, then simply invest in the stock exchange.

Don't hire any experienced somebody, else, you are hiring a professional experienced crook.

Most ' business owners' are actually opportunist, who fade off once the opportunities fade off. Running an idea is easy, but building a business is for adults.

Building a model for an idea to run on could be pretty tough, but if you can do it successfully, then you will not only have yourself a bakery, but a cash cow


Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by orepe: 1:00am On Apr 05, 2013
I'd advise you don't let it out. Otherwise, you will keep hearing excuses why the owner can't pay or all that. If you would have to do that, then ensure you have an iron-clad legal document to address default, property loss, etc. My advice? Sell or go home to manage it yourself.


thank u, am giving it 8mths to improve if it doesn't I will rent it out as stated in option 13.
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by biafranqueen: 1:26am On Apr 05, 2013

1. Businesses are established not only for financial profits (cash) but also for economic profits (non-cash), which may be to provide employment ur sister, or to make name, etc. establish which one is more important to you.
2. If you live outside Nigeria never hire a family member or relative to run your business.
3. Don't hire anyone who come to you advertising him/herself or begging for jobs
4. Hire people through a thorough interview process like a real company does. They'll respect the job more.
5. Do not pay salaries. Share the risks by paying only commissions (usually 10% on sales, or about 40% on profits.
6. Commission on sales is more motivating for hard-working people
7. U can also pay a base + commission. Anyone who cannot live on commission is not business-minded. Afterall the owner lives on profit only
8. Have a Bank account with a Microfinance bank (they help small businesses more) not a commercial bank
9. Every dime made must be paid into the bank (and withdrawn if needed)to build cash-flows in case you need loan some day. they should take picturess of bank slips and receipts of purchases and BBM u immediately the transaction is done.
10. Use BBM to stay connected and on top of business. BBM can transmit instant pictures of events & real-time chats as if you are there.
11. Be ruthless, professional, and out rightly non-sense with Nigerians. A lot of fraudulent crappy people out there.
12. You may take a bank loan to share the risk with a local bank, and let part of the loan be management TA (technical assistance), so the bank can provide their own manager to run the bakery professionally as a partner.
13. Another option is to rent out the bakery to a baker who pays you a flat fee every month, just like you will rent out a house you built to a tenant.
14. Every receipt must have the seller's or buyer's phone number on it (not hand-written). make random calls each month to audit or confirm transactions. If they know you call sellers and buyers, they will shape up.
15. Be patient! A business setup in January is not supposed to be making profit by now o!. It usually takes about a year or more to make profits.
16. On marketing use established re-sellers who buy in bulk and pay cash- Supermarkets, bread sellers, restaurants, shops, etc. Don't sell directly to people yet.
17. Please, please, please, hire a lady as a manager, preferably an educated married lady with kids. That's the only thing that works in Nigeria. They may be slow, but at least they won't loot your funds.

18. Ok having said all this. Please fire your sister now if she's not performing. Give her N350k gift to start her life somewhere grin grin grin

All the luck.[/quote]
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by donpata(m): 2:59am On Apr 05, 2013
Like really, most of the people talking here have no experience in baking things. Evryone is running his mouth based on the Nigerian thing we know - Dishonesty. But to the question; Yes, u can run dat bakery even without coming over yourself. Some businesses however require that the owner has a significant idea of how the business operates. I mean, like the bakery, u shouldnt just be a novice in bread production, u must know a bit of wat nd wat 2 mix to get diz or dat. Then all u need to do is to direct ur sister based on the information u are recieving from her. U would only suspect foul play if u dnt trust her in the first place or if she's not acting to ur dictates.

that said, I also run a bakery and i must tell u dat in recent times, bread business profits have deminishd due to the serious hike in price of commodities. I also suffer by making abt 1.5k per bag which is not mearnt to be. Take for instance, a bag of flour sold for 5200 as at early last year; but now, it goes for 7200 (since GEJ hike d import duty 4 wheat flour) nd d prices of bread are not things u could just wake up a day nd change simply bcoz the cost of productn has risen. U nid some cooperation from other bakers so dat evrytin can be uniform. Now dats where ive been suffering coz the members of d bread union in my place aint cooperative. So u see d cycle continues. Anytime theres a loss u suffer it greatly cos d profit margin is so small.

D only way u can break even is if u specialize. The business is so competitive as there are too many pple now on the scene. U nid to consult to improve ur bread greatly so u can invite more distributors. Coz truly, d higher u produce, the much u gain. imagine producing 15 bags a day at a gain of 1200 per bag; dats sometin in nigeria today. bt if u can specialize and produce very standard bread, u could gain at least 3k per bag. With a good distribution network, imaging hw mch u will make by producing just 10bags a day.

contnd later
Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by amdman: 7:06am On Apr 05, 2013
donpata: Like really, most of the people talking here have no experience in baking things. Evryone is running his mouth based on the Nigerian thing we know - Dishonesty. But to the question; Yes, u can run dat bakery even without coming over yourself. Some businesses however require that the owner has a significant idea of how the business operates. I mean, like the bakery, u shouldnt just be a novice in bread production, u must know a bit of wat nd wat 2 mix to get diz or dat. Then all u need to do is to direct ur sister based on the information u are recieving from her. U would only suspect foul play if u dnt trust her in the first place or if she's not acting to ur dictates.

that said, I also run a bakery and i must tell u dat in recent times, bread business profits have deminishd due to the serious hike in price of commodities. I also suffer by making abt 1.5k per bag which is not mearnt to be. Take for instance, a bag of flour sold for 5200 as at early last year; but now, it goes for 7200 (since GEJ hike d import duty 4 wheat flour) nd d prices of bread are not things u could just wake up a day nd change simply bcoz the cost of productn has risen. U nid some cooperation from other bakers so dat evrytin can be uniform. Now dats where ive been suffering coz the members of d bread union in my place aint cooperative. So u see d cycle continues. Anytime theres a loss u suffer it greatly cos d profit margin is so small.

D only way u can break even is if u specialize. The business is so competitive as there are too many pple now on the scene. U nid to consult to improve ur bread greatly so u can invite more distributors. Coz truly, d higher u produce, the much u gain. imagine producing 15 bags a day at a gain of 1200 per bag; dats sometin in nigeria today. bt if u can specialize and produce very standard bread, u could gain at least 3k per bag. With a good distribution network, imaging hw mch u will make by producing just 10bags a day.

contnd later

This is more or less what I said earlier. Let the desk top economists and investors talk, but it will not change the fact that profit margin in the business is slim. Therefore you have to constantly innovate to increase production and boost sales. Benin has rapidly expanded in the last few years, so if you know your onions, there are things you can do with that your bakery that will be just amazing. I have tried it in Lagos and the results are just unbelievable!!!


Re: Advice needed : How do I successfully manage my bakery In Nigeria from the UK?. by Nobody: 8:09am On Apr 05, 2013
amdman: [b][/b]

This is more or less what I said earlier. Let the desk top economists and investors talk, but it will not change the fact that profit margin in the business is slim. Therefore you have to constantly innovate to increase production and boost sales. Benin has rapidly expanded in the last few years, so if you know your onions, there are things you can do with that your bakery that will be just amazing. I have tried it in Lagos and the results are just unbelievable!!!



Bottom Line is that the OPs business is either not competitive or someone is stealing!

not competitive could be cause you do not know the business details, poor accounting, no business plan, little clientele.
Everyone of them will need you pumping in more money to rectify. Can you trust a manager to come plan your business for you if its not properly planned.

1. If your sister is educated, reach an agreement on transferring ownership that will force her to use her resources, learn the business and compete. She will buy you out in a specified time.
2. If your sister can not do these, maybe due to level of education, age or whatever, sell the business, and cut your losses.
Do not ever hope that any manager will come save your business if it already has internal flaws, cause they will make you pay more than its worth. The manger even needs oversight, complicating your problems.

Better still take time 2 months go to Nigeria and run the business so you can figure out the problems. Also mind you that your competitors have their trade secrets, mixing formulae. And stuff that may make you cring in disgust.So are you targeting same client as they are, how would you mix you own products? Would you rather focus on premium products and sell to smaller richer clientele looking for quality bakery products. If so how would you reach them, personal deliveries, adverts?

Are you paying interest on the funds used for the bakery, if so are you calculating that as part of your cost, so are you really making profit or loss.
How long will it take to build your client base given your strategy? . . . Do not go paying so called professionals for questions you can find and answer for your self.especially when they will not make you make profit, they will only tell you what they believe is wrong, which is obvious that you business is not planned or not competitive. They will not give you that bloody mixing formular your competitors are using, you still have to go find it. Pick a simple book on business planning and figure out how to approach these issues before going to Nigeria.

So the real ultimate question is do you have or your sister have what it takes to overcome these hurdles, if the answer is no, sell the business and invest in things that require less attention.

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