•1.Fatigue This arises when parts of yóur bòdy starts aching due tò rigôurous straining,twists and nön-circular movements expected of bôdy system tò perförm.eg thumb and finger twists,knee cap and lap injuries,blurring vision etc
•2.Löw Pròductivity When tòó much öf a time is spent during online play and söcial netwórking,it gives roôm fôr zerò effective òutput making someone known for top and quality performance to drastically drop on his Outputs. •3.Insultive familiarity By trying tô get friendly ôn the internet,someone else's jòke might còme óut tô be very insultive and annoying tò you as the persòn's background and upbringing may not go down well with you.
•4.Drama Your simple and hònest öpinion or share can stir up a world war 3,if it gets the wrong understanding of some very big and influential protòcôls.
•5.Damage tò Gadgets. The life-span òf that your beloved and expensive electrònic gadget can rapidly reduce due tò yôur human weariness on it.e.g keypads,battery life,screen pròblems.etc
•6.Promiscuity. Its no more news that the more time you spend trying to carry out anything worthwhile the more suceptible you becóme as images fòund erotic might flash intò yôur face and memory,like a flash in a pan,leaving you helpless and móre völatile to commiting adsurd intentions.
•7.Wrong influence. When an interesting issue originates,it could lead you intó the hands ôf your like minds and then let you say òr act in a manner yôu wouldn't dô on a normal gòod day and thus gives yôur persônality a wròng ego and blemish.
•8.Dwindling vocab. By trying to send quick and short messages ònline,you often tend to use abbreviated letters that in turn,negatively turns your good English Lexis and struture into a very poor state in real and official life matters.e.g Thanx instead Of thank,gr8 instead of great.etc.
•9.Laziness. Instead óf yòur gadgets orderly letting you carry out your normal daily activities as planned out,it often times,gives roóm for lazy attitudes,such as texting an impòrtant contact you are supposed to go stand up and see physically esp.when such thing is taggged as very important.
•10.Religous backslide When your personal motives are meant to be evangelistic,little things such as high fashiôn,romance,dates and sexual relationship talks and chats can rapidly leave a fire brand into a pulp and shallow religous follower without him or her actually being aware except a good spirited person sees it and quickly intercedes fôr him or her. |