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Football Career by blackiliev: 4:43am On Apr 04, 2008
Football Career

Im 23 i would like to be a pofessional footballer how and where do i start
Re: Football Career by 4Him(m): 4:46am On Apr 04, 2008
Start by altering your birth certificate to read 13.
Re: Football Career by donchichi: 4:52am On Apr 04, 2008

Start by altering your birth certificate to read 13.

ROTLMAO grin grin cheesy cheesy grin

We(nairalanders) train on xmas and independence days.
Re: Football Career by Nicesoul(m): 7:50pm On Apr 14, 2008
@ poster

I must be honest with you, it is to late to play professional footbal at your age. All you can play now is jeun jeun (chop chop). Dream of becoming a professional footballer starts from the age of 5 - 7 years. How do u want to start now @ 23yrs? My guy, choose another profession, i will suggest handball or baseball since they all have to do with ball.

Re: Football Career by MeGaStReEt: 7:54pm On Apr 14, 2008
Is it true that somebody @ 23 cannot play a profesional football anymore?

I have a cousing you wants to be an int'l star, i prayed 4 him everyday. does it mean i am waisting my time?
Re: Football Career by vanesa(m): 8:01pm On Apr 14, 2008
Re: Football Career by SamMilla1(m): 8:08pm On Apr 14, 2008
Dont let what people say here bring your desire down, If you are really 23, you still have many football years ahead of you. Tell us the country where u live and i will see what i can tell you about where and how to begin.
Re: Football Career by ebelegirl(f): 8:10pm On Apr 14, 2008
Hmm well @ the poster, NEVER SAY NEVER! I think what the other posters are highlighting is that it may be harder for u to get to that level given the fact that a lot of the key players are young. Keep trying but be sure not to put all of your eggs in one basket and have a PLAN B- (Or C,D, E lol) just in case your soccer dream does not come true! Best of luck!
Re: Football Career by DisGuy: 8:13pm On Apr 14, 2008
most people that want international careers don't even have a local club, approach your local club sides

you can join us at NAIRALAND FC ,we are currently looking for a Defensive midfield wink
Re: Football Career by vanesa(m): 8:13pm On Apr 14, 2008
till now you never dreamt ops now football just try something else and stop wasting time.
Re: Football Career by denony(m): 8:58pm On Apr 14, 2008
My brother as the first poster said, start by reducing your age to 13-14 years, avoid bear bear wink

Its still early my brother, footballers reduce more than ten years from their real age.

Start practicing, just be focused, determined and work diligently towards your ambition.
Come to NAAVY BARRACKS, MOBIL ROAD, APAPA, LAGOS. OR MARACCANA FIELD AJEGUNLE, geniune football business is really going on there. Boys always travel to all parts of the world.

just pray hard my man wink
Re: Football Career by Akolawole(m): 1:57am On Apr 15, 2008
23 years is too old.
Re: Football Career by Scopium: 7:46am On Apr 15, 2008

Start by altering your birth certificate to read 13.

[size=13pt]I think you are right. grin grin grin[/size]
Re: Football Career by Scopium: 7:49am On Apr 15, 2008
[size=13pt]Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
Pablo Picasso
Just follow that quote and everything will be fine with a little bit of luck I guess.[/size]
Re: Football Career by alex406(m): 10:13am On Apr 15, 2008
Guy you are not too old in this career but all you need do is focus on what you want to achieve and keep praying to Baba God for success.
Re: Football Career by orisebawo(m): 11:13am On Apr 15, 2008
Starting a football carreer at 23 is like deciding to study medicine without a schoool leaving certificate and hoping that the provost will have mercy on you. Even if you reduce you age to 13, i am sure it will only take some hi tech analysis to reveal the truth, at 23 you are already a man. maybe you should get a coaching badge and help the younger ones and help kids that have similar dreams.

You are already three years older than Fabregas and he has been in the business for over 10 years.

I dont mean to dampen your spirit
Re: Football Career by pappilo(m): 12:50pm On Apr 15, 2008
Ian wright became a professional at age 22, so all hope is not lost. But my guy you sabi play?
Re: Football Career by FBS: 4:48pm On Apr 15, 2008
you people have no hearts at all, person say he wants advise and all you guys are doing is just telling him off, haba,

see my guy, follow your dreams, who says 23 is too old? shay you sabi use google, search and research, opportunities will come and if you are indeed good, pray and work hard, success is on the way!!! don't be deterred by nairalanders,
Re: Football Career by SENATORJD(m): 5:20pm On Apr 15, 2008

you people have no hearts at all, person say he wants advise and all you guys are doing is just telling him off, haba,

see my guy, follow your dreams, who says 23 is too old? shay you sabi use google, search and research, opportunities will come and if you are indeed good, pray and work hard, success is on the way!!! don't be deterred by nairalanders,

i support broda, guy u can make it as long as u put ur heart to it and believe in it
Re: Football Career by sabak: 3:30pm On Apr 16, 2008
by the time Bartholomew ogbeche was appearing at the 2002 world cup as a 17yr old, he was actually 25 and he is still playing pro soccer in Europe, so at 23, you still have a chance, but you need to be in a hurry to get noticed by scouts. try football challenge by fash, its a talent hunt/ tv reality show which is aimed at identifying and exposing Nigerian grown soccer talents to the European scene, you never can tell.i can bet that that program will throw up at least one super eagles future regular. you can get the registration scratch card for 3k at any oceanic bank branch near you. good luck
Re: Football Career by izeek(m): 6:56pm On Apr 16, 2008
hey i guess it depends on how bad u want it.

klose from germany started his career preety late.

actually self the guys was a carpenter b4 venturing into football.

so if nah u dream, go to sleep early.

1 Like

Re: Football Career by jeco(m): 8:25pm On Apr 16, 2008
If you are interested in becoming a soccer champion, log on to www.streetsoccerchampions.com and be sure to follow all the intructions. This is courtesy of Lagos State Government.

John 0803-747-7956
Re: Football Career by coollove: 6:25pm On Apr 17, 2008
call me on 08037421912
oceanic football challenge that is sold 4 3k i'll give u free of charge
Re: Football Career by dee02(m): 9:07pm On Apr 17, 2008
Start by kicking rotten oranges on the streets then from there you would get spotted!
Re: Football Career by TmeD0(m): 7:47pm On Apr 19, 2008

Start by kicking rotten oranges on the streets then from there you would get spotted!

ROFLMAO grin grin  haba! you wicked o my guy.  @poster, just like the first poster stated, you might have to reduce your age to give you a better chance, funny but true o.  Peace!
Re: Football Career by dee02(m): 3:36pm On Apr 21, 2008

call me on 08037421912
oceanic football challenge that is sold 4 3k i'll give u free of charge

U fu*king rip-off!
Re: Football Career by holythug(m): 2:06am On Apr 26, 2008
cheesy advice grin
Re: Football Career by blackiliev: 6:45pm On Jul 01, 2009
tanx for all your replies, but i gess id leave those dreams and try sunday league instead

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