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I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by SLIDEwaxie(m): 2:05pm On Apr 24, 2013
I dnt give advice to morons!
And kids shldnt plan on getting married, they shld wait and be more matured. Not in age, but in tolerance and unnecessary ego!
If i am the fiance, u are gone for life!
Like: what d fucck did u think u are?


Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Les: 2:18pm On Apr 24, 2013
AThis is wat happens wen kids do wat is meant for adults- no offence. How can everybody sponsor wat u and ur hubby will enjoy alone? shows dat u guys aint financially ok or just stingy "not with 'my' money"
why would he call u a coward or was he just running his mouth?? Dat's not good for a man.
No marriage yet, there's break up, how about after marriage
If u guys were d ones solely sponsoring ur wedding, why should a particular family say something and d other family wont know- it doesn't show any mutual watever..
Op, if ur man dont respect u, dont marry him and if you cant respect him, be far from marriage, I wonder wat u tink marriage is...
Marriage my foot.... Daah!!!
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by raqueal(f): 2:29pm On Apr 24, 2013
Since you have doubts about the wedding, I'll advise you to inform the families about your decision to call it off. I don't care if your doubt stems from this silly argument or not, but I am certain that your avoidable loss is another woman's gain.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by eeewise(m): 2:42pm On Apr 24, 2013
Op...to help u manage ut ego,confide in someone he respects lik your pastor or aunty.let d pastor call two of u togerther to see him then help u guys settle it rather than u callin him
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Etranshub(m): 3:41pm On Apr 24, 2013
@op, irrespective of wtv it is u dnt want him to tell his parent abt u guys wedding... i must confess, u re selfish, self centred and dat amounts to a bad bride.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by lumideezle(m): 5:42pm On Apr 24, 2013
@ OP I am sorry but I'll be blunt and sincere with you and I really pray you take my advice.
1) OP you have no business what so ever with marriage right now at least not with your Pride and attitude problem and Independent woman nature.just listen to yourself " I got really upset and told him I was done with him, done with the wedding plans and that he should go to hell and I hung up" smh na your husband to be you dey talk to like that?? shocked. My dear you made the right decision by calling off the wedding o because I would not waqnt you to come here a few years from now shouting my husband beats me blue black. Look God is the Originator of marriage and he said the Husband is the HEAD of the wife, its that simple and straight forward unless u think you are smarter than God then refuse you accept this fact. Bia can u talk to your Boss like that ?? "God to hell"choi!! I pity that young man.
2)My dear Please do not think I am saying all of this because I am I man believe you me if u we're my sister I'll tell you this exact same words.Being a wife is not 4 Girls its for women, being a woman and a wife means you have to be extremely diplomatic, know when to hold you peace and know when to strike. Your husband is supposed to be your head,things are never gonna work if you keep seeing you both as equals, have you ever wondered why the marriages of our parents lasts longer its because our mothers learnt this basic fact and have grown strong 2 understand their roles as supporters to their husbands. That's the way the Originator said it should be leave it that way.

Moving forward !!
Call your Fiancee and apologise
Beg him 2 postpone the wedding indefinately because you seriously need to work on yourself.
Visit or stay with a happy older couple( now when I mean happy I don't mean people enduring their marriages o I mean people actually enjoying it.)Observe the way the wife treats her husband and learn from them .
Read a lot of book on marriage and how to maintain a good home.
After all this you can cnow marry .

My dear this is serious o you need help before jumping in2 the marriage.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 6:42pm On Apr 24, 2013
Less than 50% gave sound advice...the rest just dey abuse the babe anyhow

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Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 6:52pm On Apr 24, 2013
"You are not a wife material..you are not matured
...you are foolish...you are selfish....self centered....egocentric....blah blah blah".mtcheeew.Some
MEN here get wife wey dey beat them sef..come here dey talk rawbitch. angry angry

Nobody is perfect!!!Advice or keep ur damned muth shut undecidedgo abuse anoda man wife wey dey mannerless for d hubby front na make him ask u
weda u follow am pay bride price angry angry
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by bodejohn(m): 6:58pm On Apr 24, 2013
lynpetra: Less than 50% gave sound advice...the rest just dey abuse the babe anyhow

You are right, more than half of those abusing are not close to introduction talk less of wedding.
And they are going blah....blah...blah...!!!
Why should one even seek serious advise from a faceless forum?
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by gerald2(m): 7:36pm On Apr 24, 2013
dsgirl: I'm back again with my serious need for advice.
I have been engaged for a while now and i have started planning my wedding which was to come up in October. The problem now is that I just broke up with my fiancée last night.
We had an argument over him betraying me. I told him about what my family is saying about the wedding arrangement and told him not to say anything to this parents yet because my family haven't concluded, that I was just filling him in to know how its going. After about a week he told me that he told his dad what I said. I got really upset saying we had an agreement, he was not suppose to go tell anyone without letting me know. Its not the fact that he told his dad that im mad at but the fact that I specifically begged him not to say anything to anyone yet and we agreed on it and now he went behind me to tell someone without talking to me first, that got me pissed. After a long argument for two days he said I should keep my words and not tell him anything any more. I got really upset and told him I was done with him, done with the wedding plans and that he should go to hell and I hung up.
He called back to confirm I meant with I said and when I would not repeat it, he called me a coward n bla bla bla and because I am not a coward, i told him that I meant everything I said, that we were done and over. He said he wished me well and he prayed that God would provide my own man for me
Now, he hasn't called and I have not called, not that im expecting him to call me because i know he wont, but my mind is so running marathon now, don't know what to do and that's why im here.
I have made reservations here and there, don't know if to go and collect my money back...(I have limited days to wait)
I haven't said anything to any member of my family because I really do not know what to say and how to say it so as not to look stupid
I want to call him but with all that is on ground, the arguments, misunderstanding over the phone i'm having double mind about this marriage already
one thing stands though, i love him, he has been the closest person to me and its hard to let go.

pls advise me.
I can give more info if you need.
Marriage is for mature minds, you shouldn't have let a common argument ruin what you started over the years. Clean your mess young lady by calling him asap.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Doncolio(m): 7:38pm On Apr 24, 2013
@Op, ur type need guys that will break ur heart a few times so u can learn how to be a real lady. You dnt even sound like a lady let alone a wife.

If you love urself, change for the better. Whether u marry this guy or not is up to u, him and God.

Go and collect all ur money coz that seem to be all u care abt.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by tashanja(m): 8:09pm On Apr 24, 2013
lynpetra: "You are not a wife material..you are not matured
...you are foolish...you are selfish....self centered....egocentric....blah blah blah".mtcheeew.Some
MEN here get wife wey dey beat them sef..come here dey talk rawbitch. angry angry

Nobody is perfect!!!Advice or keep ur damned muth shut undecidedgo abuse anoda man wife wey dey mannerless for d hubby front na make him ask u
weda u follow am pay bride price angry angry

The pot calling the kettle black, what have you done if not criticize and offer the OP nothing; how about advising her on what to do, given that she still loves the bf and by all indications wants the wedding to go ahead but without having to back down and lose face for sake of her bruised & inflated ego.

I am inclined to go with eeewise's advice; get somebody your bf respects and would listen to e.g. from your family or church to intervene on your behalf.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 8:40pm On Apr 24, 2013

The pot calling the kettle black, what have you done if not criticize and offer the OP nothing; how about advising her on what to do, given that she still loves the bf and by all indications wants the wedding to go ahead but without having to back down and lose face for sake of her bruised & inflated ego.

I am inclined to go with eeewise's advice; get somebody your bf respects and would listen to e.g. from your family or church to intervene on your behalf.

But what I didn't do is to join the train of those ' wise ones that insults! undecided
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Kosigift(f): 9:56pm On Apr 24, 2013
Hmmm Op, u really over reacted, fine he shudn't have gone bhind u to reveal d secret buh c'mon no one is perfect! There must hv bin a reason why he did dat, put urslf in his shoes na...
Secondly, it seems u r hot tempered. When nxt u r in a heated argument wit sumone (whoeva it may be), learn to kip quiet, it has helpd mi a lot rather dan say sumfin u may regret later. Then pls start practising how to say dis words "i'm sorry", it makes u feel beta most times. I wil advise u call him ASAP and appologize cos delay, they say, is vry dangerous and d more d days pass by ur pride no go gree u appologize again... DO IT NOW!
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 11:29pm On Apr 24, 2013
You two were clearly not ready for marriage.

aejaywhite: U r too immature to get married...give urself time to mature emotionally and always kip ur anger in check...
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Abbey2sam(m): 11:35pm On Apr 24, 2013
Permit me to say that the guy is lucky not to have married you........

Are you the man in that relationship?
"What's don't tell your people?

Well, he did and you call off the wedding plan

From your post, you must also be the one or your parent that's is sponsoring the wedding.....

That explain why you have the nerves to call off a wedding over a very minor issue.........

I don't believe this story anyway
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 5:00am On Apr 25, 2013
Another Nl dumb woman what's don't tell to your family/people are u in primary school?

What if you are dating a dude and he tells you the same thing? Don't tell your friends, don't tell anyone won't u find that suspicious?

I give up on Nl women
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by dsgirl: 5:04am On Apr 25, 2013
Thank you all for taking the time to say something to me about this. To the ones who constructively scolded me....God bless you. To those who advised me, I am very grateful; and to those who have insulted me....let he who is without a sin be the first to cast a stone.
I have read all the comments and I wish I can reply everyone individually,but I cant. The reason I came here was to ask for advice because I know that everyone would be able to say something that I would learn from. Majority of you are right, and I can really see myself in your comments.
I do not have any further justification for my action other than I was really upset and at that point in time, all I felt was "I don't care" because aside from the summary that I narrated, words were thrown back and forth, big grammars had been used to qualify each other here and there and the only way to relieve myself of that headache at that moment was to voice that out, which I regretted afterwards but did not know what to do after, hence my reason for seeking advice here, and I'm glad I got what I wanted. Thanks a lot. May your household not crumble.
Maybe if I had a friend to talk to, I would not be here to expose the story of my life. All the same, I will make amends for my own sake to better my life and will pray for guidance, maturity, wisdom, knowledge, selflessness,understanding,and everything that you all mentioned that I lack.
The fact that this is a LDR is in its own adding a whole lot of tension to the relationship.

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Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by 2sexyus: 7:24am On Apr 25, 2013
Stop being sentimental... Life is hash and tough, it does not need your sentiments.., deal with it!

Those who say why insult, you must be a clown.

Look into the future and tell me if the OP is fit to give the guy in question a happy home?

From her reply below, it quite obvious she hasn't apologised to the guy yet but prefer to reel in sentimental defense over what people have said about her.

Truth is bitter and it hurts...

Let the guy be; he does not deserve someone like you! As far I am concerned, I cant date a hot tempered lady let alone marry her.
dsgirl: Thank you all for taking the time to say something to me about this. To the ones who constructively scolded me....God bless you. To those who advised me, I am very grateful; and to those who have insulted me....let he who is without a sin be the first to cast a stone.
I have read all the comments and I wish I can reply everyone individually,but I cant. The reason I came here was to ask for advice because I know that everyone would be able to say something that I would learn from. Majority of you are right, and I can really see myself in your comments.
I do not have any further justification for my action other than I was really upset and at that point in time, all I felt was "I don't care" because aside from the summary that I narrated, words were thrown back and forth, big grammars had been used to qualify each other here and there and the only way to relieve myself of that headache at that moment was to voice that out, which I regretted afterwards but did not know what to do after, hence my reason for seeking advice here, and I'm glad I got what I wanted. Thanks a lot. May your household not crumble.
Maybe if I had a friend to talk to, I would not be here to expose the story of my life. All the same, I will make amends for my own sake to better my life and will pray for guidance, maturity, wisdom, knowledge, selflessness,understanding,and everything that you all mentioned that I lack.
The fact that this is a LDR is in its own adding a whole lot of tension to the relationship.
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by OCTAVO: 7:36am On Apr 25, 2013
Op, pls answer this simple question; have you apologised?
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by bodejohn(m): 7:42am On Apr 25, 2013
Stop being sentimental... Life is hash and tough, it does not need your sentiments.., deal with it!

Those who say why insult, you must be a clown.

Look into the future and tell me if the OP is fit to give the guy in question a happy home?

From her reply below, it quite obvious she hasn't apologised to the guy yet but prefer to reel in sentimental defense over what people have said about her.

Truth is bitter and it hurts...

Let the guy be; he does not deserve someone like you! As far I am concerned, I cant date a hot tempered lady let alone marry her.

Are you married?

1 Like

Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 7:44am On Apr 25, 2013
U gone make her cry
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by 2sexyus: 8:03am On Apr 25, 2013

Are you married?
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 10:21am On Apr 25, 2013

Then shut the f.uvk up!

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Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Davico(m): 10:24am On Apr 25, 2013
dsgirl: I'm back again with my serious need for advice.
I have been engaged for a while now and i have started planning my wedding which was to come up in October. The problem now is that I just broke up with my fiancée last night.
We had an argument over him betraying me. I told him about what my family is saying about the wedding arrangement and told him not to say anything to this parents yet because my family haven't concluded, that I was just filling him in to know how its going. After about a week he told me that he told his dad what I said. I got really upset saying we had an agreement, he was not suppose to go tell anyone without letting me know. Its not the fact that he told his dad that im mad at but the fact that I specifically begged him not to say anything to anyone yet and we agreed on it and now he went behind me to tell someone without talking to me first, that got me pissed. After a long argument for two days he said I should keep my words and not tell him anything any more. I got really upset and told him I was done with him, done with the wedding plans and that he should go to hell and I hung up.
He called back to confirm I meant with I said and when I would not repeat it, he called me a coward n bla bla bla and because I am not a coward, i told him that I meant everything I said, that we were done and over. He said he wished me well and he prayed that God would provide my own man for me
Now, he hasn't called and I have not called, not that im expecting him to call me because i know he wont, but my mind is so running marathon now, don't know what to do and that's why im here.
I have made reservations here and there, don't know if to go and collect my money back...(I have limited days to wait)
I haven't said anything to any member of my family because I really do not know what to say and how to say it so as not to look stupid
I want to call him but with all that is on ground, the arguments, misunderstanding over the phone i'm having double mind about this marriage already
one thing stands though, i love him, he has been the closest person to me and its hard to let go.

pls advise me.
I can give more info if you need.
Pride in u. U were wrong
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Nobody: 10:35am On Apr 25, 2013

Apologise to your man and make him a happy man.Marriage is an institution,we learn every day.Just like life,it has its ups and downs....Don't mind those that insulted and wud still insult you because they might be going thru a worst scenario than yours undecided.Call your man,talk and apologize...get him Smtn nice like a good perfume...whatever suits you!clear the air and lastly,walk the aisle....with him kiss kiss
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by 190: 10:45am On Apr 25, 2013
Mr Cork London:

..the main info without disclosin the original info & the real info so we can analise the simple info! angry

[size=38pt]ROTFLMFAOOO grin grin grin grin[/size]
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by stpat1(m): 10:49am On Apr 25, 2013
dsgirl: @obyrich... I understand u. I thought was that he should have at least let me know he was going to discuss it. I know it was not enof reason to call it off but I was upset when he said I should keep my words to myself and not tell him anything any more, he knows communication with him is a big deal for me and I couldn't believe he said that and he repeated it. I was angry. and u are also right, maybe im not mature enof for marriage....lol

@carmelion: Thank you, i appreciate it. I thought about everything u said and u are right for most part. I just wanted everything to be perfect before we get married, it was before, but now.....
what if it was other issues and i told him in trust not to reveal to the next person, how do i trust that he wont. Thats my fear and instead of him to admit he was wrong to have done that, he said to keep my words to myself next time. that doesn't seem right to me.

@ralfo85....thank you

You seem to have a lot of secrets that you are scared he might spill. Lol
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by 2sexyus: 11:03am On Apr 25, 2013
Stpat1, longest time ooo. You didnt call back for the website stuff again.


You seem to have a lot of secrets that you are scared he might spill. Lol
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by bodejohn(m): 9:23pm On Apr 25, 2013

I thought as much....

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Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by 2sexyus: 10:36pm On Apr 25, 2013
Nairalanders as usual

I thought as much....
Re: I Urgently Need Your Sincere Advices by Gaius667: 10:50pm On Apr 25, 2013
OP, if truly you are sorry and ready to retrace your steps in the spirit of understanding and a better knowledge, then you wouldn't have read up to 10 responses to your post before calling your man (if he still is by the way) and making amends.

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