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Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better - Music/Radio (7) - Nairaland

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Phyno Vs Olamide..After Ghostmode: Who Has Fared Better? / Wizkid Vs Davido Vs Olamide / Seriki Vs Reminesce Vs Dagrin Vs Jahbless Vs Lord Of Ajasa: Who Is The Best ? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by grandpoh(m): 11:05pm On Apr 27, 2013
Y do I get 2 c dz shit ecwiwhre.......well 2 me da'grin z gud...bo trust me m d no 1 fan of OLAMIDE 2ru out d world coz I love wen a music z lyrically packaged dats 1 tin abt olamide #team BADdo#team ybnl#team olamide @ d top#

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by dabrake(m): 11:06pm On Apr 27, 2013
house213: I am not supporting anybody, Dagrin was good when he was alive but ladies and gentlemen, nigga is dead...Olamide dey chop the money and fame now and for your comparision of who is better, make una go call DaGrin make im come sing one more song so we go kno who dey better...Shioooo...Olamide has improved from eni duro and it is growing better by the day... Big Ups Olamide, Dagrin, R.I.P where you are, no make dem nairalanders dey disturb your soul jare...
You are very stewpeed for this. I hope you will join Dagrin very soon.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by dabrake(m): 11:06pm On Apr 27, 2013
drexx: Dagrin na local rapper. Look how he messed up in that champion song. Just imagine it was Olamide that started that song. Dagrin was a local over hyped musician
Jeez!!!!!!. Your end in near
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by bibiking7(m): 11:20pm On Apr 27, 2013
Exactly. He's screams a lot in his songs. While Dagrin was razz, he still maintained this coolness but Olamide sometimes sounds like he needs a tranquilizer to calm him down.

Dagrin jare. Olamide doesn't even come close.

Nice. Confirm. Dagrin was like a Yoruba version of 50 cent. He could always control his tempo. I'll give it to dagrin.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Osrachingy(m): 11:22pm On Apr 27, 2013
Hardcore Yoruba Rap... Grin Baba owns it! Hes got a whole lotta swag in his songs.. Olamide is getin closer anyway.. Bt for now! Hes stil a noisemaker.. Their freestyle on Jimmy Jump Off says it all.. Dagrin all the way! R.I.P Barrack O Grin. Me cant stop love Dagrin
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by hebro1: 11:26pm On Apr 27, 2013
drexx: Dagrin na local rapper. Look how he messed up in that champion song. Just imagine it was Olamide that started that song. Dagrin was a local over hyped musician

Did you just say Dagrin messed up "champion? Guy, you must be using aboki transistor radio. Barak-O-grin made that song. No contest


Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by hebro1: 11:33pm On Apr 27, 2013
ojoawo: Cos of this thread, had to move a playlist of dagrin's over 30 songs from my system to my ipod and it is on replay since and still I don't see the depth in his lyricism... Can anyone post his best lyrical effort here?

Listen to thank you with omawumi, dem go dey hala hala,, iwofa as le nu with big bigiano and of cos, champion
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by fyneguy: 11:41pm On Apr 27, 2013
People who know next to nothing about music are commenting.

I think Olamide still has to work on his punch lines, use of metaphors, multies, flow, delivery and LYRICS.

Olamide should listen to Ghetto Dreams, Thank God, Kowale and Democracy; and learn to tell stories.


Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by baggy4luv(m): 11:41pm On Apr 27, 2013
haba comparing dagrin to olamide...na shity argument dagrin:tupac olamide:lil wayne both are good...but dagrins lyrics are (deep lyrics) for those that understand rap...and circles around his real life experiences.
olamide i never liked him @ first cos of his aruwho.he rhymes aint deep.unpredictable.colorful.amusing.humourous.To some people thats its music.
i am more of a future reference rhyming genius(dagrin) than d polongo rap of olamide..
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by jimfarayola(m): 11:52pm On Apr 27, 2013
Dagrin is d Originator while Olamide is d Imitator.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by reportnaija(m): 12:05am On Apr 28, 2013
chucky234: Which acceptance are you talking about English master, Dagrin was accepted from day one and his CEO album sold far more than what Olamide's YBNL will ever sell.

Lemme stress @something you guys are missing...
DAGRIN first album STILL ON THE MATTER did sell that much like the CEO album..
Just like Olamide first album which I can't remember now. But his second album is selling like crazy...
For you info all the tracks on CEO album were on point.. Pls go listen to Ghetto dream,Pon Pon Pon,Swags,Thank God,What they Want,File etc were on point, I have all those songs still banging em on my phone..
He pave the way for yoruba rap, if not Dagrin no one will listen to yoruba rap music believe me. If I may asks you were you listening to Lord of Ajasa then? Was it not when dagrin came out wit his style.. He copied nobody. That was when everyone started giving listening hear to yoruba rap..
Please never compare a LEGENG with a LEARNER again... Let him smile like baba fela...
For you info am an igbo guy.. Go listen to ajasa ft dagrin,yq and suspect #Virus or YQ ft Dagrin # e fi mi le see don't lemme write a full note here for you.. Even olamide said he was is mentor..
Why una dey drag matter like dis... RiP dagrin,,,


Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by DAY12(m): 1:49am On Apr 28, 2013
God knows why am SHORT!-

Jimmy Jump Off, mo like e bi Puff-Puff angry

Olamigay can't even talk when reminisce is talking

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by tical(m): 2:27am On Apr 28, 2013
sina rambo raps better undecided

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by osaska(m): 2:51am On Apr 28, 2013
Omo, i miss dagrin, cos d street miss him too...
as 4 olamide, he's riding on dagrin's legacy, anyway is d voice of d street @ d moment...
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Fussbot: 3:41am On Apr 28, 2013
Lol..dagrin,olamide again...olamide in ijoba(govt)ft reminisce"

Shoutout shawon street rappers ibile united(shout out 2 dem street rappers ibile united)

Inu DAGRIN mama dun bai oma wa excited(dagrin wld be happy now he wld be excited)...dagrin na baba all d way and even olamide said dis..BUT now,na olamide get town...

and I also tink olamide is more versatile in d sense dat dagrin music was all about,bragado,street life,girls while olamide also does al dis,he also talks about marriage(in rapsodi),future asin hope(picture in ybnl)..etc..did dagrin even had a love song??I dnt fink so..olamide yarinya,baddo love are both love songs...

And 2 u all saying olamide only makes noise,he said dis 4 u:
"Cus I rap wit passion dey said am making noise"

Dat he is 2 proud
"Emi on je kenibody make decision funmi,woni mon proud tori momope huzzle mi sure fumni"(I dn't let anybody make desisions 4 me,dey say am proud cus I know my huzzle is sure 4 me).

He is jst a benefactor of good beats:

Olamide hasn't worked with d big guns(producers)in d industry,d 1 we can point 2 is samklef.he worked with cabasa and ofcus d upcoming pheelz produced is ybnl..I can't also wait till he starts working with d likes of sarz,jay sleek,don jazzy,sossick,ty mix et al...

The overall point of dis post is dat,olamide wld have still made hits if dagrin was alive,although it might av a bin a little longer....olamide naw makes evwibidy wants 2 learn yoruba lik phyno. Is letting me want 2 learn igbo..lol..#dado.

olmide on twitter 2 days ago:

"If my all my works can't earn me enough respect from u people 2 stop my comparision with dagrin,den u dnt want me(him)2 av peace wen I(he) dies..rip dagrin"
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by UssyFreeesh(m): 6:34am On Apr 28, 2013
OcT29: OLAMIDE IS THE BEST.........!!!!
you are yet to know good music and or rap! Sori tongue
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by victorv12(m): 7:48am On Apr 28, 2013
Lyrically, Olamide is better!!
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Soso990240(m): 7:56am On Apr 28, 2013
drexx: I don't speak or understand yoruba but as a music freak, I would choose Olamide ahead of Dagrin. And so would majority of peeps like me who are not yoruba. I think Dagrin was more of a local yoruba act who did his music for only the yoruba audience. But in as much as Olamide is a yoruba rapper, it is easy for non yorubas to get along with him cos he throws a bit of English into his rap. Believe me Dagrin doesn't have acceptance in non yoruba parts of Nigeria. I travel a lot and I know what am saying. I have attended Dagrin's and Olamide's shows in Benin City. Where Dagrin struggled to move the crowd, Olamide scattered the show and about three girls fainted. For versatility and acceptability Olamide wins
u spit trash..Dagrin made me understand yoruba beta.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Soso990240(m): 7:59am On Apr 28, 2013
drexx: Dagrin na local rapper. Look how he messed up in that champion song. Just imagine it was Olamide that started that song. Dagrin was a local over hyped musician
shut up joor..na Dagrin verse me luv pass..if his rap wasnt ok,why didnt they make it d 2nd or 3rd?
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Zoest(m): 8:03am On Apr 28, 2013
Barack O'Green ws polished,yl Bado is champion of d street, but not neccessarily a noise maker.dey r both lyricst, vanacularly rooted,dialectics, philosophical,hardcore,inspiratnl,gifted,talented. No 1 does it beta dan d oda, d diffrnx btwn dem is d xrakta of der music & so d admiratn 4 dem.reminiscencent of d bloc in American Hip-hop in d pre-JayZ era.

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by busayobrig: 8:03am On Apr 28, 2013
RIP DAGRIN. I can't answer the question.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Soso990240(m): 8:11am On Apr 28, 2013

Listen to thank you with omawumi, dem go dey hala hala,, iwofa as le nu with big bigiano and of cos, champion
DAGRIN murderd Iwofa..i swear,no Olamide Rap reach dat verse..many people spitin trash here havnt listend 2 Dagrin's full album..they just download olamide's songs and start talkin rubish..listen 2 their freestyle on jimmy's jump off..it speaks a lot about dm..olamide na just ordinary rapper like seriki.d beat is wot help him in most cases.compare talkin about repin d street,watch and listdn 2 pon pon pon and giv me feed back..
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Soso990240(m): 8:24am On Apr 28, 2013
Fussbot: Lol..dagrin,olamide again...olamide in ijoba(govt)ft reminisce"

Shoutout shawon street rappers ibile united(shout out 2 dem street rappers ibile united)

Inu DAGRIN mama dun bai oma wa excited(dagrin wld be happy now he wld be excited)...dagrin na baba all d way and even olamide said dis..BUT now,na olamide get town...

and I also tink olamide is more versatile in d sense dat dagrin music was all about,bragado,street life,girls while olamide also does al dis,he also talks about marriage(in rapsodi),future asin hope(picture in ybnl)..etc..did dagrin even had a love song??I dnt fink so..olamide yarinya,baddo love are both love songs...

And 2 u all saying olamide only makes noise,he said dis 4 u:
"Cus I rap wit passion dey said am making noise"

Dat he is 2 proud
"Emi on je kenibody make decision funmi,woni mon proud tori momope huzzle mi sure fumni"(I dn't let anybody make desisions 4 me,dey say am proud cus I know my huzzle is sure 4 me).

He is jst a benefactor of good beats:

Olamide hasn't worked with d big guns(producers)in d industry,d 1 we can point 2 is samklef.he worked with cabasa and ofcus d upcoming pheelz produced is ybnl..I can't also wait till he starts working with d likes of sarz,jay sleek,don jazzy,sossick,ty mix et al...

The overall point of dis post is dat,olamide wld have still made hits if dagrin was alive,although it might av a bin a little longer....olamide naw makes evwibidy wants 2 learn yoruba lik phyno. Is letting me want 2 learn igbo..lol..#dado.

olmide on twitter 2 days ago:

"If my all my works can't earn me enough respect from u people 2 stop my comparision with dagrin,den u dnt want me(him)2 av peace wen I(he) dies..rip dagrin"
conclussiòn:TRASH..u call Dagrin and samklef upcomin producers..u ar sick.hw many big producers Dagrin work? Sossick was his bro dat did most of his beats..yet they became hits.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by jljunayd1: 10:16am On Apr 28, 2013
Zoest: Barack O'Green ws polished,yl Bado is champion of d street, but not neccessarily a noise maker.dey r both lyricst, vanacularly rooted,dialectics, philosophical,hardcore,inspiratnl,gifted,talented. No 1 does it beta dan d oda, d diffrnx btwn dem is d xrakta of der music & so d admiratn 4 dem.reminiscencent of d bloc in American Hip-hop in d pre-JayZ era.
how i wish all dis fools cud reason like u,nice one and dats d truth,dey are both boss,watch out for my own opinion

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Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by jljunayd1: 10:32am On Apr 28, 2013
First of all d op is stupid to bring up dis suggestion,am sure he/she is an hypocrite,now to d matter,d fact is dat u cant compare both,dou dey both repesent d street wit d same indigenious style,both lyrically tight,as an artiste u deliver what u c and feel,and both av been succesful wit dat,and for dos sayn olamide wudnt av been recognise if dagrin was alive dats rubish,look at jay z and kanye,r kelly and usher,sunny ade and obey,even when d fuji icon barrister was alive d lyks of k1,paso and osupa did their tin,if u're good at what u do and with gods backing nothin can stop u,olamide alwys givs kudos to dagrin,dagrin will do d same if he was alive,dagrin was just getting started and wit dat short tym look at d collabo and top artist he had at his control,now olamide is doing it,everytin is abt tym,i lov both artiste and i respect dem,dagrin is funny,olamide is cunning,both hardcore,i tink longevity owns d game,consistency tins,jayz've been doing it since wayback b4 kanye came,dey both respect and love each oda,jay z talks luxuries,fame,kanye expoit everytin around him,yet dey are both rappers,olamide and dagrin rocks i wudnt choose one over one,but personally i lov dagrin but musically i lov both,dagrin is calm like 50 cent on d mic,olamiide is lyk eminem,dey are both gods


Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by jaykaylegend(m): 11:34am On Apr 28, 2013
Dagrin all da way...who iz olamide were daggrin is.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by boban007: 2:07pm On Apr 28, 2013
dont understand why people are using ceo album to judge dagrin.he is far more than that.go listen to his still on d matter album or d rap he did in igbo titled aye nlo ni auchi or better still his compilations the best of dagrin.seems alot of guys here ve short memories.olamide studied dagrins album and success and even borrowed some few words and lines to produce ybnl.dont let us argue for argueing sake,lets be real and give honour to whom honour is due.its just like comparing nice and isolate.they are both good but nice is d king and he made yoruba hiphop popular.lord of ajasa was raping then but dagrin invented the yoruba street hop rap.he was so good all artiste did collabo with him to promote thier album.almost all dagrins song became instant hit.he did collabo with rugged man,with bigiano,with konga,with oritshe femi,with omawumi,with fresh,with yq,with nino,with mi&naeto c,with terry g.with kenny st.brown.d list is endless.ve u guys forgotten so soon how he ruled d airwaves 3yrs back.dagrin invented yoruba street hop and u can get beta dan d king himself.u can only try.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Nobody: 3:48pm On Apr 28, 2013
As Mode-9 For English

As Dagrin For Yoruba.

DAGRIN Street Legend

OLAMIDE Street King.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by phemi01(m): 4:58pm On Apr 28, 2013
God knows why am SHORT!-

Jimmy Jump Off, mo like e bi Puff-Puff angry

Olamigay can't even talk when reminisce is talking

Bros may GOD bless u for this comment. Na smaLl secndry schl boys dey run up n dwn follow olamide. I'm sure many of dem no even knw Da Grin or reminisce songs. Wen u talk street n razzness in an interesting style, give it to reminisce. Da grin na their king. Olamide is actually d learner.
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by Fussbot: 6:04pm On Apr 28, 2013
Soso990240: conclussiòn:TRASH..u call Dagrin and samklef upcomin producers..u ar sick.hw many big producers Dagrin work? Sossick was his bro dat did most of his beats..yet they became hits.
id*ot!can u comprehend simple englisg @all?I said d big producer we can point 2 is samklef..id*ot..dagrin didn't work with big producers u said??idiot, sossick has bin producing songs for naeto c b4 u were born...4 ur info,sarz produced kondo...dr frabz also produced some songs including tank God 4 him and jay sleek 2 mention few...go and google ur facts before u argue wit me..id*ot
Re: Dagrin Vs Olamide: Who Raps Better by magnificentsk(m): 6:17pm On Apr 28, 2013
Dagrin was a soldier so call him akogun,

Olamide trows bomb in the air so call him afagun "terrorist"
Oya stop the comparison.

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