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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries (19140 Views)
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Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by hilli666(m): 7:43pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
What makes Nigeria one of the worst countries to reside in, is not the bad roads or the failing power sector, niether is it the poor health care system nor the detiorating social infrastrusture, Its the people! Yes you and I. We have failed woefully to utilize all the resources provided to us to do somthing tangible. We are lazy, Corrupt, cowardly in short the most indolent black species in sub-saharan west Africa. And if any one of you, who in blind patriotism choses to challenge this charges, I say unto you now! list one accomplisment since our independence in 1960. "500 billion dollars unaccounted for (Multiply that by 118 Naira, and the majority of the illiterate population can't even grasp the number) Thats enough money to eradicate poverty in the whole Sub-Saharan region. Nigeria didnt steal the money, Nigerians did. While the rest of us sit down and pray to God for help. F.Y.I God has blessed our country more than any other country in Africa. There is no major resource that can't be located in Nigeria. Yet we remain a third world country. Quoting from our North American brothers "NIGGA PUHLEASE" |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by ebelegirl(f): 7:57pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
Well, speaking as someone who has experienced both living in Nigeria and living abroad I will say that the main issue with Nigeria has to deal with the type of thinking the people possess as well a the role of the government. First, ALL nations have corruption--yes ALL!!! USA, U.K, Canada etc. The real problem lies in the fact that there is absolutely NO ACCOUNTABILITY present in Nigeria. For example say in the US, a politician obtains government funds to construct or fix a road. Now they may not create the best road (as they are supposed to) but a lesser road and pocket some of the money here and there. Now the same issue happens in Nigeria, the only difference is that the Nigerian politician not only fails to build a decent road HE/SHE does not even construct one at all!! They pocket the money right away and leave the people with nothing. The reason why the American politician has built the road- despite it being a little shoddy is because the politician is held accountable for his/her actions and hence, some standard. Who are the politicians in Nigeria accountable to? Certainly not the citizens and sure as hell not to other politicians. Secondly, I have to state that I have struggled with the kind of rationality that goes on in the minds of Nigerians. When I go home, I get sickened by the way people operate. You have to pay for anything to get done. You go to an office you have to pay for the clerk to see you. I am not saying all people are like this. I am just so sick of the whole "what do you have to offer me to get me to do what I AM SUPPOSED (and paid through employment) to do" mentality, the funny part is these same people complain about Nigeria yet they participate in and perpetuate the same things they are against. What impression is being made on a child who sees that his parents have to pay the guards/ police to prevent being harassed by the people meant to protect them. IMO, I luv Naija but sometimes we have to admit it is also a disgrace. Do not even get me started on the fact that one of the TOP oil producing countries in the world, guess what, RUNS out of OIL!!! Who does this make sense to ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by cybersleek(m): 8:33pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
Before this thread runs out of steam, i will also like to cast my lot into the fray. But, before i start, i will like to take a deep breath first. Hmmmmm! Good. Nigeria, like most of us know, is one of the most sorrowful (mis) adventures of the black race at self actualisation and indeed emancipation from whatever bondage the blackman has found himself yoked with, but unfortunately, if there is anything that the experiment known as Nigeria has thrown up, its that we blacks are incapable of getting anything right, much less governing ourselves. As a true patriot, i would love to say that everything with our "obodo Naija" is kosher, but then, i would have only succeeeded in joining those who chose to whitewash the real scenario. Also, having had the opportunity of living in the so called developed world for a couple of years now, i think i am qualified to make comparisms here and there, and to be honest, Nigeria is way down the bottom of the rung of development or otherwise, this is due in part to bad leadership, and also bad followership. Nigeria i dare say from the way i see it, was never an entity that was build to succeed, those who founded the country did so, not because they had the interest of the people at heart, but for selfish reasons, and this has countinued to plague us till this very day. But then, Nigeria is our fatherland, and if we all chose to run away because of creature comforts in another man's land, then who will change Nigeria? That is why, come a few months time, i will pack my bags and head back to Naija, to try to see what difference i can make in my own little sphere of influence, and with the words of Mahathma Ghandi ever reverberating in my ears, " Be the change, that you want to see in the world". So i guess without realising it, we can start changing Nigeria from this forum, we could even register a nairaland party, that my friends is change, and not stating what we all obviously know. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Nobody: 8:38pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
I am tired of the people of nigeria in general, my heart bleeds for that country, it seems all we do is talk about our dificiencies without acting on it. As a young nigerian in diaspora, all i am waiting for is for the old generation of corrupt government to be killed off, by a natural disaster, God or anyone. corruption is our NO.1 bane, to the highest level.we can sit here and analyze and give opinions all day, but i think what we should ask ourselves is what we can do for our country as citizens and not what our country can do for us. this is a fundamental ideology that rids the society or at least reduce significantly all the corruption, greed, zero accountability, lawlessness. I love my country with a PASSSION, but we definitely need a revolution to turn things around, we do! |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by hilli666(m): 9:30pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
cybersleek:Wisely said, I am with you on the level of change that is required. I just returned from Nigeria after one months stay, and was totally dejected by what I witnessed. I am currently back in the United States but hope to return back in June. You should think about joining politics. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by angeleses: 9:30pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
with all the above vituperations and passionately renders elizabethan discourses, noone has actually been able to conjure a set of reasons why people say the country is an anomaly - all the reasons postulated are reasons that are not myopically connoted to the country alone - same things abide in all other conglomerations called nations - from the developed to the undeveloped nations - these things are applauded, take China for example - is the human right abuse in Nigeria as gigiantic as it is in China? Is the yuletide of crime and apocalypse of murder in South Africa not worse than it is in Nigeria? Is ethnic rigmarole and economic conodrums not worse in Zimbabwe, Kenya, Egypt etc than it is in Nigeria? Is corruption not the same globally as it is in a federated entity like it is Nigeria - so - I still havent seen - what is uniquely a mis adventure for a country like ours - it shows visually that the condomium of problematic dexterity is in the way the people themselves has find it to reason - a reason that algeraically summarises to lack of patriotic zeal and lack of passionate patriotism in the part of the citizens - worse for it are those who have found themselves out of the entity. We all need a gigiantic overturn of our medula oblongata in a way that will bring a parallel recourse to egotism and remove every iota of obtuse hatred and return it to a condrum of applaudable patriotism - Nigeria is not yet uhuru - but I am certain that the way to uhuru is not paved with gold, it is a miniature of the biblical camel passing through the highway of the needle eye - we just have to concur to a change of patriotic aggradisement in a way that will bring political forwardness and economic upwardness. Reacting further, I summise that the maximal conflic and attitudinal egotism protrudes from those Nigerians that have found themselves out to other nations like America/Europe - these set of people out of their lampoonable parameters, resort to comparing Nigerian with these developed nations, they paste their thinking faculty with facades of good life, facades that block their mentality and they in adequately try to assuge everyone of the need for Nigeria to be in parallel algorithm with Nigeria - they forget with utmost recluse that Nigeria and these countries are not in the same league - they blind themselves with inimical obrobrium. They should be made to meticulously renege on their hell bent threat to undermine our loving country - it is a shame. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by 4Him1(m): 11:07pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
angeleses: No man wins a race by taking his eyes off the finish line and fixing it squarely on those behind him. Should we really be comparing our economy to that of Zimbabwe? Why is Botswana (with not a single drop of oil while we are the world's 6th largest producer) Africa's best economy? angeleses: If only grammar could develop a country, our own igodo megodo would have ensured Nigeria's safe passage into the comity of the world's most developed countries. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Cadet(f): 11:11pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
gasssssssssssssp! |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by tboy1(m): 11:26pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
angeleses: Did u purposely decide to write with all this grammar? |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Cadet(f): 11:41pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
;d ;d |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by DisGuy: 11:53pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
angeleses: We will vote for you ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 11:54pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
4 Him: LMAO!!!! welcome Back !!!! angeleses: Considering that earlier, I had posted thoughts on Nigeria and only Nigeria but you replied by trying to compare Nigeria with America, I think you should make sure you are not guilty of what you accuse others of doing. If you are trying to make a point, I suggest you make it instead of continuing to shoot yourself in the foot for no reason. It is clear to Nigerians and the world at large that the situation in that country has little of nothing to do with people demanding a perfect nation where we all know that that does not exist. The situation in that country has absolutely nothing to do with people living outside of Nigeria comparing it to other countries or whatever hunk you have tried to spew so far. The Situation in that country and many other black countries stem from internal issues that no matter where you are from and discuss it from still remains rooted inside of those countries and not on what happens or is from the outside. Try to approach this from the intellectual point of view and not from an emotional side. Those who live outside, many who decided that it was best for them to escape the backwardness that exists in that country are not to blame for the situation in the country. Neither are those who come out to tell it as they see it to blame for the situation in that country. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by vicade(m): 11:55pm On Apr 14, 2008 |
angeleses:Are you chris okotie in disguise ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by angeleses: 12:42am On Apr 15, 2008 |
Kobojunkie: I have been able to poke nose into what can be the similitude of the judicious parameter that can be responsible for the utmost contempt and rigid fahrenheit of hatred that you have shown to possess for the nation Nigeria - which you hate so much as to refer to as "that country" - and from my nose poking, I have come to summarily juxtapose the essemblage of all the patological lies you have colluded together and conclude that you have not offered anything cogenically beneficial to the conglomeration nomenclatured Nigeria - you have pointed so many harangues innuendoes which all point to the fact that patriotic zeal is not reciprocal - you have rubbished the words of men of yore which says - think of what you can do for your country - not what your country can do for you - Alas, all we wait to assuage from the country is to join in the deflating the fortunes of the entity by in a way only seeing to what can be gained and reaped from the country - and not what individuals can calculatedly oprobrate to the good fortunes of the country - may you have a change of heart. Reciprocated goodwill is necessary for utmost personal economic paralellism - if you dont express profound goodwill for the entity, how can the entity give you something in reciprocal kleptomnic suggestions?, that is in a give and take fashion? Patriotism astuteness does not only come when the entity is positively aggradised, patriotic zeal is a day to day requirement, even at the face of total collapse and economic doldrums, the citizens should still possess a patriotic zeal which has been totally eroded completely and will require a freudal change to make it a reality and escape the current nodal misaapropriation of personal zeal for the country. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by 4Play(m): 12:46am On Apr 15, 2008 |
@Kobo a.k.a LMAO I will stop referring to you as Kobo and refer to you instead as LMAO! ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 12:50am On Apr 15, 2008 |
angeleses: Here is the problem here, you started this thread asking people to state the reason why they think Nigeria is bad. Over the next 3 pages, many came in to give you reason after reason. Then you decided to take it on yourself to deem them all hateful people claiming they spew all that out of hate for the country, Nigeria. And I am not sure if you have amnesia or something but you started this thread and asked for the bad and you got exactly that. Why in the world are you acting all sanctimonious and pointing hateful fingers at them for giving you exactly what you asked for? Which is, by the way the same thing I did ![]()
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with what one can do for one's country. If you had bothered to spend time actually reading responses, both on this thread and those before, you would realize that people have been working on making things better in that country and continue to do so but the problems are so deeply rooted that mant have realized that until the main issues are actually dealt with, this conditions and situations will continue. Please spend time reading posts. Again, instead of trying to dissect everyone else and their thoughts, I still suggest you focus on making a point that is valid for you and allow others make theirs. If all you intended to do by starting this thread is to castigate everyone who replys with a view different from the one you have of the nation, then I suggest you add that from the start so those of us who have better things to do skip your threads instead. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by SamMilla1(m): 12:52am On Apr 15, 2008 |
we are supposed to be bad, too many tribes and too many smart people, too many greedy govt officials , |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by TheSly: 12:53am On Apr 15, 2008 |
I have been able to poke nose into what can be the similitude of the judicious parameter that can be responsible for the utmost contempt and rigid fahrenheit of hatred that you have shown to possess for the nation Nigeria - which you hate so much as to refer to as "that country" - and from my nose poking, I have come to summarily juxtapose the essemblage of all the patological lies you have colluded together and conclude that you have not offered anything cogenically beneficial to the conglomeration nomenclatured Nigeria - you have pointed so many harangues innuendoes which all point to the fact that patriotic zeal is not reciprocal - you have rubbished the words of men of yore which says - think of what you can do for your country - not what your country can do for you - ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by vicade(m): 12:53am On Apr 15, 2008 |
angeleses: You will make a very good speech writer. Too much grammar. Thank GOD for online dictionary. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Cadet(f): 12:57am On Apr 15, 2008 |
vicade: ®~^Sly^~®: vicade: tboy1: Stop! You guys are cracking me up! ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by abbeyart: 1:15am On Apr 15, 2008 |
@ angeleses, keep your head firmly in the sand and dream on!!!Alas, grammar will not sort out the problems of our once great nation (Nigeria), I say once more the masterplan of Nigeria has been lost long ago!!! And by the way dear angeleses what you got to offer the country? only grammar ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In fact angeleses I think say you don de colo ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by 4Play(m): 1:20am On Apr 15, 2008 |
Una dey take thread by his_grace a.k.a angeleses seriously? ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by mary09(f): 1:36am On Apr 15, 2008 |
I dnt tink Nigeria is dat bad cuz, I live in Georgia and weneva i remeba anything i use 2 do in Nigeria, I always miss ma homeland.SO Omo Nigga please be satisfied with wateva u got. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 1:38am On Apr 15, 2008 |
mary09: There is a difference between remembering what you used to do back there or missing home and Nigerian being in a bad situation. Even people who live in Hell at some time or another miss the life. That does not change the fact that hell is hellish and something needs to be done to make things better. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by MahdiL: 1:47am On Apr 15, 2008 |
We all know What is wrong with Nigeria, but how are we helping? by running away to other countries? An Agama lizard will not turn into an alligator in America Nigeria has major problems, but until we overcome our pretentious nature and repent from our money grabbing ways, we will keep deteriorating. But i am happy there is a light in every dark |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by TheSly: 1:50am On Apr 15, 2008 |
I dnt think Nigeria is that badI also do not think Nigeria is bad!. . . .I KNOW ITS BAD! I live in Georgia and weneva i remeba anything i use 2 do in Nigeria,Even if u move to another state in the same country. . . . . .You tend to miss your previous hood. . . Omo Nigga please be satisfied with whatever u got.Why don't u do me a favor by going back to Nigeria and ''be satisfied'' with the epileptic situation over there? |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 6:18am On Apr 15, 2008 |
Mahdi.L: The problem I have with people who tend to approach Solving Nigeria's problem the way you are doing is here is that it seems you have little or no experience when it comes to what actually goes on in that country. One or two repentant minds can only do so much. I mean you live in an environment where there are not enough resources available to people at the grassroots with great ideas and it is not as if you can go out there to bully people into changing their lives without actually having something solid to show them. Not all Nigerians are money grabbers. Not all Nigerians do not want change. Many do but the way things seem set up, they continue to be in the minority and their voices continue being drowned out by the many irresponsible people we have sitting in leadership roles in that country. Many of those who live outside did not run away. They decided to consider that maybe they could do better from outside of the country than from the inside. If you consider the amount of money pumped into the Nigerian market and economy each year by Nigerians living outside of the country alone, you would understand why they see things as being bad when so much money pumped in produces so little effect. |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by honeric01(m): 6:33am On Apr 15, 2008 |
Nigerian problems start and end with the citizens, you and i, our mentality and our lust for luxury and material things, that's the problem, now how do we solve that problem? |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by doyin13(m): 6:38am On Apr 15, 2008 |
@4 him Na real Igodo Megodo. . . . . . . . . . LMAO LMAO ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 6:51am On Apr 15, 2008 |
honeric01: But, I do not have a lust for luxury!!! so what then?? |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by honeric01(m): 6:57am On Apr 15, 2008 |
suggestion needed, we know naija bad, fine, what do we do to make it better? |
Re: Nigeria Is Bad - Nigeria Is Bad - What Is Bad About Nigeria Than Other Countries by Kobojunkie: 7:00am On Apr 15, 2008 |
honeric01: Demand change in government. This change is desperately needed for things to change from the ground up in that country. If you want to develop a business, you will find that no matter how good your idea, you will at some point hit the wall created by the system and possibly find your plan stalled cause of these problems for a long time. So many people have learned of these walls and so many have tried to break them down and have been met with serious fights from those we have in government. A lot of great ideas have gone down the drain cause of this. Until these problems are dealt with, I see the cycle continuing longer than it should. |
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