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You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time - Romance - Nairaland

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You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:25am On May 04, 2013
Whenever a man is cheating on his wife and the wife finds out, you men always tell her not to end the marriage and to take it to God in prayer. Well I would like to ask you male hypocrites a question. If you found out your wife was cheating on you would you

1. Throw her out of the house or

2. Take it to God in prayer, be honest

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Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by pleep(m): 7:26am On May 04, 2013
Not only would i throw her out, but her bastard kids aswell. grin

....cuz the lord knows those kidz aren't mine

86 Likes 8 Shares

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Decryptor(m): 7:31am On May 04, 2013
Girl...it's a man's world okay? That's why we do what we do! If ya don't like it, go for a sex change

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Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:35am On May 04, 2013
Decryptor: Girl...it's a man's world okay? That's why we do what we do! If ya don't like it, go for a Seeex change

Sorry hun, I'm in America, that shyt don't fly here. smiley

55 Likes 1 Share

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Nobody: 7:36am On May 04, 2013
hmmmm today must be my lucky day, am not sure who to bash first the OP for Generalizing or the misogynistic AssH**** ? oh well lemme start Everybody cheats, and if one is caught cheating its up to the other to take actions in their hands, I think the Book supports divorce under infidelity. also for the A.H comments seriously ? i wasn't expecting something less dumber than this

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by toshacer: 7:36am On May 04, 2013

Sorry hun, I'm in America, that shyt don't fly here.

OK. Ask the Americans the questions then.

168 Likes 11 Shares

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Nobody: 7:37am On May 04, 2013
It a man's world and there is nothing you can do about it.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Nobody: 7:39am On May 04, 2013
Also the option of taking things into prayer to me is quite equivalent to doing nothing. just saying


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:41am On May 04, 2013

OK. Ask the Americans the questions then.

I don't need to, I already know they can't throw her out of the house. cheesy


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by pleep(m): 7:43am On May 04, 2013


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:44am On May 04, 2013
pc guru: Also the option of taking things into prayer to me is quite equivalent to doing nothing. just saying

I agree with you, but that is what most of the men on this site tells the wife to do.

1 Like

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by pleep(m): 7:47am On May 04, 2013
pc guru: hmmmm today must be my lucky day, am not sure who to bash first the OP for Generalizing or the misogynistic AssH**** ? oh well lemme start Everybody cheats, and if one is caught cheating its up to the other to take actions in their hands, I think the Book supports divorce under infidelity. also for the A.H comments seriously ? i wasn't expecting something less dumber than this
Why dont you stop crying and whining about "misogynistic AssH****" And clean the se.men off your mirror.

Normal straight men are very intolerant of cheating, its in our DNA and was handed down by evolutionary biology.

Differences in mating strategies in the different sexes:


"Mating is close to the engine of the evolutionary process—differential reproductive success. As descendants of
reproductively successful ancestors, modern humans have inherited the mating strategies that led to our ancestor’s
success. These strategies include long-term committed mating (e.g., marriage), short-term mating (e.g., a brief
intimate encounter), extra-pair mating (e.g., infidelity), mate poaching (luring another person’s mate), and mate
guarding (effort devoted to keeping a mate). Since men and women historically confronted different adaptive
problems in the mating domain, the sexes differ profoundly in evolved psychology of mating solutions. These
psychological sex differences include possessing distinct mate preferences, dissimilar desires for short-term
mating, and distinct triggers that evoke intimate jealousy. This article reviews empirical evidence supporting
evolution-based hypotheses about these mating strategies. The study of human mating is one of the true “success
stories” of evolutionary psychology."

An unfaithfull partner is the biggest intimate turn-off for a man, while this is not so with women. Deal with it and grow up


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by toshacer: 7:48am On May 04, 2013

I don't need to, I already know they can't throw her out of the house. cheesy

Hmmmm. You mean Americans live with their adulterous women or men without considering divorce?


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:49am On May 04, 2013
pleep: I think the woman should throw the men out of the house if they catch him cheating. Why arent yall doing that?

I agree with you, and I think alot of these women are brainwashed by their culture. cry


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by pleep(m): 7:49am On May 04, 2013
^ no... they simply don't own the house.

lol grin grin grin

How you gunna cheat on a man while your living in his house?

27 Likes 3 Shares

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Nobody: 7:52am On May 04, 2013
pleep: Why dont you stop crying and whining about "misogynistic AssH****" And clean the se.men off your mirror.

Normal straight men are very intolerant of cheating, its in our DNA and was handed down by evolutionary biology.

Differences in mating strategies in the different sexes:


An unfaithfull partner is the biggest intimate turn-off for a man, while this is not so with women. Deal with it and grow up

breathe slowly my comment wasn't directed at you cuz i said its up to the other to take action at the cheating partner. i meant it for comments that were misogynistic


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 7:54am On May 04, 2013

Hmmmm. You mean Americans live with their adulterous women or men without considering divorce?

Sometimes, just like Nigerian women live with their cheating husbands without considering divorce.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by djeezy(m): 7:55am On May 04, 2013
khiaa: Whenever a man is cheating on his wife and the wife finds out you men always tell her not to end the marriage and to take it to God in prayer. Well I would like to ask you male hypocrites a question. If you found out your wife was cheating on you would you

1. Throw her out of the house or

2. Take it to God in prayer, be honest

It's because the man married the woman. Not because it's a man's world actually but because the man has a higher bargaining power. When a woman is unfaithful, it creates uproar.

1 Like 1 Share

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by outrage: 8:06am On May 04, 2013
[size=13pt]this is why you have got to love islam.

Its an obvious fact that men are naturally polygamous. That's why you have chance to fill out four slots, I mean with four wifes why would any one in their right sense cheat.[/size]


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Baritone(m): 8:07am On May 04, 2013
@OP, its a simple thing.. A KEY THAT OPENS MANY LOCKS IS VALUABLE THAN A PADLOCK THAT ANY KEY CAN OPEN .. I don't want to sound as a narccist here, but Really there's nothing prayer cant change... things may not be the same, but I believe you wont want to die in your bed cold...

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:07am On May 04, 2013
pleep: Not only would i throw her out, but her bastard kids aswell. grin

....cuz the lord knows those kidz aren't mine

What if the kids are yours, will you still throw them out aswell?
Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:13am On May 04, 2013
pleep: ^ no... they simply don't own the house.

lol grin grin grin

How you gunna cheat on a man while your living in his house?

This is a contradiction to your earlier post.
Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:16am On May 04, 2013
djeezy: It's because the man married the woman. Not because it's a man's world actually but because the man has a higher bargaining power. When a woman is unfaithful, it creates uproar.

Wrong!!! They married each other.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:28am On May 04, 2013
pc guru: hmmmm today must be my lucky day, am not sure who to bash first the OP for Generalizing or the misogynistic AssH**** ? oh well lemme start Everybody cheats, and if one is caught cheating its up to the other to take actions in their hands, I think the Book supports divorce under infidelity. also for the A.H comments seriously ? i wasn't expecting something less dumber than this

You are right, I should have said most of the men. I would like to say SORRY to the few good men on this site kiss,
and not everybody cheats and I am one who has never cheated, I would rather end the relationship than to cheat.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by Nobody: 8:31am On May 04, 2013

You are right, I should have said most of the men. I would like to say SORRY to the few good men on this site. kiss,
and not everybody cheats and I am one who has never cheated, I would rather end the relationship than to cheat.
Sorry my statement was contradictory, i meant anyone can cheat, given the ability to.
Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:32am On May 04, 2013
outrage: [size=13pt]this is why you have got to love islam.

Some men can have 6 wives and they still will cheat because they are greedy and want what they can't have.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:36am On May 04, 2013
pc guru:
Sorry my statement was contradictory, i meant anyone can cheat, given the ability to.

Yes this is true.
Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by djeezy(m): 8:40am On May 04, 2013

Wrong!!! They married each other.
like the saying, he who acquires has the right to dispose of. You are saying how it ought to be and I am saying how it is.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:43am On May 04, 2013
rafhell: It a man's world and there is nothing you can do about it.

Only in your world.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:47am On May 04, 2013
pleep: ^ no... they simply don't own the house.

lol grin grin grin

How you gunna cheat on a man while your living in his house?

When you get married you become as one, so what is his, is hers and what is hers is his.


Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by khiaa(f): 8:50am On May 04, 2013
Baritone: @OP, its a simple thing.. A KEY THAT OPENS MANY LOCKS IS VALUABLE THAN A PADLOCK THAT ANY KEY CAN OPEN .. I don't want to sound as a narccist here, but Really there's nothing prayer cant change... things may not be the same, but I believe you wont want to die in your bed cold...

It can only change if the cheating person wants to change. Sometimes it is better to end the relationship and move on.
Re: You Men Cheat On Your Wives All The Time by pleep(m): 8:52am On May 04, 2013

When you get married you become as one, so what is his, is hers and what is hers is his.
lol, just go to sleep.

Cheat if you want, just stop wasting nairalanders time


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