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2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic - Education - Nairaland

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2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by Hndholder(m): 10:51am On May 08, 2013
Higher National Diploma (HND) is obtained from Polytechnic schools, while Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) is obtained from Universities.
Polytechnic students in Nigeria have suffered due to unconstitutional dichotomy created by some disgruntled occultists in Nigeria for their own selfish interest. This act has gradually killed Nigeria technical education and caused this country more harm than good.Take a look at strugles of 1.7million Nigeria for less than 200,000 spaces in Nigeria university.
Some of these Discrepancies are as follows:
a) Inequality in salary Grade Level (HND:GL 07 & BSc:GL 08).
b) Security personnel; Bsc (Commissioned), HND (Non-commissioned)
c) Promotion; HND (maximum of GL 12), while BSc (Unlimited).
d) Banking/Financial institutions treat HND holders like slaves.
e) BSc holders employed as Admin staff, while HND holders are kept as cheap staff.
Some of the dangers imposed on organisations and this country at large are:
a) Unemployment for HND holders.
b) Nonchalant attitude in place of work.
c) Hiding of acquired/inherent ideas that could move Organisations and Nigeria higher.
d) Hatred among colleagues or comrades
e) Candidates now rush and lobby for University admission, thereby killing Nigerian’s technical education which polytechnic mainly offer.
If these could not be stopped, government should scrap Polytechnic education in Nigeria to avoid further frustration of visionary/brilliant Nigeria HND graduates.

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Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by SIRCLEAN(m): 11:12am On May 08, 2013
Higher National Diploma (HND) is obtained from Polytechnic schools, while Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) is obtained from Universities.
Polytechnic students in Nigeria have suffered due to unconstitutional dichotomy created by some disgruntled occultists in Nigeria for their own selfish interest. This act has gradually killed Nigeria technical education and caused this country more harm than good.Take a look at strugles of 1.7million Nigeria for less than 200,000 spaces in Nigeria university.
Some of these Discrepancies are as follows:
a) Inequality in salary Grade Level (HND:GL 07 & BSc:GL 08).
b) Security personnel; Bsc (Commissioned), HND (Non-commissioned)
c) Promotion; HND (maximum of GL 12), while BSc (Unlimited).
d) Banking/Financial institutions treat HND holders like slaves.
e) BSc holders employed as Admin staff, while HND holders are kept as cheap staff.
Some of the dangers imposed on organisations and this country at large are:
a) Unemployment for HND holders.
b) Nonchalant attitude in place of work.
c) Hiding of acquired/inherent ideas that could move Organisations and Nigeria higher.
d) Hatred among colleagues or comrades
e) Candidates now rush and lobby for University admission, thereby killing Nigerian’s technical education which polytechnic mainly offer.
If these could not be stopped, government should scrap Polytechnic education in Nigeria to avoid further frustration of visionary/brilliant Nigeria HND graduates.
Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by Hndholder(m): 12:17pm On May 08, 2013
Thank u my brother Sir. It is time to talk oooo
Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by Hndholder(m): 12:18pm On May 08, 2013
Government White Paper on the Report of a 17 member Presidential Committee on the Consolidation of Emoluments in the Public Service dated December 2006 .
The White Paper
Chapter 6 of the White Paper tagged, 'Recruitment Framework' revealed in Section 6.2
Entrants into the Public Service with HND do not have the opportunity to reach the highest grade even when they are found competent.
It is desirable for the purpose s of relativity that entrants into the Public Service where such Organization, Agencies, or Institutions operate HAPPS, HATISS must have the full opportunity to reach the highest grade if they are found competent
( Has competence any other definition in Nigeria than possession of Paper Qualification?).
Government Views and Comments.
Government accepts this recommendations and directs further that
(i). The undue dichotomy and ceiling on salary Grade Level/Rank attainable by Higher National Diploma holders should be removed.

These had always been the alibi being raised by the officials of the Head of Service, Federal Civil Service Commission and Some Federal Ministries for disallowing the HND holders from being registered or interviewed for promotion to GL 15.

Medium Term.
Note that the 'medium term' had seen some civil servants on GL 01-05 disengaged from service since 2007 whereas necessary actions had not been taken on the removal of the dichotomy and ceiling on salary Grade Level / Rank attainable by the holders of the Higher National Diploma or Technical Cadre Civil Servants.
The same White Paper, Chapter 6Sub-Section 6.2 covered the issue in question.

The recommendations, acceptance and approval of the contents of the White Paper of December 2006 were all the handworks of the same people
This meeting was held on Wednesday,27th September,2006,
the Federal Executive Council, considered and approved the draft White.

Is there any rational in denying HND Holders with an additional Post Graduate Diploma (PGD/PGDE) in securing Conversion to Officer's Cadre in the Civil Service?
It is a fact that both HND and Bachelor's Degree Holders (even with first class or third class ) with PGD are both acceptable for Master's Degree Programmes in Nigerian and Overseas Universities

The HND holders/ Technical cadre civil servants deserve to be promoted. The government should prove its sincerity for drafting the White Paper of December 2006 without any further delay
Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by vizboy(m): 1:14pm On May 08, 2013
Bros am with you on these. Am an ND holder but wrote jamb recently so that i can get admission into university. Because most job employers treat polytechnic result like trash. Just imagine you studied for 5 years become a graduate yet you cant get a good job in these country. WTF
Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by Hndholder(m): 1:48pm On May 08, 2013
It is time to close the Polytechnics which the Govt treat like secondary schools
Re: 2013 Jamb Result : Looby For University Admission And Death For Polytechnic by Hndholder(m): 11:02am On Jun 07, 2018
Is HND finally scraped?

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2014 JAMB Result And Cut-off Mark For UNN Post-utme Screening / Nigeria Top ten Conspiracy / Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi Releases 2014/2015 POST UTME Result.

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