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Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 8:28am On May 09, 2013
I was opportune to be a resource person at an IT lecture for young ladies. In preparing for this lecture I stumbled across articles publications that bother around gender equality, feminisms, sexisms etc.

It was my first time in a female only gathering, it turned out to be It an eye opener, I got to see the world from their perspective for a little while, I saw their strength, intelligence and essences in full display.

I have came to the conclusion that the female gender has a lot to offer if given the opportunity they truly deserve.

After this experience I left with the following questions: How can they fight for this opportunity and How should they manage it.

While pondering I came up with the following conclusions, observation and hard truths. Truths that challenges the some deep rooted ideologies that is already in existence. Which I believe need to be tackled if they are excel in their battle for equal rights.

1. Men and Women are not equals:- Most feminist I encounter are well versed about gender equality and they argue that men and women are equal, especially when it comes to intelligence and given that we are in a dispensation where what decides superiority is no longer physical strength but intelligence.

They believe based on this, they should be given equal opportunity, privilege and standing with men. The propagation of this premise has been a major hindrance to the snail like success of gender equality.

It is to be noted, that for two things to be equal they most share the same characteristics. Therefore this premise holds no water because of the wide difference in the biological make up and type of intelligence exhibited by both genders.

I think a better premise should be "Yes Men and Women are different but are both humans and as such women are entitled to their fundamental human rights, therefore should receive equal treatment unless there is a sound biological reason for a different treatment". This is what true Gender equality proposes … "excerpts from Wikipedia".

But on a closer look, this definition harbors a clause which is "unless there is a sound biological reason for a different treatment". This in my perspective has been the major bone of contention from both sides.

Because in what scenario or occurrences should females be given unequal treatment due to a biological reasons.

Now it is left women to engage intelligently with the world why there is no biological reason why they should be treated in certain manner in a given scenario, and fight against policies from this perspective instead of fighting their cause with false ideologies such as "Men and women are equal , What a man can do a woman can do better, Women more are intelligent that men", type of arguments, in general ideologies that have a an aggressive undertone. This leads me to my next truth

2. It's a Man's world… Deal with it:- During my lecture I bluntly told the women this truth. and I was met with angry stares , but this is not far from the truth. The world is controlled by men, they decide policies, and cultural tenets are mostly influenced by them. They dictate what "beautiful and sexy is", women constantly seek their approval in regards to their body and identity , This is something that has been going on for ages even before you were born.

And the truth is that there is little you can do.

Note that doesn't mean you can't do anything, But it simply means it really going to be tougher for you as a female when compared to your male counterpart. This understanding is necessary because it prevents you from seeing every man as the problem, instead you now see the system and the societal order as the problem, with this knowledge you now know which battles to fight, how to fight them and who to fight. Now talking about how to fight it, leads me to my third observation.

3. [size=15pt]The Word "Feminist" needs to be deleted from your dictionary if you really want to be heard more easily[/size] :- I get it a feminist means "one who advocates for equal social, political and all other rights of women as equal to those of men.

This definition on its own, is a good one. But over the years this word has had a negative connotation, I think this is because of the way some women in the past went about to advocate for equal rights. The Average man on hearing the word "feminist" see you as the enemy , who is out to attack his place as man in his world, a woman who wants to emasculate him, instead of a woman who is demanding she be treated fairly and equally.

The word "feminist" subconsciously in the mind of a man is synonymous to rebellion, stubbornness, a Man hater and in extreme cases a "woman who has excessive male genes and hates being a woman". Given the negative connotation it is becoming increasingly difficult for most women to fight for their right under this name or brand. Because of the invincible mental barrier that is immediately put up in the mind of a man when this word is mentioned.

I think the world "feminist" should be replaced with "modern woman" or "Woman Activist" or something cooler "Because the way you are perceived is the way you will be addressed." This leads me to my next truth.

4. A "Modern educated woman" is not synonymous to bitchy, stubborn, aggressive, overbearing controlling, and domineering:-

A trend I have discovered lately is that majority of women who are presently enjoying the freedom and opportunity that was fought for in blood and tears by women of old, is that they are presently abusing this freedom due to a myopic mindset and there ungrounded understanding of gender equality. They tend to see every contact with man as a battle for superiority, and they find joy in emasculating men, they can go to any length to try to prove an unnecessary point, just to prove that they are strong. This has lead to high divorce rates, and the slow progress rate, gender equality has experienced in the past 20 years and a host of other ills.

Such women are rarely taking seriously in the society, especially by their male counterparts.

"The truth is that no Gender is superior to the other, or inferior to the other, but instead they complement each other" Until both genders understand this. We'll keep fighting the wrong battles and getting no results.

This truth can make her understand that the reason a man is called head of the home is not to make you as a woman feel inferior but because he is well suited physical and mentally for this role given Our Present society, she will therefore look for ways to support him in his role instead of trying to contended with him,

Also the man gets to understand that even tho he is the head, his wife is partner and closest aide not a slave or punching bag and therefore should be treated with love, care and respect.

Also that a woman been your boss or president doesn't emasculate your as a man, because for here to be there she has proved with out doubt she got what it takes to rule.

I think a "Modern educated woman" is a woman who loves being a woman, believes her femininity is an asset, she is educated and know her right as a woman, and she fights for this rights respectfully, fairly and diplomatically.

On a final Note: Treat Men with respect they respond to it more. You don't have to be aggressive to get heard, diplomacy should be your best friend. Approach men with sound logic they respond to that more than emotions or guilt. Never directly threaten or question a man authority or attack his ego, instead try to make him understand where you are coming from.

Disclaimer: Solely my opinion and not a true representation of the entire male population and I stand to be corrected.

Do share your thoughts below, feel free to correct any misconception Cheers.

#Matthew Briggs

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Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by zentarr(m): 8:59am On May 09, 2013
...Space booked. Will brb. By the way Brillant piece deserves frontpage
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Nobody: 10:54am On May 09, 2013
If a feminist is someone who demands equal rights and equal opportunity, then the word should not only be left in the dictionary, but should also be celebrated. However, the feminists I know demand something more: equal representation. That is just as devious as it is silly because it insidiously sanctions the use of quota at the expense of merit. What is wrong if the most competent people are placed in positions they are fit for be they male or female? Feminism as it stands today, with its insane weapon - political correctness, are simply symptoms of a world going crazy.

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Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 12:38pm On May 09, 2013
NeoTesla: If a feminist is someone who demands equal rights, equal representation and equal opportunity, then the word should not only be left in the dictionary, but should also be celebrated. However, the feminists I know demand something more: equal representation. That is just as devious as it is silly because it insidiously sanctions the use of quota at the expense of merit. What is wrong if the most competent people are placed in positions they are fit for be they male or female? Feminism as it stands today, with its insane weapon - political correctness, are simply symptoms of a world going crazy.

Quite true.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by zentarr(m): 10:16pm On May 22, 2013
@ op your observations are quite true. But hard to swallow.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by tomakint: 11:10pm On May 22, 2013
@ OP, your perspicuous analyses on this topical issue of 'gender balance' portrays you a brilliant scholar that really master this topic with a class! First thing first, while I respect the female gender to a large and most times to an unbearable extent, I have come to discover that the term 'gender balance' being propagated by decision bodies and think tanks worldwide is nothing but a flawed doctrine because a man is distinctly different from a woman! Morphologically, intellectually, emotionally, radically, socially, spiritually and in creativity, if you pile these factors together and put them on a scale, men still towers above women in all spheres, this is not a means to pick on the female genders but just stating my own candid opinion! I love women because they make the world go round! cool

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Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 11:32am On May 23, 2013
tomakint: @ OP, your perspicuous analyses on this topical issue of 'gender balance' portrays you a brilliant scholar that really master this topic with a class! First thing first, while I respect the female gender to a large and most times to an unbearable extent, I have come to discover that the term 'gender balance' being propagated by decision bodies and think tanks worldwide is nothing but a flawed doctrine because a man is distinctly different from a woman! Morphologically, intellectually, emotionally, radically, socially, spiritually and in creativity, if you pile these factors together and put them on a scale, men still towers above women in all spheres, this is not a means to pick on the female genders but just stating my own candid opinion! I love women because they make the world go round! cool

Thanks for your insights and candid opinion Tomakint. On a side note, both sexes tower above each other in different settings, activity or strength. so we men don't tower above women in all Spheres but we instead compliment each other.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by UyiIredia(m): 8:15pm On May 28, 2013
Nice write-up.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 8:26pm On May 28, 2013
Uyi Iredia: Nice write-up.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by esere826: 9:57pm On May 28, 2013

move this to the familly section
I feel it would be a better platform to assess your points
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 10:00pm On May 28, 2013
esere826: @op

move this to the familly section
I feel it would be a better platform to assess your points

How do I do it.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 10:05pm On May 28, 2013
Chauvinistic bull crap. Men are not equal to women. Save all this for your wife and children, and make sure you let them read it everyday. If women didnt fight for their rights, i wonder if your mother, sister's, cousins and future female children would be able to speak and be heard. A woman is not equal to a man, but can carry your biased brain for 9months and give birth to you, yet you reward her with such a limited article. Next time in your article, clearly state the women in your family are not equal to men in their abilities. Stop spreading falsehood, as women we have come a long way and will keep prodding on. Look at the statistics, women keep winning while men keep going to jail in numbers. A small quiz for you: Which gender has the highest number of graduates, and is most employed these days? I just cant with this write-up. angry
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 10:22pm On May 28, 2013
baby_123: Chauvinistic bull crap. Men are not equal to women. Save all this for your wife and children, and make sure you let them read it everyday. If women didnt fight for their rights, i wonder if your mother, sister's, cousins and future female children would be able to speak and be heard. A woman is not equal to a man, but can carry your biased brain for 9months and give birth to you, yet you reward her with such a limited article. Next time in your article, clearly state the women in your family are not equal to men in their abilities. Stop spreading falsehood, as women we have come a long way and will keep prodding on. Look at the statistics, women keep winning while men keep going to jail in numbers. A small quiz for you: Which gender has the highest number of graduates, and is most employed these days? I just cant with this write-up. angry

Did you even bother to read and digest what I wrote... before jumping to uninformed conclusions... angry.

Try to see my logic and fault me if I am wrong with respect. Look at the paragraphs that contains my assertion.

I clearly stated that in one of My paragraphs ..."The truth is that no Gender is superior to the other, or inferior to the other, but instead they complement each other" Until both genders understand this. We'll keep fighting the wrong battles and getting no results.

Remember I stated that...A "Modern educated woman" is not synonymous to bitchy, stubborn, aggressive, overbearing controlling, and domineering:-

Men I tire.... women as so emotional for real... am cheesy laughing in Chinese
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by esere826: 10:24pm On May 28, 2013
Matthew briggs:

How do I do it.

Alert the mod to this (copying the threads url). They'll be more than happy to

Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 10:52pm On May 28, 2013
Matthew briggs:

Did you even bother to read and digest what I wrote... before jumping to uninformed conclusions... angry.

Try to see my logic and fault me if I am wrong with respect. Look at the paragraphs that contains my assertion.

I clearly stated that in one of My paragraphs ..."The truth is that no Gender is superior to the other, or inferior to the other, but instead they complement each other" Until both genders understand this. We'll keep fighting the wrong battles and getting no results.

Remember I stated that...A "Modern educated woman" is not synonymous to bitchy, stubborn, aggressive, overbearing controlling, and domineering:-

Men I tire.... women as so emotional for real... am cheesy laughing in Chinese

I read your write-up, tinged with a high level of sarcasm and high handedness. Doesnt take a lot to get all the hidden meanings. I guess slaves, gays and other minority groups should have put on their best clothes and sat down convincing people to give them a chance with soft voices and cooking their oppressors best meals and stroking their egos. Maybe you as a black man should have been submissive enough to wait till you are granted freedom to be a human being. Why the apartheid, MLK talks in baptist churches, MLK marches despite being humiliated and watered down with hoses, slave revolts and other struggles to get what you want. O, that aggressiveness should only be restricted to certain groups, as women are seemingly weaker than men, and should stay in the bubble where they are forever. They should be grateful that anyone has let them come so far. They can achieve more if only they will stop being aggressive. *yea, we know how well that has worked*
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by esere826: 10:57pm On May 28, 2013

I read your write-up, tinged wih a high level of sarcasm on high handedness. Doesnt take a lot to get all the hidden meanings. I guess slaves, gays and other minority groups should have put on their best clothes and sat down convincing people to give them a chance with soft voices and cooking their oppressors best meals and stroking their egos. Maybe you as a black man should have been submissive enough to wait till you are granted freedom to be a human being. Why the apartheid, MLK talks in baptist churches, MLK marches despite being humiliated and watered down with hoses, slave revolts and other struggles to get what you want. O, that aggressiveness should only be restricted to certain groups, as women are seemingly weaker than men, and should stay in the bubble where they are forever. They should be grateful that anyone has let them come so far. They can achieve more if only they will stop being aggressive. *yea, we know how well that has worked*

Interestingly, i get and suuport both the Op's point and yours too
I think they work hand in hand to achieve results
Something like Martin Luther King and Malcom X (thesis and anithesis) plying into the consciousness of the society
like hot knife through butter
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 11:00pm On May 28, 2013

Interestingly, i get and suuport both the Op's point and yours too
I think they work hand in hand to achieve results
Something like Martin Luther King and Malcom X (thesis and anithesis) plying into the consciousness of the society
like hot knife through butter

Isnt it funny that people that went through similar struggles, forget as soon as they think they have the advantage? Why as a Nigerian were his fore father's aggressive in their stand for independence? If they didnt fight for it, how many rights would he have had? Its sad how some men think they can get away with succinctly trying to put down one gender. If we allow things and articles like this to fly, they become enmeshed in the subconscious of everyone, and can end up taking the struggle for women back a 100years. Thanks for your objective post though. wink
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 11:14pm On May 28, 2013

I read your write-up, tinged with a high level of sarcasm and high handedness. Doesnt take a lot to get all the hidden meanings. I guess slaves, gays and other minority groups should have put on their best clothes and sat down convincing people to give them a chance with soft voices and cooking their oppressors best meals and stroking their egos. Maybe you as a black man should have been submissive enough to wait till you are granted freedom to be a human being. Why the apartheid, MLK talks in baptist churches, MLK marches despite being humiliated and watered down with hoses, slave revolts and other struggles to get what you want. O, that aggressiveness should only be restricted to certain groups, as women are seemingly weaker than men, and should stay in the bubble where they are forever. They should be grateful that anyone has let them come so far. They can achieve more if only they will stop being aggressive. *yea, we know how well that has worked*

Baby_123 there is no sarcasm in my post... but hard truths that most women wouldn't want to hear...

I am not against women fighting for there right, I am totally behind them... what I tried to highlight via my post is some ideologies that would help them in the fight... because i Have Discovered most women are fighting the wrong battles, the wrong people with often time the wrong ideology or mindset and still wondering why they are not getting any result.

FYI have no hidden meaning Like You Postulated... I implore you to highlight but mind you not out of context.

Note I ended my post asking readers to clear any misconception...
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 11:27pm On May 28, 2013
Matthew briggs:

Baby_123 there is no sarcasm in my post... but hard truths that most women wouldn't want to hear.

I am not against women fighting for there right, I am totally behind them... what I tried to highlight via my post is some ideologies that would help them in the fight... because i Have Discovered most women are fighting the wrong battles, the wrong people and still wondering why they are not getting any result.

And I ended my post asking readers to clear any misconception... As a person I always keep an open mind.

Let me ask you a question. Who are you to tell people how they should react or fight for their rights when you have no idea what it is to be a woman? You probably have no idea what it means to be discriminated against because you had no influence of the circumstances of your birth, age, race or gender? Drop your misconceptions and high handed advice. Employ women and encourage them. The seeds you sow today, your daughters will reap tomorrow. Women are no weaker than men, when you can push out a 7lb baby from a hole the size of a keyhole, come back and talk about strength. About our struggles and how we go about it, leave that to us women. We will go with what works, if in your mind that equals losing our femininity then so be it. Until you know what it is to be a woman, and the struggles then I suggest you save the uncalled for conclusions. Stop looking at women as a weaker vessel or sex object, maybe then, you will be able to see above and beyond your bias. Yes, this write-up is biased.

1 Like

Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 11:43pm On May 28, 2013

Let me ask you a question. Who are you to tell people how they should react or fight for their rights when you have no idea what it is to be a woman? You probably have no idea what it means to be discriminated against because you had no influence of the circumstances of your birth, age, race or gender? Drop your misconceptions and high handed advice. Employ women and encourage them. The seeds you sow today, your daughters will reap tomorrow. Women are no weaker than men, when you can push out a 7lb baby from a hole the size of a keyhole, come back and talk about strength. About our struggles and how we go about it, leave that to us women. We will go with what works, if in your mind that equals losing our femininity then so be it. Until you know what it is to be a woman, and the struggles then I suggest you save the uncalled for conclusions. Stop looking at women as a weaker vessel or sex object, maybe then, you will be able to see above and beyond your bias. Yes, this write-up is biased.

Everyone is free in regards to his or her opinion... like you stated I have no idea of what it is like to be a woman that very true... but point of correction I never see women as sex objects even when majority of them prefer to be seen as such... I know and respect the tremendous value they bring to the table at their place of work, family and society. Women are the pillar that holds a nation...infact the world indirectly revolves around them. I never see them as weaker, stronger or equal vessels. I see we both as vessels that compliment each other.

You think this article is biased... I think its objective like I said earlier we are all entitled to our opinions. It's been fun getting your candid opinion.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by coogar: 11:45pm On May 28, 2013

Let me ask you a question. Who are you to tell people how they should react or fight for their rights when you have no idea what it is to be a woman? You probably have no idea what it means to be discriminated against because you had no influence of the circumstances of your birth, age, race or gender? Drop your misconceptions and high handed advice. Employ women and encourage them. The seeds you sow today, your daughters will reap tomorrow. Women are no weaker than men, when you can push out a 7lb baby from a hole the size of a keyhole, come back and talk about strength. About our struggles and how we go about it, leave that to us women. We will go with what works, if in your mind that equals losing our femininity then so be it. Until you know what it is to be a woman, and the struggles then I suggest you save the uncalled for conclusions. Stop looking at women as a weaker vessel or sex object, maybe then, you will be able to see above and beyond your bias. Yes, this write-up is biased.

Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 11:52pm On May 28, 2013

Interestingly, i get and suuport both the Op's point and yours too
I think they work hand in hand to achieve results
Something like Martin Luther King and Malcom X (thesis and anithesis) plying into the consciousness of the society
like hot knife through butter

I agree with you observation. Both point views can work hand In hand I.e my objective and pragmatic view plus her passionate and aggressive view. Baby_123 I am not the enemy the fabric of the society is.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 12:13am On May 29, 2013
Matthew briggs:

I agree with you observation. Both point views can work hand In hand I.e my objective and pragmatic view plus her passionate and aggressive view. Baby_123 I am not the enemy the fabric of the society is.
Matthew briggs:

Everyone is free in regards to his or her opinion... like you stated I have no idea of what it is like to be a woman that very true... but point of correction I never see women as sex objects even when majority of them prefer to be seen as such... I know and respect the tremendous value they bring to the table at their place of work, family and society. Women are the pillar that holds a nation...infact the world indirectly revolves around them. I never see them as weaker, stronger or equal vessels. I see we both as vessels that compliment each other.

You think this article is biased... I think its objective like I said earlier we are all entitled to our opinions. It's been fun getting your candid opinion.

You are welcome, but in your naturally biased mind I am "aggressive and other choice words" but you are being "pragmatic etc", because you encountered a woman with a different and valid point of view. Open your mind. It was wonderful exposing you to other opinions. cheesy. You are not the enemy, but people like you fan the flames in your own little way, and try to sway the views of society.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 12:16am On May 29, 2013

What? Can you handle such a mental and physical exercise? Abi the description was too graphic. Iwo ntie "pulls coogar's ear" angry
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by coogar: 12:21am On May 29, 2013
What? Can you handle such a mental and physical exercise? Abi the description was too graphic. Iwo ntie "pulls coogar's ear" angry

but it begs the question - how did the baby get there? do women just eat like chickens and reproduce? grin cheesy
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 12:25am On May 29, 2013

but it begs the question - how did the baby get there? do women just eat like chickens and reproduce? grin cheesy

To you humping, moaning and spraying sp*erm in delight equals strength. Why don't you carry 7lbs for a few months and try to sh-ite it out? Maybe get a tear and they sew you up grin
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by coogar: 12:32am On May 29, 2013
To you humping, moaning and spraying sp*erm in delight equals strength. Why don't you carry 7lbs for a few months and try to sh-ite it out? Maybe get a tear and they sew you up grin

do you think it's easy to produce semën? if it is, i would like to watch you produce it. grin cheesy humping, moaning and spraying is no child's play. give us our respect!!!

1 Like

Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 12:32am On May 29, 2013

You are welcome, but in your naturally biased mind I am "aggressive and other choice words" but you are being "pragmatic etc", because you encountered a woman with a different and valid point of view. Open your mind. It was wonderful exposing you to other opinions. cheesy. You are not the enemy, but people like you fan the flames in your own little way, and try to sway the views of society.

I don't have an unfair preconceived opinion like you stated. And people like me fan the flames of reality and objectivity in our own little way... helping to sway ideals we think might help in your fight.

Yes its also wonderful Exposing and getting you to see things from a man's perspective. wink
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 12:40am On May 29, 2013

do you think it's easy to produce semën? if it is, i would like to watch you produce it. grin cheesy humping, moaning and spraying is no child's play. give us our respect!!!

Sperm already created by your body? This is like me claiming credit for producing spit. When you can stand the pain of a tear from your an*us to your scrotum, and all associated discomforts of pregnancy, come back and talk about strength. cheesy
Matthew briggs:

I don't have an unfair preconceived opinion like you stated. And people like me fan the flames of reality and objectivity in our own little way... helping to sway ideals we think might help in your fight.

Yes its also wonderful Exposing and getting you to see things from a man's perspective. wink

Sure, a man's perspective. Finally you admit. wink. This is womanly wiles working. You just dropped your acclaimed super intelligent argument on the floor. Lol, just joking.
kiss grin
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by coogar: 12:48am On May 29, 2013
Sperm already created by your body? This is like me claiming credit for producing spit. When you can stand the pain of a tear from your an*us to your scrotum, and all associated discomforts of pregnancy, come back and talk about strength. cheesy

it's no way near producing spit. all humans can produce spit but females can't produce sêmen. the discomfort of pregnancy is made obvious because women are the weaker sex. it can't be worse than a man suffering from blue bälls after getting a sumptuous lap-dance. we are men, we are not meant to moan. grin
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by Matthewbriggs(m): 12:55am On May 29, 2013

Sperm already created by your body? This is like me claiming credit for producing spit. When you can stand the pain of a tear from your an*us to your scrotum, and all associated discomforts of pregnancy, come back and talk about strength. cheesy

Sure, a man's perspective. Finally you admit. wink. This is womanly wiles working. You just dropped your acclaimed super intelligent argument on the floor. Lol, just joking.
kiss grin

Baby_123 womanly wiles indeed cheesy, I like Your style... Note I never proclaimed my argument as super intelligent... secondly it is also very clear it is from a man... therefore I am right to say it's from a man's perspective hence it was pragmatic and objective.
Re: Men and Women are not equals: - Briggs by baby124: 12:58am On May 29, 2013

it's no way near producing spit. all humans can produce spit but females can't produce sêmen. the discomfort of pregnancy is made obvious because women are the weaker sex. it can't be worse than a man suffering from blue balls after getting a sumptuous lap-dance. we are men, we are not meant to moan. grin
Really you equate blue b*alls to strength. Rotflmao. Coogar, there is nothing you cannot say to prove your point. No, women can't produce semen, like men can't produce eggs or carry a child for 9months and then give birth to it. Nor can they produce breast milk and feed a baby for however long the baby desires it. Being bitten with their sharp tiny teeth, clawed, poo'ed, peed on, vomitted on by this same baby. Huh! You equate 5mins of sexual urges to strength. Abeg, don't kill me with laughter. grin

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