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Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by fittty(m): 7:35am On May 13, 2013 |
The death of the young Nigerian (mr solomon) who was killed in the street of Malaysia which really made most people who have right sense to understand what is good from what is bad unhappy whit citizens of Malaysia mostly the Indian’s for the killing of an innocent man which led to people saying a lot of bad things about Malaysia. But to prove Africans wrong that not all Malaysian’s that have got negative mind or don’t like the Africans in Malaysia or any part of the world, a new African restaurant was open by a local Malaysian woman who calls herself MAMA G which is one big name in the Nigeria movie industry and want on naming her restaurant MAMA PUT RESTAURANT which is also a very common name in the food business in Nigeria kind of sounds interesting and she went on doing something that is not really common in Malaysia, she offered almost all kinds of Nigerian food free to all guests who came for the opening of the new African restaurant and she made a great move by making it mandatory to every local Malaysians, Indians, Chinese who made it to have experience of the Nigerians foods, with hundreds of Nigerians who said they have known her for some time now and she is not in any way a woman you will regret to have as a friend, some called her mama g some called her sister when we try asking her about how the idea of the names came up she laugh and said I be omo 9ja which means am a Nigerian child, my real 9ja friends gave me the name MAMA G and showed me the woman in a Nigeria movie and i think that was the first time it ever came to my mind that I could see Nigeria movie from then I started watching Nigeria movies online and as for the name I gave to my restaurant is just to hold that tag of Nigeria I have not been to Nigeria but I can tell strongly that they are people of good heart, respect one thing I really love about them is that they love helping people even if they don’t know you and they could also be bad sometimes but not as bad as people put it all over the news and right now am happy they are not letting me down but I still love my country Malaysia is the best for me hahaha, when she was asked about solomon’s death she said it’s sad i am a mother myself i will not love to talk about it as we all know the only way to help the family is to show them love so they can at list forget about this sad time no matter how hard it’s going to be ….wow sounds interesting we which you luck MAMA G..
Re: Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by chukxie(m): 1:48am On May 14, 2013 |
This is a nice development of coming from a Malaysian.I pray our people over there will not ruin her good initiatives by doing their 'hustling' at her restaurant. Best of luck in your business, Mama G! |
Re: Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by Geminilove(f): 3:09pm On May 14, 2013 |
Nice, However it probadly a front from a good Nigerian businessman/ woman. see |
Re: Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by ManTiger(m): 9:06pm On May 14, 2013 |
Will this strategy make the extra-judiciary killing stop? |
Re: Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by moses1983: 5:47am On May 15, 2013 |
Malaysia is now transforming.....we pray that things will be better for all Africans in Malaysia. And i also pray that they stop the racism and give employment to our brothers. |
Re: Malaysian Mama G Opens African Restaurant And Named It Mama put by jidewin(m): 1:25pm On May 16, 2013 |
fittty: The death of the young Nigerian (mr solomon) who was killed in the street of Malaysia which really made most people who have right sense to understand what is good from what is bad unhappy whit citizens of Malaysia mostly the Indian’s for the killing of an innocent man which led to people saying a lot of bad things about Malaysia. @ Ops..This is very encouraging and inspiring and i pray more positive news like this emanate from that part of the world.Unlike some african countries that tag Nigeria and Nigerians with anything and everything that is bad.I pray the bad eggs there wont be more in numbers compared to the good ones.Nice one ops.Proudly Naija. |
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Any Help With Eu Countires To Hustle , And Study PT... / Aside Marriage, How Can I Leave Nigeria For Us With A Us Citizen / Relocating To Australia Or Student Visa Or Tourism Visa
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