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XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft - Gaming (2) - Nairaland

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Ps3 ,xbox 360 ,ps4 And Xbox One Game Swap Zone / Microsoft Unveils New Xbox One Game Console / What If Apple Decides To Make Their Own Game Console? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 10:28am On May 22, 2013

That was my initial reaction. LOL

LOL cheesy
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by HARDEYLEKE(m): 10:33am On May 22, 2013
adaobi123: what ? angry angry angry angry I just got the xbox360 with kinect 10 months ago

Stop updating abeg undecided angry angry
hahahah c as u fall poster hand..
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by sucre2(m): 10:33am On May 22, 2013
Am definitely going for Sony ps4 but the problem i have with them is the price of their games. An ordinary FIFA CD cost N13,000 same as the price of FIFA13 on Psvita. That's something Sony should look into anyway SONY rules
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 10:35am On May 22, 2013
HARDEYLEKE: hahahah c as u fall poster hand..

Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Francheezy(m): 10:44am On May 22, 2013
so piple still dey play game

:O..xbox one kor
htc one nii
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by jmoore(m): 10:55am On May 22, 2013
adaobi123: what ? angry angry angry angry I just got the xbox360 with kinect 10 months ago

Stop updating abeg undecided angry angry

That's how they make money. Welcome to Business 101 wink
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 10:56am On May 22, 2013

That's how they make money. Welcome to Business 101 wink

I know undecided

But its annoying, thats why I avoid jumping on the iPhone wave grin


Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by TS2(m): 10:56am On May 22, 2013
Francheezy: so piple still dey play game

:O..xbox one kor
htc one nii

Dey der make pant dey wear you.

1 Like

Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by smajatt(m): 11:03am On May 22, 2013
still prefer gaming on pc,better than consoles
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by TableLeg(m): 11:03am On May 22, 2013
Not a fan of XBOX and will never be!
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 11:06am On May 22, 2013
Table Leg :
Not a fan of XBOX and will never be!

Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by israelboy1(m): 11:21am On May 22, 2013
I am addicted to playing bounce, pls does this exbox or xbox have bounce?
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by SilentCrescendo: 11:32am On May 22, 2013
Oh dear, now I'm torn between getting this and the PS4(when it gets released)........ I hope I make the right decision. cry cry
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by 50calibre(m): 12:02pm On May 22, 2013
adaobi123: what ? angry angry angry angry I just got the xbox360 with kinect 10 months ago

Stop updating abeg undecided angry angry

Oh! The doctor advised that you buy it along with a kinetic for weight loss purposes right? So you could finally get up the couch and do something?
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 12:04pm On May 22, 2013

Oh! The doctor advised that you buy it along with a kinetic for weight loss purposes right? So you could finally get up the couch and do something?


Do I look fat to you ? grin undecided
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by 50calibre(m): 12:13pm On May 22, 2013


Do I look fat to you ? grin undecided

Absolutely not, you look perfect. Don't mind me I was just trying to wind you up.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 12:17pm On May 22, 2013

Absolutely not, you look perfect. Don't mind me I was just trying to wind you up.

I know tongue
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by westcodes(m): 12:21pm On May 22, 2013
The PS3 was/is a great machine, hopefully the the next gen PS4 will be too, if not I'm switching to Xboxone. And what's this rubbish about PS4 been "Always on"? Not everyone has 24hrs internet, Skyrim was a massive failure, dey no dey learn?
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Kaycee7(m): 12:36pm On May 22, 2013
Am definitely going for Sony ps4 but the problem i have with them is the price of their games. An ordinary FIFA CD cost N13,000 same as the price of FIFA13 on Psvita. That's something Sony should look into anyway SONY rules
From news around the net, PS4 games should be cheaper than PS3 games.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by prodam(m): 1:04pm On May 22, 2013
Microsoft!!!>> forward ever
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by claremont(m): 1:07pm On May 22, 2013
I have never really understood the fascination with gaming, maybe it's because I'm just a grumpy old c-unt.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Skywalker5(m): 1:31pm On May 22, 2013
Not bad. i hope its not too expensive sha. People are already going to game stores to put deposit down here.

people love games here. i had friends who stayed up to watch the whole presentation live.
i hope the hype is worth it
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Nobody: 1:35pm On May 22, 2013
That was exceptional. I watched it on my Nokia Lumia Next Generation live of XBOX revealed yesterdy. If Microsoft can pull this off using voice commands in all ramifications in this XBOX ONE next generation console ,which is different from previous XBOX, there is great hope it will outperform PlayStation very soon.

I just hope it turns out to work as they are trying to tell us.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by arbitrage: 3:12pm On May 22, 2013
Watch the over 1 hour launching/expo video on the XBOX ONE here:
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by bigiyaro(m): 3:41pm On May 22, 2013
Looks 4kin ugly jawe. Ps3 for life.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by imperiouxx(m): 4:53pm On May 22, 2013
Okija juju: Finally!!! I have something to put on my Christmas wishlist to my wife.

Sadly!! My kid brother will also put this shit on his Christmas wishlist to me.. angry

When is the PLAYSTATION 4 coming out sef..

End of this year. I don pre-ordered mine.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Tbase2: 6:35pm On May 22, 2013
Okay it be like say na rich boys and girls nain yapa for here all you dey say una go get it with out knowing the price if ona don finally get tam abeg make una pity poor boy like me wey still dey stock playing psp give me una psp3 xbox360 or vita or you can sell it for me at a considerably low price wey a poor boy like me can afford END OF RANT THANKYOU AUREVIOR ARIDAVECIEH AUDIOS BYBY
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by smajatt(m): 6:59pm On May 22, 2013
Okay it be like say na rich boys and girls nain yapa for here all you dey say una go get it with out knowing the price if ona don finally get tam abeg make una pity poor boy like me wey still dey stock playing psp give me una psp3 xbox360 or vita or you can sell it for me at a considerably low price wey a poor boy like me can afford END OF RANT THANKYOU AUREVIOR ARIDAVECIEH AUDIOS BYBY
lol i dey interested too oooo
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by sucre2(m): 9:01pm On May 22, 2013
From news around the net, PS4 games should be cheaper than PS3 games.

I hope so am just scared of Sony making the console cheap and increase the price of the games. I hope this is not the case of PS4.
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by 25omega(m): 9:20pm On May 22, 2013
So here is whats going on with the xbox one
1. there is no backward compatibility (meaning you can't play your 360 games)

2. There is no game sharing and every game must be installed like a pc game ( meaning if your friend is done playing a game you can't play it on your xbox one without paying a fee to do so)

3. your Xbox one must be connected to the net to get updates and if you don't have those updates or net connetion you won't be able to play your games

4. xbox kinnect 2 has to always be connected and it is always listening (meaning even if your xbox is off your kinnect 2 will be on and connected to the net with it's camera)

5. All the TV and multimedia stuff that comes with the xbox one is only going to be available in the U.S and you will also need to buy some other box to hook up to the xbox for it to work

6. The xbox one has a 500gb hard drive which you can't replace yourself and they want you to install every game you play on it. This means your xbox HD will be filled in a short time

i didn't buy a ps3 but i will def buy a ps4 because i am no longer dealing with xbox
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by Revolva(m): 10:58pm On May 22, 2013
grin nice but xbox...well...we no need am we want xbox 720 ...a rival for ps4..ok oga Bill Gates
Re: XBOX One Game Console By Microsoft by samir101ng(m): 11:03am On May 23, 2013

Nice analysis. It seems Microsoft made a strategic decision not to invest too heavily on the gaming aspect of the console and instead concentrated on being the media device to go to for all your entertainment needs. The inclusion of a blu ray drive and 4K HDMI resolution definitely helps in that regard. Check out Anandtechs comparison between the PS4 and XBOX ONE

XBox One Specs:

- 8-core AMD Jaguar CPU
- 12 CU/768 SP AMD GCN GPU
- 8GB DDR3 system memory
- 500GB HDD
- Blu-ray drive
- 2.4/5.0GHz 802.11 a/b/g/n, multiple radios with WiFi Direct support
- 4K HDMI in/out (for cable TV passthrough)
- USB 3.0

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