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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Islam for Muslims / POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! (2008 Views)
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Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by vedaxcool(m): 6:07pm On Jun 11, 2013 |
bobthebuilder99: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So Pew is nonsense? Fine and good, so why have u been quoting from a nonsense source? ![]() ![]() Someone is preparing to cry, just make sure u have a band of tissue paper around! Thanks for the link, the graph posted came from the same pew u have so eagerly quoted! 83% of Nigerians muslims are concerned of extremism rendering the entire report almost nonsensical, where did the 49% which favourably view(not supported) al qaeda? Come from? No sensible response have been provided! 1 Like |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 1:06am On Jun 12, 2013 |
vedaxcool: I know the report hurts your feelings. That is understandable, but you are just embarassing yourself now. The issue you have raised has been explained already. Just because you don't like the truth, doesn't change it. Someone who describes themselves as a fundamentalist in a struggle with modernists, who supports chopping off hands, can freely say that they are concerned about extremism. The sad truth is that an "extremist" to them will be anyone who preaches that hands shouldn't be chopped off. Rather than screaming about vague notions of extremism that are different for every person, why don't you discuss the very specific beliefs that Naija Muslims hold. Everyone has the same definition for what cutting off hands means, so lets talk about why 65% support it. Or, you can just keep shaking and shivering and repeating yourself like a lost boy. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by vedaxcool(m): 7:42am On Jun 12, 2013 |
^^^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() S[b]cientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story Now should we continue twisting the questionnaires to suit our on interpretation? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 1:50pm On Jun 12, 2013 |
vedaxcool: ^^^ Clearly this poll has rattled you like a little girl and you are crying, hoping for your lies to save you. ![]() Not going to happen. Whenever you actually come to Nigeria, I recommend not sharing any of your modern views so that you stay alive long enough to make it back to oyinbo land. ![]() ![]() ![]() Don't steal either, unless you want to leave your hands in Borno state! ![]() ![]() |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by deols(f): 7:02pm On Jun 12, 2013 |
AbdH: I and all the Muslims I know did not take part in the poll or at least they never mentioned it and I know they would have if they had been questioned. This statistics is a lie! me neither nor anyone I know of. 1 Like |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 7:33pm On Jun 12, 2013 |
deols: We live in a country of 170 million people and you expect to know about every poll? Na wa o! |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by BetaThings: 9:06am On Jun 13, 2013 |
bobthebuilder99:Ok. There are millions of Nigerian muslims Where are these millions that love Al Qaeda and yet bombs are not going off everyday If you apply logic, you require far less than 10,000 people to have a suicide attack per day in a 365-day year! bobthebuilder99: If Maclatunji was honest, he would put this thread on the front page, but he is probably already shaking as well.If you were honest, you would address the inconsistencies in the "poll" Of course, clutching at straw is a good strategy for the desperate Some people don't really believe in honesty |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 6:57am On Jun 14, 2013 |
BetaThings: The only inconsistencies in this poll are in your desperate minds. Pew is one of the oldest and most respected polling companies on the planet. Their polls are used by leaders all over the world to make decisions about government policy. They spend an average of $100,000 producing each poll. You can look this up for yourself. Stop crying about the poll and actually discuss what the poll says. |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by BetaThings: 5:16am On Jun 15, 2013 |
bobthebuilder99: So an old organisation cannot make error? I have seen pew reports before. Fox news made elementary statistical error in that video buy you say it does not matter. Why? A statistician whose reputation we know says it does and her argument can be understood easily, but a faceless poster on Nairalander say it does not and does not advance any argument in support of that position Please tell us why How come a lot of experienced statisticians (Like Rasmussen) did not see what Nate Silver saw Ponder over this from a sample of 100, 49 approve of Al Qaeda. This same group cannot fear extremism because even if they consider Al Qaeda non-extreme, nothing can be more extreme than Al Qaeda methodology Hence not more than 51% can fear extreme But in your "sacred" report 49% + 83& is equal to 100% Address this Desperation is not raising valid doubts about a report Desperation is first determining that Islam must be smeared then looking for all sorts of data, credible or otherwise, logical or not, to do accomplish the job by! 1 Like |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by alexis(m): 10:33am On Jun 15, 2013 |
Metallurgist: One man terrorist is anoda man's freedom fighter, alqeada fight the united state that makes killing muslims in our lands like sport, logicaly the enemy of my enemy is my friend, its the after effect and barbarity of america war to control muslims resources and lies especially that of iraq on how saddam soppose weapons of mass destruction, the daily killing of muslims in pakistan, the cases of black water( a millitary contractors) bought to iraq to fight as U.S soldiers that make alqeada appalling to who eva despise tyrany and oppression not just muslims Did America attack Saudi Arabia? Osama formed Al-Qeada, why did he attack America? When Iraq invaded Kuwait, why didn't Osama and his mujehadeens go to liberate the Kuwaitis? 1 Like |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 11:25am On Jun 16, 2013 |
BetaThings: Fox News has nothing to do with anything I wrote. The statistics about extremism and the statistics about approval of Al Queda are not the same thing. There is absolutely no reason in the world that they should have to add up to 100%. This has been explained about four times already on this thread. Go back and read the previous posts until you understand what is going on. |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by BetaThings: 2:42pm On Jun 16, 2013 |
bobthebuilder99: Nobody including yourself is proving your point. Because you really have no point. Mandela was once called a terrorist by some countries. Some of those countries did not see invasion of Iraq as an act of terror. Meaning the same people can hold different opinions on different phenomena (Mandela and Iraqi invasion) But on the issue of Islamic extremism which is virtually synonymous with AL Qaeda, an Alqaeda symphatiser does not see the group as fanatical. But that symphatiser cannot fear extremism in Islam. Because what methoodology is the extremism than Al Qaeda's? A corpse cannot fear death bobthebuilder99: Criticised by almost every Nigerian? Almost every will mean at least 85% (and this is to give you some latitude) Really? the way you use statistics is very very dangerous. More Nigerians live in rural areas than in urban areas. And you think they heard of ALUU 4 issue? If you argued like this normally, one should fear you Anyway, my point is that seeming abhorrence of lynching is insincere. Nigerians love instant justice! ALUU 4 ("necklace" ![]() bobthebuilder99: Including those who did it in Surulere in Lagos in broad daylight not minding the presence of Tv cameras? One of the most urban areas of Lagos (the most cosmopolitan city in Nigeria)? Given that the matter involved kidnapping, you can be sure more people who are now aware of increase in the rate of kidnapping would support lynching kidnappers. At least 1 state has already legislated death penalty for them! bobthebuilder99: Of course non-muslims view the acts as babaric and that is why they continue to do it. These people who view lynching as babaric actually went ahead to lynch muslims and eat them openly in Jos. They even filmed it! So what is more babaric? lynching or cannibalism? bobthebuilder99: where are these majority? The newspapers must be awash with people who are being killed by these majority? Yes these advocates of killing converts are so many that the minority who don't support their views even intermarry with non-muslims without any harm and even become governors So much for the majority! I can see that you easily project your views as statistical evidence You don't seem to have much regard for facts bobthebuilder99: So we cannot find a single one who support killing! We will find plenty who believe in cannibalism and will openly do it on camera So since according to you they don't believe in killing people but love cannibalism do they eat their victims alive or procure others to kill for them so that they can have their feast of the skin of Muslims? bobthebuilder99:Most people who consider speak against opponents of homo-malady are using arguments originated from foreign countries. They are not in touch with the Nigerian culture. I cannot see anyone going to his village to break the enlightening news that he is homo-sick bobthebuilder99:Policemen kill armed robbers extra-judicially and we know and live with it. But we pretend that death penalty is wrong and barbaric bobthebuilder99: You would not find any, my great researcher, because you are biased! Here is it by the way Since it is coming from your ever-reliable Pews, do you now believe that 70% of Christians want Nigeria to be governed according to the law of the Bible? bobthebuilder99: We were sure of a lot of things until recently! No one in the poll supported the cutting of hands! No one, muslim or Christian!! No one The Muslims said they wanted Sharia; and the Christians wanted biblical law So what are the punishments for blasphemy, being a witch, apostasy in Christianity/Bible? bobthebuilder99: Proof? Just tell me what the Biblical punishments are for being a witch, apostasy, blasphemy, lying? "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" bobthebuilder99: Cannibalism is tolerance? Not allowing Muslims in River State University to have a place of worship is tolerance? Claiming that this country is about to be Islamised, protesting that Islamic Banking will lead to polarisation, railing against Shariah in Zamfara and other states but (1) keeping quiet when Plateau declared itself a Christian state, (2) opposing the move by the Nigerian Stock Exchange to have an Islamic index along with other indices and (3) inveigling the presidency to commission National Christmas Tree funded by tax payers money are acts of tolerance? Shouting that Spreading Christianity by violence in Iraq is tolerance?
Interpreting every negative act done by a Muslim as being derived from Islam is tolerance? Giving a negative slant whatever is done a muslim while condoning similar acts done by Christian is tolerance bobthebuilder99: Are clearly?[/b]You are so sure of this poll that I can safely assume you participated in its conduct Now this your excellent understanding of the issues (which I lack) was at par with those of the respondents to the poll I am assuming you were there when it was being explained to them because a representative sample of Nigerian Muslims must include illiterates [b]But if you are happy with JTF, would you also fear their activities? Nobody is saying that everyone who supports criminals or JTF would like to carry gun. But you cannot fear what you support if the existing methodology itself is already the subject of a study bobthebuilder99: Brilliant sophistry I want you to address these 1. So where are the 49% who support Al Qaeda. They cannot be part of the 71% surely. With 49% (49 out of 100) already accounted for as supporters of Al Qaeda (which is your interest given the title of this thread) in support of Al Qaeda, you cannot have 71% worried about extremism 2. In these days of Al Qaeda, people are not really worried about non-violent groups per se but the possibility of their morphing into a violent sect. 3. Now is sufism violent? If not, what is the use in putting them in another class after accounting for both violent and non-violent groups? 4. Do you really believe that when Pew conducts its research it is really concerned about people who want to fast everyday, never leave the mosque, don't look at women, refuse to work with women or any form of non-violent "extreme act"? They are interested in tell-tale signs of potential for violence. bobthebuilder99:Show me how they are straw men! It is no use mentioning a term without demonstrating its relevance Let me point out the relevance of the videos The first video at 4.02 showed So how do you explain this statistics. Will one person have two votes? bobthebuilder99: How did you know he is in the minority? You can be granular in analysing fear of extremism but on this issue, all muslim are in the same group! Strange I also say you are in the minority in Christianity in saying that heresy and witchcraft should not be punished with burning at the stake |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by bobthebuilder99(m): 3:37pm On Jun 16, 2013 |
I know that this poll must be scary for those of you in the diaspora. Lets be serious Betathings, you do NOT live in Nigeria. You have absolutely no idea what is going on here. You know what makes me 100000000% sure? The fact that you included videos in your comment, and that you mentioned watching another one earlier. The internet is SLOOOW here. I lived in the US for a while, so I know the difference. I CANNOT watch videos on my phone, because it will take too long. Most people can't, simply, because the cost is too high. Since you don't even live in Nigeria, your opinion and denials are irrelevant. Now I know you will lie and tell me you live in Nigeria, but we are not dumb. It is obvious to anyone that actually lives here that you are a fraud. Naija is not some fantasy land, like the US, or Europe. Terrorist actually live here. They actually kill people. And they actually have support among the general population. Save your stories for your mother. Pew performed this poll beautifully, and truthfully. You can whine about the poll all you want, but even I can show you people that make excuses for terrorists in this country. It is not hard. Dozens of people were murdered when that Innocence of Muslims Youtube video came out. It wasn't extremists that killed them, but everyday Nigerians. I have heard people justify those killings. You are a fraud and frankly, you disturb me. Even in the South West, I know that there are human parts dealers that will kill me if given the chance for the equivalent of $20 US dollars. Nigeria is REAL bro. This is not one of your mothers stories. |
Re: POLL - 49% Of Naija Muslims Support Al Qaeda! by BetaThings: 8:43pm On Jun 16, 2013 |
bobthebuilder99: I know that this poll must be scary for those of you in the diaspora.I am sure that this how you have jumped to so many conclusions I will tell you where the potholes are on 3rd Mainaldn bridge I still saw the road being dualised along College road in Ogba Yes, I passed in front of Orchid hotel, Lekki last week and I did not pay at the second toll point Yes, that Ozumba Mbadiwe construction work is ongoing bobthebuilder99: I actually don't exist, I am a robot. So what are they doing with those smart phones. And we know they watch films on them? bobthebuilder99: Of course terrorists have support. MEND too But 49& is just too high and that is what you are hyping! bobthebuilder99: Christians are intolerant and crude One of the dangers of discussing with you is the abuse you fling at parents and revered figures bobthebuilder99: Just like Bush did on Saddam's WMD bobthebuilder99: Looks like killing is something you could do in your everyday life For me killing someone is extraordinary And when that person is innocent, it is scary. Let me tell you, I will not risk hellfire because of the blood of some annoying but harmless christian Given the way you project your hate to others, you are more fearsome If you pause to think about it, you will know that having 49% support extremism of BH is very very scary even if we had 10million muslims, 4,9million supporters of BH will lead to intractable violence You may relish it' I don't think. You need less than 10,000people to have a daily incident of suicide bombing? bobthebuilder99: Please provide evidence for the justification We know even in Nairaland, MEND is admired. Is that not a problem? I know that all over Nigeria, there are people who will kill for money, muslim or Christian, Yoruba, igbi, Hausa etc That much was said during the Friday sermon early in March at the 1004 mosque Did you know that whatever happens, Asari has promised to match the North bullet for bullet? Is it part of what we should be serious about? |
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