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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! (6688 Views)
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Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by twinstaiye(m): 4:00pm On May 19, 2006 |
I am Liberal Liberals usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles. Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 20%. Do I fair well |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by NduGod(m): 4:48pm On May 19, 2006 |
that very nice am a libertarian ![]() |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Mariory(m): 8:07pm On May 19, 2006 |
Centrist. CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice. Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind, tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems. Your PERSONAL issues Score is 50%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 40%. [img][/img] |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Mariory(m): 8:13pm On May 19, 2006 |
@Seun Smoking is not a victimless crime. Smoking inflicts more harm to those around the smoker than the harm the smoker is doing to him/herself. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Seun(m): 8:19pm On May 19, 2006 |
I agree |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by goodguy(m): 8:35pm On May 19, 2006 |
[center]Centrist here! ![]() Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 50%.[/center] |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by 4Play(m): 8:55pm On May 19, 2006 |
@Seun Thanks for starting this thread. I am a moderate conservative.I am right wing on most issues.I beleive in small govt.I think big govts are only good at wasting money hence I am against the welfare state.I think small govt fosters enterpreneurship and economic dynamism in a nation. I beleive in the free market and free trade.The failure of statist economies is there for all to see.The less govt regulation in a contry the more prosperous it becomes. I tend to see myself as socially conservative since I am against abortion and the recognition of gay marriages. because I am a conservative,I am very pro-American and view with disgust the virulent anti-amercanism that plagues the world today.If people think America is a force for evil,wait till China becomes the World superpower. I am also a keen supporter of President Bush . |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by bagoma(f): 9:29pm On May 19, 2006 |
i am a[b] centrist.[/b] personal score 40% economic score 60% |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Akolawole(m): 2:17am On May 20, 2006 |
@Everyone Sorry folks, i am a Liberal ( just misreading of the point of intersection) , very very close to Centrist though. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by nwaigboannoying: 10:36am On May 20, 2006 |
I consider myself to be Centrist not sure which other side I might lean, I disagree with any government that oppress the poor or in the case of Nigeria wretched people, |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Christino(m): 3:40pm On May 20, 2006 |
U gotta be kiddin me, i'm Liberal - fux d Govt and his politics! |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by WesleyanA(f): 1:42am On May 21, 2006 |
I'm liberal (obviously). @ Seun, you're for laissez faire? that sucks. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by mamaput(f): 8:14am On May 21, 2006 |
centrists |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Nia: 11:40pm On May 21, 2006 |
hmnn, I'm a Centrist. I guess it correlates, since I've always been an independent. Your PERSONAL issues Score is 50%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 50%. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by marvin007(m): 6:04pm On May 25, 2006 |
Am a centrist moving, I know I argue a lot but i always argue with reasoning |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Seun(m): 8:43pm On May 25, 2006 |
Libertarianism. The belief that government should not interfere in the lives of citizens, other than to provide police and military protection. Libertarianism cannot easily be placed on the left-right scale that is usually used to analyze political philosophies. Libertarians are strong supporters of capitalism and free trade and yet also tolerant on social and lifestyle issues, which are considered none of the government's business. The basic philosophy is "live and let live." -- iAmericanSpirit Political Dictionary What's there not to like about it? ![]() |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Ka: 11:02pm On May 25, 2006 |
Libertarian. It's all about freedom. Why should I poke my nose in other people's business? And why should they poke their nose in mine?
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by GL(f): 1:03am On May 26, 2006 |
Seun: Does that mean that everybody sets his own laws? No rules? |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by DaHitler(m): 1:22am On May 26, 2006 |
GL, they believe everyone basically gets as much freedom as possible as long it does not negatively impact the lives of others. So, things like a ban on gay marriage or certain religious sects (As long as they are not hurting others) would not be tolerated by Libertarians. Personally, I don't like the libertarian mind-set. It is almost as if they assume that people are naturally good and can some how be trusted to make right decisions. It is my understanding that people that do not adhere to natural laws (i.e. not living nude out in the woods) are corrupted and therefore cannot be trusted to make untainted decisions. Hence, I would rather a fair and just government make the rules that all should follow. Yes, you lose some personal freedoms in a Statist State, but the collective glory of the State would be compensation enough. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Ka: 2:18am On May 26, 2006 |
GL, they believe everyone basically gets as much freedom as possible as long it does not negatively impact the lives of others.Yep. So, things like a ban on gay marriage or certain religious sects (As long as they are not hurting others) would not be tolerated by Libertarians.Yep. Personally, I don't like the libertarian mind-set. It is almost as if they assume that people are naturally good and can some how be trusted to make right decisions.I'm not clear what you mean when you say "make the right decisions". Do you mean "right decisions" for themselves? If so, it's not so much about being trusted to make the right decisions, it's more about having the freedom to learn by trial and error what the right or wrong decisions are. After all, nobody knows you better than yourself. It is my understanding that people that do not adhere to natural laws (i.e. not living nude out in the woods) are corrupted and therefore cannot be trusted to make untainted decisions. Hence, I would rather a fair and just government make the rules that all should follow."Fair and just goverment" - you'll search for a long time before you come across one of those. God help you if the goverment you get is one that believes it is fair that people shouldn't take a bath more than once a month in order to conserve water! |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by GL(f): 3:12am On May 26, 2006 |
how about things like incest. if a brother and sister, or even father and daughter, decide they love each other and want to get married, they're not hurting anyone so that's allowed? How about bestiality, showing sexual scenes on tv, pornography on tv, and sexual activities in public? The ban on smoking in public places and advertising tobacco would not be, in a libertarian system, too. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by sexynes(f): 8:44am On May 26, 2006 |
Although I'm partially in support of capitalism (mostly because all the other forms of government are mostly unrealistic), I still the world should imbibe a little more communism without completely getting rid of capitalism (I have not thought the workings of this idea through completely, so please hold off on comments pertaining to that statement). I was apparently rated a Centrist and I think that it defines me completely as I fall on none of the extremes. Too much of anything is bad, that is my philosophy. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Mariory(m): 1:03pm On May 26, 2006 |
Ka: There is no such thing as absolute freedom. Instead there are levels of freedom. Some part of the way you live your life is controlled by Government and not by you. Absolute freedom => Utopian Society = "Impossible" => Anarchy. This will happen every time simply because we are human. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by ono(m): 1:30pm On May 26, 2006 |
I'm a centrist (Libertarian) and I love it.
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Seun(m): 3:14pm On May 26, 2006 |
how about things like incest. if a brother and sister, or even father and daughter, decide they love each other and want to get married, they're not hurting anyone so that's allowed?Definitely, yes, if the both parties are adult (above 18) and not being forced into it. How about bestialityIf the animal gives its written consent to the act, and it's not done in public, no problem. showing sexual scenes on tv, pornography on tvYes, it should be allowed and is currently allowed. Movies are rated before being broadcast so that those who don't want their children to watch those scenes can program their recieving equipment to block movies containing them! sexual activities in public?The owner of a 'public' property: a restaurant, a swimming pool, or a road - can create rules to determine what is allowed on his property. That is why, for instance, you are not allowed to post sexually explicit pictures on Nairaland. However, as long as the owner of the property is ok with sexual activities, it should be allowed. afterall there are nude beaches (beaches=public), right? Before you get in there you'll be aware of what to expect. There's a lot that private people can do if we're not to quick to call in the government. The problem with government is that it's never efficient. Why are they inefficient? They have no competition. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by edatika(m): 3:25pm On May 26, 2006 |
centrist here, |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Seun(m): 3:28am On May 28, 2006 |
I’m a conservative. I believe in individual liberty, free markets, private property, and limited government, except for: ![]() |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by GL(f): 4:19am On May 29, 2006 |
Seun, I fear what kind of society we would have if homosexuality, bestiality and incest are allowed. You know the health implications of these actions on the population. Eventually the family structure would be broken down. AS Mariory said, a libertarian society would lead to anarchy and is impossible. |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by DivineOke(f): 9:09pm On May 29, 2006 |
statist |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by Christino(m): 8:56pm On May 30, 2006 |
Woteva we choose to call it jare |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by mamaput(f): 2:10pm On May 31, 2006 |
, |
Re: World's Shortest Political Quiz: Just Two Questions! by ebelegirl(f): 4:49pm On Sep 23, 2006 |
CENTRIST!!!!! ![]() I think centrists are good- they can adapt to all types of people and situations and are open-minded. We fall everywhere and no where at the same time, lol |
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