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Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? - Religion - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? (107699 Views)

Poll: Can a woman wear trousers without disobeying the bible?

Yes: 76% (81 votes)
No: 23% (25 votes)
This poll has ended

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Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by tolutope(m): 5:04pm On May 20, 2006
lets be biblical on this< no personal opinion on this>>>and when i say biblical i mean from the real intent of the holy book,  reason why i ask this is because of issues  women wearing unisex jeans, boxers, etc,  is there a thin line between these types of clothings? i believwe there is but SOME people don't believe women are even meant to put their legs in anything that looks like a trouser,
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by DaHitler(m): 5:07pm On May 20, 2006
What exactly does it mean to be Biblical? To follow the bible? If so, I assure you, you would end up in jail and even possibly death row if you follow the bible litterally.
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by chosenbabe(f): 6:23pm On May 20, 2006

nope its not biblical for ladies to waer wat is men's and men to women
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by jagunlabi(m): 8:18pm On May 20, 2006
Ha!Were men wearing "trousers" in the biblical era?Have you looked at the dresscode of the biblical Palestine of recent and seen anyone wearing trousers?


nope its not biblical for ladies to waer what is men's and men to women
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by mlksbaby(f): 8:22am On May 21, 2006
Deut. 22:5 - "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

There's no mention of 'skirts' or 'trousers' in that verse. The substance of that injunction is that men and women should not confuse their gender appearances; and the motive is to discourage the lifestyles that may stem from such practices. Confusion of appearances lead to confusion of gender roles. Such lifestyles may include homosexual tendencies among God's people, which is another abomination (Lev.20:13); or gender roles confused altogether, in the family and society at large.

It is interesting that the dress-sense and fashion of the Old Testament people included the idea that men and women wore garments that had skirts. Notice the masculine pronouns used in Psa. 133:2 - "It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments" and of Ezekiel: "Thou shalt also take thereof a few in number, and bind them in thy skirts" (Ezek. 5:3). So men wore garments that had skirts back then, but not in the sense of 'skirts' (a woman's garment which hangs down from the waist) as we understand them today. The skirts of Aaron's garment were simply in reference to the outer border of the priestly garments.

Several ancient and contemporary civilizations and cultures had and have clearly defined gender dress modes. Even today, the Scots are popular for their kilts (knee-length pleated skirt of tartan wool which is worn by men as part of the traditional dress of the Scottish Highlands). Other traditional dresses worn by both gender in some other cultures include (a) the sarong - skirt made from a piece of fabric wrapped around the body and fastened at the waist and worn by men and women in Malaysia and other Pacific islands; (b) the toga - loose draped garment worn by citizens of Ancient Rome; (c) robe - any long loose garment (including the gown); and other types like (d) the tunic - usually long upper garment worn by women, but for the men depicts loose-fitting garment often without sleeves and often belted: worn in ancient Greece and Rome.

Some believers assume that Deut. 22:5 is condemning women wearing trousers and men wearing skirts. However, that is not what Scripture indicates. As we have seen, the substance and motive for that verse is to discourage any confusion of gender identity and roles among people professing to belong God. There are professional vocations that require a dress code that include the idea of trousers worn by both men and women, such as civil and petroleum engineering (the overalls they wear in field of operation), and some military service posts. I remember during our NYSC orientation, some ladies wanted to make an issue out of the khaki trousers; they wear given the option of either following the call of orientation service or quit camp.

Of course, what you wear tells who you are. In the NT, women are particularly admonished to "be modest and sensible about their clothes and to dress properly" as befitting women professing to be godly. (I Tim. 2:9, 10). Men and women who profess godliness in their lives don't want to misrepresent their calling, and that's why we're admonished in the OT verse above to not mix up our dress sense to risk confusing our gender identity and roles, because "from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6).


Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by retro(f): 3:46pm On May 21, 2006
Wtf? Take a look at this. Russia or Canada are really cold countries, do you really expect women to wear skirts in winter? And what did the bible exactly say about "men and women's clothes"? Did it specify that men should wear pants and women skirts?


Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by GL(f): 4:17am On May 22, 2006
considering differences in male and female clothing in different cultures and eras, I believe that passage is referring to transvestites.

Besides the trousers that women wear are designed for women, so they aren't men's clothing.
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by kenshin(m): 4:56pm On May 22, 2006
I don't believe this! shocked shocked shocked shocked Question- Will wearing trousers take a lady to hell?
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by kimba(m): 8:18pm On May 23, 2006
Is it Biblical for a man to wear a lady's skirts.

Deut. 22:5 - "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

Whatever is meant for women, Men, dont wear it
Whatever is meant for men, Women, dont wear it.

I don't believe this! Question- Will wearing trousers take a lady to hell?
here are the basics:
1) God wont send people to hell because they wore skirts
2) People end up in hell because of living a sinful life.
3) What is sin? disobedience to the revealed Word/will of God.
4) How does God see sin and sinners. God's eyes cannot behold sin. God is angry with the sinner every day.
5) Results: There are blessings for those who obey and continually obey God, there are punishments for those who disobey and continue in disobedience to God and His word.
6) Heaven is for the obedient, Hell for the disobedient.

If anyone truly accepts Deut 22:5 as part of the word of God, then disobedience to it incurs punishment from God.

@Afeni, @Jagunlabi
I didnt expect anything better than what both of you said

considering differences in male and female clothing in different cultures and eras, I believe that passage is referring to transvestites.

Besides the trousers that women wear are designed for women, so they aren't men's clothing.
Man thinks to play smart_allec and tries to go-around the word of God, thats why he came up with trousers "designed for ladies". Why didnt he design "blouses for men", "high-heeled shoes for men", u can continue. More, he put an addition between the male/female sex, and came up with "unisex",

Wtf? Take a look at this. Russia or Canada are really cold countries, do you really expect women to wear skirts in winter? And what did the bible exactly say about "men and women's clothes"? Did it specify that men should wear pants and women skirts?
Yes, even the Antartica, its like this. If situation/circumstance warrants a woman to put on trousers(either as a result of weather conditions, professional duties(ex: Police/Army, athletes, profession mandated) or whatever, God doesnt have problems with that. But when a woman takes mens clothings as the ideal, thats where the problem is.

I was greatly impressed by a Muslim lady during our NYSC camp at Abuja, she refused to wear trousers. She was in my platoon. The case got to the then NYSC DG and he allowed her to sow a skirt. The second week, she wore a khaki skirt. You know, I was very impressed, i went to her, introduced myself, shook her hand, commended her. There were a lot of Christians sisters on camp who didnt have that kinda guts.

Many Christians(male/female) today dont have what is called personal CONVICTIONS. They find it so easy to shout alleluyah in a crowd, but when the time comes to stand alone, their knees begin to knock together.

well-spoken sister. You know what, I really enjoy your posts and pls let me commend you for it.
Let me also add to what you said:
Men and women who profess godliness in their lives don't want to misrepresent their calling, and that's why we're admonished in the OT verse above to not mix up our dress sense to risk confusing our gender identity and roles, because "from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6).
Men and women who profess godliness and would choose to live a Holy life, don't want to misrepresent their calling, and that's why we're admonished in the OT verse above to not mix up our dress sense to risk confusing our gender identity and roles, because "from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female" (Mark 10:6).

Its so easy to talk about the Christian life.
It pleases God when one chooses to live it out.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by GL(f): 3:06am On May 24, 2006
Kenshin, wearing trousers would not send one to hell, it is lack of faith in Jesus or not being born again that would make someone go to hell. When we become born again, the power of God helps us overcome our weaknesses.

Kimba, the laws of Moses were cultural laws for the Israelites. They had no king; God was their King, their lawmaker, their everything. He chose Moses to be His spokesperson and He was giving them the laws by which they were to live. Jesus said He didn't come to do away with those laws, however, He came to fulfill them. Jesus wanted to do away with legalism and help the Jews please God from their hearts. Note that the apostles were in this kind of dilemna over circumscision and the gentiles. The Holy Spirit helped them understand that the important thing is circumscision of the heart. The gentiles were not forced to become Jews by practicing all the laws. I believe that those laws are good and beneficial for all who wish to go by them, but are not binding on non-Jews. In Leveticus 22:8, God told the Israelites not to eat any animal that died on its own, but that they can sell it to foreigners. This goes to show that these are cultural laws, the reason is that Israelites, being holy (set apart) to God, were to be different from the heathen who were not under strict rules of diet and sanitation.

Concerning the covering of hair, for example, we do not cover our hairs or dress like the women the bible was referring to. If we really want to do according to those passages, we would dress like muslim women.

That Deutronomy law about trousers was given to emphasize distinction between men and women. It didn't specify which kind of clothes, just what pertains to men and women. Who now decides what pertains to men? I believe that this refers to tranvestites.

There are soooo many laws from exodus to deuteronomy that we don't practice. i personally believe that in Nigeria, men just pick on anything that would further cause women to be subservient. They want to prevent anything that can cause women to feel equal. Just 6 verses after this verse, God warns against wearing clothes with mixed materials. That verse (11) is even clearer than 5, as He gives example of wool and silk. We pretend not to notice that. He also says we shouldnt eat certain animals, many of which ppl eat nowadays e.g. catfish. No one preaches against that. He said the poor should have ALL the crops grown every 7th year; all debtors should be forgiven every 7th year; slaves should be released on the 7th year; the Levites (pastors) should have all the regular tithes; the tithe on the increase on ur salary, seed etc. should be used to meet the expenses of gatherings, meetings; every 3 years, the tithe of that year - 3rd year- should be given to widows, strangers, fatherless and levites. None of these laws are being kept. Why all the noise about trousers?


Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Reverend(m): 7:09am On May 24, 2006
I think that women should be forced to wear very short biblical skirts, the shorter they are, the more biblical the woman will become.

Ladies, If you really want to be accepted into heaven, then I would recommend that you walk around in bra and undies. cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

Reality Check!

If you are a forward thinking Christian then this whole topic is really incredibly stupid. We are really going down the wrong road. So what if women want to wear trousers?

Seeing as trousers did not really exist in biblical times, this is stuff of absolute nonsense!

Maybe we can take a leaf out of our Muslim colleagues book:-

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Zahymaka(m): 5:51pm On May 24, 2006
I must confess I find this thread very amusing. I think what the Bible refers to is dressing to look like the opposite sex -- which I'm against as well.

When a lady puts on jeans, you always know she's one -- because they're usually different from 'male' jeans. Have you ever seen a woman wearing extremely baggy jeans like the guys do?

Would you tell the Scots who wear kilts off?

Read your Bible well -- you'll discover David cut off a piece of Saul's skirt.

If you're familiar with medieval clothing, you'll also know the ladies first started wearing trousers while men wore pointed, high-heeled shoes with bows. Have you looked at their shoes of then?

As long as a pair of undies was labelled 'female', a woman ought to be free to wear them -- not because they remotely resemble men's undies.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Nobody: 6:14pm On May 24, 2006

i doff my hat for you. I pray God to grant me the courage and conviction that you have. Thanks for this thought prooking statement bro:
Its so easy to talk about the Christian life.
It pleases God when one chooses to live it out.

Man is an excellent creature too observe. He comes up with a thousand and one "rational" reasons why "forward thinking" christians should aim to misinterprete every word in the bible for the sole purpose of "Selective obedience".
Dear Reverend, the straight and narrow way is not for "forward thinking/progressive" christians, it is for those who have stood firm to the ancient paths and who are being led by the Holy Spirit along eternal highways.
A man will not be judged by what he does not know, for those who in their deepest of hearts know it is wrong to were trousers (unisex or female only!) and still find a way to explain away their disobedience, there is but judgement for them.

I find trousers on women appealing too, but if the bible says so, so be it. I must push aside the me that says "c'mon, they look good in it" and remember that all we do hear, the wearing of clothes and all are all a passing fad. Some day we will come face to face with the righteous judge, we will not be arguing over trousers or skirts that day and there would be no chance for our defense arttoneys to quote other "unobserved" laws in deuteronomy in defence of our disobedience!

Jesus speaks to us in our convictions, deep in our spirit man we can discern if He will be happy with each step that we take in life. As for me and my house, we will take the safe road of no trousers for my wife-to-be and daughters no matter how badly they want them. Better to do without them now than spend the rest of eternity wishing we had just done the simple thing.

Kimba has said it all, the reason many of us argue about every biblical statement is that we have no convictions in what we believe,, we claim to believe but we are easily swpet aside by every weight of doctrine, we have developed itchy ears, willing to hear only those things that are pleasig to our flesh. Let us like Paul admonished, crucify our flesh, let us die too sin that we may live to the glory of Him who has called us.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Zahymaka(m): 6:33pm On May 24, 2006
Perhaps you could take a look at the history of trousers:

* In Asia both women and men have long worn pants for warmth, comfort, and convenience. In Rome and Greece women and men wore tunics.
* In the fourth century, women in the Western world wore pants, which they adapted from the Persians. At that time, pants were considered unmanly.
* By the Middle Ages in Europe women were wearing dresses and men were wearing breeches.
* After the French Revolution, men took off their high heels, silk stockings, and wigs and began wearing trousers.
* In the nineteenth century women put on trousers to ride horses, but they hid them by wearing full skirts on top.
* All trousers were pull-ons until the nineteenth century, when front closures using buttons were introduced.
* Jeans were the first trousers to put women and men on equal terms.
* Until 1970 it was not fashionable and sometimes against the law for women to wear pants in offices, classrooms, and restaurants in the U.S.


The point is, they were once considered unmanly. Even in Arab nations, women started wearing trousers before men because it effectively fulfils the purpose of covering the legs according to muslim tradition.

The following article is worth reading -- http://www.actseighteen.com/articles/women-pants.htm
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Reverend(m): 6:38pm On May 24, 2006
@ Davidylan

I find it so amusing that with all the real problems we have in the World with war, famine, disease that people find that women wearing trousers to be an issue. There is nothing more to say on the subject.

It is this extremely idiotic mentality that is responsible for many of the problems we are facing. I hope that when all the people that are branding everybody as sinners for the most ridiculous of reasons stand before God to be judged , he will say:-

GOD: "Davidlyan, were you not the idiot that tried to tell people that I am against women wearing trousers?"

DAVIDYLAN: " But Father!, I thought that was your bidding as it is in the Bible?"

GOD: "Are you crazy, I love women in tight jeans. That is why I created them with curvaceous bottoms"

DAVIDLYAN: "But Father, why is it in the Bible?"

GOD: "How should I know, I never wrote that rubbish, that was written by man and I must tell you that I am pretty fed up with them constantly misquoting me and trying to frighten people by blackmailing them and telling them that they will burn in hell"

DAVIDLYAN: "Forgive me Father"

GOD: "OK, now go and change into that pink skirt that St Peter is holding then grab yourself a beer and we will watch the Davinci Code together. I have heard that it is not as good as the book"

DAVIDLYAN: "OK Father, whatever you say. You are the boss afterall!"

The End
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Nobody: 6:41pm On May 24, 2006
Dear Zah,

If it were possible, there would be a thousand and two reasons why trousers are neither for women nor men! There are also a thousand and two reasons to disbelieve that Christ died on the cross too. We were not there neither can we scientifically verify that those who claimed to be eyewitnesses were truly there. Are we even sure Christ came and died at all or is it some jewish folklore?

If we find it easy to believe that Christ came and died for us 2000 yrs ago, why then is it so hard to understand and as sheep without horns to fight back, simply believe his word and hold unto it without finding ways to disprove them?

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Seun(m): 6:44pm On May 24, 2006
Women's valuables are safer in trousers. That is enough reason for me to recommend them.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Nobody: 6:44pm On May 24, 2006

i wish it were as simple as you put it then i could just grab a beer right now and catch the nearest girl to me. But sadly it is not so, thankfully there is still time to repent. The righteous judge is still in the role of a merciful savior. there is time to return to He who died while We all were yet sinners.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Zahymaka(m): 6:46pm On May 24, 2006

Dear Zah,

If we find it easy to believe that Christ came and died for us 2000 years ago, why then is it so hard to understand and as sheep without horns to fight back, simply believe his word and hold unto it without finding ways to disprove them?

I have modified my post, davidylan. I suggest you should read the article I added at the end. I do not approve of ladies wearing men's jeans or dressing to look like men but most ladies trousers cannot be worn by men without them being deemed gay.

My point is, ladies' trousers are made especially for them -- the same way in biblical times, everyone wore robes but women's robes were different. They were still robes nevertheless.
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by kimba(m): 1:33am On May 25, 2006
@Mr Filch
@ Davidylan

I find it so amusing that with all the real problems we have in the World with war, famine, disease that people find that women wearing trousers to be an issue. There is nothing more to say on the subject.

It is this extremely idiotic mentality that is responsible for many of the problems we are facing. I hope that when all the people that are branding everybody as sinners for the most ridiculous of reasons stand before God to be judged , he will say:-

GOD: "Davidlyan, were you not the idiot that tried to tell people that I am against women wearing trousers?"

DAVIDYLAN: " But Father!, I thought that was your bidding as it is in the Bible?"

GOD: "Are you crazy, I love women in tight jeans. That is why I created them with curvaceous bottoms"

DAVIDLYAN: "But Father, why is it in the Bible?"

GOD: "How should I know, I never wrote that rubbish, that was written by man and I must tell you that I am pretty fed up with them constantly misquoting me and trying to frighten people by blackmailing them and telling them that they will burn in hell"

DAVIDLYAN: "Forgive me Father"

GOD: "OK, now go and change into that pink skirt that St Peter is holding then grab yourself a beer and we will watch the Davinci Code together. I have heard that it is not as good as the book"

DAVIDLYAN: "OK Father, whatever you say. You are the boss afterall!"

The End
Are you sure you are a stable person, i mean mentally?

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by GL(f): 2:37am On May 25, 2006
Why do we keep hammering on this one verse, and disobeying so many other.

This isn't to say that we should disobey this because some others aren't being obeyed.

Considering that the bible didn't specify what clothes, and that men weren't wearing trousers then, we can't say it's a sin for women to wear trousers. i believe God wanted a distinction between the sexes. I believe also, that as a christian nothing should come btw you and God. If trousers would harm ur relationship with God, you are to stop wearing it.


As for me and my house, we will take the safe road of no trousers for my wife-to-be and daughters no matter how badly they want them.

Trust me, you can speak for your wife-to-be, but definately not for your daughters. If you are too hard on them, they'll sneak around and wear it. This is very dangerous. The best thing you can do is to introduce them to Jesus early in life and let them have personal relationships with Him. Teach them to crosscheck all their actions with Him first and when they get to their teenage years let them know your feelings about dressing. If they still want to wear trousers after all this, pls let them wear. It's the safest thing to do.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Genial(m): 3:37pm On May 26, 2006
If Jesus had lived on earth today, I wonder what he'd say about this. . . .

Did you notice how many times he openly, sometimes even to the point of 'sacrilege', contravened the traditions of the Pharisees? By the way, these Pharisees also called these traditions 'the Law of Moses', hence the rebuke, "Why do you break God's command for the sake of your traditions?" (Matt. 15: 1-9) and 'You diligently study the scriptures, because you think that by them you possess eternal life. . . these are the (same) scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me for life". (John 5: 39, 40).

This one is also very instructive:

"But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" (John 5: 45 - 47)

I think many of us would send him to the cross again.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by food4tot: 4:06pm On Jun 02, 2006
@ picture.

I magine thats what I have on my passport, how would the immigration office know if its me or not. As long as I cover my face grin
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by emmie4j(m): 4:06pm On Jun 02, 2006
WHatever u guys have with christianity,,,,,,it seems like everybody in this forum, atheists included always have something to say about christianity,,,,,,now its abount women wearing pants,,,,,please!!!,,,,next!!!!
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by emmie4j(m): 4:11pm On Jun 02, 2006

@ picture.

I magine thats what I have on my passport, how would the immigration office know if its me or not. As long as I cover my face grin

I think that that is the even bigger issue,,,,,people are always eager to run their mouth about christianity, but as for the real religion "of peace" where women are forced into garri sacks, looking like my native masqurades nobody wants to say a word,,,,,,because of course nobody wants to get blown the f**ck up to medina,,,,,,this is so backwards undecided

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by danielorde(m): 4:40pm On Jun 02, 2006
Hey Fellas,

Is okay if I do not wear skirts as a guy or Trousers as a lady, but sleep around as much as I can? Is it ok if I waer toursers as guy and be gay?

In my own opinion it has already been stated clearly, it all boils down to character! Moreover in as much as there are no contraditions in God we must realize the way God deals with us differ very much.

I once heard this joke of a preacher that flew to another part of the world to give a sermon. At the end of the sermon, the host church decided to entertain him, and they offered him a Glass of beer. He was shocked.
Narrating his account when he got to his home church he said "After I had finished speaking to the congregation andf the service ended. My host decided to give me a treat, guess what he (the host) strted with; A glass of beer!! I was so shocked that the Cigar in my mouth almost fell out".

Now tell me who is right or wrong between this guys. This is not about trousers guys, it is about our committment to God. If I were to ask everyone he is truly Holy, rightueous by what he can see in his life, I do not expect to get a yes I am. If I do, then the person is not righteous cos he has just lied.

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by babadee(m): 5:23pm On Jun 02, 2006
idont think the bible mentioned trousers as being exclusive to the menfolk so i guess its ok!
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by saintchux(m): 6:50pm On Jun 02, 2006
Deut. 22:5 - "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

I think the bible was very clear about this. What we shall be talking about is WHAT BELONGS TO A MAN? WHAT BELONGS TO A WOMAN?

I know that there are men trousers and women trousers. I know that there is men shirts and women shirts. If we are against women wearing trouser in that it belongs to men, then what of shirts. who does it belong to?

In every culture there are type of clothes used to identify them. If you have watch the video PASSION OF CHRIST, you will know the type of clothes wore by the jews. All the movies of JESUS CHRIST that I have watched, there is none where HE wore trouser and shirt, all HE was wearing is gown or whatever you may call it, and that is their culture.

My grand father neither wore trouser nor shirt. Likewise my grand mother who neither wore skirt nor blouser, because it was not part of the clothes wore by our people by that time.

I was told that in those days, young boys do not wear anything at all. and yound girls just use something to cover their breast & other parts.

Plz who is the owner of trouser? Man or Woman?

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Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by dominobaby(f): 7:17pm On Jun 02, 2006
@rev, i thot u were gone for good, but i c u've totally lost it.
Milks baby, kimba n davidlyn, nice posts.
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by ikamefa(f): 7:43pm On Jun 02, 2006
this is one funny thread women can wear trousers its what is in your heart that counts
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by Reverend(m): 8:13pm On Jun 02, 2006
@ dominobaby

I have been here all the time  cool

Why do you think I have lost it? That I find the statement that women should not wear trousers because of the Bible extremely stupid?   grin grin grin
Re: Is It Biblical For Christian Women To Wear Trousers? by goodguy(m): 11:50pm On Jun 02, 2006

this is one funny thread women can wear trousers its what is in your heart that counts
Very typical of women! cheesy

Nice posts by mlks_baby, kimba and davidylan.


You should book for an appointment with Ben Carson!

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