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There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) - Literature (3) - Nairaland

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Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by IZUKWU(m): 8:59pm On Jun 24, 2013
iykmora: now we have arrived @ whr we stopped. Had to endure dis wait!
i telly you

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Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nduking92(m): 10:26pm On Jun 24, 2013
zubby thumbs up,u try wella,come continue


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by nwanjilove(m): 10:50pm On Jun 24, 2013
oga Zuby oya upload mk i know wetin happen no sleep tonight cos i wan enter Germany next week whether me sef go declare assylum lol kidding
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Donlouise(m): 7:59am On Jun 25, 2013
Oga zubby AkA Young money na where u enta na oya come update ooooo!!
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nelson11: 9:10am On Jun 25, 2013
chei nna idi uto!!!!...................bros no dull ur boys ooo abeg cum*pdate na
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 10:55am On Jun 25, 2013

I turned around and saw John bighead emerging from the bush.

Awiti, who had not seen or known who John was, just stood there and stared at the guy coming out from the bush while I thought how best to handle the situation.

'' I think you have a mental problem'' I said to him in Igbo language.

The idea was to drag the issue away from Awiti as much I could. I was beginning to like her so much.
But the mischief maker insisted on speaking pidgin English.
''Na your papa get mental problem'' he said while maintaining a considerable distance between us.
I took Awiti's hand and started walking out of the park. It was a ten minute-walk to the Camp. John followed us behind, talking about what he would have done to me if the environment was different.

We got to the camp without fight, so I decided not to do anything about it.

Around 8pm, I saw Awiti off to the female hostel. When I got back, I went to Mike and told him what happened with John in the park.
He advised me to let it go since we will soon be posted out of the Camp.
Mike in the other hand, had approached Agnes for a date. I didin't know what she said to him but since I had not seen them together, I figured out Agnes was tired of Nigerians and their ways.

People were being posted out of camp on daily basis while new campers were being admitted. Some of the people I knew had been posted out. I would go to the Notice board every morning to check on my name but I knew that it would take atleastrological two weeks after my interview.
Awiti's Interview came a week before my departure. We had rehearsed her own story over and over again. She was a Somali in camp since there was no crisis in Kenya.

One evening, I went outside camp alone and met a white lady. She was a Polish girl who had come to look for work in Germany. Karolina was her name. She understood German and very little English but enough to communicate with me. I had just finished buying beer from the spar and was on my way back to camp when I saw her coming towards me. She was young and I couldn't tell her age. We were warned to stay away from girls who were not up to 18 years. fvcking a girl below 17 was a one way ticket to prison, so we were careful about that until Karolina showed up.
It was Karolina who greeted me first as we met, I stopped her and we got chatting. She told me she lived alone in a street in the middle of the town. She asked about Africa and I told her the much I remembered. To my greatest surprise, she thought Africa was just a country. She had never heard of Nigeria or Ghana except some cities like Libya and Ethiopia and Egypt.
Since she was not in a hurry, I invited her to join me in my beer. We strolled eastward towards Cottbus, an Area I was sure Awiti would never venture into. We got to a large concrete bench on the floor and sat there.
August was ending, and a new strange season was descending on that part of Germany. There was breeze and the leaves were falling out of the trees in quantum.
It was a beautiful atmosphere as we sat on the slab while cool breeze brushed past us in a romantic way. After a can of beer each, our discussion changed from Africa to private matters.
She was 18 years according to her but had already separated with three boyfriends.
Two of the boyfriends was from Warsaw in Poland while the last one was a German.
In my own part, I have had only one girlfriend my whole life but when the bomb landed in our town in Cameroun, everybody got scattered and separated and I had managed to found myself in Germany while I knew nothing about her.

When the darkness descended, we fell in a temporal love and started kissing. Her teeth was banded by some kind of wires. She explained to me that it was going to fall out when she was 15 and the doctors had binded them together. Too much chocolate was to blame.
After over three hours with Karolina, I told her that I was going back to Camp. She offered to see me off but I declined. I didn't want to run into Awiti, so I told her to go. She invited me to her apartment the next day and I accepted.
On my way back to the camp, I expected John to pop out of nowhere but I didn't see him. I was disappointed because I wanted him to see that I had gone white.

When I got back to the camp, I didn't look for Awiti. She was surprised when she came to the prayer center and found me singing. I had always gone to take her with me to the prayer house but that evening, I had gone alone. She stared at me through the 30 minute prayer session and when it was over, she walked up to me and demanded for explanations. I had not forgotten to call her, I told her that I was running late and that it was my turn to sing the praises that day.

The following day after lunch, I sneaked out of camp again. I went to the point where I had been with Karolina the previous day. We had agreed to meet there that afternoon and proceed to her apartment. I took two cans of beer along with me. I spent over an hour sitting there alone with my beer until I got tired of waiting. I was considering going back to the camp when she showed up with her bicycle. She asked how long I had been waiting and I lied that I had been there for hours.
We trekked to her house while she moved the bike on the ground.
It was a neatly decorated one room apartment. We sat on the long sofa and talked about Poland and Germany. According to her, the Area we were which was Eisenhuttenstadt with the neighbouring cities such as Cotbuss, Frankfurt oder and many more had belonged to Poland but it was Adolf Hitler who had captured the lands from Poland during the war.
I wasn't interested in the history but I played along.
When she felt that I had become hungry, she offered to give me food and I accepted. I sat there waiting for hot Rice with fat chicken legs but to my disappointment, she came out with some brown bread and a cup of butter. I smiled and thanked her as if it was what I was looking forward to. I ate two slices of the diet bread and declared myself satisfied.

When I finished eating, she asked a question that changed everything.

'' have you ever had sexxx'' she had asked.
I nodded in affirmative and asked why she wanted to know.
She said nothing.
She asked me to bring out my Joystick for her to see.
*what kind of weird girl was that*

I was alarmed but I knew that i could over-power her if anything strange was to happen.
I asked why she wanted to see my Joystick. She had heard that African Joysticks were bigger than the whites and she wanted to know.
I pulled down my trousers and brought out my already rising Joystick.

*All the girls who had seen my Joystick since the turn of the millennium nearly two years before that day had also felt it inside their honey pots.
Karolina Maniecka was not going to be be an exception*

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nelson11: 11:38am On Jun 25, 2013
oboy packing my loads nw...............germany here i cum.........nna idi okay...update sharperly oooooooooooo

1 Like

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Madawaki01(m): 11:52am On Jun 25, 2013
Zuby..we dy wait oo
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Walexz02(m): 12:08pm On Jun 25, 2013
..ofcourse Karolina must not escape the wrath of your dìck!
Zubby carry on the tori abeg.

1 Like

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Donlouise(m): 12:20pm On Jun 25, 2013
I must go germany if not 4 anytin jst to taste german pussies oga zuby oya come continue o!
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by phapi(m): 2:12pm On Jun 25, 2013
Zubby I don foolow show here ooo was following silently on *legend of d fu.k.errs* ahswear u goot gud story,all diz am reading motivates mi to Bleep a white punnany..

Cum update now pls
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 4:08pm On Jun 25, 2013

As soon as my rising joystick jumped out of the boxers, Karolina grabbed it and started turning it around in her palm. She was so casual about it that I wondered if anything beyond that was going to happen.
The more she turned it, the more harder it became. I just sat there and stared on the joystick too as if it were not part of my body.
All of a sudden, everything changed. Karolina started touching her Boobs with one hand while still holding my joystick with the other hand.
I did a quick interpretation job and decided that it was an act of invitation to touch her boobs.
I was still wary of the age limitations since I didn't want to go to prison.

'' how old did you say you are'' I asked while stretching my left hand to squeeze her boobs.
She smiled and said 18 jahre alt. (18 years old).
My hand was already squeezing her soft boobs while she had started squeezing my JT hard.
The heat was already on and there was no stopping me from then.

I pulled down my jean and removed it entirely. She also did the same on her own jean trousers. She was then left with a kind of underwear pant that exposed both sides of her cuunt. The front part of the under that was supposed to cover her cunnt was a kind of a string that did a very poor job of covering it.

* I learnt it was called a G-string pant later*

I started rubbing the top of her cunnt while the string was still on it. I occasionally touched the bare sides of her cunnt. She removed her pullover and started kissing my JT, then sucked it.
I moaned like an amateur just to compliment the poor job she was doing on my JT.
* I had already made up my mind not to lick her kitty, so I kept rubbing it until she started getting excited, then I shifted the string of underwear to one side and dipped a finger into her cunnt.
She helplessly stopped the poor job she was doing on me and released herself to the pleasure I was giving her.
I got up and asked her to lie flat on her back which she did while I dipped a finger inside her again. She wiggled like a worm.
Her cunnt was shaven recently, I guessed it was that very morning or the previous night in anticipation of that very moment. She had invited me yesterday and she had prepared for what was going to happen.
*The obvious excitement of fvcking a white girl was having its toll on my head*.

When things got to a stage where she wanted me inside of her, I removed her pullover and sucked her yellow Boobs. there were very soft unlike the African ones and there was no pleasure coming out of them, so I left them where they were and concentrated on the semi-open vegeena.

I pulled my boxers down and wore a condom I brought along with me.
I parted her tiny underwear to one side, then in one swift sweet speed, I entered her.
*There was no need removing the underwear, I couldn't see how it can disrupt anything*

I pumped in and out. It was a sweet sensation all through. Her cunnt was not so open like the ones I was used to. It was filled with flesh and when putting my JT, I felt like it was touching some flesh which melted like a butter as soon as the tip of my JT touched them.

She was holding my back tightly as if I was going to suddenly jump up and ran away.
We fvcked for several minutes.

I had switched my mind from that moment to some ugly incidents. It helped the Spermss not to come out on time.

*On that particular moment, I was thinking about the day I got so drunk and went to my girlfriend's house in Onitsha. Her mother had come out and poured water on me. She had pursued me downstairs and yelled after me while I ran in the street*

Karolina had climaxed twice and it was time for me to release, so I switched my mind from the woman who poured water on me to Awiti,s whose cunnt I had been enjoying since she came.
Then I climaxed. I lay on top of her, breathing heavily for a minute before pulling out.
I got up and pulled out the condom and headed to the bathroom to flush it out.
She was still lying on the sofa smiling when I returned. She obviously wanted more but I wanted to go back to the Camp..
Awiti's interview was one day away and she must have been searching for me everywhere.

I ignored Karolina and put on my clothes. I managed to spent another ten minutes with her before I left.
She asked me to come whenever I want, an invitation I took with a smile.
She also gave me her phone number.

I left her house and walked like a drunk sailor to the Camp.
My little sweetheart Awiti was in front of the men's hostel when I returned.

*I had prepared an errorproof lie for her, she had to take it or leave it anyway*

''i have been looking for you'' she said as I approached her.
''sorry sweetheart'' I stopped there without rambling on where I had been and why.

To my surprise, she didn't ask where I had been, she just took my hand and proceeded to the ladies hostel.
When we got there, I ate the rice she had kept for me.

We started all over again on her story for tomorrow's interview.

''Tell me your story as if I am your interviewer '' I said as I sat back and listened to her.

She began;

'' My name is Awiti Mulonga, I was born................
(I will post her full story next)


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nobody: 6:53pm On Jun 25, 2013
Bros,why you come direct us frm diary to to sexuality section now.. You are spending to much time at the aduro section, na when you enter town,start the real hustling? I'm in haste jare.. Oya load us grin


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by MaziOmenuko: 7:22pm On Jun 25, 2013
Its getting hot in here...


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by bassette(m): 7:27pm On Jun 25, 2013
Zubby take your time..yo doing a good job!

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 7:27pm On Jun 25, 2013
Ogbeche77: Bros,why you come direct us frm diary to to sexuality section now.. You are spending to much time at the aduro section, na when you enter town,start the real hustling? I'm in haste jare.. Oya load us grin

We will be out of camp by tomorrow evening.
The hustling was the main thing

Followed by globe trotting.
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 7:28pm On Jun 25, 2013

'' MY name was Awiti Mulonga, I was born in Mogadishu Somalia on July 20' 1985. I had been kidnapped by some group of men who kept me until some soldiers rescued me through a gun battle. The soldiers took me to a hospital managed by the red cross society. It was the red cross that brought me to Europe. We were 5 in numbers that followed the red cross to France. Then two of us ran away in the night. We found a man in France who promised to help us. He took us to his house and gave us food. Then one evening, he had came into our room and raped me while the other girl went out. (''this is where you start crying'' I reminded her'') (she nodded and continued).

He threatened to throw me out of the house if I said a word of the rape to anybody. When the other girl returned, she found out what had happened. Then she suggested that we ran away.
The following day when the man was out of the house, we ran out of the house and entered a train.
(This is where you stop crying if the Germans didn't pet you to stop by themselves.)

When the ticket conductors controlled us in the train, they found out that we had no ticket. They took us and handed us to the Police who later took us to a place where we were documented.
I was sent here while the other girl was sent to a place where I didn't know.

* I also conducted the Q&A session*

Solo: What about your parents ?
Awiti : I never met my mother. They said she died when I was a kid. I grew up in a 'motherless babies home'.
My father was a soldier, I have not heard from him for years.

Solo: Which other country in Africa would you like us to send you?
Awiti: California

Solo: Would you recognize the red cross people who brought you if you see them

Awiti: No (while shaking your head).

Solo: Would you like to be sent back to Somalia

Awiti: No (start crying again if you can).


The story was alright. She did very well. I told her to remember everything in 3D. The Germans had a way of derailing your planned story.

When we finished, it was a kissing galore all the way. She was touching my joystick and kissing my lips but I was not going to fvck her. Not without taking my bath first after the Karolina affair.
I told her that tomorrow was her interview and that I didn't want us to have sexxx that day. She understood and allowed me to go.

When I got back to the Men's hostel, John big head was going out with his small bag.
'' You get luck say they don post me comot here, I for show you say I be agbero for naija'' he said.
I turned around and congratulated him. Then I wished him goodluck in his future endeavors. I told him that it was all a game and fun while it lasted. I told him also that life was all about winning and losing some things.

In the evening I went outside to make some calls.
I called Ghana first. Efuah picked up after the first ring.
'' Hello darling'' she said from Ghana.
'' how have you been'' I queried from Germany.
She hesitated a little and said;
'' I am ok only that I have not seen my menstruation period''


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by iykmora(m): 8:04pm On Jun 25, 2013
water melon!!! When you dey dance azonto on top d sherikoko you no remember what...abeg papa ejima, how market? grin


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nobody: 10:53pm On Jun 25, 2013
kpom kpom....shey i don arrive bah?oga zubby i dy gbadu ur tori die.....@list in my own imagination,i don travel go all the places wey zubby describe so ooo...Omo i don turn ''WILL TRAVELLER''BE DAT OOO.JOOOR OOO..
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ichommy(m): 11:16pm On Jun 25, 2013
iykmora: water melon!!! When you dey dance azonto on top d sherikoko you no remember what...abeg papa ejima, how market? grin

O boy u funny die, nah Water melom true true sha.
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ichommy(m): 11:18pm On Jun 25, 2013
Oga Zubby abeg which one be posting? nah NYSC? Lol, wetin be d meaning abeg?
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by kunmibola(m): 3:50am On Jun 26, 2013
Zubby boss! I doff my cap o... Na u b d champion and I dey follow u bumper to fender... Abet, come update!
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 8:48am On Jun 26, 2013
ichommy: Oga Zubby abeg which one be posting? nah NYSC? Lol, wetin be d meaning abeg?

Posting out of asylum camp. Camp is where you go when you newly arrived in Europe unless you came for business or studying
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nelson11: 9:11am On Jun 26, 2013
wow.....love d suspense.......bt dont keep us waiting for long!?! Update sharply abeg!
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ichommy(m): 10:30am On Jun 26, 2013

Posting out of asylum camp. Camp is where you go when you newly arrived in Europe unless you came for business or studying

Okay, after Camp they will free you guy to stay in Germany for free?
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 10:33am On Jun 26, 2013

''what.t.t did you ju.j.just say'' I stammered.
'' I think I am pregnant. I have been vomiting and my mom said I could be pregnant'' she said and started crying.

'' Don't cry Efuah, its a good news. The only problem here is that I am far away now but I will come back soon'' I said out of the need to say something.

*what was Efuah talking about, I was going to be a father. Wow. The excitement was there but then I was a million miles away from home*

'' What do you intend to do now that I am not there'' I asked.
'' my mom said that I should abort it but I want to keep it'' she said. *attagirl*

We spoke on the phone for several minutes. I told her that I would be out of the camp in a week time and get my own phone.
I promised to take care of the baby but she said she can do that. She just wanted me to know what was happening. She hung up and I called my elder brother in Nigeria. He advised me to concentrate in what I was doing in Germany.
Then I called Karolina.
She wanted me to come again that evening and sleep in her apartment but sleeping outside camp could lead to a big problem, so I told her It would be the next day.

When got back to the camp, I went to my room sat on the bed. I thought about Efuah's pregnancy, my relationship with Awiti which had blossomed to what I couldn't control.
I thought about Chinwe in Onitsha, the first girl I broke her virginity. I had promised to marry her too. The good news was that I didn't got her pregnant.

I just envisioned my life in the next one year but couldn't see anything, so I laid down and slept.

Around 7am, I woke up and headed to the female hostel. Awiti was drying her body with towel when I came in. She had just stepped out of the bathroom.
We hugged and kissed and I assured her that the interview would be over before she even knew it.
She begged me never to leave her even if they sent her to deportation Camp. According to her, she was going to be my good wife when we go out of camp irrespective of where we were posted. It was a thought I had passed through before but with the sudden announcement from Efuah in Ghana, the thought had been halted temporarily.

Whence dressed up, we went outside together holding each other.
We rehearsed the difficult part of her story and I certified her ready.

I scanned the notice board but my name was not there.

I called Karolina who was still sleeping. She asked me to ring the bell when I reached her building.
I changed my mind and went to the mall first. They had just opened. I grabbed a bottle of Cheap apple hotdrink.
I opened the bottle and sipped it from there.

On my way out of the mall, I met a fat German woman.
She smiled and asked why I was drinking alcohol so early. I lied that it was my birthday and she congratulated me. She asked where the party would be and I told her there was no party and that I was going to the park to enjoy the drink. She laughed and went into the mall, then I went to the park.

It was getting to 9am so I went back to the camp to check on Awiti. She had finished her interview and was searching everywhere for me. I waked how the interview went, she said it was easier than she thought.
We went to her room and lay on the single bed. She blamed me for taking alcohol in the morning.
We talked and talked until our bodies became intended.
I slipped a finger into her cunnt and she held my joystick firm. We had been kissing before then. I fingered her until she started dripping, then I pulled off her cloths and fvcked her.
It was a slow fvck, I just moved in and out in a slow pace until we both climaxed at the same time. We slept there afterwards until the alcohol in my system reduced to a considerable quantity.
I asked her to rest while I go outside to check my email at the library. She agreed.

When I got outside, I went straight to Karolina's apartment. She opened the door when I pressed the bell.
Some old folks were looking at me suspiciously. Karolina welcomed me and offered me a stick of Marlboro.
We talked while we smoked. After the smoke, she rambled about how she enjoyed our sex yesterday.
It was the best according to her. She asked if we will do it again and I agreed.

We started touching and kissing right away. She was waiting for this since morning when I called her.
Since I had fvcked earlier that morning, I figured out that my Spermss would be hard to come out, so I asked her to bend on all fours while I climbed from behind in a doggy style. I had slipped a condom on my dick earlier. I pumped from behind for several minutes before I turned her over on her back.
I raised both of her legs and held them with my arms. Then I digged in on the protruding cunnt that had faced me with a smile. I pumped for several minutes before my hot cream came out.
We spent the next one hour chatting about Poland and Germany and Africa.
When it was time to go, she asked me to come again the next day.

*this dumb blonde thought I had come to fvck in Germany*

I agreed to come and left.

I strolled down to the park, smoking a Marlboro menthol I had brought from Karolina's house.

I saw a lady sitting a hundred meters away and strolled down to Her. When she saw me, she said happy birthday and smiled.

It was the fat lady from the Mall.....

21 Likes 1 Share

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Walexz02(m): 12:02pm On Jun 26, 2013
You want to fùck the fat lady tooshocked? Uhmm!


Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 1:38pm On Jun 26, 2013
Walexz02: You want to fùck the fat lady tooshocked? Uhmm!

Warum nicht?
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Donlouise(m): 2:26pm On Jun 26, 2013
oga zubby na badt guy
wink wink cheesy grin
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by bassette(m): 3:17pm On Jun 26, 2013
Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by Nobody: 3:23pm On Jun 26, 2013
@ ZuBBY abeg ask am ooo...Warum nicht?(why not)once a fucker always a fucker as long as the fucker bleeped the fuckee well..nd it was a gwd Bleep

1 Like

Re: There And Back On Time (Nairaland Best Story of all Time) by ZUBY77(m): 4:18pm On Jun 26, 2013

'' Schon Gebostag'' (happy birthday), the fat lady said.
I kept quiet for a while before I recalled that it was my birthday. A fake birthday. I had met the lady at the entrance of the shopping mall in the morning and while we were chatting, I had lied to her that it was my birthday. I had also told her that I was going to stay all day at the park.
*alert alert*

*What was she doing out here on the park alone?. It was getting to evening. Could it be because I told her I was going to be at the park?. It was left for me to found out*

I smiled and nodded at her while saying ''danke'' at the same time.
She was sitting on a wooden chair fixed on the ground. It was an isolated Area, about 100metres from the major route in the park.
I sat down beside her and we got talking.
Her name was Irene. Her forefathers had migrated from Czech Republic in the early 1900s. There were farmers, but mostly dealing on cattles. She pointed to a direction across the lake and said their settlement was over there. It was a ten minutes walk.
On my part, since I was obligated to make some kind of introductions as well,
I was Solomon Ebot from Cameroun but I had a different story of how and why I came to Germany.
This time, my father was a key political figure in Cameroun. The Paul Biya led government were about to murder our family before we got the news and fled to Europe.

*I bet she didn't know who Biya was but that was her problem*

When we ran out of things to talk about, she offered to show me around their farm settlement and I agreed.
I followed her around the lake in the park and some minutes later, we got to the farm. It was sitting on a large Area of land, fenced with metal poles and barbed wires. Cows were grazing in the out field. Trees of apples were seen standing at intervals of about 20 metres.
A one story cabin house was at the north end of the settlement. We headed to the cabin. It was a nice house. The dog growled at me as we approached. Irene said something and it kept quiet. We got to the sitting room where she motioned me to take a seat. A picture of a man holding a riffle gun hung on the wall of the sitting room.

An old woman got out and looked at me curiously. She said something to me in German or Czech but I couldn't figure out what it was, so I nodded like a lizard and kept quiet. She went back inside and came out with a baseball bat. She was staggering towards me with her tired eyes fixed on me. I stood up, ready to bolt out through the door before she hit me with the bat.

It was when she heard Irene's voice inside coming out of the kitchen that she knew I was not a burglar.

Irene brought two cups of black coffee. We sat down and drank for some minutes and when we finished, I asked her to show me around the farm instead of sitting in one place.
We walked past some trees and got to the shelter where the cows sleep during the snow or winter. There was a separate shelter which was a kind of store where some equipments were kept.

'' Are you married in Africa'' Irene asked out of nowhere.
'' No, why'' I said pretending not to be surprised by the sudden question.

She said she was looking for a boyfriend and that she liked Africans. According to her, she had dated one African from the camp before but the guy left when he was posted and never came back there.

*''why would anybody come back to this cow dump'' I said in Abiriba and smiled *
She smiled too.
I told her that every black man was not the same and that one day, she would find someone who would like to stay with her.

Her father had died two years before, leaving the farm for her and her grand mom.
Her mother lived in Berlin and cared nothing about the farm.

*Ironically, it was a perfect opportunity for me or any camper to start work, even eventually get married to this lonely lady and possibly inherit the farm but there was some complications.
First when you got posted out of the city, the Germans never expect you to come back there. If they see you there, you will be paying some 'straffe' (penalty or punishment'.)
Secondly, this lady was fat and I don't really date fat women.
Finally, I had always loved to live in the heart of the capital cities (a trait that took me to Paris, Amsterdam, Lisbon, Vienna, Bratislava, Stockholm, Madrid and Roma) not some East German border town of less than 10,000 inhabitants. No way.*

We chatted some more and when we got inside the store room, the elephant grabbed my shirt and started a kiss.

*I nearly jumped off and ran away but I decided to see the outcome*

I feigned surprise initially but when the kiss tasted good, I responded. We kissed for less than a minute before her hand grabbed my JT.

*take it easy bulldog, no wonder there was no man in your life*

There was no pleasure whatsoever coming from her but I had a pre-made smile for every situation.
Some minutes later, my jean had been pulled down to my ankles, my JT had been covered with a condom and her gown had been raised while she was bent down holding the edges of a chair.
I humped in from behind, struggling to get hold of her big round waist. Surprisingly, this big lady moved her ar.se in and out with such a fast pace.
I even started to enjoy the ride. I fvcked her for several minutes but due to the fact that I had switched off my mind from the event, it was difficult to release.
When she got tired of fvcking, I sat on the chair and asked her to sit on top of my JT with her cunnt. She did and continued moving side ways. It was a better position since the entire length of my Joystick entered inside her.
We later climaxed together and wore our clothes. I wrapped the used condom and slipped it into my pocket. We left and went back to the cabin. She made more black coffee, no sugar and no milk.
When we finished drinking, she walked me back to the park and we parted ways after collecting her phone number.
I promised to come again as soon as possible, a promise I knew I was not going to fulfil.

When I got back to the camp, there was a fight.
A new lady had arrived in camp, two Nigerians had been arguing who should date her. Somehow, the argument had escalated into a fight.
When they finished telling me the story, I asked where the girl was. Someone pointed me to her direction, I thanked him and zoomed off to meet Adaeze.
A Nigerian girl had finally showed up in Eisenhuttenstadt asylum Camp. Allelujah...

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