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Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. - Religion - Nairaland

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Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 11:05pm On Jun 23, 2013
I give this testimony to the glory of God who alone can save and to the praise of the name of His Son, Jesus, by which all knees shall bow to.

My family and I arrived home from church this afternoon @ about 1pm. I had opened the gate, packed the car but on returning to shut the gate
back, I was literally electrocuted.

It happened in a space of about 4 seconds. There was I held unto the gate by electric power, with 240 volts running all over my body. I let out a heavy yell/growl that got the attention of everyone in the four flat building we reside in. They were all women and so naturally could not help and my wife could only get to me about half a minute after she heard me yell - I paint this picture to show that my surviving the ordeal was just by God's grace.

Now, as the electricity ran through me these were my thoughts: 'I have to get my hands of this metal gate... But it is so hard to do... Is this how men die... Men, will I be seeing Jesus soon..' Something of that nature.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 11:08pm On Jun 23, 2013
All I was hearing myself do was screaming on top of my voice. But something strange happened: I suddenly saw myself flung from the gate to the ground about two meters away. As I was landing I was hearing myself screaming 'JESUS...' Now, the reason why that was strange to me is that I detest it when people call the name of the Lord in vain and so as a rule I don't do it. I may say 'Father' or even 'Holy Spirit' but not Jesus. But somehow it seem to me that while I was screaming, the name Jesus came from my inner most being and I let it out of my mouth, and immediately the gate let me go.

I gathered myself up from the ground. My wife and neighbours where asking what happened. After about a minute I explained I had been electricuted.

It had rained for some four days running in Ibadan, the electric conduit powering the security light by the gate was filled with water and this afternoon the whole gate was electrified.

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Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 11:11pm On Jun 23, 2013
I felt fine afterwards. My medical doctor wife perused me with questions about my health but I said there was no problem. Since they were all women, I got a stick and ensured the gate was re-opened so no one else is shocked again. Then we called the electrician to fix the problem.

I only appreciated what I went through better when later in the evening while giving the testimony at my cell fellowship, I was reminded that we had actually lost people to simple electric shock while they held microphones.

I am alive and well to give this testimony and I give the glory to God who by the name of His holy Son Jesus saved me from untimely death this afternoon.

Pls rejoice with me. To God be the glory.


Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by sylve11: 11:24pm On Jun 23, 2013
Thanks be to God, u r not just destinef to die that way. cool

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Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Nobody: 11:38pm On Jun 23, 2013
Sorry to to hear about this bro , the glory be to God that you survived , he is indeed merciful.

BUt next time please call Jesus , there is power in that name.

GOd bless.


Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 11:41pm On Jun 23, 2013
^Thank you frosbel

I actually called Jesus. The point I was making was that the call was not natural, it was supernatural. The Holy Spirit enabled me to call Jesus, since I hardly do so naturally.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by ayoku777(m): 7:49am On Jun 24, 2013
Wow, its a testimony indeed. God obviously isn't done with your life, coz very few people survrive such surge of electricity for a second much less four. Hope you're fully recovered now? Thanks to Jesus
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by AlfaSeltzer(m): 8:04am On Jun 24, 2013
SMH. See wetin poverty and illiteracy dey cause.

Why are wise atheists not electrocuted? Why is Satan preventing my electrocution and your god allowing yours? I know you won't understand these questions but the day you do, that day you will realise that you are nothing but a programmed blackman who instead of solving his problems at first would start shouting dead jewish names when avoidable calamity happens.

If you had used the money and time you spent going to church (and giving thites) to secure and make safe your house, this wouldn't have happened to you. You instead give god glory for your negligence. What if your child have been electrocuted due to your stuppidity? You would now be blaming Satan my Master. Hypocrites!


Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Dicka: 8:10am On Jun 24, 2013
Is true brother.. We love to know you more
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 10:15am On Jun 24, 2013
Thank U Ayoku. I think God just set me up as the sacrificial lamb for the compound bc no one there may have had the sense to call on the name of the Lord. My wife is pregnant, our daughter is 18 months. The other houses were just women and children and non of the men are bible believing.

But I thank God it is well now. I am fine. No aches; no pain.


Well, we don't believe in the same God and so their is no basis for discussing that. The taste is in eating the pudding; I that went through it know the Lord sent his angel to deliver me...

But I have taken your advice and we have actually gotten an electrician to fix the problem and to check other electrical leakage

@Dicke, I do not understand your statement or question
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by AlfaSeltzer(m): 10:28am On Jun 24, 2013
^^^ Like I said, I know you won't understand me.
christian. typical.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Alwaystrue(f): 10:31am On Jun 24, 2013
Congratulations and thank God for your life. I am happy no one is mourning over you. Indeed there is power in the name of Jesus. I understand what you mean by calling the name of the Lord in vain. And should only be be called correctly and for purpose and not just for exclamations anyhow.
It just shows we learn daily. Now you understand the importance of the name Jesus and you had an experential training of it.
Experience is a very good teacher.

I must add though that your prejudice against women was quite glaring...you mentioned because they were all women like 2 or 3 times...lol...possibly its the women you have met.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by alexleo(m): 5:43pm On Jun 24, 2013
DrummaBoy: I give this testimony to the glory of God who alone can save and to the praise of the name of His Son, Jesus, by which all knees shall bow to.

My family and I arrived home from church this afternoon @ about 1pm. I had opened the gate, packed the car but on returning to shut the gate back, I was literally electrocuted.

It happened in a space of about 4 seconds. There was I held unto the gate by electric power, with 240 volts running all over my body. I let out a heavy yell/growl that got the attention of everyone in the four flat building we reside in. They were all women and so naturally could not help and my wife could only get to me about half a minute after she heard me yell - I paint this picture to show that my surviving the ordeal was just by God's grace.

Now, as the electricity ran through me these were my thoughts: 'I have to get my hands of this metal gate... But it is so hard to do... Is this how men die... Men, will I be seeing Jesus soon..' Something of that nature.

Thank God for your deliverance my dear. May God continue to keep and guide you aright. Also the lesson you have learnt too about calling the name of Jesus is a good one. At least you can see that while your reason for not calling the name of Jesus frequently may seem understandable in your eyes yet its proved wrong in this case by the Holy Spirit who had to put that name in your heart and mouth. Our understanding about the things of God/bible may be right in our eyes but wrong before God.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 8:11pm On Jun 24, 2013
Thanks Alex

Sorry Alwaystrue for replying late. I actually mentioned women to show how difficult for anyone to save me not in anyway to disparage women. Thanks all the same.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by PastorOluT(m): 10:06pm On Jun 24, 2013
author=Alfa Seltzer]SMH. See wetin poverty and illiteracy dey cause.

Why are wise atheists not electrocuted? Why is Satan preventing my
electrocution and your god allowing yours? I know you won't understand
these questions but the day you do, that day you will realise that you
are nothing but a programmed blackman who instead of solving his
problems at first would start shouting dead jewish names when avoidable
calamity happens.

If you had used the money and time you spent going to church (and giving
thites) to secure and make safe your house, this wouldn't have happened
to you. You instead give god glory for your negligence. What if your
child have been electrocuted due to your stuppidity? You would now be
blaming Satan my Master. Hypocrites![/quote]

Thank God for ur life @ Drummerboy, u shall not die but live to declare the name of the Lord in the land of the living! I rejoice with .

@ Alfa, i have always told u about the irony of ur life, u don't believe there is a God but yet worship Satan? To be more reasonable as u always appear n no longer display ur ignorance, admit there is a GOD but u just don't believe in Him!
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by AlfaSeltzer(m): 6:04am On Jun 25, 2013
Pastor Olu T:

Thank God for ur life @ Drummerboy, u shall not die but live to declare the name of the Lord in the land of the living! I rejoice with .

@ Alfa, i have always told u about the irony of ur life, u don't believe there is a God but yet worship Satan? To be more reasonable as u always appear n no longer display ur ignorance, admit there is a GOD but u just don't believe in Him!

There is no god but only in your head. Satan as well, whom I choose to worship instead of the wicked one.

Christian block heads will never understand.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 10:24am On Jun 25, 2013
Alfa Seltzer:

There is no god but only in your head. Satan as well, whom I choose to worship instead of the wicked one.

Christian block heads will never understand.

This is the reason why I have thought that the call to give atheist, satanist, agnostics and the likes, a forum of thier own is a welcome idea. I believe that is what led to the establishment of the Islamic forum under religion. They could simply call "Free Thinkers" forum.

Because does one explain issues to Alfa without upsetting him any further. We simply are not on the same page.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by AlfaSeltzer(m): 11:54am On Jun 25, 2013

This is the reason why I have thought that the call to give atheist, satanist, agnostics and the likes, a forum of thier own is a welcome idea. I believe that is what led to the establishment of the Islamic forum under religion. They could simply call "Free Thinkers" forum.

Because does one explain issues to Alfa without upsetting him any further. We simply are not on the same page.

You can't upset me. See my signature.

Upsets and whinnings are for little children that throw toys out of the pram when challenged logically. What did your god say again? His kingdom is full of little children. Either that is how he sees you people or he is like Michael Jackson.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Image123(m): 4:34pm On Jun 25, 2013
na God oh. To God be the glory.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Ajasnoop: 4:45pm On Jun 25, 2013
DrummaBoy: All I was hearing myself do was screaming on top of my voice. But something strange happened: I suddenly saw myself flung from the gate to the ground about two meters away. As I was landing I was hearing myself screaming 'JESUS...' Now, the reason why that was strange to me is that I detest it when people call the name of the Lord in vain and so as a rule I don't do it. I may say 'Father' or even 'Holy Spirit' but not Jesus. But somehow it seem to me that while I was screaming, the name Jesus came from my inner most being and I let it out of my mouth, and immediately the gate let me go.

I gathered myself up from the ground. My wife and neighbours where asking what happened. After about a minute I explained I had been electricuted.

It had rained for some four days running in Ibadan, the electric conduit powering the security light by the gate was filled with water and this afternoon the whole gate was electrified.

Is this divine intervention or are the volts on the gate not strong enough to kill you? while you had a lucky escape it's a bit foolhardy to attribute every piece of good fortune to the intervention of the almighty.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Image123(m): 5:01pm On Jun 25, 2013

Is this divine intervention or are the volts on the gate not strong enough to kill you? while you had a lucky escape it's a bit foolhardy to attribute every piece of good fortune to the intervention of the almighty.
not strong enough indeed. People have died from less intense exposure. God mercifully saved him from "devourer". You read the impact of the mention of the all powerful name, right?
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by ckkris: 5:05pm On Jun 25, 2013
DrummaBoy: ^Thank you frosbel

I actually called Jesus. The point I was making was that the call was not natural, it was supernatural. The Holy Spirit enabled me to call Jesus, since I hardly do so naturally.
Bible says Call upon the Lord in time of trouble and He will answer you.
Jesus is Lord.
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Alwaystrue(f): 5:57pm On Jun 25, 2013
@Drummaboy. It's fine but please remove the thought that only men might have been able to save you. God can use anyone.

By the way it is 'Electrocution' not 'Electricution'. cheesy
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by AlfaSeltzer(m): 6:30pm On Jun 25, 2013
Sometimes when I peep inside some evagelical churches with people speaking in tongues, they actually look like they are being electrocuted.

OP, did you feel the power of the holy spirit during the electrocution or that of phcn?
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Candour(m): 6:47pm On Jun 25, 2013
Thank God almighty for saving you brother.many had similar experiences but didn't have a happy ending like this.

Wish you more of God's protection

P/S:You have to pay Alwaystrue for the correction o.it shouldn't be free cheesy grin
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 9:15pm On Jun 25, 2013
quite an experience i'll bet.. you are one lucky guy. perhaps when you are well rested and recovered from the experience we shall discuss divine intervention and how it works (or not).. easy mon
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Farmafric(m): 11:28pm On Jun 25, 2013
Happy Survival. May His name be praised!
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 12:43am On Jun 26, 2013
author=Alwaystrue]@Drummaboy. It's fine but please remove the thought
that only men might have been able to save you. God can use anyone.

By the way it is 'Electrocution' not 'Electricution'. cheesy[/quote]


I willed correct it immediately. I keep getting it mixed up.

@Candour, I believe alwaystrue will allow this free of charge

Thanks all
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by manmustwac(m): 1:16am On Jun 26, 2013
Your situation reminds me of a youtube video I saw.
1) You survived unscathed so naturally you'll give the full glory to God.
2)Let's say u survived with minor injuries you will still be saying give God the glory
3)You survived with serious injuries and will be maimed for life you will still be thanking God that you'll alive
4)You didn't survive your injuries and you died. Then it will be God has plans for him in Heaven. He has gone to a better place. May his soul R.I.P blah blah blah.
So as far as God is concerned its a win win situation isn't it? Here's the video

Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by DrummaBoy(m): 2:24am On Jun 26, 2013
^Though I know where U are driving @ but I agree with U, in all things we have learnt to give thanks

And it isn't just God who wins, we win also bc he leads us in triumph in every situation

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Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by Image123(m): 2:55am On Jun 26, 2013
manmustwac: @post
Your situation reminds me of a youtube video I saw.
1) You survived unscathed so naturally you'll give the full glory to God.
2)Let's say u survived with minor injuries you will still be saying give God the glory
3)You survived with serious injuries and will be maimed for life you will still be thanking God that you'll alive
4)You didn't survive your injuries and you died. Then it will be God has plans for him in Heaven. He has gone to a better place. May his soul R.I.P blah blah blah.
So as far as God is concerned its a win win situation isn't it? Here's the video

Who should he thank, you?
Re: Is This Life After Death? Drummaboy Survives Electrocution. by kambo(m): 4:56am On Jun 26, 2013

Is this divine intervention or are the volts on the gate not strong enough to kill you? while you had a[b] lucky [/b]escape it's a bit foolhardy to attribute every piece of good fortune to the intervention of the almighty.
luck, if any such stuff exists, shud b a random occurence not a reactive one . But unbelievers will seek to explain away supernatural thngs anyway they can. Mor like tryg to counter by all means possble wat they dnt want to believe in.
An event occurg only after a prior event has occured is connected and caused by d prior event.
So the later event is a consequence not random occurrence.
E.g the poster was transfixed by the electric current and cudnt pull free by his willpower,
he was initially mute and yet he was still being shocked away but after he screamed Jesus he was freed immediately. Was he free as a result of screamg a wrd or did electricity just decide to let him off?

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