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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? (16636 Views)
Is Speaking In Tongue Learnt Or Received? / Speaking In Tongues Medical Study Proves Holy Spirit Praying / Speaking In Tongues: What's That All About? (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by naijathings(m): 11:29am On Oct 20, 2013 |
[size=18pt]i don't speak in tongues except in my language which i have never used to say a prayer. does this means i do not believe in God?[/size] does this means you will go to heaven b4 me? i know some of these female bankers and politicians and prostiitutes speak in tongues as well as those other HOLY people who just take their time to judge each other and try to impress. frankly. i don't giva furk. God said "ASK" and it shall b given.. he did not say Speak in tongues. i have been to some churches where they gather the new comers to one corner and train them on how to speak in tonues... what thar furrk |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by LMAyedun(m): 11:30am On Oct 20, 2013 |
FearGodAndLive:GBAM!!! You said it all. God bless your heart & increase your understanding. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by kelvinclint(m): 11:34am On Oct 20, 2013 |
Speakn in tongues doesn't guarantee dt some1 is a christain.... |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Ogabarrister(m): 11:37am On Oct 20, 2013 |
Zatwo: I want to know if speaking in tongues is compulsory for Christians. Whats d benefit? and wat wuld happen if a christian chooses not to Speaking in tongues is one the great benefit deposited in you when you become a christian to activate the power of God in you, and to have a rich fellowship with God, for its the language of the spirit and its God's language 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by cold(m): 11:38am On Oct 20, 2013 |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by IceSplash(f): 11:45am On Oct 20, 2013 |
for me its nt compulsory cos that aint d only gift of the spirit...if everybody speaks in tongue who will interpret? |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by autofreak2020(m): 11:50am On Oct 20, 2013 |
speaking in tongues tutorial is on going in a celestial church right here in my hood. You wanna speak in a language your papa and mama will never understand? come and meet emeritus professors of gibberish in my hood or call 080468-CCC-78 |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Achmet(m): 12:02pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
guys try this and thank me later http://nexva.mobi/app/show/id/31274 |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by nnagozie(m): 12:04pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Adaeze003: 1cor 14:2 for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto GOD : for NO MAN understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. 1 Like
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by hardeywhale22(m): 12:15pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
striktlymi:wrong interpretation of His word if speaking in tongue is a special gift not all His disciples will be beneficial of it....conclusion : speaking in tongue is essential for all christian .....speaking in tongue is a language satan never understand..... 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by aku626(m): 12:18pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
I believe no christian can speak in tongues if he is not filled with the Holy Ghost, and it is something that comes upon you not just another language. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by unongu(m): 12:21pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Is speaking in tongues compulsory? The answer is NO. Is it necessary? The answer is YES. However, as a Catholic, I will react to the question posed in the following way; The Universal Church (Catholic) teaches that speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. However, the wide spread notion of speaking in tongues promoted by some reformists is false. They utter gibberish and call it speaking in tongues. According to the scripture, such gibberish is not from God. Speaking in tongues is understood, by the Catholic Church, to mean speaking a human language that is previously unknown to the speaker. This is clearly illustrated at the first Christian Pentecost as recorded in the book of Acts of the Apostles. "When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the spirit enabled them to speak. There were Jews living in Jerusalem, religious people who had come from every country in the world. When they heard this noise, a large crowd gathered. They were all excited, because, each one of them heard the believers speaking in his or her own language. In amazement and wonder they exclaimed "these people who are talking like this are Galileans! How is it then, that all of us hear them speaking in our own languages?"' (Acts 2:1-. The Apostles spoke a language previously unknown to them; this is clearly biblical evidence that speaking in tongues is NOT the uttering of nonsensical gibberish. More so, we see in the book of 1Corinthians where, Apostle Paul admonished Christians to eschew falsehood and wait for the gift of tongues. (See 1Cor 14:1-40). The Bible clearly supports the position of the Catholic Church on speaking in tongues, just as it condemns the popular utterances of nonsensical gibberish. 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by k2039: 12:49pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Mark 16:17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues Essentially, it's our right as christians, Jesus Christ Himself said it. 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by ugojamali(m): 12:58pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Ogabarrister: Uhm does it mean that English or Hebrew isn't God's language? I thot Hebrew, which was d language God passed to Adam, was His language And I thought tongues were meant to be earthly languages used to preach to foreigners Maybe I thought wrong |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by ShembeGJ: 12:58pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
My brother, Speaking in tongues is no longer required by Christains at all if we are to follow Apostle Paul's injunction @ 1 Corinthians 13:8-13, especially vs 10&11. Speaking in tongues is among the 'partial' and "childish things" the christain Church were doing in order to prove to unbelievers dat GOD is wth dem, but just like babies they must grow up, and out of those childish things and grow up to an adult. Then, they will nolonger do them(including speaking in tongues) You can do nothing against The Truth-2Corinthians 13:8. 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by ShembeGJ: 1:10pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Originalsly: 1:11pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
benalvino:Speaking in tongues 101. THREAD CLOSED. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by abohrandy: 1:13pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
i tot when u speak in tongues, at least somebody should b able to understand the gibirish u r yapping nau? and just plenty noise and hot air!!! |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Yoney007(f): 1:21pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
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Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Maximus85(m): 1:32pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Zatwo: I want to know if speaking in tongues is compulsory for Christians. Whats d benefit? and wat wuld happen if a christian chooses not to [b] Speaking in Tongues means speaking in different languages. And in Penticos 33CE, the apostles where able to speak different languages and people around who are from different lands were hearing their own language and were wondering how come these people are speaking my language? So when one man start talking one gibberish that he himself can't understand....just leave him to his madness. 1 Corinthians 14:23 Of what use is the rubbish you say that people around you can't understand? And you expect them to say Amen after your prayer when they can't understand you. Pastors: please stop saying sweet things to these people. Stop telling then about how to prosper. Teach then Matthew 6:33. "Tha lord is my shepherd I shall not want" Its not material provision oooooo. Its spiritual provision, spiritual food. The one we need to grow spiritually and be loved by God. And when a pastor do business. Must the preaching be on CDs and DVDs? They know the more the members, the more they sell. What part of receive free, give free can't we understand? And as for Women speaking in front of a church. It is forbidden. 1 Corinthians 14:33-35.[/b] 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Edoblakky(m): 1:33pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Pls let's not misconstrue the gift with the sign of tongues. Mark 16:17 says "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; The gift is not given to everyone but the sign is for every christian. Speaking in tongues helps to build us up. If we do not speak in tongues, growth is hindered. 1Cor 14:2. As a christian, I pray in tongues everyday and I enjoy marvelous fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Those who do not speak in tongues are not believers or they have been deceived. Jesus said its one of the signs to recognise those who believe in Him. Whether or not you accept it is inconsequential! 1 Like |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Nobody: 1:33pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit just like healing, prophecy and other gifts. If u say speaking in tongues is compulsory 4 all christians, then healing, prophecying, interpreting dreams and other gifts are compulsory too. Which is false. So brother you see that speaking in tongues is not at all compulsory, but it may be necessary |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Maximus85(m): 1:35pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Edoblakky: Pls let's not misconstrue the gift with the sign of tongues. Mark 16:17 says "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; The gift is not given to everyone but the sign is for every christian. Speaking in tongues helps to build us up. If we do not speak in tongues, growth is hindered. 2Cor 14:2. As a christian, I pray in tongues everyday and I enjoy marvelous fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Which tongue do you speak in? Do you understand what you say? Cos those speaking in tongues knows what they are saying. Tongues = Languages. Don't get it twisted. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Edoblakky(m): 1:42pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
@Maximus85, 1Cor 14:14 says tho I speak in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful. That means I do not know what I'm saying. This is the working of the Holy Spirit. You alone know that its God's Spirit at work in you. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Nauttyprof(m): 1:47pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
On the issue of speaking in tongues, men had taught self-teachings and nothing more. It is more of heresy and self-righteousness without having a source in the scripture. In 1 Corinthians 12:29-30, it therefore means speaking in tongues is not compulsory for all. Also, if you read the book of Acts, you'd realise that it was just two set of people that spoke in tongues asides the apostles - Cornelius and the people of Ephesus. In this same book, Lydia, Ethopian eunuch (preached to by Phillip) and the prison guard (to Paul and Silas) & family never spoke in tongues even after receiving the Holyspirit. Also, if we search the scriptures well, we'll realise that the Bible stated that what the disciples experienced at pentecost was based on the spirit giving them utterance. It is self teaching to belief that it's a must to speak in tongue. Another question that should be asked is what then is speaking in tongues? Is it the same as what we have this days? This will be for another day. N.B - There is nowhere in the scripture where it was stated that Praying in the Holyghost means speaking in tongues as this is just the teachings of men and it is not scriptural. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Edoblakky(m): 1:56pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
@Nauttyprof, don't preach what you don't know I stated what Jesus said in Mark 16:17. Jesus said speaking in tongues is a sign to know those who believe in Him. Also 1Cor 14:14 says praying in the Spirit is tongues. Pls study the scriptures so as not to err. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Xriss: 1:57pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
FearGodAndLive: GOD BLESS YOU and may you continue rightly divide the word of truth |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by omon24(m): 1:57pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Regarding speaking in tongues, the Bible never tells us that we must speak in tongues. A good passage is 1 Cor 12:27-31: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. 29Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[a]? Do all interpret? 31But eagerly desire the greater gifts”. The obvious answer to his rhetorical question (in bold) “No, of course they don’t!”. This idea is picked up earlier in 1 Cor 12:7-11, where different gifts are given to different people as the Spirit determines. This is a really clear answer from the Bible, the Bible doesn’t tell us that we must speak in tongues. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Ewoma45(f): 2:04pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
How can I speak in a" language",I do not understand and have no one to interprete it to me? For me sha it is so not compulsory.I know a church where they ask the members if they can speak in tongues and if you can't they would teach you how to.makes me wonder if tongues can be taught |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by stantob(m): 2:06pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
If it's about this popular nonsense they speak, something like "ra bababababababababababababa, kokokokokokokokokokokoko, kakakakakakakakakakakaka, sha mamamamamamamamamamamamama", then no feeling to go to church. God gives the utterance through the holy spirit, not some one speaking gibberish. |
Re: Is Speaking In Tongues Compulsory? by Edoblakky(m): 2:06pm On Oct 20, 2013 |
Pls let's not continue to err. There is a gift of tongues as seen in 1Cor 12. But there's also a sign of tongues as seen in Mark 16:17. The gift is not for all but the sign is for every believer. Pls study the scriptures to minimize errors because many people on this thread are making a mockery of christianity. |
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