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Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha - Politics - Nairaland

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Army Forces Al-mustapha To Retire - The Punch / How Sani Abacha Died…AL Mustapha. NOT BY APPLE / Security: Army Moves To Retire 40 Generals (2) (3) (4)

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Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Built2last: 8:04am On Jul 22, 2013
There are strong indications that the Nigeria Army headquarters is considering retiring Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, Chief Security Officer to the late Head of State, General Sani Abacha.

Following a death sentence by a High Court after 14 years in detention, a court of Appeal, last week, set free the Yobe-born Major.

The judgement of the appeal court sparked a fresh controversy over what should be Al-Mustapha’s new rank, considering that most of his Regular 28 coursemates are now Major-Generals.

Military sources told Pointblanknews.com that the Army Secretary would “in the next few days” advise Al-Mustapha in writing to voluntarily retire.

Should the Major fail to comply, added the sources, “we will retire him.”

Pointblanknews.com gathered that several issues, including “age on rank”, and the fact that the Major has not undegone the requisite training for promotion, stand against Al-Mustapha.

“Recall that whilst serving as Abacha’s CSO, Al-Mustapha couldn’t be promoted Lieutenant Colonel because he didn’t attend Staff College. There is no way a Major who didn’t pass (Command and) Staff College would be promoted,” he explained.

“Again, there is the issue of age on rank, that is, your age at a particular rank. There is no way Al-Mustapha would be a Major at this age.

Any officer who doesn’t attain a particular rank after a certain age is retired. This is pure military tradition,” added the source.

“It is like awarding a doctorate degree to an undergraduate who was imprisoned 14 years ago for the simply reason that all his classmates at the time now have doctorates,” he stressed.

On Wednesday, the Army refuted reports that Al-Mustapha had been promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General.

In the history of the Nigerian Armed Forces, no serving personnel has been away for 14 years. Al-Mustapha’s release therefore set a precedence on what to do with officers who, for reasons clearly beyond their control, embark on AWOL (absence without leave) for this long.

Contacted, Director of Army Public Relations, Brigadier-General Attahiru Ibrahim told Pointblanknews.com that the matter was being handled “administratively.”

He said, “It is purely an administrative matter. The army as an institution has extant rules on its operations, so there is no need for anxiety over the matter.



Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by donem: 8:35am On Jul 22, 2013
I can see some people scared. Though it would be a nice move to retire him, he should count himself lucky he wasn't dismissed or executed.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by princesammmy: 8:38am On Jul 22, 2013
that's Just simple logic and I wonder why some brainless people will bring politics to this

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by blueheart(m): 8:49am On Jul 22, 2013
It would have been an unprofessional move to just promote Al-Mustapha to Brig-Gen. Sanity must prevail. It would have been more honourable to retire him with full benefits, compo for his ordeal instead of unmerited promotion. Report here says its under consideration though. Hope they do what is right sha


Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Nobody: 8:55am On Jul 22, 2013
princesammmy: that's Just simple logic and I wonder why some brainless people will bring politics to this

But bros, u know in Nigeria, nothing like Logic. Example is a whole illiterate First Lady insulting a whole world class, world renown professor.

Another example is when the daughter of a pure father anti rule of law speaks against a whole Wole Soyinka.
However, in Nigeria, anything can happen. I won't be surprised if the Guy (mustapha) is promoted to the Chief General of the Military. This is Nigeria bros.


Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Arosa(m): 8:58am On Jul 22, 2013
He should be retired ASAP.

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Bliss4Lyfe(f): 8:59am On Jul 22, 2013
hahahaha! So much for army cheif. lmao!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Omexonomy: 9:36am On Jul 22, 2013
Correction please:-
why will you want to bring back this issue i guess you want to take wole to the cleaner.
1 uncle WS went to play with them in the mud and he got himself soiled.
2 respet is reciprocal. WS is above her accademically does not make him above her morrally.
3 always try as much as you can to tell WS to respect himself and stop playing in the mud.

But bros, u know in Nigeria, nothing like Logic. Example is a whole illiterate First Lady insulting a whole world class, world renown professor.

Another example is when the daughter of a pure father anti rule of law speaks against a whole Wole Soyinka.
However, in Nigeria, anything can happen. I won't be surprised if the Guy (mustapha) is promoted to the Chief General of the Military. This is Nigeria bros.


Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by infobiz9ja(m): 9:36am On Jul 22, 2013
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by stantob(m): 9:37am On Jul 22, 2013
Ok.We are waiting.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by iamswizz(m): 9:37am On Jul 22, 2013
Well, at least he will retire as a major and get pension for life.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by AbuMikey(m): 9:40am On Jul 22, 2013
Simple Logic should be applied!!!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by yomalex(m): 9:41am On Jul 22, 2013
He should proceed to Jaji and retire as Lt.Col

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by freakcin: 9:47am On Jul 22, 2013
Smart move!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by madjune(m): 9:49am On Jul 22, 2013
They are indirectly telling this man to join PDP politics. From prison to retirement. How is he going to survive? Abi, we all know PDP is the only institution without retirement in its constitution.

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Summersland(m): 9:51am On Jul 22, 2013
grin grin grin Any how shaaa
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by kzokul(m): 9:51am On Jul 22, 2013
Just do wat is right......shikena
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by NotNairalandi(m): 9:51am On Jul 22, 2013
Any igbo man living in the north should be considered as "living inside the Enemies camp"quote me any day.when you come here and see how this dudes are equiping themselves for war you will understand that things have gone out of hand.so therefore,I urgue my Igbo brothers to get equiped because anything can happen at any time.this is not the topic at hand but I have to voice it out.Ngwucha abughi ujo!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by greatgod2012(f): 9:53am On Jul 22, 2013
At last, some sane people still abound and they want to do the right thing. Well, God help them.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by sexyglow(f): 9:56am On Jul 22, 2013
This is exactly what it should be!

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by SNOWWHITE240(m): 9:57am On Jul 22, 2013
we dt trust him lets retire him
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Nobody: 10:00am On Jul 22, 2013

But bros, u know in Nigeria, nothing like Logic. Example is a whole illiterate First Lady insulting a whole world class, world renown professor.

Another example is when the daughter of a pure father anti rule of law speaks against a whole Wole Soyinka.
However, in Nigeria, anything can happen. I won't be surprised if the Guy (mustapha) is promoted to the Chief General of the Military. This is Nigeria bros.


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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by doctimi(m): 10:02am On Jul 22, 2013
Pls people Comport yourself properly. This thread is not about Wole Soyinka and Patience Jonathan. Just share your view and move on! Almustapha Hamza would choose the former: Voluntarily retire!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by overdrive(m): 10:03am On Jul 22, 2013
Nairalandi: Any igbo man living in the north should be considered as "living inside the Enemies camp"quote me any day.when you come here and see how this dudes are equiping themselves for war you will understand that things have gone out of hand.so therefore,I urgue my Igbo brothers to get equiped because anything can happen at any time.this is not the topic at hand but I have to voice it out.Ngwucha abughi ujo!
In other words u are telling us u are fully equipped if not I wonder what u are still doing there.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Shaw007(m): 10:04am On Jul 22, 2013
The Army and Discipline!! . . . The only sign of hope in this corrupt Government!

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Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by charlsecy4(m): 10:05am On Jul 22, 2013

"It is like awarding a doctorate degree to an undergraduate who was imprisoned 14 years ago for the simply reason that all his classmates at the time now have doctorates,” he stressed.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Nobody: 10:11am On Jul 22, 2013
Gbam!! Na so life suppose be.
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by VirginFinder: 10:18am On Jul 22, 2013
It's okay!
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Nobody: 10:19am On Jul 22, 2013
Abu Mikey: Simple Logic should be applied!!!
Huhh..diz sign of relief atlist d army hu pipo say ar nt wel educated sti get senz pas d senates in decision makin...9ce 1
Re: Army Moves To Retire Al-mustapha by Mahas84(m): 10:20am On Jul 22, 2013
nigerians are good at making bias comment on politics.

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