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Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) - Politics (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by chino11(m): 8:28pm On Jul 22, 2013

Havard gives out its Honorary degree to people who are of a rare breed - and Wole Soyinka is one. Havard will kill to have him teach their students or lead a faculty. He is a man you only find in 10 million births.

In a different world, Hippopotamus and his retardeen husband are not fit to polish Kongi's shoes.

A common cultist..of course they were rare in his early days.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 8:29pm On Jul 22, 2013
chino11: If you believe that Soyenka A common campus cultist has gone senile and needs rehabilitation: CLICK LIKE


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by folabim(f): 8:31pm On Jul 22, 2013
Hic [quote author=anago12]

the same thing gowon and his cohorts said when he went to ojukwu to negotiate the ending of the biafra war. same thing the green boys were humming when he was advocating for democracy. the prof has develop a thick skin to power drunken low lifers
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by davidmonye(m): 8:32pm On Jul 22, 2013
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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by betrani(m): 8:32pm On Jul 22, 2013
anago12: if in your definition a person like wole is mad then I wanna forever be a looney. but the manatees and shepopotami you worship can't even measure up to his shoelace in all ramifications. when the south western folks enter this thread hope you will be able to stand the heat in the kitchen.
why didn't he take on some learned professor that would have match him word for word, laurels for laurels, intellect for intellect or still "self aclaimed gramarian for self acclaimed gramarian" u all still don't knw what this man did wrong! "why take sides" when Amechi committed his own atrocities no one said anytin Now its a faction that supports the presidentn people are cryin foul! Don't forget He was Elected by the "corrupt court" not the masses! Ole forgot that not so? He had the effrontery to sack elected officers of which he him self came in through the back door!

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by kingbang: 8:38pm On Jul 22, 2013
This NL is becoming a place for ignorant people like you . This man only need to make himself available for speeches around the world and he makes money

And that gives him the right to abuse ladies? You need your head checked.


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 8:40pm On Jul 22, 2013
I am not a benefactor of shepopotamus as frivolously put by Mad Old Professor, neither is she my Jesus Christ on earth!!!! I am simply appalled by someone I once hold in high regards by how low he has gone to insult another man's wife!!! Insult women! and show poor judgement when he was expected to be a father to all. I am appalled.

We know she is an illiterate. So what? With all your education and Mop combined, how much tenacity have you been able to show towards advancing your need for individual happiness. It is now that mop is trying to fix his children into politics. Mop is an ACN guy we all know, so his views are tainted.

Bros you know who benefactor be Ok na typo abi undecided

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by visalo: 8:42pm On Jul 22, 2013
I have lost my respect for this old man for involving himself in a local politics, because euro and dollars that amaechi has given to him so that he open his mouth and insult the president wife. Achebe may u RIP .

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Dollarmind(m): 8:43pm On Jul 22, 2013

You are not in that League of those who are fit to make a "harsh critique" of Wole Soyinka!

Kongi is a lone voice - a rare badger! He stood and fought the crazy military rulers - both with his might and his pen. Those long days when your fathers and grandfathers hid underneath their beds - Kongi was out there, doing what he knew to do best - fight for posterity!

Where are your fathers? Where are your grandfathers? Who are they? No one knows them, if alive, they are just one of the several millions of Nigerians who came, saw and did nothing - Kongi is still here - bless his soul - doing what he knows best, fighting!

Fighting an utterly shameful and spineless corrupt government, led by a President and a Sheppopotamus wife who are so drunk with power, they now make an @ss out of themselves! They will be gone soon like those before them, and posterity will remember them only very little - Kongi, however remains a badger, someone who came, saw and fought with all his might!

He is 79 and full of wisdom. If he wanted, he could choose to pick up mouth watering appointment from the likes of Harvard and Wharton who will fall over themselves to have him. But he's a badger, his love for his homeland is unquestionable. He's shed his blood, tears and sweat for his country, posterity will reward him well for than.

You are not in the league of those who can make a "harsh critique" of Kongi. Not you, not your President nor the buffalo he married. You should do something worthwhile with your life. Don't follow the paths of your fathers or grandfathers whom we know not. Follow the path of the "mad professor" and posterity will write books about you!
Abeg help me tell those bigots...
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by clint77ng: 8:44pm On Jul 22, 2013
author=anago12]if in your definition a person like wole is mad then I
wanna forever be a looney. but the manatees and shepopotami you worship
can't even measure up to his shoelace in all ramifications. when the
south western folks enter this thread hope you will be able to stand the
heat in the kitchen.[/quote]Taa. which heat? cowards
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by dolphinife: 8:51pm On Jul 22, 2013
Never mind my grammatical errors

The first time I met wole soyinka, I was at 200level in OAU. He came with retinue of aides who helped carry his bags and folders. All these aides were Professors and whites. He was so accommodating that he penned his signatures on anything we presented to him. From that day onward, I decided to study the man, his life, his cuase, devotions and those things that inspired him to greatness

What some of us couldn't remember is that Soyinka was more brutish towards turai and OBJ with the use of english. Soyinka is widely known for his usage of pen and mouth to criticise any oppresive regime right from independence. His use of words and pen endear him to every countries of this world that he was given a life ticket to enter any country of his choice without visa. Even not all presidents or prime ministers do enjoy that kind of privilege.

Nevertheless, the question we suppose to ask is this...
Would this be the first time Wole Soyinka is using verbal attacks on any government he percieved oppressive?
Let it be clear to anybody who care to knw that the OP is a coward. If the OP know that he's the tue son of his parents, can he boldly say all these to Wole soyinka physically? As far as I know, there's no human being on earth that Wole soyinka can't take on and the better we live with that.

Whether soyinka is demented or senile or mad or whatever, that's subjective. But we should be rest assured that in future, if there's going to be any injustice to malign PEJ or GEJ, Wole soyinka is going to come out and defend them again.....


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by akpomeme(m): 8:52pm On Jul 22, 2013
Sincerely speaking u are high, so u are telling me my role model is not normal it obviously shows u 're not in ur right senses... Hmmshwww!

My dear it is what it is. Dementsia no dey look face.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by safeLove(f): 8:54pm On Jul 22, 2013
I read this thread from the very first page and all I see is an e-cult clash between pirates confraternity and eiye/bucca/any other sick cult.
If this wasn't an online forum,maybe we would have been talking of deaths and injuries resulting from the clash already.

#readb btw d lines people#. It aint just about wole soyinka and patience jonathan.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Dollarmind(m): 8:54pm On Jul 22, 2013

My dear it is what it is. Dementsia no dey look face.
U are madt...
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by kliq(m): 8:54pm On Jul 22, 2013
Wow...still observing...@Anago12,for a lady I must commend u for takin those guys to d cleaners...gud job cool
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by nitrogen(m): 8:56pm On Jul 22, 2013
chino11: If you believe that Soyenka A common campus cultist has gone senile and needs rehabilitation: CLICK LIKE

grin grin grin grin
Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Only one person liked your post, it quite shows that you are the senile person here and you need full rehabilitation.

PS. In your own interest, don't bother to reply this cos that might lead to full online m.a.d.n.e.s.s for you, and will definitely make you a complete loner(online) till HE comes. wink

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by akpomeme(m): 8:56pm On Jul 22, 2013
L u c i d:

Bros you know who benefactor be Ok na typo abi undecided
Here they come again. Because I am doing well enough as an individual and treat my innate writing skills for pleasure, I could'nt have sponsored peg or Gej at any level or do their bidding for personal interest. Does this answer your question son of a MOP?
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 8:57pm On Jul 22, 2013
Sincerely speaking u are high, so u are telling me my role model is not normal it obviously shows u 're not in ur right senses... Hmmshwww!
And this is the most worisome part of it. He is the role model of our youths! Even a dunce could predict what the future holds for them - tripple divorce and self-loathicism orchestrated by lonliness....Ewwww!


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by akpomeme(m): 8:59pm On Jul 22, 2013
U are madt...

tongue grin you are a table madt cheesy
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by folabim(f): 9:00pm On Jul 22, 2013
Our level of reasoning and thinking is quite different as individuals some pple are wise as the tortoise while some are as dumb as a sheep so am not surprised at the comments am getting from some dumbs in the house.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by akpomeme(m): 9:02pm On Jul 22, 2013
Ishsoph: And this is the most worisome part of it. He is the role model of our youths! Even a dunce could predict what the future holds for them - tripple divorce and self-loathicism orchestrated by lonliness....Ewwww!

The question is: where are the wives today? Are they still alive? If they are, what are there experiences with the monster called saint by his followers.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 9:03pm On Jul 22, 2013

So she-po should be left alone to spikes of the Mad Old Professor (MOP). God will always defend the defenseless. You call her illiterate and subdue her psychologically by making fun of her physical attributes, those are childish bullish weapons employed by MOP to intimidate the poor thing. Just like he stood for injustice most of his life, I owe him the duty of drawing the attention of his care givers to help him retain what is left of his good name. MOP has become pathetic in my very eyes. Sad.

one day your unborn offspring will ask you what you did when this your gods are mortgage their future. I hope you will be man enough to tell them you sold their future for some crisp wads to satisfy your chronic hunger.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 9:06pm On Jul 22, 2013

My dear it is what it is. Dementsia no dey look face.
so u no tell me say u be Latin na, u are d real definition of madness...
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by samkoro: 9:06pm On Jul 22, 2013

When did Professor Shoyinka become a "mad professor"? Was it when he started to fight against Turai in order for Jonathan to become President or when he started to put "shepopotamous" in her place?

He became mad when He wrote "the man died" ie a story about himself.

He became mad when he also formed a CULT in school called Pyrates and Confraternity which gave rise to Bucaneers and other cults,both in and out of school.Since then many souls/youths have perished from cultism.He satanic legacy of cultism has devastated the Nigerian university.So I wonder what is the mind of somebody who considers Wole soyinka as fool of wisdom.

Wisdom is about righteousness and not about satanism combine with literature.

Wole Soyinka became mad when he startyted serving thje very IBB he criticised.

Infact he was mad from his youth.


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Bushdiri(m): 9:09pm On Jul 22, 2013
Sincerely speaking,this your so called prof is sick,by the time Ameachi leave office with disgrace and shame, then you will see him go completely MAD.
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by akpomeme(m): 9:11pm On Jul 22, 2013
In your wisdom can you please tell us the meaning of domestic appendage?
When I am not mad tongue
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by basilo101: 9:12pm On Jul 22, 2013

If you have to write 3 times before you get get the spelling of Idi-Amin right in your celebration of illiteracy no wonder you think Soyinka a Nobel laureate is mad and the face of Illiteracy Shepopo is Jesus Chris

BTW Whats the meaning of the bold?
bros 4get all dis ur education talk. Spelling de put fud 4 table? Y nt concentrate on d message
Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 9:14pm On Jul 22, 2013


Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by icon8: 9:14pm On Jul 22, 2013

You are not in that League of those who are fit to make a "harsh critique" of Wole Soyinka!

Kongi is a lone voice - a rare badger! He stood and fought the crazy military rulers - both with his might and his pen. Those long days when your fathers and grandfathers hid underneath their beds - Kongi was out there, doing what he knew to do best - fight for posterity!

Where are your fathers? Where are your grandfathers? Who are they? No one knows them, if alive, they are just one of the several millions of Nigerians who came, saw and did nothing - Kongi is still here - bless his soul - doing what he knows best, fighting!

Fighting an utterly shameful and spineless corrupt government, led by a President and a Sheppopotamus wife who are so drunk with power, they now make an @ss out of themselves! They will be gone soon like those before them, and posterity will remember them only very little - Kongi, however remains a badger, someone who came, saw and fought with all his might!

He is 79 and full of wisdom. If he wanted, he could choose to pick up mouth watering appointment from the likes of Harvard and Wharton who will fall over themselves to have him. But he's a badger, his love for his homeland is unquestionable. He's shed his blood, tears and sweat for his country, posterity will reward him well for than.

You are not in the league of those who can make a "harsh critique" of Kongi. Not you, not your President nor the buffalo he married. You should do something worthwhile with your life. Don't follow the paths of your fathers or grandfathers whom we know not. Follow the path of the "mad professor" and posterity will write books about you!

Strength and Honor!

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Nobody: 9:15pm On Jul 22, 2013
Ishsoph: And this is the most worisome part of it. He is the role model of our youths! Even a dunce could predict what the future holds for them - tripple divorce and self-loathicism orchestrated by lonliness....Ewwww!
YES! Wole Soyinka is my ROLE MODEL, the MAN is a nobel laureate for crying out loud, ABI SHEY NA UR PAPA U WANT MAKE I USE AS MY ROLE MODEL?
you and your entire lineage will never be half the man he is.

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Sinafatai(m): 9:17pm On Jul 22, 2013
Everyone is allowed to his or her opinion, we all make mistakes in life and they make us better. When we make mistakes in life it is also right for people around us to quickly correct us, but we Nigerians always drag too long because we think we are better than others. Prof Wole is a great man in his capacity and have made his own view known which is not acceptable to all nevertheless he is an icon. Mummy patience will always have a place in Nigeria's history no matter how many grammatical errors she makes, she is still our first lady and the husband is working tirelessly so that peace can return to our dear country Nigeria. Instead of castigating this wonderful people and posting non relevancies, lets put our voices together in prayers for them and ask for the best with our phones, voices and pens. Finally lets learn to say we are sorry when we err instead of proving to be right when we are not.

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Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Godson201333(m): 9:20pm On Jul 22, 2013
Wole Soyinka is my mentor ,Either you like it or not,All Haters should at least try to achieve being Famous like him Moreover it aint easy to be a Professor!

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