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Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by yungryce: 5:35pm On Jul 28, 2013

Firslty, I did not attend a private uni.

I'm only trying to be objective and face this issue without considering the fact that I attended a public school.

Have you wondered why admission in some schools abroad is so easy?

Do you know most people who failed your JAMB gained admission easily in developed countries and then come back home to get the jobs the "HARDworking", "HARD-STRESSED all night reading students" here in the country are struggling to get?

Its not about Private uni.. its about the over-rating aluta struggling ish going on in our 19th century institutions.

If its about "STRUGGLE", then our public schools ought to be leading in the world of academics.

I know you'll also condemn the 1st class students in schools like Novena university, Ogume, Delta state. But do you know a girl from that school, Oghale Askia went ahead for Masters in Middlesex university, UK and she came out as the best graduating student (+ 5 awards) ?
Mind you, this girl left Novena with a 2.1 result (not even a 1st class)..

And again, its not about competition. A visit to some of the private schools will convince you.

..and I'm not forgetting the fact that, some schools are bad. Its normal.. Even in the U.K, there are bad schools.

..and you don't expect all unis to have the same standards. 2.2 in OAU may not be 2.2 in UNIBEN even though they are both Federal Unis.

Do you also know, that UNILAG graduates more first class students than most schools? So can we also condemn UNILAG?
na 3rd class wey u use grad 4 uni. Abeg, close mouth. Na ur type dey form logic evn wen d truth is lookin u in d face
10% 1st class
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Acidosis(m): 6:01pm On Jul 28, 2013
na 3rd class wey u use grad 4 uni. Abeg, close mouth. Na ur type dey form logic evn wen d truth is lookin u in d face
10% 1st class

Lol. I know it will come to this...
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Acidosis(m): 6:08pm On Jul 28, 2013
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by EMMYD01(m): 9:54am On Jul 29, 2013
I think we should nt discriminate them sha. They had opportunity 2 be in private uni and they are there. I think individual person matters,i mean what we have in the upstairs nt where u graduated 4rm. I reali understand my fellow pubic sch pals wela. Public school no beans truely. Imagine d stress bt private uni students do always go through such before they make it. So lets 4get d discrimination my brothers. Its left 4 us 2 try and make it no matter the school we are cos naija dey change day by day.

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Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by EMMYD01(m): 9:59am On Jul 29, 2013
I think we should nt discriminate them sha. They had opportunity 2 be in private uni and they are there. I think individual person matters,i mean what we have in the upstairs nt where u graduated 4rm. I reali understand my fellow pubic sch pals wela. Public school no be beans truely. Imagine d stress bt private uni students dont always go through such before they make it. So lets 4get d discrimination my brothers. Its left 4 us 2 try and make it no matter the school we are cos naija dey change day by day.
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Ikemsinachi(m): 10:14am On Jul 29, 2013
DARREG: SO TRUE...To make it clear there are so many notable awards today in Nigeria that involves both private and public uni and studentz of private uni comes out tops
una no get english teacher for dat una private uni? Hmmm, u spoke as if u had won one before.
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by REUBEN010(m): 1:39pm On Jul 29, 2013
matrixme: We like deceiving ourselves alot in this country. We never reason from both sides of the coin, we just assume. I think many of the people defending this monstrosity are either church goers or private university products. I wonder if you guys would stand a chance in today's dog-eat-dog Nigeria. Anyway, your strength lies in the private sector. I am a privileged product of a public University of Technology here in Nigeria, FUTA, and I know the worth of my own education. It is not half-baked like many of you in privately owned institutions think. I worry the system of education in this country has been bastardised with money: Summer semester to run carry over courses, (thank God I heard that has been cancelled) Excessive first class from products that entered the system with 160 UME score and other eyesore. I am not being discriminatory here, but it's in the soon coming future that the repercussions would appear. We can all stand and watch.
thanks so much for ur post. Unlike this century, it's very difficult getting first class honours in the 2O century even with the caliber of lecturers then. To me, i think the quality of education is dwindling. Or hw can u explain over a 1OO first class in just one session.
Na beans
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Akinsete19(m): 5:29pm On Jul 29, 2013
DARREG: SO TRUE...To make it clear there are so many notable awards today in Nigeria that involves both private and public uni and studentz of private uni comes out tops
be fooling urself. brainwash
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Akinsete19(m): 5:46pm On Jul 29, 2013

My friend stop giving false prophecies..

The future will be great.. and its certain

Those killing Nigeria today are products of your public schools..
those that establish the private university you are attending are also products of the public school, including your vc,deans,lecturers. That mean if public university are not good, there will be nothing like private university in nigeria.
Re: Convenant University Convocates 144 First Class by Nobody: 9:12am On Jul 31, 2013
I understand smiley
kiss Thanks! wink cheesy

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