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Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? - Religion - Nairaland

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Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by modele2: 1:43pm On Jul 31, 2013
I recently joined a new society or prayer group and at a meeting everyone was talking about how difficult it was to stay awake for midnight prayers. I held my self and at a point had to blurt out...'ah ah must you pray at midnight? Sleep when you want to and give the Lord more alert parts of your day'. You could have heard a pin drop then i got several lessons on how important midnight prayer was...blah blah blah. (demons operate at night was the only reason that stood out smiley . I was hardly convinced especially when i tried it for two days.

So i bring it to the house, do people have any experience on how extra special midnight prayers are? Is there any advantage tied to time of prayer? Honest views and personal testimonies are very welcome.

ps.if there is another topic that addresses this pls let me know, my search turned up nothing when i tried.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 2:27pm On Jul 31, 2013
modele2: I recently joined a new society or prayer group and at a meeting everyone was talking about how difficult it was to stay awake for midnight prayers. I held my self and at a point had to blurt out...'ah ah must you pray at midnight? Sleep when you want to and give the Lord more alert parts of your day'. You could have heard a pin drop then i got several lessons on how important midnight prayer was...blah blah blah. (demons operate at night was the only reason that stood out smiley . I was hardly convinced especially when i tried it for two days.

So i bring it to the house, do people have any experience on how extra special midnight prayers are? Is there any advantage tied to time of prayer? Honest views and personal testimonies are very welcome.

ps.if there is another topic that addresses this pls let me know, my search turned up nothing when i tried.

You are right. the rule is to pray always, and i tell you its extremely productive. However the night is unique in several ways. just as students get less distracted when they read at night. there is less distractions to spiritual activities. Even God can reach man more easily at night as indicated by more visions at night in the bible than by day. I guess the other side too find it more conducive for their work too.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by modele2: 2:25pm On Aug 06, 2013
Thus silence, peace and quiet. I think i like that reason, especially if you live in a noisy area and thats the only time there is piece and quiet. The the fact that most visions in the bibile occur at night...thanks i never thought of that.

Thanks for your reply


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by mcfynest(m): 5:03pm On Aug 06, 2013
u know, it is fabled that at night many people dont disturb God so it is kinda nice cos he will av ears for u.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by italo: 6:18pm On Aug 06, 2013
When you pray at night, you deny yourself of sleep communicate with God..as you deny yourself of food whe you fast.

Even Jesus himself did both.

Luke 6:12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by bizmahn: 11:35pm On Aug 06, 2013
I've heard several overwhelming testimonies about many people that tarried in prayer all night especially in MFM church & yes our Lord Jesus tarried all night before selecting the apostles next day & He did similar in gethsamane.Jacob tarried all night while wrestled with the angel before he could ever recieve the blessing.There are indeed rich blessings if the spiritual disciplines of fasting & night vigils are PROPERLY done.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 5:37pm On Aug 11, 2013
besides bags under your eyes ? no


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Sicozone(m): 5:38pm On Aug 11, 2013
.not really
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Yvete(f): 5:39pm On Aug 11, 2013
Yea, there are numerous benefits to mid-night prayers - deliverance, spiritual growth, etc. Mid-night prayer is not compulsory, but it depends on what you seek and what sacrifices you're willing to make to connect with God. I pray mid-night only during a fast or in-agreement with my family. Mind you, its a very sensitive time (esp. 12 midnight to 3am) when the devil and his cohort are at it.

"Psalm 119:62: “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.”
"Acts 16:25: “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.”


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 5:40pm On Aug 11, 2013

You are right. the rule is to pray always, and i tell you its extremely productive. However the night is unique in several ways. just as students get less distracted when they read at night. there is less distractions to spiritual activities. Even God can reach man more easily at night as indicated by more visions at night in the bible than by day. I guess the other side too find it more conducive for their work too.
Perfect. Even Jesus himself prayed more in the early hours of the day. It makes you more alert to whatever God is saying. It helps you give God your full attention, especially if you are married or you are a leader. Because, there is lack of distraction, you pray more better and longer than during the day. Praying more in the early hours strengthens you against the challenges you will face in the day. You can easily recieve divine guidance that will profit in the day because your spirit is calm and sensitive.
Finally, take a poll, you will discover that those who pray in the early hours of the day seldom have bad days.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by charlsecy4(m): 5:42pm On Aug 11, 2013
It is ALSO believed that is when witches and wizards gather for their meetings, so it is better to fight them fire-for-fire at that time.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by alphaconde(m): 5:42pm On Aug 11, 2013
Praying at midnight seems to God that u have made an extra sacrifice to communicate with him. Hence his ears are well open. Perhaps u may also be having enough concentration to pray well.
As for those deamons u can also kill them in the afternoon so no need staying awake for them.

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Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Jayses(m): 5:43pm On Aug 11, 2013
I dnt know about u , try my street witches em go carry u shine all i'm trying to say is dat tin u see as needless may be giving a bad spirit tough tym @ prayers all the way
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Morgan1092(m): 5:48pm On Aug 11, 2013
Jayses: H
How old re u? #no offence#
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 5:51pm On Aug 11, 2013
Midnight is that time of the day when almost everyone is sleeping, and when they are not sleeping, they are engaged in one activity or the other but prayer. Whatever keeps anyone up at night must be a very serious issue that cannot be ignored, how much more when God is involved. Because those things that distract you in the place of prayer, for example, employees coming to complain to you, your kids need you to fix them some meal, you have some laundry that hasn’t been done, your neighbor wants to talk with you, the door bell goes off the moment you get on your knees to pray, etc are no longer there to keep you distracted, it is the best time to focus on your communication with God and have God give you all His attention. There are so many positive effects of midnight prayers that you cannot ignore, though, getting up at midnight may not be the easiest thing, it will definitely draw heaven’s attention to you and cause God’s angels to act rapidly on your behalf.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Lordave: 5:52pm On Aug 11, 2013
I don't know about midnight prayers, but I know of numerous benefits attached to midnight incantations.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by elnath(m): 5:54pm On Aug 11, 2013
You Christians are really pathetic in your reasoning. So praying at night and depriving yourself of sleep really makes God accord you special treatment above others? God, then, must be partial and not keeping to His words. For it is supposedly His words that 'I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy'. It seems to me, therefore, that the intensity, frequency or time of prayer is virtually immaterial to God, who has a masterplan for each of our lives. Remember, worshipping God entails total surrender, completely giving up to His will. The best way to surrender is not to demand, not to ask, but to submit, trust and hope that whatever God course of action God chooses for your life is OK.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Lordave: 5:54pm On Aug 11, 2013
obadiah777: besides bags under your eyes ? no
you ain't quoting bible anymore.
Hope there's no problem.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by seedord247(m): 5:55pm On Aug 11, 2013
charlsecy4: It is ALSO believed that is when witches and wizards gather for their meetings, so it is better to fight them fire-for-fire at that time.

So you still believes in wictches??

They are hungry and begging God to help their predicament. grin
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 6:03pm On Aug 11, 2013
Lordave: you ain't quoting bible anymore.
Hope there's no problem.
no problem sire. all is well. grin trust all is well at ya end sire wink
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Lordave: 6:07pm On Aug 11, 2013
^^Yea, all is well buddy.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Jarus(m): 6:08pm On Aug 11, 2013
What is usually interpreted as prayers in English has two types in Islam -

1, Salat (compulsory) and nawafil (voluntary but meritorious). These are what you see us do, the body gesticulations. We have 5 compulsory prayers/salats; first early morning, second early afternoon, third late afternoon, fourth immediately after sunset and last when twilight disappears. These are, strictly speaking, not prayers in the sense Christians, for example, see prayers. It is perhaps better translated as worship. This has nothing to do with midnight. The voluntary ones (nawafil) are however more encouraged in the midnight, especially late midnight. Yes, this attracts more benefits because it takes sincerity, endurance to stay awake at that time (deny yourself enjoyable sleep) and worship Someone you don't see. It is highly rewarding.

2, Prayers (supplication, dua in arabic, adua in Yoruba)I.e asking God for something. This translation into prayers is the sense I guess the poster meant. Well, prayer can actually be said and answered anytime, but again, in Islam, late midnight is another special time for it. In fact, there is a hadith(saying of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) that at the third part of the night, the angels come down to the nearest heaven, and ask 'who among the servants of God is awake and supplicating, so he can be answered (words to that effect, can't quote verbatim)'. So again, midnight is a special time to supplicate in Islam.

Beyond that, we all know it is easier to concentrate and have full presence of mind in the midnight.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by tellwisdom: 6:10pm On Aug 11, 2013
Bro, i will advice you make your prayers often at night because the forces of darkness are always operating during that hours. I've actually rendered thousands of them futile with this. sad


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by laplace19(m): 6:19pm On Aug 11, 2013
elnath: You Christians are really pathetic in your reasoning. So praying at night and depriving yourself of sleep really makes God accord you special treatment above others? God, then, must be partial and not keeping to His words. For it is supposedly His words that 'I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy'. It seems to me, therefore, that the intensity, frequency or time of prayer is virtually immaterial to God, who has a masterplan for each of our lives. Remember, worshipping God entails total surrender, completely giving up to His will. The best way to surrender is not to demand, not to ask, but to submit, trust and hope that whatever God course of action God chooses for your life is OK.
. I have seen my type..thumbs up. If God could give much ear to those that are into mid-night prayers than those that do normal day prayers then He must be partial. My God is not a partial God..all He needs is for you to pour out your heart while praying to Him.. I detest this fallacy by some people that God hearkens to mid-night prayers than normal day prayers,abeg


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 6:20pm On Aug 11, 2013
I believe in prayers--effective prayers. One thing I know for sure is that God answers you any time of the day, all that is required is fervent and prayerful heart. Sorry to say, I do not believe in praying at a particular time of the day for it to become more effective. You might say some reasons for resorting to night prayers like, quietness, the demons are at work at that time, witches at their meeting places etc, still this does not take away the fact that God tells us to call upon him and he'll surely answer us(Despite the time or season). Note that unlike Islam where faithfuls are urged to pray like five times a day at particular times of the day, Jesus never gave us such mandate. I know lots of people pray at night because they see it as a more comfortable time; no working at night, no disturbances and one is more alert when one wakes up at midnight to pray...Praying at night does not make a prayer more effective or less effective--all God needs is your heart and not the time of the day. Whether you pray for morning, afternoon or evening, it makes no difference. It's just personal preference. I know of great men of God who chose to pray early in the morning everyday, because they saw it as a more effective time. Like one great man of God who prayed three hours everyday from 4 am to 7 am until the end of his life. The fact that he didn't pray at midnight didn't make his prayer less effective, but God sought after something more, and that was his heart.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 6:21pm On Aug 11, 2013
God isn't exactly a God of specific hours. I won't wait until midnight to take to God in prayer a problem that is bugging me at 8am, all 6.7billion humans calling on Him at the same time or not.

There has to be a reason He's Omnipresent/Omniscient.
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Blessmira: 6:22pm On Aug 11, 2013
Wel i dont think dt there s a time table 4 prayers. Midnight prayer is good if n only if u can hold back d sleep. smiley
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Salma(f): 6:26pm On Aug 11, 2013
Midnight prayer is very good, especially at d last part of d night (3 am) til dawn.
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Nobody: 6:28pm On Aug 11, 2013
italo: When you pray at night, you deny yourself of sleep communicate with God..as you deny yourself of food whe you fast.

Even Jesus himself did both.

Luke 6:12 One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 13 When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.

Jesus didn't pray at night because the night is the most appropriate time to reach God or the best time. If you look at his life, you'll see that he was a very busy man. Always Preaching during the day, then you'll see that the best time he had to communicate with the father was at night, because then there was no distraction from people and not because he wanted to deny himself of sleep in order to communicate with God. It's common logic. He couldn't possibly spend hours during the day praying when he was needed preaching the gospel or healing the sick.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by SirQuency: 6:31pm On Aug 11, 2013
Dear friends its very important to take at least an hour to pray at night,it's an effective period for wining most battles against powers and principalities specifically between 12.00-3.00am.Note what the bible says in Mtt 13:25"And while men slept his enemies came and sowed tares among the weath and went his way"prov 6:10 -11 makes it clear that sleep gives birth to poverty,dont be a sluggard.Get conscious of being in the spirit at night it launches you into a glorious day.


Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by Pretyangel25(f): 6:36pm On Aug 11, 2013
Midnight prayer is very good
Re: Are There Additional Benefits Attached To Midnight Prayer? by obi4eze(m): 6:36pm On Aug 11, 2013
Well, I'm a living witness of the benefits of midnight prayers. It's one of the hardest spiritual exercises. It's a sacrifice but it works.

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