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The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? - Health - Nairaland

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The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by trakos(m): 9:27pm On May 29, 2006
i learnt that if a man who is hiv/aids positive should have sex with a girl who is a virgin,his aids will be cured without infecting the little girl.could this be true?
Re: The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by DaHitler(m): 10:49pm On May 29, 2006
No, it is not true. There is no cure for aids, but using a combination of drugs called HAART, can extend the time it takes for HIV to advance into full blown aids.
Re: The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by hotangel2(f): 11:04pm On May 29, 2006
This is sick mehn. sleeping with a virgin cure for AIDS?

okay that's not true. No cure for AIDS yet, They are still working on finding one.
Re: The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by Badman888(m): 1:39am On May 30, 2006
even if they was a cure, that's definately a dumb solution i guess you should know
Re: The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by JosBoy4Lif(m): 4:09am On Oct 11, 2006
Fiction, one will actually worsen the situation by spreading the disease angry
Re: The Cure For Aids In S/africa.is It True? by agathamari(f): 6:21pm On May 01, 2010
@poster, stop and think for a min. a virgin is not a magical creature it is just a person. currenly there is no proven cure for aids bu many ways to manage it. look up some news paper articles form south africa and zimbabwe in particular. men who have this idea have been raping babies- some as young as 2 months old looking for this cure. these girls of they survive the attack are infected with the virus and the man moves on believing either he is cured and infects others or thinks someone got to the baby first and finds another one for his magic cure.

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