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5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. - Romance - Nairaland

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5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Nobody: 10:29pm On Aug 20, 2013
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Have a trial with market wise hippo and see the difference!!!

Topic: Reasons Not To Sleep With A

Taking a girl’s virginity is a popular
male fantasy, but if they stopped to
consider the reality of the situation, the
fantasy might start to look more like a
nightmare. It may be an ego boost to
imagine being a girl’s first and taking her
precious virginity, bookmarking yourself
in the annexes of her mind forever.
However, there are aspects of making
her a woman that could be less than
pleasurable. So, before you unlock that
chastity belt, get an idea of what you’re
getting yourself into. Here are five
reasons not to sleep with a virgin that
you should consider before taking the

1- There’s Extra Prep Work:

Unlike a more experienced woman, a
virgin really doesn’t know what to
expect. This means that you’re going to
have to put in some effort before the
deed is done and plan ahead to make
sure that she’s comfortable and
completely willing. It may take some
considerable convincing on your part to
get her into bed, and while that isn't one
of our five reasons not to sleep with a
virgin, your seduction skills will certainly
be put to the test when it comes to
taking a girl’s virginity. Also, the older
she is, the harder it will be. If she has
managed to protect her virginity all
through high school and into her 20s, it
will be that much more difficult to
persuade her that she should give it up
to you.

2- There’s A Freak-out Potential:

When it comes to having sex with a
virgin, the potential for her to freak out
before, during or after the sex act is
quite high. She may decide at the last
minute that she doesn’t want to go
through with it or she may feel massively
guilty afterward for having done it.
Because so much importance is put on
her virginity, her first time is bound to be
an emotional experience, which means
that you might have to deal with panic,
sadness, guilt, and other unpleasant
reactions. She has probably imagined
the event for a long time and wants it to
go absolutely perfectly. If even the
slightest thing doesn’t go according to
plan, it could result in tears and
tantrums. If you don’t like watching girls
cry, don’t sleep with virgins. That’s a lot
of pressure and that’s why it’s among
our five reasons not to sleep with a

3- She’ll Likely Get Attached:

It is fairly likely that a recently
devirginized girl will expect to have a
lasting relationship with the guy that
bedded her. If you’re not planning on
becoming her boyfriend, or at least
continuing to date her, don’t sleep with
her. It’s really that simple. Very few girls
imagine their first time with someone
who drops off the face of the earth
immediately afterward, never to be
heard from again. She’s going to want
you to stick around, so if a relationship is
not in your plan, consider this point in
our list of five reasons not to sleep with a
virgin and find someone else to share
your bed.

4- She Lacks Skills:

Since she’s inexperienced, she’s
probably not going to be that good in
bed, and that’s a big reason not to sleep
with a virgin. There are exceptions to
this rule, of course, since there are
plenty of skills a girl can learn before she
loses her actual virginity. If, however,
she has little experience with sexual
activity in general, the encounter is not
going to be all that pleasurable for
you. If all you want is the power trip that
comes from taking her virginity, then
you’re golden, but if you want a mutually
satisfying sexual experience, you should
look for someone who has had time to
develop some sexual skills.

5- It Could Get Messy:

There is a possibility that having sex with
a virgin could literally make a mess of
your sheets. Being penetrated for the
first time is likely to hurt her and it could
result in some bleeding. If the sight of
blood makes you squeamish,
devirginizing a girl is not for you. A
woman’s first sexual experience can
leave a very unsexy mess to clean up.
Where No Man Has Gone Before
As you can see, taking a girl’s virginity is
not all that it’s cracked up to be. There
are groundwork concerns, emotional
issues, commitment questions,
technique problems, and other more
tangible messes to deal with. So perhaps
you should leave the devirginizing to the
high school boys and look for a sexual
encounter that isn’t quite so


Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Enegod(m): 10:38pm On Aug 20, 2013

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Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Nobody: 2:24am On Aug 21, 2013

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Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by lepasharon(f): 2:35am On Aug 21, 2013
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Nobody: 6:00am On Aug 21, 2013
Hehehe... I remember those days...
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by dmcdad: 6:38am On Aug 21, 2013
^^^^ I guess these days na.... E don become...

1 Like

Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by lexib(m): 6:55am On Aug 21, 2013
Rightly said.
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by james1(m): 7:10am On Aug 21, 2013
Rings true,nice one.
@marthakings.what do you remember in those days?
You do look innocent but looks can be deceptive.hehehehehehehehehe.
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Nobody: 7:35am On Aug 21, 2013
"Reasons nt sleep wif a virgin"xo if guys don't sleep wif virgins,wu will??

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Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Popowaa: 7:40am On Aug 21, 2013
Absolute nonsense


Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by flolancracker: 7:47am On Aug 21, 2013
OP is right undecided

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Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by flolancracker: 7:48am On Aug 21, 2013
Popowaa: Absolute nonsense
where's †he nonsense in it? undecided
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by james1(m): 7:49am On Aug 21, 2013
Harbosede02: "Reasons nt sleep wif a virgin"xo if guys don't sleep wif virgins,wu will??
True,someone got to do the job!
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by flolancracker: 7:49am On Aug 21, 2013
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by flolancracker: 7:50am On Aug 21, 2013
Harbosede02: "Reasons nt sleep wif a virgin"xo if guys don't sleep wif virgins,wu will??
undecided a dild-o will undecided
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by hersweetness(f): 7:51am On Aug 21, 2013
Marthakings: Hehehe... I remember those days...

Those days when you were still a virgin?
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by flolancracker: 7:52am On Aug 21, 2013

Those days when you were still a virgin?
isn't that self-explanatory? undecided

1 Like

Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by dridowu: 7:54am On Aug 21, 2013
All is well
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by james1(m): 7:55am On Aug 21, 2013
Popowaa: Absolute nonsense
Are you saying you sailed thru without anything the Op wrote happening to you?
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Popowaa: 8:06am On Aug 21, 2013
Another useless question
Are you saying you sailed thru without anything the Op wrote happening to you?
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Enegod(m): 8:07am On Aug 21, 2013
I like fvcking virgins undecided who doesn't want to be the first to enter there undecided unless you ain't a man undecided
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Popowaa: 8:09am On Aug 21, 2013
The nonesense in it is u are the same person who will be secretly fasting and praying to break a virgin.mitchweeee
flolancracker: where's †he nonsense in it? undecided
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Popowaa: 8:11am On Aug 21, 2013
Enegod: I like fvcking virgins undecided who doesn't want to be the first to enter there undecided unless you ain't a man undecided
:oHw many fresh holes ve u entered?
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by philfearon(m): 8:19am On Aug 21, 2013
Totally true....
But then,someone must break a girl na,unless every gal wil kip her virgie til she gets married;which hardly happens these days!
The only Exceptions to what the Op said are:
{1}:rape cases
{2}:married couples
{3}:Willingness from the girl to break her virgie.........
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Dbestmax(m): 8:34am On Aug 21, 2013
What d hell....hey ur reazns ar al mesd up
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Enegod(m): 8:45am On Aug 21, 2013
Popowaa: :oHw many fresh holes ve u entered?
will be back with de number...
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Luckygurl(f): 8:53am On Aug 21, 2013
Lol at living d job for high school boys.
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by CsmuneEy(f): 8:54am On Aug 21, 2013
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by sweettease(f): 8:56am On Aug 21, 2013
Virgin this, virgin that, una no dey tire undecided
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Popowaa: 9:21am On Aug 21, 2013
Enegod: will be back with de number...
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by AdeniyiA(m): 9:25am On Aug 21, 2013
I NEED a virgin
Re: 5 Vital Reasons Why Not To Sleep With A Virgin. by Nomski0(f): 9:39am On Aug 21, 2013
Virgin this, virgin that, una no dey tire undecided
Help me ask them o. You all need to live those creatures alone. Their virginity dey your head
@Op. Your reasons suck big time. If you cant handle the pressures of being with a woman for the first time in her life, then you dont deserve what she's giving you. Its boys who are inexperienced in bed, who only know how to have casual sêx that will find is difficult to take a woman's innocence. Men who are skilled in the act of pleasure and love making would know what the woman is giving them and know how to turn her into a s.lut in bed. cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy. Leave this virgin matter alone. Its getting old on Nairaland.

Where is Onila sef

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