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ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Encoredme(m): 5:53pm On Aug 24, 2013
ASUU Strike: What are you doing at home?
I felt really concerned about this issue and
decided to make use of my pen. Perhaps this
might help someone. This strike has gone
beyond a month now and most undergraduate
have been doing nothing at home. Well, I am
not writting this to the government neither
am I writting it to ASUU or the youths out
there. This lines are directed to YOU. I mean
the YOU that is reading this piece at the
Let me tell you a blunt truth. If you are at
home doing nothing now because of ASUU
strike, it is most likely that you will also be
doing nothing after you graduation. That simply
means you are not valuable enough to be
hooked by a company for employment. Well,
lets leave that for another day.
Lets consider for a while those things that are
taking people's time at home: seasonal films,
soccer manager, play station, 2go,
facebook . . . Which of these is holding you
down from being valuable? After serious
consideration, you will discover that all these
are products of great minds and busy hands.
What are you busy doing? ASUU strike should
be a blessing for you. Why cant you take
advantage of this period and also put your
name in the hearts of people.
As an accounting student, what will it cost you
to walk up to a bank close to your house and
tell the branch manager you are willing to work
with them for free? Irrespective of you level
at school. Go to as many banks as possible. Go
back as many times as you hear a NO. I dont
thing this would cost you anything. Dont you
know this would add a bullet of experience to
your CV as a graduate?
As an English or art student, have you checked
al the radio stations in Ibadan, Lagos, Akure or
Abeokuta and they told you they dont need
you? There is no harm in trying. All you do at
home is to listen to music on Splash FM and
you are happy? Really funny!
Listen, you can be great in life without having
a degree. So dont let ASUU vs FG hold you
down. Dont be deceived. You have everything
you need already. You can read. You can write.
You can speak good English. Oh! You can even
use the internet. And funny enough you also
have a phone that can be used to surf the
internet. What else do you need? Tell me. You
think you need a degree to get busy? I laugh.
Make use of google to see how many Nigerian
graduates are jobbless. Some are even at
home now waiting for NYSC. That is their own
excuse for not getting busy.
My dear, you dont have an excuse. Dont wait
for FG. They are doing nothing and they wont.
Make you moment count. Dont waste you like.
Get up and find something to do. Go out now.
You are already educated. A degree wont make
you educated. You have it already.
Go and ask how much pepper sellers are making
per day. Go check how much tailors are making.
Bricklayers, Akara sellers, bukaterias,
barbers, salons, mechanics etc. These are
people you will regard as 'uneducated'. What
about you that knows the laws of physics,
knows why water is colourless and why calculus
can not be used in literature? It is a pity that
are you using all that on soccer manager and
vampire diaries. You use your laptop as a toy
instead as a tool.
Why cant you apply those things you have
learnt in school to everyday trade in your
Why cant you call your friends around to form
a team and form a company?
Why cant you learn something? Fashion
designing, programming, craft etc.
Why cant you develop your selling and
negotiation skill?
Why cant you buy and read a book today?
Why cant you volunteer to work in a company
around you for free?
Why cant you think about you life for once and
forget degree, ASUU or FG?
Why not NOW?
Olaoluwa Balogun
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Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Encoredme(m): 5:57pm On Aug 24, 2013
Hmm ,this guy makes a lot of sense to me !He never wrote it any better .A lot of young people are just using the period to waste precious time in which they could have used to add value to themselves like internships as he suggested or acquiring a skill .
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by pxjosh(m): 6:21pm On Aug 24, 2013
Very true. I'm tryin to make good use of my time as a pharmacy student 2 wrk in a chemist.lol bt at least m gettin d experience, nt that bad

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Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Encoredme(m): 7:48pm On Aug 24, 2013
This should be front page material.
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by ceospecial(m): 8:23pm On Aug 24, 2013
cry I just tire
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Excelboi(m): 8:33pm On Aug 24, 2013
^^ which of the front page do you mean? And OP, advise well received but there are things on the article that don't count. So because u're an undergraduate accountant now means bank will hire even if its free? On which aspect? Except u wan be a security or u wan work for CoOperative banks.. An alternative option will be to learn a vocational skill and or u go for an IT.Learn web designing,graphics designing,start a backyard poultry etc. Just my little cent

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Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Encoredme(m): 9:48pm On Aug 24, 2013
Excelboi: ^^ which of the front page do you mean? And OP, advise well received but there are things on the article that don't count. So because u're an undergraduate accountant now means bank will hire even if its free? On which aspect? Except u wan be a security or u wan work for CoOperative banks.. An alternative option will be to learn a vocational skill and or u go for an IT.Learn web designing,graphics designing,start a backyard poultry etc. Just my little cent
Yes it might be difficult but I know if you are serious about it, a good organisation that offers people who have your career work in their place will allow you to do the same for free. What's in it for them to lose?
Btw, what are you doing yourself?
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Excelboi(m): 11:11pm On Aug 24, 2013
Yes it might be difficult but I know if you are serious about it, a good organisation that offers people who have your career work in their place will allow you to do the same for free. What's in it for them to lose?
Btw, what are you doing yourself?
Ntn really. I work in my dad's company part-time till the strike is called off.
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Nobody: 11:23pm On Aug 24, 2013
I think on my own part, getting a job is by the way cos u don't know when the strike might be called off. For me i do well every day to tender our farm and I read some computer programming stuff cos I want to learn about it next semester.
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by diamond02: 11:31am On Aug 25, 2013
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Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by infobiz9ja(m): 1:37pm On Aug 25, 2013
Bottom line learn a skill & think of what you can do for your country & not what your country can do 4 u.
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by mayorall(m): 4:07pm On Aug 25, 2013
Engaged myself with mini importation and taking market survey before I resume. Though am a biochemist but business is in my blood.
Re: ASSU Strike: What Are You Doing At Home? by Encoredme(m): 4:45pm On Aug 25, 2013
The thing I dislike about this strike is its uncertainty, so you don't want to start what you wouldn't be able to finish. I would have started my fish farm but that'll have to wait until I graduate of which is now being delayed. Anyway I am working in a fish farm to learn more.

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