How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Nobody: 6:23pm On Sep 01, 2013 |

In a recent intervention on the illegal deportation of beggars and the destitute by Lagos. Anambra and some other state governments I demanded for a new urban renewal policy that provides adequately for the rehabilitation and resettlement of all displaced people in the beautification of state capitals. The demand is anchored on the fundamental rights of disabled people guaranteed by the Constitution. Although 135 beggars from Osun State were deported from Lagos between April 2010 and July 2013 Governor Rauf Aregbesola cautioned his Anambra state colleague, Mr. Peter Obi to desist from politicizing the expulsion of 14 beggars of Anambra state origin from Lagos. But Governor Aregbesola would have added value to the debate if he had disclosed that the poor state of Osun does not expel beggars and the destitute but rehabilitate and resettle them in recognition of their right to dignity. However, in defense of the involvement of the Lagos State government in the deportation saga the State House of Assembly Speaker, Honourable Adebayo Ikuforiji threatened that the exercise would continue until the state was rid of people who are "considered as illegitimate burden as well as serious challenge to the State”. With respect, the threat is totally uncalled in the light of the several progressive laws enacted by Lagos state to protect disabled people, neglected children, abandoned pregnant women, victims of domestic violence and persons living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State. Incidentally, Honourable Ikuforiji is one of the legislators who passed the relevant bills signed into law by both Governors Bola Tinubu and Babatunde Fashola SAN from 2003-2013. One of such legislations is the Disabled Persons Welfare (Enhancement) Law of Lagos State, 2004 which defines a 'disabled person' as “any physically or mentally disadvantaged person.” Since the deaf, the blind and crippled people as well as those who are non compos mentis are either physically or mentally challenged they are entitled to the protection of the law, regardless of their states of origin. The law has specifically mandated the government to set up “rehabilitation centres for disabled persons and vocation centres in each Local Government Area of the State” and make provisions “to enhance the placement of disabled persons in suitable employment or vocation” and assist them “financially or otherwise.” As the law never contemplated the deportation of disabled people from Lagos it has imposed a duty on the government to promote interaction between them and their able colleagues "within and outside the State”. Convinced that the law has not adequately addressed the challenges faced by persons living with disability in Lagos State government enacted the Lagos State Special Peoples Law on June 24, 2011. Section 23 of the law requires the government to " ensure that persons living with disability have good standards of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing and continuous improvement of living conditions”. In particular, they are entitled to free tuition in all public schools and free medical treatment in all public health institutions in the State. Equally guaranteed are the rights of disabled people to freedom of communication, participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sports. The convenience and safety of persons living with disability shall be provided for in public and private buildings, vehicles, trains or aircrafts and at parking lots. The law has created an Office of Disability Affairs while a Disability Fund has been established to cater for all disabled people. Governor Fashola SAN inaugurated a governing board made up of seven members including a blind man and three crippled persons on July 9, 2012. On the memorable occasion the governor said that “The society has always responded to the challenge of physically challenged people by giving them alms but that what they need is a level playing ground – level enough to give them the opportunities to be able to carry on with their lives.” Apart from setting the pace in the inclusivity of persons living with disability in Nigeria the Lagos State government promulgated the Law Against Abandonment of Pregnant Women 2013 on August 9, 2013. The law has criminalized the callous and irresponsible conduct of some men who impregnate women and abandon them. If enforced by the government the law is going to curb the incidence of indigent pregnant women and nursing mothers begging for alms on the streets. Another relevant legislation is the Lagos State Protection Against Domestic Violence Law, 2007. The law has vested the courts with the power to issue prohibition orders to stop acts of domestic violence and make appropriate orders. Parents and guardians are obligated to provide for the welfare, care and education of their children and wards. It is on record that the human rights community has taken advantage of the provisions of the law to reunite a number of street kids and other abandoned children with their parents. Furthermore, the Lagos State Child’s Rights Law, 2006 has explicitly set out the rights of the child, the responsibility of parents towards the child and the duty of government to protect and defend the child. The law has prohibited child marriage and the act of sending children to the streets to beg for alms or hawk goods or subjecting them to any disability or deprivation. Community homes shall be maintained in the local governments to provide care and accommodation for needy children. In addition, the Lagos State Compulsory Universal Basic Education Law, 2006 has provided free and compulsory education for every child from primary to junior secondary school at the expense of the government. It is a criminal offence for a parent not to send any child to school. The enforcement of both the Child's Rights Law and the UBE Law ought to have effectively put an end to the criminal use of children as beggars and traders. Under the Lagos State Adoption Law, 2003 juvenile courts may authorize the adoption of any child under the age of 17 years who is abandoned or whose parents or relatives and other relatives are unknown. Any child above the age of one year may be voluntarily given out for adoption by his parents. It is a crime for parents to marry their adopted children while an adopted person cannot marry the natural child of his/her adopted parents. The Lagos State government has equally enacted the Law for the Protection of Persons Living with HIV and Affected by AIDS, 2007. Aside the prohibition of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS the law has provided for the establishment of a fund to facilitate the purchase of antiviral drugs for persons living with the dangerous disease. Under the Lagos State HIV/AIDS Control Agency Law, 2008 an agency has been established to carry out among other things, the removal of “human resources, financial cultural and information barriers to HIV/AIDS prevention”. There is no doubt that many poor people resort to begging for alms due to poverty and ignorance while the rich who give alms to them do so on religious grounds. But through education, empowerment, public enlightenment and enforcement of the welfare laws those who engage in alms begging would have seen the disgraceful practice. In fact, the enforcement of the Lagos State Sanitation Law, 1984 should have stopped street trading and removed criminal scum from the streets by now. A government, which cannot enforce its own laws on account of official negligence or ineptitude, should not be allowed to look for scapegoats among the vulnerable people. It is pertinent to note that the Lagos high court has upheld some of the rights guaranteed by the welfare laws. Recently, a bank was ordered by the court to pay damages of N250, 000.00 to a physically challenged person who was prevented him from entering a banking hall with clutches. Last year, the court set aside the termination letter of an employee who was sacked by her employer on the ground that she was HIV positive. A few months ago, the court also awarded N500, 000.00 damages against the police for detaining an 8- year old boy in lieu of his father who was wanted for his alleged involvement in a criminal matter. Regrettably, the aforementioned welfare laws have not been enforced due to lack of political will by the government. Indeed, the office of the public defender is specifically tasked with the responsibility to provide legal services “for indigent citizens of Lagos State especially women, children and those with physical disability resident in the State irrespective of tribe, race or religion”. It is submitted that if the office of the public defender had carried out its duty of defending“those with physical disability resident in the State" the embarrassing repatriation of a handful of beggars from Lagos to their states or origin would not have occurred. However, instead of addressing the issue of illegal deportation of disabled people from Lagos and other state capitals including Akwa in Anambra state a section of the petit bourgeoisie has resorted to mud slinging, name calling and whipping up of primordial sentiments. Let such opportunists be told that this battle transcends petty ethnic jingoism. It demands a commitment on the part of all men and women of goodwill to team up with the human rights community in ensuring the enforcement of the welfare laws of Lagos State in the overall interests of the marginalized masses. Even though the Lagos State government deserves commendation for enacting a corpus of welfare laws it has itself to blame for violating the rights of the victims of social economic injustice guaranteed by the said laws. Rather than persist in illegality in the circumstances the government should stop further deportations and speedily set the engine in motion for the full implementation of the aforementioned welfare laws. It is hoped that other states will enact similar legislations and faithfully enforce them. After all, each of them has created the office of the public defender and established a mediation centre modelled after the Lagos state system.
Femi Falana SAN.
[url=]Sahara Reporters Article[/url] 7 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Confusionist(m): 7:10pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
First: Don't get this twisted, to be first to comment is a beautiful thing!  Second: If this guys has a brain as acclaimed in his title, he shld undstnd dt the word 'deportation' is only coined by political vagrants like himself who are without shame! The word is repatriation!! And it stands like that! You can only deport within international boarders! Third: Lagos is only a small land mass! Na u dey force the govt to fill up the ocean to make space? These people had no place to live! They stay under bridge, on the streets, and at makoko! They infect the place with debasing figures! Can't they stay in their place? Forth: there is something called, 'state of origin'!!! U shld change the constitution first! And those with legit biz can stay anywhere in d country as we all knw they will face wot they are doing! Fifth: Sir, u are a disgrace, and no doubt, have been paid!!! Even the igbos are letting the matter rest, what is ur own? Person wey buy milk don finish content throway tin, na u come dey use the tin as drum dey disturb the area! Gerraway jur!!! Mumu! 22 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by georjay(m): 7:41pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Confusionist: First:
Don't get this twisted, to be first to comment is a beautiful thing! 
If this guys has a brain as acclaimed in his title, he shld undstnd dt the word 'deportation' is only coined by political vagrants like himself who are without shame!
The word is repatriation!! And it stands like that! You can only deport within international boarders!
Lagos is only a small land mass! Na u dey force the govt to fill up the ocean to make space? These people had no place to live! They stay under bridge, on the streets, and at makoko! They infect the place with debasing figures! Can't they stay in their place?
there is something called, 'state of origin'!!! U shld change the constitution first! And those with legit biz can stay anywhere in d country as we all knw they will face wot they are doing!
Sir, u are a disgrace, and no doubt, have been paid!!!
Even the igbos are letting the matter rest, what is ur own?
Person wey buy milk don finish content throway tin, na u come dey use the tin as drum dey disturb the area!
Gerraway jur!!! Mumu!
oga ade calm down na.....
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by shortgun(m): 7:49pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Now this is a lawyer talking, am still at a loss how Fashola can be said to be a SAN  28 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Garrithe1st: 8:04pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Thank you Falana for stating YOUR opinion. But the fact remains: Lagos State CANNNOT continue to spend its meager resources on caring for beggars and destitutes from Alaigbo and other parts of Nigeria. Its is uneconomical and impractical.Thanks..  16 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by olopan(m): 5:01pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by tawa89(f): 5:11pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Garri the 1st: Thank you Falana for stating YOUR opinion.
But the fact remains: Lagos State CANNNOT continue to spend its meager resources on caring for beggars and destitutes from Alaigbo and other parts of Nigeria. Its is uneconomical and impractical.
 you have never made any sensible contribution on Nairaland before , all you do is to keep stoking ethnic wars between the Igbos and Yorubas while the ijaws are sending Itshekiris your people to extinction...... Classical example of chasing a mouse while your house is burning to ashes! 32 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Nobody: 5:12pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
That's actually the 1st agender from APC,...terrorist group... |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by profola2be(m): 5:13pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Falana,the only Question I will ask u is this: what are those deported to their state of Origin doing in Lagos in the first place? Do they have any work doing in Lagos? Do they have any place to reside,besides under the bridges in Lagos? If the answers to the questions are No,then,I do not see anything wrong in their deportation,as a matter of fact,they should go back to the villages and contribute to the economy of their states through farming! 6 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Nobody: 5:13pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Confusionist: First:
Don't get this twisted, to be first to comment is a beautiful thing! 
If this guys has a brain as acclaimed in his title, he shld undstnd dt the word 'deportation' is only coined by political vagrants like himself who are without shame!
The word is repatriation!! And it stands like that! You can only deport within international boarders!
Lagos is only a small land mass! Na u dey force the govt to fill up the ocean to make space? These people had no place to live! They stay under bridge, on the streets, and at makoko! They infect the place with debasing figures! Can't they stay in their place?
there is something called, 'state of origin'!!! U shld change the constitution first! And those with legit biz can stay anywhere in d country as we all knw they will face wot they are doing!
Sir, u are a disgrace, and no doubt, have been paid!!!
Even the igbos are letting the matter rest, what is ur own?
Person wey buy milk don finish content throway tin, na u come dey use the tin as drum dey disturb the area!
Gerraway jur!!! Mumu!
You and your entire generation past, present and future couldn't unlace the very shoes on Femi Falana's feet Yes I said so Stop talking like a bladdy fool Start by reading up about the man and what he is about Ewu 34 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by DonColz1(m): 5:14pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
How does this affect ASUU strike? 2 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by iamswizz(m): 5:15pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
. |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by JohnFrankling(m): 5:16pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Femi falana is right on this one, and I swear this blind A.P.C supporters will come here and call him names 5 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Nobody: 5:19pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
I reason Fashola is only couching the inevitable. Lagos cannot sustain efficient development if it has to keep pace with the flow of illiterate, unskilled and non tax-paying, crime-loving Nigerians from other states that have been systematically impoverished by her Governors. as it stands, we hear of the North having more than 65% muslims and another 15% in the South.. yet they claim the most under-developed, uneducated and economically malnourished region of Nigeria.. you can imagine half of that population flooding the streets of Lagos with its already burgeoning population. they are largely poor, largely looking for unskilled work (maids, mai ruwa, cleaners, fruit-sellers, prosti.tutes, pick-pockets, shop-keepers, area-boys etc) the fact of the matter is that these inter-state urchins do not contribute as much as they get from the benevolence of Lagos State. They must go, Fash also did not envisage that MEGA-CITY means Mega-population not street lights, good roads and green shrubbery in what used to be Bus-parks. it simply means lots and lots and lots of people. and when biatches become too much, you have to deal with it the best way you can, a good biatch-slapping and kick em to the kerb.  5 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by princemolak(m): 5:24pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
deporting them to their state is part of assistance na 1 Like |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by andyanders: 5:25pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Confusionist: First:
Don't get this twisted, to be first to comment is a beautiful thing! 
If this guys has a brain as acclaimed in his title, he shld undstnd dt the word 'deportation' is only coined by political vagrants like himself who are without shame!
The word is repatriation!! And it stands like that! You can only deport within international boarders!
Lagos is only a small land mass! Na u dey force the govt to fill up the ocean to make space? These people had no place to live! They stay under bridge, on the streets, and at makoko! They infect the place with debasing figures! Can't they stay in their place?
there is something called, 'state of origin'!!! U shld change the constitution first! And those with legit biz can stay anywhere in d country as we all knw they will face wot they are doing!
Sir, u are a disgrace, and no doubt, have been paid!!!
Even the igbos are letting the matter rest, what is ur own?
Person wey buy milk don finish content throway tin, na u come dey use the tin as drum dey disturb the area!
Gerraway jur!!! Mumu!
You name tag or ID "Confusionist"says who you are. I rest my case 10 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by andyanders: 5:25pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Confusionist: First:
Don't get this twisted, to be first to comment is a beautiful thing! 
If this guys has a brain as acclaimed in his title, he shld undstnd dt the word 'deportation' is only coined by political vagrants like himself who are without shame!
The word is repatriation!! And it stands like that! You can only deport within international boarders!
Lagos is only a small land mass! Na u dey force the govt to fill up the ocean to make space? These people had no place to live! They stay under bridge, on the streets, and at makoko! They infect the place with debasing figures! Can't they stay in their place?
there is something called, 'state of origin'!!! U shld change the constitution first! And those with legit biz can stay anywhere in d country as we all knw they will face wot they are doing!
Sir, u are a disgrace, and no doubt, have been paid!!!
Even the igbos are letting the matter rest, what is ur own?
Person wey buy milk don finish content throway tin, na u come dey use the tin as drum dey disturb the area!
Gerraway jur!!! Mumu!
Your name tag or ID "Confusionist"says who you are. I rest my case |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by WildChild00(m): 5:34pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
shortgun: Now this is a lawyer talking, am still at a loss how Fashola can be said to be a SAN  The answer is money and politics. 2 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by chigodo(m): 5:43pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Shame on you!! cashkid18: like dis post if u tink d dude is a bigot!!! 1 Like |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by MitchDLeo(m): 5:47pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
I see this Deportation thing as rubbish Its just like asking Black Americans to leave America and return to the continent they originally came from Africa. What about beggars that were Born in Lagos are you saying they dont have a right to call themselves Lagosians.  . Am not Yoruba but i was born in Lagos and raised in Lagos and am Proud to call myself a lagosian. All this tribal and ethnic things are rubbish because at the end of the day the world does not care if you are Yoruba, Igbo, or Hausa, they only care about the country you come from Nigeria. 6 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by emiye(m): 5:48pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by MitchDLeo(m): 5:51pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
The British started deporting the Nigerians that couldn't help themselves right, now they've increased price for visa so that only the rich can come to UK. I wont be surprised if the next Governor decides that non-lagosians need a visa to enter Lagos despite all being Nigerians. princemolak: deporting them to their state is part of assistance na |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Isiterere(m): 5:52pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
We don hear! |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by jericco1(m): 5:55pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Arrant baloney |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by shejane: 5:56pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
No mata hw anybody care 2 view dis, dat deportation is uncalled for, wot happen 2 human right? der ar so many jobs 2 engage dem in nd nt deporting. Deporting dem 2 where?dis co3 wil nt seize 2 amaze us. 3 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by agbameta: 6:06pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
These kabukabu rights lawyer and their myopic and absurd lala land dreams. Your own Nigeria constitution sanctioned Lagos state's action and the only reason you yourself haven't sued the Lagos state government like you sue every dog and cat for even less is because you know you have no constitutional leg to base your argument on. It's the only reason why all the noise makers and the ibo jokers talking about ultimatums conviniently forgot about their own ultimatums. It's the only reason why GEJ remain silent like dumb and deaf It's the only reason why the FG AG is no where to be found regarding this issue ..... The constitution doesn't protect the rights of vagrants and folks constitutiong nuisance and undue burden on the society I'm sure this kabukabu lawyer knows a whole lot about this provision in the constitution hence not suing... If you have money laying around to take care of every vagrant entering Lagos state with nothing better to du but constitute nuisance and undue burden on Lagosians, feel free to write some ckecks to the Lagos state government and put your money where your mouth is... Section 35 (1) of the Const. provides that “every person shall be entitled to his personal liberty and no person shall be deprived of such liberty save in he following cases and in accordance with a procedure permitted by law -( a b, c,), ” (d) in the case of a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years for the purpose of his education or welfare; and ” (e) in the case of persons suffering from infectious or contagious disease, persons of unsound mind, persons addicted to drugs or alcohol or vagrants or the purpose of their care or treatment or the protection of the community” ^^^^^^^ That's your constitution you dullard Mr SAN... 3 Likes |
Re: How Lagos Broke Its Own Laws On Deportation - Femi Falana by Samxiulee: 6:09pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Uncle Femi, LASG has said the act was carried out on good faith and they are going to improve on the system,make it more humane,the laws you just quoted are mainly for people with special needs of Lagos state origin,not all destitutes are mentally challenged,even with the law it just impossible for the Government to cater for all the poor people roaming the street,sir I beg to differ,the state Government did nothing wrong. 2 Likes |