Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by HezronLorraine(m): 8:28pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
This is long,please take time to read and digest carefully,then make your comments.Thanks
-------------------------------- Yes,I believe you can. First Do you think Christian's are being truthful when they say:Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin/[b].I find christians at conflict with these words.
[b] For those who say a person cannot be gay and Christian, you have no authority to make that statement. A person's Christianity is between them and Jesus; you don't enter into the equation.
Realizing that you're gay is sometimes difficult. Maintaining your faith while living authentically as a Gay person is even more difficult - sometimes you feel ostracized or isolated from both groups. But you can find a balance, and continue to be a person of deep religious faith even as you live as a gay or lesbian. Trying to follow Jesus is a relationship, not a religion, and it is open to all who believe - gays included.
1.)Realize what Christianity is all about! Being a Christian is not about being gay or straight, black or white, male or female, free or slave... Christianity is about Jesus Christ. Christianity means "Christ-like" and every Christian "...who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked" - 1John 2:6.
2.)No one can lose their salvation. Once a follower of Jesus is truly born again, they cannot be "unborn." Anyone who tells you that being gay will cause you to lose your salvation is being cynical, and could not be any more correct by saying the same thing to themselves for being "unloving Christians"(obviously). Remember the Prodigal Son. He rejected his father, asked for his inheritance before his father was even dead,took the inheritance - and left. When the son was done "squandered his wealth in wild living" he was met by a major famine and realized that even his father's servant ate better than he did and set back home. Can you turn your back on someone any more than that? Did his father stop loving him? No. Does God ever stop loving you? NO. You may even fall away from your faith. Like the prodigal Son, when people realize when they are at the bottom of their rope...depressed, hungry and willing to do anything God says just to be in the lowest part of God's court, God will be searching for their return, still accepting us,still loving us.
3.)There is no such thing as "conditional"Salvation . God knew that sin would be a fact of everyone's life, all of our lives. Jesus says that we should not only forgive the first time someone sins against us, but "seventy times seven." That's in Matthew, by the way. How many people would you forgive after they did the same thing to you, not once, not twice, but 490 times? And yet, that's what Jesus commanded. How many of the church people you know could say they would be willing to do that? Not many, if they were honest. Probably not even one could. Yet God will, and does. Even if you accept the idea that being gay is a sin (which most, if not all churches do),remember that all Sin, except for rejecting Christ, can be repented from, and this pertains to ALL Christians - it is the same to God as any other sin (any sin is enough to keep you out of Heaven, if not for Jesus' vicarious atonement). You can take great comfort in knowing that Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient for you - there is nothing you have done, or ever will do that's big enough to keep you away from Him.Stand on the simplicity of Jesus Christ's completed work . As Jesus was dying on the cross, He said, "It is finished." But the Hebrew translation says, "It is completed." Either way you want to say it, it means the same thing -when Jesus gave His life on the cross, He paid the price for everyone's sin, once and for all. No one can add anything or take anything away from this work - it was completed by Jesus alone. No matter what else others may say is necessary for you to achieve salvation,remember that Jesus has already completed this work. Obeying the 10 Commandments is incredible difficulty (I mean impossible),according to Jesus ""...My yoke is easy and My burden is light." - Matthew 11:30, why, maybe it's because you don't have to do anything but accept you are bought by Jesus, and now are His servant.
4.)Have faith. Don't let those who would hang you up on loopholes or technicalities convince you that you aren't really saved. The Bible is very clear. It doesn't say, "Do good works to your neighbor to be saved," or "first, get right with God," but we can quote a little here:"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH on me hath everlasting life." - (John 6:43-47). Well that's simple, so the next question is what does it mean to believe? John 14:15 - ""If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." It also says, "…and all our righteousness are as filthy rags." —Isaiah 64:6.Very simply put, you cannot do anything to get into Heaven or to save yourself - except to
5.)Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When it comes right down to it, those people are really saying that what Jesus did was good enough to save them, but not to save you.Believe in Jesus by doing what he tells his followers, and everything will take care of itself.
6.)[b]Accept that you may need to find a new church home . Some Christian religious bodies, unfortunately, seem to feel that excommunication is necessary. First, they may pressure you to renounce your homosexuality. When you are unable to comply, they may inform you that you are no longer welcome to their fellowship(who wants to be in a congregation that no longer accepts you anyway). Never mind that Jesus would never do this - He insisted upon spending time and cultivating relationships with people the church despised, which were people "who were knowingly in need of a savior". You're in good company. Find a new church where you can be welcomed and accepted, because in the end,it's all about getting in focus on Jesus Christ and it's hard to focus on Him when you focus on the fingers being pointed at you.
7.)Listen critically and apply logic. Most people are simply resistant to ideas they themselves are not familiar with. Be logical and remain calm - above all back up everything brought to the table with scripture. Being a Christian is not about male or female,black or white, straight or gay, It's about Jesus Christ and his salvation for those who believe in him by doing what he says.
8.)Remember that this is about Jesus Christ, not you or anyone else . Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't really saved, that your faith isn't good enough, or that "even the devil believes in Jesus (actual passage says - "even the devil believes that God is one" This is your Walk. Walk it Jesus's way, not any other way,with a humble heart and heads held high, remembering that it is you who will stand before Jesus one day and answer Him as to whether you owned Him as your Lord and Savior - those people will not be able to answer for you. Have confidence that He knows your heart and will know that your answer is true.
9.)Maintain your sense of humility without sacrificing self awareness . People who don't have a gay person in their lives (or at least,don't realize that they do) may surprise you with their reactions. If someone makes a joke about gays, don't feel the need to 'join in' by laughing. If you are offended, don't laugh, and if they question why you don't find it humorous, simply tell them as a person that you don't agree with the context and share your views. This honest reaction does not require you to "put yourself in the cross hairs" by explaining that your gay.
10.)Remain a person of dignity, integrity and faith . Even if your present church refuses to accept you as you are, there will be others who will welcome you if only society and the laws of the land allows,the case hasn't been so here in Nigeria where A Faith assembly for Gays has been under criticism and violent threats and attacks. Rather than crying forever over the things you have lost, try instead to focus on the blessings you do have in your life. Remember to read your Bible! Remember what a Christian means..
Conclusion:Many gay people around the world today most especially in a continent like ours have been pushed out of the religious circle.they've felt the urge to do away with their faith and no longer value God.Please it's not too late to identify with God,he doesn't scare away,he's always there to hear you even if society teaches otherwise. Attendance in Church is not what defines Christianity,it is your heart,the place of Christ in your life.You can start with a little prayer.Just try it.You may still be at conflict with your sexuality and how religion sees it.The effort you make today to get back on track can teach you more on how to live everyday either you're gay or not.
This is the first part of The Series. next week sunday,I'll post a part2.Please stay tuned,God Bless. 10 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 8:41pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
My journey of questioning Christianity as a gay person started a while back. Nowadays I don't really use being gay as a reason for not being a a "true Christian". Just too many inconsistencies I see in Christianity.
I'm better off being the best I can be in this world, putting a smile on people's faces I see each day and trying as much as possible to be a good person, to myself, family, friends and people I meet. 12 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Enegod(m): 9:21pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Basically, a person cannot be a homosexual and a true Christian at the same time (I don't like to use the word "gay" because there is nothing gay or happy about the homosexual lifestyle). But there is such a thing as a person with homosexual temptations who fights these temptations. That person can be a true Christian. Or sometimes it happens that a person is trying his best to repent, but who falls back into the sin of homosexuality (let's face it, we all do that, if not the homosexual sin then some sin). This kind of person might be considered a true Christian and might be able to save his soul. 32 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by HezronLorraine(m): 11:03pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Enegod: Basically, a person cannot be a homosexual and a true Christian at the same time (I don't like to use the word "gay" because there is nothing gay or happy about the homosexual lifestyle. But there is such a thing as a person with homosexual temptations who fights these temptations. That person can be a true Christian. Or sometimes it happens that a person is trying his best to repent, but who falls back into the sin of homosexuality (let's face it, we all do that, if not the homosexual sin then some sin). This kind of person might be considered a true Christian and might be able to save his soul. this is a very big lie. Love your comment though.the points you noted will be in the part2 the following sunday. |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by okeyxyz(m): 11:47pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
The Question is: Can you be a Christian and Gay?? Yes! Being a Christian simply means you believe in the Salvation that comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, surely Gay people can also believe this. But this is just the first part of Christianity; Believing in Christ gives you the awareness and conscience of Christianity. Now the second part of Christianity is in making a deliberate, active effort to practice the doctrines and values of Christianity; this is where the change and profit of Christianity is derived. Actively Keeping the values/doctrines is what actually transforms your life spiritually, psychologically, biologically and economically. So you may have started out as gay, but this active practice of Christianity should turn you straight. Homosexuality is a fruit(product) of the sin/imperfect nature but Christian practice should rectify this se.xual-orientation.
I do not say this lightly and I do not delude myself; because virtually every church does not understand Christian doctrine, let alone practice it. So my judgement on this case is definitely not based on any mainstream Christianity because they cannot help the gay person with their teachings. Rather their teachings, being based on the laws of Moses, actually causes all sorts of se.xual deviations of which homosexuality is one. So a gay person can be Christian but indoctrinating homosexuality as Christian(which the OP seems to be doing) is the SIN and CANNOT lead to the profit of Christianity. A person who practices true Christian doctrine CANNOT CONTINUE to be gay, though he started out as one. 48 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by daprince: 11:58pm On Sep 01, 2013 |
Hey Hezron,
God's foundational love is unconditional, but that's not all that's required. What do I mean by this? God's foundational love was shown when Christ died on the cross for ALL. Yet, not all will make Heaven. Go read Ephesians 2:1-5 about God's salvation. Read Rom. 1:24-28 and vs 32...I'll go ahead and quote vs. 27 and 28 (ESV) here: "and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what out not be done." If Romans 1 doesn't do it, how about this? "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality." 1Cor. 6:9 (ESV) "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?" Rom. 6:1-2 (ESV) God loves you just as you are, but you do not present at the foot of the cross needing salvation without transformation. You just can't remain the way you were prior to asking the Spirit of God to fill your heart. If any church teaches anything different from this, run for your dear life because they do not care about your soul, but on the approval of men! Be blessed, sir! 57 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 1:38am On Sep 02, 2013 |
Talking about loosing your salvation i bet you can loose it [b][/b]salvation is a gift;do you get the reason paul said we should HANDLE our salvation with fear and trembling.. if you are gay, you are welcome into the church but you must immediately come into the love of God lest his wrath fall upon. Can a fry pan say it want to be in the midst of fire and not become hot the fire will make it useless... Pleassssssssssssssseee don't miss it 1 Like |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by HezronLorraine(m): 3:27am On Sep 02, 2013 |
I understand the point of view of every single poster.most lingering questions I'll treat in the second part.Thanks for your comments.Really appreciate. |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Ubenedictus(m): 9:07am On Sep 02, 2013 |
after reading you take on salvation, only this came to my mind : 'the errors of calvinism'. 1 Like |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 9:59am On Sep 02, 2013 |
Following |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 11:49am On Sep 02, 2013 |
@OP, sorry but you cant be a christain( or else maybe by mouth) and still be gay. What has the act of darkness have to do with light  no vex but i leave you with these verses. Kindly ponder on them okay: Romans 1:21-32:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Also, 1 Kings 14:24:'There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites' To crown it up read, 1 Corinthians 6:9'Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality':The sad thing is that gays, lesbians and all forms of homosexuals know about all these verses..they know that God does not like that act of homosexuality but they are looking for all means to hide themselves from their shameful acts, now they want to hide their acts in the disguise of being christains. I want you to know that i can not force you to change your acts but only you can make that bold steps by yourself. Always remember that God loves you..  87 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:11pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
^^^ 10 trillion likes 1 Like |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:51pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
God forbid. Gays a demons possessed men. 2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:54pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
i couldnt find a reason reading all the long stories. The answer is NO. Shikena. 5 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by 80million1: 6:56pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
*speechless* |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Memyselfu2009(m): 6:56pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Read the story of Sodom and gomorrah then you would ask your self why did God destroy the city it was because men wanted to have sexual intercost with angel who came to visit lot 1 Like |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:56pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
udifrancis: God forbid. Gays a demons possessed men. What's the name of this demon? I'd like to know. 2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by saintkola(m): 6:56pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Op, this thread go start war oh! That being said, I share the op's view. We all have different relationships with God so far be it from me to cast the first stone.. 2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:57pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
[size=19pt] NO! Simple as that! The entirety of the Christian doctrine is designed to be anti-gay. I don't know about you, but if I were gay, I wouldn't go to a place that does not want me and whose members actively try to burn me at the stake. : @Hez you can try my church: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! Hail Macaroni! [/size] 15 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:57pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
And u xpect me to read dz essay abi?Btw,go and read romans 1....End time tinz tho  2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 6:57pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Memyselfu2009: Read the story of Sodom and gomorrah then you would ask your self why did God destroy the city it was because men wanted to have sexual intercost with angel who came to visit lot Maybe if every religion came with a "Sodom and Gomorrah" in their texts, it will be more convincing. 3 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by free2ryhme: 6:59pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Hezron Lorraine: This is long,please take time to read and digest carefully,then make your comments.Thanks
-------------------------------- Yes,I believe you can. First Do you think Christian's are being truthful when they say:Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin/[b].I find christians at conflict with these words.
[b] For those who say a person cannot be gay and Christian, you have no authority to make that statement. A person's Christianity is between them and Jesus; you don't enter into the equation.
Realizing that you're gay is sometimes difficult. Maintaining your faith while living authentically as a Gay person is even more difficult - sometimes you feel ostracized or isolated from both groups. But you can find a balance, and continue to be a person of deep religious faith even as you live as a gay or lesbian. Trying to follow Jesus is a relationship, not a religion, and it is open to all who believe - gays included.
1.)Realize what Christianity is all about! Being a Christian is not about being gay or straight, black or white, male or female, free or slave... Christianity is about Jesus Christ. Christianity means "Christ-like" and every Christian "...who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked" - 1John 2:6.
2.)No one can lose their salvation. Once a follower of Jesus is truly born again, they cannot be "unborn." Anyone who tells you that being gay will cause you to lose your salvation is being cynical, and could not be any more correct by saying the same thing to themselves for being "unloving Christians"(obviously). Remember the Prodigal Son. He rejected his father, asked for his inheritance before his father was even dead,took the inheritance - and left. When the son was done "squandered his wealth in wild living" he was met by a major famine and realized that even his father's servant ate better than he did and set back home. Can you turn your back on someone any more than that? Did his father stop loving him? No. Does God ever stop loving you? NO. You may even fall away from your faith. Like the prodigal Son, when people realize when they are at the bottom of their rope...depressed, hungry and willing to do anything God says just to be in the lowest part of God's court, God will be searching for their return, still accepting us,still loving us.
3.)There is no such thing as "conditional"Salvation . God knew that sin would be a fact of everyone's life, all of our lives. Jesus says that we should not only forgive the first time someone sins against us, but "seventy times seven." That's in Matthew, by the way. How many people would you forgive after they did the same thing to you, not once, not twice, but 490 times? And yet, that's what Jesus commanded. How many of the church people you know could say they would be willing to do that? Not many, if they were honest. Probably not even one could. Yet God will, and does. Even if you accept the idea that being gay is a sin (which most, if not all churches do),remember that all Sin, except for rejecting Christ, can be repented from, and this pertains to ALL Christians - it is the same to God as any other sin (any sin is enough to keep you out of Heaven, if not for Jesus' vicarious atonement). You can take great comfort in knowing that Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient for you - there is nothing you have done, or ever will do that's big enough to keep you away from Him.Stand on the simplicity of Jesus Christ's completed work . As Jesus was dying on the cross, He said, "It is finished." But the Hebrew translation says, "It is completed." Either way you want to say it, it means the same thing -when Jesus gave His life on the cross, He paid the price for everyone's sin, once and for all. No one can add anything or take anything away from this work - it was completed by Jesus alone. No matter what else others may say is necessary for you to achieve salvation,remember that Jesus has already completed this work. Obeying the 10 Commandments is incredible difficulty (I mean impossible),according to Jesus ""...My yoke is easy and My burden is light." - Matthew 11:30, why, maybe it's because you don't have to do anything but accept you are bought by Jesus, and now are His servant.
4.)Have faith. Don't let those who would hang you up on loopholes or technicalities convince you that you aren't really saved. The Bible is very clear. It doesn't say, "Do good works to your neighbor to be saved," or "first, get right with God," but we can quote a little here:"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH on me hath everlasting life." - (John 6:43-47). Well that's simple, so the next question is what does it mean to believe? John 14:15 - ""If you love Me, you will keep My commandments." It also says, "…and all our righteousness are as filthy rags." —Isaiah 64:6.Very simply put, you cannot do anything to get into Heaven or to save yourself - except to
5.)Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. When it comes right down to it, those people are really saying that what Jesus did was good enough to save them, but not to save you.Believe in Jesus by doing what he tells his followers, and everything will take care of itself.
6.)[b]Accept that you may need to find a new church home . Some Christian religious bodies, unfortunately, seem to feel that excommunication is necessary. First, they may pressure you to renounce your homosexuality. When you are unable to comply, they may inform you that you are no longer welcome to their fellowship(who wants to be in a congregation that no longer accepts you anyway). Never mind that Jesus would never do this - He insisted upon spending time and cultivating relationships with people the church despised, which were people "who were knowingly in need of a savior". You're in good company. Find a new church where you can be welcomed and accepted, because in the end,it's all about getting in focus on Jesus Christ and it's hard to focus on Him when you focus on the fingers being pointed at you.
7.)Listen critically and apply logic. Most people are simply resistant to ideas they themselves are not familiar with. Be logical and remain calm - above all back up everything brought to the table with scripture. Being a Christian is not about male or female,black or white, straight or gay, It's about Jesus Christ and his salvation for those who believe in him by doing what he says.
8.)Remember that this is about Jesus Christ, not you or anyone else . Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't really saved, that your faith isn't good enough, or that "even the devil believes in Jesus (actual passage says - "even the devil believes that God is one"wink This is your Walk. Walk it Jesus's way, not any other way,with a humble heart and heads held high, remembering that it is you who will stand before Jesus one day and answer Him as to whether you owned Him as your Lord and Savior - those people will not be able to answer for you. Have confidence that He knows your heart and will know that your answer is true.
9.)Maintain your sense of humility without sacrificing self awareness . People who don't have a gay person in their lives (or at least,don't realize that they do) may surprise you with their reactions. If someone makes a joke about gays, don't feel the need to 'join in' by laughing. If you are offended, don't laugh, and if they question why you don't find it humorous, simply tell them as a person that you don't agree with the context and share your views. This honest reaction does not require you to "put yourself in the cross hairs" by explaining that your gay.
10.)Remain a person of dignity, integrity and faith . Even if your present church refuses to accept you as you are, there will be others who will welcome you if only society and the laws of the land allows,the case hasn't been so here in Nigeria where A Faith assembly for Gays has been under criticism and violent threats and attacks. Rather than crying forever over the things you have lost, try instead to focus on the blessings you do have in your life. Remember to read your Bible! Remember what a Christian means..
Conclusion:Many gay people around the world today most especially in a continent like ours have been pushed out of the religious circle.they've felt the urge to do away with their faith and no longer value God.Please it's not too late to identify with God,he doesn't scare away,he's always there to hear you even if society teaches otherwise. Attendance in Church is not what defines Christianity,it is your heart,the place of Christ in your life.You can start with a little prayer.Just try it.You may still be at conflict with your sexuality and how religion sees it.The effort you make today to get back on track can teach you more on how to live everyday either you're gay or not.
This is the first part of The Series. next week sunday,I'll post a part2.Please stay tuned,God Bless. Show me in the bible where it was stated you can be gay and be a Christian  una go dey turn bible upside down 16 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:00pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
@OP yu gay? I presume so. Jus Go find one paragon and live a normal life 1 Like |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:02pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Battle |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by rodeo0070(m): 7:02pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
But make una wait o! Suppose a member of your Church* says he/she's Gay/Lesbian or you get to know that he or she is Gay/Lesbian, How would you feel? What would be your reaction(s)? Or your disposition/attitude towards such person thereafter? *N.B: This includes other places of worship... |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Emekuuss(m): 7:02pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
joel lala: @OP, sorry but you cant be a christain( or else maybe by mouth) and still be gay.
What has the act of darkness have to do with light
no vex but i leave you with these verses.
Kindly ponder on them okay:
Romans 1:21-32:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
1 Kings 14:24:
'There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites'
To crown it up read,
1 Corinthians 6:9
'Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality':
The sad thing is that gays, lesbians and all forms of homosexuals know about all these verses..they know that God does not like that act of homosexuality but they are looking for all means to hide themselves from their shameful acts, now they want to hide their acts in the disguise of being christains.
I want you to know that i can not force you to change your acts but only you can make that bold steps by yourself.
Always remember that God loves you.. . This is the answer to ur question @ poster 2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:03pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Show me in the bible where it was stated you can be gay and be a Christian 
una go dey turn bible upside down
mod pls ban this guy. U had to quote evritin to post this few words  ? Which planet are u from? And pls dnt pick at me tnkx 5 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by kstyle2(m): 7:03pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Gayz r witches n d bible says suffer not a witch 2 live....jst jokin i despise gay folks...alwayz hapi weneva i hear dat gay folks were lynched....very soon pampers go scarce die....fvck off...datz conclusion,u cant b a xtian n stil b a gay 2 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by ebucha: 7:04pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
A typical example of the 'uncertainty principle' in physics |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by charlsecy4(m): 7:04pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
---- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 3 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:04pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
[Mr man God created Adam an Eve and not Adam and Steve
Adam and Eve and not Adamma and Eve if he wanted it that way he wouldn't have created women. trying to counter creation is a sin so is transgender and bobbi surgery!! [/b] 10 Likes |
Re: Can You Be A Christian And Still Be Gay? by Nobody: 7:05pm On Sep 02, 2013 |
They all need GOD'S Love, like you and me. GODS LOVE changes men, not threats and harsh judgement. Jesus came to save, not to judge. He'll soon come as a judge, but men need now more than ever to hear the message of Gods love, salvation and victory through Christ Jesus. May the power of God's love, may the power of his word be real to us all. May we acknowledge the reality of the eternal life that jesus gives. 1 Like |