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AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! - Religion - Nairaland

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AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by mollie12: 5:54am On Sep 03, 2013
Many people know Methuselah as the oldest man that ever lived - he lived for nine hundred and sixty-nine (969) years! However, that's not the only interesting fact about the life of this fellow.

Methuselah was the son of Enoch - another
interesting fellow who walked faithfully with God
and whose life had an unusual end. "...and he
(Enoch) was not; for God took him" (Genesis 5:23). Enoch and his son lived in an increasingly wicked world - and this state of the world was a source of grief for God. Being close to God, Enoch was privy to the plans of God to bring an end to the wickedness of the world, one of which was the birth of his son, Methuselah.

God has a typical fashion of sending out warnings to a people headed for judgement - and among these warnings are signs. Methuselah was one of the signs from God. The name 'Methuselah' means 'his death shall bring'. His death shall bring? Now, that sounds like an incomplete sentence till we do a bit of calculations with the ages of other people
provided in the book of Genesis to find out what
happened after the death of Methuselah. We get
the numbers together, do the math, and voila,
indeed, a very significant event took place in the
year of Methuselah's death. It is - yes, you guessed it - the Great Flood that wiped off all life of the face of the earth except Noah and his family.

The significance of the life of Methuselah is not in his lengthy life but in the message of that length. His life is the greatest testimony of the long-suffering and generously merciful nature of God. Before God sends judgement he sends warning signals - really LONG warning signals.The question left for us is, have we hearkened to the warning signals God has placed in front of us ? The most significant warning in our times is the call to run into the shelter that the blood of His Son Jesus Christ has purchased for us and to call on the name
of Jesus for the salvation of our souls. And the
reason God is ringing this warning signal is because again - just as before - judgement is coming.

May we heed His warnings. Amen

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Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by Tolexander: 6:15am On Sep 03, 2013
Many people know Methuselah
as the oldest man that ever
lived - he lived for nine
hundred and sixty-nine (969)
was there a gregorian calendar those days to confirm the years lived by those men?

Likely what was called a year then will probably be a season now.

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Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by saintkash(m): 7:33am On Sep 03, 2013
Tolexander: was there a gregorian calendar those days to confirm the years lived by those men?

Likely what was called a year then will probably be a season now.

u'r very correct my guy, am pretty sure cos d way a yr was calculated those days is so much diff from our method.. Can somebody verify the method of olden yearly calendr so we can relate it to present day for easy understsnding... Mrng NL

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Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by mollie12: 2:29pm On Sep 03, 2013
Tolexander: was there a gregorian calendar those days to confirm the years lived by those men?

Likely what was called a year then will probably be a season now.

What period of time are you referring to as 'then'?

The science involved in counting of time is a very old one - much older than the Gregory after whom the present day calendar is named. It is simply not correct to say that there was no proper concept of time before the Gregorian calendar.
Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by damosky12(m): 5:32pm On Sep 03, 2013
Tolexander: was there a gregorian calendar those days to confirm the years lived by those men?

Likely what was called a year then will probably be a season now.
there had been a callender since the the time of Kain and Abel. A year was 12 months. We arnt stupid to believe this.
Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by CarCam: 5:36pm On Sep 03, 2013
@ mollie1


The only thing said about him was that he lived 969yrs and died, is there any other why ?

SMH @ sadeiyare. How can you say that about Methuselah?
How can you say "The only thing said about him was that he lived 969yrs and died, is there any other why
Well the other why, was that the name Methuselah by itself is prophetic.
Neighbors regarded Methuselah with great fear because they knew that something bad or unpleasant will happen when he Methuselah dies,
so they dreaded the death of Methuselah and were thankful to God each day they wake up to find and see Methuselah still alive and not yet dead
You do know what happened after Methuselah died. Right?
I doubt the cemetery seminary makes known this.


Jesus In Genesis Supernatural Design

Also you probably must have wondered why Methuselah lived as long as he lived (i.e. 969 years)

Well the meanings of names from this subliminal message in the early part of the Bible (i.e. Genesis) gives clues

and hunches why people, possibly weren't keen or looking forward to Methuselah dying

Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by Tolexander: 8:31am On Sep 07, 2013
there had been a callender since the the time of Kain and Abel. A year was 12 months. We arnt stupid to believe this.
sorry man. I want an educative response and not this type. Who created the 12months a year calendar?

Perhaps julian calendar is different from the gregorian.

There used to be 10months in a year in the previous calendar until january and february were added making september, october, november and december the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th. These four months were 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th month respectively. Hence the sept(7), oct(cool, non(9) and dec(10) prefixes before the 'embers' respectively.
Bet you didn't know these before. That is the reason i need an intelligent response.

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Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by Tolexander: 9:57am On Sep 07, 2013

What period of time are you referring to as 'then'?

The science involved in counting of time is a very old one - much older than the Gregory after whom the present day calendar is named. It is simply not correct to say that there was no proper concept of time before the Gregorian calendar.
what i said is the mode of year counting those days of biblical genealogy from adam to enoch cant be perfectly the same with the gregorian calendar we use today. Thank God you know there had been calendars before pope Gregory xiii introduced the gregorian calendar after the Julian in the 16th century. And you know there are some additional adjustments to the previous calendars to make up the Julian.

There are and there were many calendars eg Burmese, Byzantine, Buddhist, Chinese, Coptic, etc.
Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by mollie12: 9:24pm On Sep 07, 2013
Tolexander: what i said is the mode of year counting those days of biblical genealogy from adam to enoch cant be perfectly the same with the gregorian calendar we use today. Thank God you know there had been calendars before pope Gregory xiii introduced the gregorian calendar after the Julian in the 16th century. And you know there are some additional adjustments to the previous calendars to make up the Julian.

There are and there were many calendars eg Burmese, Byzantine, Buddhist, Chinese, Coptic, etc.

To cut short your long story I presume you are insinuating that the 969 years reported as Methuselah's age may actually be 96.9 years or something just as short in our actual time because we may have used different calendars?

If that's what your query is about, well, no.

Genesis 1:14 - "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:"

The calculation of months and years is based on the rotation of the moon and the sun in reference to the earth. The length of time it takes the moon to make a complete cycle around the earth is a month; while the length of time it takes for the earth to make a complete cycle around the sun is a year. As far as is known, there has not been any major phenomenon that will alter the length of these cycles since the beginning of time, so what was known as a month and a year during the Biblical times still remains a month and a year in our times. However, some have speculated that the moon moves further away from the earth with each rotation it makes, thus implying that the length of our months have increased with time. But even if this is so, the degree of movement is so minuscule that when multiplied by 6,000 years (which is the estimated length of time between Methuselah's era and ours) it won't amount to much of a difference.

And for the issue of one of the previous calendar systems being a 10-month calendar, well, that 10-month calendar was a Roman calendar. The book of Genesis was penned down by a Hebrew, and Hebrews have their own calendar. And although the Hebrews (Israelites) were conquered and brought under Roman rule, this book was written over 2,000 years before this happened, so no Roman influence here. May I even add that the Hebrew calendar has 13 months, so there is even a good possibility Methuselah lived even longer than the 969 years we ascribe to him!

But enough of the long exposition - the message of the post is short and clear enough: don't take God's patience for granted - repent and believe on Jesus Christ for salvation!
Re: AMAZING FACT: What You Didn't Know About Methuselah! by RayMcBlue(m): 10:40pm On Sep 07, 2013
Tolexander: was there a gregorian calendar those days to confirm the years lived by those men?

Likely what was called a year then will probably be a season now.

grin grin

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