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The Genuin Gift Of Tongue - Religion - Nairaland

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Before,immediately Or After Faith? Wen Do U Receive The Gift Of The Holy Spirit? / Power Of Tongue(death And Life Are In The Power Of Tongue) / Have You Ever Witnessed The Gift Of Interpretation Of Tongues (2) (3) (4)

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The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 9:18am On Sep 03, 2013
Let's begin with a definition. The word "tongue" in the Bible simply means "a language."

God gives all the gifts of the Spirit to fill a practical need. What was the need for tongues?

Jesus told His followers, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19). This command posed a problem. How could the apostles go out preaching to all the world when they spoke only one or two languages? After all, Jesus' disciples were very bright, even though most of them were not formally educated. In order to fulfill the great commission, He promised to give them a unique gift from the Holy Spirit. It was a miraculous, supernatural ability to speak foreign languages they had not formerly studied or known for the purpose of spreading the Gospel.

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; ... they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17).
The fact that Jesus said these new tongues, or languages, would be a "sign" indicates that the ability to speak them would not come as the result of normal linguistic study. Rather, it would be an instantaneous gift to fluently preach in a previously unfamiliar language.

There are only three actual examples of speaking in tongues recorded in the Bible (Acts chapters 2, 10, and 19). If we look at these three cases, we should find a clearer picture of this controversial gift.

"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven [divided] tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:1-4).

Fire is a symbol for power. God sent this gift in the form of tongues of fire so they would know that He would empower their feeble tongues in the same way He strengthened Moses to go before Pharaoh (Exodus 4:10-12) and touched Isaiah's lips with a coal from the heavenly altar (Isaiah 6:6, 7).

Why did the Lord wait until Pentecost to bestow this gift? Acts 2:5-11 sets the scene: "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? ... We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God."

The day of Pentecost was a Jewish holy day that fell 50 days after Passover. Devoted Israelites would come from all over the Roman empire to worship in Jerusalem. God chose this timely opportunity to bestow this gift of tongues upon the disciples so they could preach to the visiting Jews in their native languages. At least 15 different language groups were represented in the crowd that day (Acts 2:9-11)! As a result, thousands of these visitors were converted. Then, after Pentecost, they in turn carried their new faith home to their respective countries.

From this example it should be very clear that the gift of tongues was given to communicate the gospel in different existing languages of the world.

Some have mistakenly suggested that the miracle on Pentecost was a gift to hear and understand different languages. It was not a gift of hearing given to the listeners, but rather a gift of the Spirit given to enable the believers to speak (Acts 2:4). It is not called the gift of ears for the listeners, but the gift of tongues for the speakers. Furthermore, the sign was not ears of fire on the listeners, but tongues of fire on the ones preaching.

It is also sometimes suggested that the gift of tongues is a "heavenly language" understood only by God or those with the gift of interpretation. The Bible is clear in Acts chapter 2 that both the disciples and those listening understood what was being preached-"the wonderful works of God" (Verse 11).

Let's look now at the second example when Peter preached to Cornelius and his household: "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God" (Acts 10:44-46).

Acts 10:1 tells us that Cornelius was Italian, while Peter was a Jew and spoke Aramaic. History also tells us that the servants in a Roman home could be from anywhere in the world. Because there were obvious language barriers at this meeting, Peter likely began to preach through an interpreter. But when the Holy Ghost fell upon Cornelius and his household, the Jews with Peter could understand the Gentiles speaking in languages other than their native tongues. The record is that the Jews heard them "magnify God" in these languages. When later reporting this experience to the church leaders, Peter said, "The Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning" (Acts 11:15, emphasis added).

Peter here plainly tells us that Cornelius and his family received the same gift of tongues in the same way the disciples did on the day of Pentecost. In other words, they spoke languages they had not formerly known in a way that could be understood.

The third and final example of speaking in tongues is when Paul preached to 12 Ephesian disciples. Acts 19:6 records, "And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied."

Paul was the most educated and widely traveled of the apostles, and he spoke many languages (1 Corinthians 14:18). When the Holy Spirit came upon these 12 Ephesian men, Paul recognized that they were prophesying, or preaching, in new languages. Most likely they spoke in languages common throughout the Roman Empire, since that would be practical for spreading the Gospel. Luke does not say that they received a form of tongues different from the first two examples, so we must assume that it was the same type of gift given at Pentecost.

You'll find that the only times the gift of tongues was associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is when people from more than one language group were gathered together, thus creating communication barriers.

Notice that in Acts chapter 4 you have a repeat of the experience described in chapter 2. The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, but because there were no foreigners present, the gift of tongues was absent. Acts 4:31 says, "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness."

The purpose for the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not to mutter or babble unintelligible sounds, but rather to have power for preaching. This is why Jesus said, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:cool.

The Message to Corinth

Of the 14 New Testament books written by Paul, 1 Corinthians is the only one in which he deals with the subject of tongues. The Corinthian church obviously had a specific, temporary problem because Paul's second letter to Corinth never even mentions tongues.

The ancient city of Corinth was famous for its two international seaports. Because the Corinthian church was a melting pot of many different nationalities, its services often became chaotic and confusing. Evidently some of the members would pray, testify, or preach in languages unknown to the others present. This is why Paul commanded that if they spoke in a tongue unknown to the majority, they should remain silent unless there was someone there to interpret or translate (1 Corinthians 14:28). In other words, it's not polite to speak in a language that your audience cannot understand. Listen to these plain statements from the apostle: "Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine? And even things without life giving sound, whether pipe or harp, except they give a distinction in the sounds, how shall it be known what is piped or harped? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle? So likewise ye, except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. ... Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. ... If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God" (1 Corinthians 14:6-9, 19, 27, 28).

It is truly amazing that some people take this passage and use it as an excuse to babble during services! The consistent message of Paul throughout Scripture is the very opposite. In 1 Timothy 6:20, he specifically mentions "avoiding profane and vain babblings." And in 2 Timothy 2:16, Paul repeats that counsel: "But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." In other words, the very purpose for the gift of speech is to communicate your thoughts. If those present do not understand your communication, then keep silent.

Heavenly Prayer Language?

Many of my charismatic friends would agree that the tongues spoken in the book of Acts were normal languages of the world. But they quickly add that there is a second gift-a heavenly prayer language. This gift, they say, is to express the Spirit's "groanings which cannot be uttered" (Romans 8:26). The purpose, they say, is so the devil cannot understand our prayers. But nowhere are we taught to hide our prayers from the devil. He trembles when he hears Christians pray!

This doctrine of a prayer language is based mainly upon 1 Corinthians 14:14 where Paul says, "For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful."

They interpret this to mean that when Paul prayed in the Spirit, he used a "heavenly tongue" and did not himself know what he was praying. This theory raises an important question. How would the supplicant ever know if his prayer was answered?

So what is Paul really saying in 1 Corinthians 14:14? The problem in understanding this verse comes largely from the cumbersome translation. Please allow me to rephrase the verse in modern English: "If I pray in a language those around me do not know, I might be praying with the Spirit, but my thoughts would be unfruitful for those listening." Paul is adamant that if we pray out loud, we should either pray so others around us can understand or else keep quiet! Notice the next few verses: "What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also. Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest" (1 Corinthians 14:15,16)? According to this text, who has the problem with understanding? It is the listener and not the speaker as is commonly taught. If you have ever prayed with someone who is offering a prayer in a language unknown to you, then you know what Paul meant when he said it is difficult for you to say "Amen" (meaning "so be it"wink at the end of the prayer. Without an interpreter, you have no idea to what you are assenting. You may have just asked a blessing on the devil as far as you can tell!

It is obvious from the context of 1 Corinthians 14 that the purpose of speaking in tongues, or foreign languages, is to communicate the gospel and thereby edify the church. If the listeners do not understand the spoken language they cannot be edified. Consequently, if there is no interpreter, the speaker is simply speaking into the air and the only ones present who know what is being said are God and himself. This is the clear meaning of the often-misquoted verse 2. "For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries."

Paul emphasizes again that the languages spoken need to be understood by the hearers or else the one who wants to share the mysteries of the gospel needs to sit quietly in meditation between himself and God. "So likewise ye; except ye utter by tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air." "But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God" (verses 9, 28). Clearly, the entire purpose of tongues is to cross language barriers and communicate the gospel!

Some have asked, "Didn't Paul say he spoke with the tongues of angels?"

No. Paul said, "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels ..." (1 Corinthians 13:1, emphasis added). If you read this verse in its context, you will see that the word "though" means "even if." For example, Paul also said in verse 2, "Though I have all faith ..." He did not have all faith. And verse 3 adds, "Though I give my body to be burned ..." Paul was beheaded, not burned. So we can see that Paul here used the word "though" to mean "even if."

Right Priorities

I believe that all the gifts of the Spirit, including the true gift of tongues, are needed and available to the church today. But the Scriptures teach that some of the gifts are more important than others and that we should focus on the most important ones. "But covet earnestly the best gifts" (1 Corinthians 12:31).

In fact, when the Bible lists spiritual gifts, tongues is usually found at the bottom of the list. "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues" (1 Corinthians 12:28). "Greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues" (1 Corinthians 14:5).

Yet some charismatic preachers have turned the list upside down and made the gift of tongues the primary emphasis of their preaching. They would have us think that a Christian who does not speak in tongues is a second-class citizen. But Paul makes it clear that different gifts are given to different people, and no one is expected to have all the gifts. He asks in 1 Corinthians 12:29, 30: "Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?" The answer is obviously NO!

The Bible says, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance" (Galatians 5:22, 23). But these same preachers would have us believe that the fruit of the Spirit is tongues or that every person who is filled with the Holy Spirit will speak in tongues. Yet out of more than 50 examples in the Bible where God filled His people with the Spirit, only three times is tongues connected with the experience.

Furthermore, Jesus is our example. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, yet He never spoke in tongues. John the Baptist was "filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb" (Luke 1:15), but there is no record that he spoke in tongues, either.

Of the 27 books in the New Testament, only three make any reference at all to the gift of tongues. There are about 39 Bible authors. Of the 39, only three-Luke, Paul, and Mark-mention the subject of tongues. In other words, we should put the emphasis where God puts the emphasis.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 9:27am On Sep 03, 2013
[size=18pt]^^^^ in addition to the above[/size]

Creative Counterfeit

The genuine gift of tongues is a powerful tool for the proclamation of the gospel. But remember, the devil has a counterfeit for every truth of God.

Glossolalia (glô´se-lâ’ lê-a) is the word often used to describe the popular experience found in most charismatic churches. It is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as: "fabricated and non-meaningful speech, especially such speech associated with a trance state or certain schizophrenic syndromes."

Contrast that with the same dictionary's definition for a language: "The use by human beings of voice sounds, and often written symbols representing these sounds, in organized combinations and patterns in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings." By any definition, the disjointed sounds of glossolalia are not a language.

Believe me, I have seen this practice many times. In one charismatic church I used to attend, the pastor and his wife were a "tongues team." Every week in the middle of the pastor's sermon, his wife would jump to her feet, throw her arms in the air, and break out in ecstatic utterance. But she always said the same thing. "Handa kala shami, handa kala shami, handa kala shami... ." Over and over again. This instantly seemed suspicious to me because Jesus said, "But when ye pray use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do" (Matthew 6:7).

Each time this happened, the woman's husband would stop preaching and provide a dubious English translation for her so-called message. Usually it began with "Thus saith the Lord." Yet in spite of the fact that she always repeated the words "handa kala shami," the pastor's vague interpretation was different each time-and sometimes three times longer than the utterance. I used to wonder why, if this was a message from God, wouldn't He give it to us in English the first time.

Baptized Paganism

My exposure to this charismatic "tongues team" reminded me of some things I had read in my history books growing up. This modern manifestation of tongues finds its roots not in the Bible, but rather in ancient pagan spiritualistic rituals. In the sixth century B.C., the Oracle of Delphi was housed in a temple built near the foot of Mt. Parnassus. Delphi was also sacred to Dionysus, the god associated with wine, fertility, and sensual dance, and to the nine Muses, patron goddesses of music.

While exhilarating music was played, the chief priestess named Pythia would breathe intoxicating vapors, go into a frenzied trance, and then begin jabbering. The weird sounds the priestess muttered were then interpreted by a priest, who usually spoke in verse. Her utterances were regarded as the words of Apollo, but the messages were so ambiguous that they could seldom be proven wrong.

While living with the Native Americans in New Mexico, I witnessed a similar ritual several times. The Indians would eat the hallucinogenic peyote, then sit in a circle and chant and pound drums for hours. Before long, several were spasmodically muttering as they experienced their tormenting visions. Today the charismatic churches are by far the most popular among the Native Americans because it is such an easy and natural transition from their old religions.

Among many heathen African tribes in order to invoke the blessing of their gods, the people would sacrifice a chicken or goat and then dance around a fire for long hours, chanting songs to the hypnotic rhythm of a pounding drum. Eventually some of the people would become possessed by their gods and begin speaking the eerie languages of the spirit world. Then the local witch doctor or priest would translate the messages. This ritual is still practiced today among the Voodoo Catholics in the West Indies.

This pagan practice first found its way into the North American Christian churches in the early 1800s. Many of the African slaves who were brought to America and forced to accept Christianity were unable to read the Bible for themselves. Even though they came from a variety of tribes in Africa, one practice most tribes held in common was the "Spirit Dances" with the "spirit-possessed" person muttering.

The slaves mistakenly associated this with the Christian "gift of tongues" and began to incorporate a modified version into their meetings. These frantic services, which were accompanied by heavy rhythmic music, began to spread at first only in the South and the participants were mocked by the mainline denominations as "Holy Rollers." Some even went so far as to grab venomous serpents during their possessed trances as a means of proving that they had the "spirit." (This was a misuse of Mark 16:18, which says, "They shall take up serpents," in reference to the time Paul was accidentally bitten by a serpent but was unharmed by the venom. See Acts 28:3-6.) For people to hunt down and pick up deadly snakes in order to prove that they have the Holy Spirit is, in reality, tempting God!

The national expansion of the Pentecostal movement among Caucasians began in Los Angeles at the Apostolic Faith Gospel Mission on Azusa Street in 1906. The leader was a black former holiness preacher named William Seymour. From there, leaders continued to refine the doctrines and make them more attractive and palatable to other mainline Christians.

"Then in about 1960 the charismatic movement began attracting followers within traditional denominations. From then it continued to have explosive growth until now there are several million charismatics in Protestant and Catholic churches throughout the world."2

It is important to note the prominent role music plays in all the pagan religions that practice glossolalia. This counterfeit gift of tongues first found its foothold in mainline churches through "baptized" pagan music and worship styles. The dominant, repetitious rhythms and syncopated beat disarm the higher reasoning powers and put the subconscious mind in a hypnotic state. In this vulnerable condition, the spirit of ecstatic utterance finds easy access.

Now the devil is using this counterfeit gift of tongues, like a Trojan horse, to introduce pagan worship styles into Christian churches with a frightening degree of success. Satan wants to shift the attention of Christians from faith to feeling. Some of these charismatic churches go so far as to say that the Bible is the old letter, and that messages which come through tongues are fresh revelations of the Spirit and therefore more dependable.

So now the stage is set for Satan's final performance!

How God's Spirit Affects Us

The concept that a person who is "slain in the spirit" should fall to the ground and wallow and mutter is an insult to the Holy Ghost. The reason God gives us His Spirit is to restore in us His image-not to rob us of all dignity and self control!

On mount Carmel, the pagan prophets of Baal jumped on the altar and shouted and moaned. They prophesied and cut themselves. By contrast, Elijah quietly knelt and prayed a simple prayer (1 Kings 18:17-46).

"For God is not the author of confusion" (1 Corinthians 14:33). If God is not responsible, then who is?

The idea that we lose control when we receive the Spirit is not consistent with Scripture. "The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets" (1 Corinthians 14:32).

Here's another case in point. After Jesus saved a berserk, demon-possessed man by the sea, the healed man was seen "sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind" (Luke 8:35). The invitation of God is "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" (Isaiah 1:18). He wants us to use our heads.

Some of you reading this study are no doubt thinking: "How dare you say these things? I have spoken in tongues for years and know it is from God!" As Christians, we should never base our conclusions on how we feel. After all, the devil can certainly make us feel good. Rather, we must base our beliefs upon the sure Word of God.

A friend of mine was an active charismatic who often spoke in tongues. When he studied these things, he began to question if this "gift" was from the right spirit. So he sincerely prayed and said, "Lord, if this is not Your will and if I am not experiencing the true gift of tongues, then please take it away!" He told me that from that day on, the experience of glossolalia never returned. A true Christian should be willing to surrender every cherished view and practice on the altar of God's will and forsake any practice that may be questionable-no matter how popular, accepted, or beloved among other Christians. There are some things that are highly esteemed among men but are an abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15).
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 9:36am On Sep 03, 2013
Could you provide the website you got these materials from,so we can discuss strictly from the bible perspective?

As you can see i did provide mine and i backed it up with my personal studies and experiences.

This ain't your article,it looks more or less a plagiarized work.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 11:17am On Sep 03, 2013

I agree with this write up. Tongues was described by the Bible as one of the least of spirit gifts but you wonder how Christians have elevated it to be the most important second only to salvation.

A close relative if mine is having a delay conceiving and a high ranking pastor told her the delay is because she's not speaking in tongues. Imagine my anger and sadness when i heard.

People repeat the same unintelligible words everyday year in year out and they still keep believing they're making sense in the spirit when Christ warned against vain repetition. You really have to wonder

God bless you
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 11:28am On Sep 03, 2013
Candour: @benalvino

I agree with this write up. Tongues was described by the Bible as one of the least of spirit gifts but you wonder how Christians have elevated it to be the most important second only to salvation.

A close relative if mine is having a delay conceiving and a high ranking pastor told her the delay is because she's not speaking in tongues. Imagine my anger and sadness when i heard.

People repeat the same unintelligible words everyday year in year out and they still keep believing they're making sense in the spirit when Christ warned against vain repetition. You really have to wonder

God bless you

My brother i tire... People will quote words out of context all the time to mean something different...

Why does God wants you to speak language you dont understand to him?
I just tire... this is my 2nd or 3ed topic concerning this...

look at people who back up speaking gibs... they always quote the bible out of context concerning this issue.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 11:29am On Sep 03, 2013

Hello OP grin

let me point out and answer (not attempt to answer) the lingering questions in hope to put rest to this issue (which I knw will still linger on tho). If anyone still wanna be contentious, may God help him/her in search for the truth.


First,let's look at a few things that speaking in tongues
is NOT:

1.Tongues are NOT a status symbol, indicating that one
Christian is more spiritual than another. The Corinthian
church was a hotbed of tongues speaking, yet the
Apostle Paul still chastised them for being carnal (1
Corinthians 3:3.)

2.Tongues are not a shortcut to instant spiritual

3.Tongues are not a hypnotic, zombie like state in which the person has no control of his faculties.
Speaking in tongues is, to put it simply, Holy Spirit
inspired speech in a language unknown to the speaker.

As we will examine, it can be spoken in a Christian's private prayer life, or in a public worship service with
interpretation. People have a natural hunger for the supernatural. Unfortunately, many turn to the false, satanic supernatural found in psychics, the New Age,and other cultic activity rather than seeking the true supernatural power of God. This is tragic. God is a supernatural God!
He can fulfill the deepest longings of our hearts with
His love and power. Tongues are one of the avenues that He works through in order to do this.


Yes, there are more Christians on earth today who speak in tongues than there have been at any other time in history! Although they have always been around in varying degrees throughout church history, there has
been a strong revival of tongues in this century.
It is true that the Bible refers to a time when tongues
shall cease (1 Corinthians 13:cool

(1).However, this same passage(chpt 13) also tells us when this will happen: When perfection comes, we see face to face, and we know, even as we are known (verses 10-12.) Have these other verses been fulfilled yet? Obviously not,since true perfection will not happen until after Jesus returns (1 John 3:2-3; Ephesians 5:27.) We are still very much "seeing through a glass darkly," as Paul put it in verse 12 .Until the veil of our mortality is removed, and we see Him face to face, our communication with God will always be filtered through our finite, human limitations.
We don't always know how to pray properly. This is why God has made available to us this Heavenly prayer language, that takes us beyond our infirmities
(Greek:inability to get results) and help us pray with the Spirit making intercession with us through groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26.) According to respected Greek scholar P.C. Nelson, the literal Greek translation of this implies "groanings which cannot be uttered in articulate speech." We need the Holy Spirit to help us this way just as much, if not more,than the first century church did.
In 1 Corinthians 1:7, Paul expresses his desire that we
come behind in no spiritual gift, as we wait for the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, until
Jesus does return, the charismatic gifts of the Spirit,
including tongues,will be in full operation, and we should not be lacking, or come behind, in having these gifts in our own lives.

In order to answer this question properly, we must look at the fact that the Bible describes three different manifestations of speaking in tongues:

1-Evidential tongues-The initial evidence when someone
is baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1- 4;10:44-46;19:2-7.)

2-Intercessory tongues-the ability to pray in other
tongues, or "In the Spirit" (1 Corinthians 14:14- 16;
Ephesians 6:18;Jude 20) in order to pray beyond our
limited human understanding , speak mysteries to God
( 1 Corinthians 14:2) and edify (build up) ourselves (1
Corinthians 14:4.)

3-The ministry gift of tongues, described in 1
Corinthians chapters 12 and 14, involves giving a message in tongues in a public worship service, which is to be interpreted (12:10).This is a powerful sign to
unbelievers ( 14:22).This gift is only given in certain
situations, as the Spirit wills. Therefore, not all
Christians are used in this gift (12:30.)


I once read an article by a certain denominational
minister in which he tried to explain tongues by saying
that, when Jesus commissioned His disciples to go into
all the world, He didn't want them to spend all of their
time taking language classes, so He gave them tongues
to preach in foreign nations. While I don't question that this brother meant well, this theory is simply not Biblical.
It is true that on the Day of Pentecost, the people all
heard the works of God proclaimed in their own
language (Acts 2:11). However, this was not preaching.
When it came time to preach, notice that Peter
preached in a language understood by the entire crowd. Nowhere in the Bible do we ever see an example of a person preaching in tongues.


-They can be, but are not necessarily. They can also be
Heavenly languages-tongues of angels (1 Corinthians


Actually, I'm not totally sure that He didn't. Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit (Luke 10:21,) and groaned in the Spirit (John11:33.) This terminology is very similar to the term "Praying in the Spirit," which Paul uses to describe praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14: 14-16.) However, even if Jesus did not speak in tongues, there are several possible explanations:

1.Since He was God, there were no languages He didn't

2.Since He was sinless, He had perfect communication
with the Father, and therefore, He did not need

3.He was the last person to function as a prophet under the Old Covenant.

Tongues are a New Testament phenomenon. Even if Jesus didn't personally speak in tongues, He Himself stated that tongues would be a normative sign to follow believers (Mark 16:17). The entire New
Testament was written by people who spoke in tongues.


In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul gives us a basic
primer on the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom,
knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues.
Since tongues and interpretation are the last Gift Paul
mentions, some have taken this to mean that tongues are the least important of the Gifts, and that we shouldn't really be concerned with them. However, I would respectfully reply that this argument is based on a very presumptuous and inconsistent approach to Biblical interpretation.
Chronological order of how something is listed is not
necessarily an indication of importance. For example, in 1 Corinthians 13:13 , Paul tells us that faith, hope, and love remain, yet the greatest of these is love, in spite of the fact that it is listed last. Likewise, in a list of sinful activities recorded in Galatians 5:19-21 , murder is named near the end of the list. Does that mean that
murder is a less serious sin than the others? Of course
not. Paul definitely did not view tongues as being unimportant. In fact, he devotes an entire chapter in the Bible to teaching on the subject (1 Corinthians 14). In this chapter, he tells the Corinthian believers that he desires that they all speak in tongues (verse 5), and
thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all of
them! (verse 18) Three times in Scripture we are
exhorted to covet (Pursue with passion) the Gifts of the Holy Spirit-including tongues (1 Corinthians 12:31; 14:1, 39, the same Greek word is used in all of these
Scriptures.) Note that this is worded as a commandment, not an option. To downplay or dishonor any of God's gifts is to dishonor God Himself. May we never, ever fall into this trap.


Not at all. Tongues are a wonderful tool God has given
His people to enjoy His presence more fully and
intimately, and to make us more effective in our service for Him.
Being a supernatural phenomenon, speaking in tongues is approached somewhat hesitantly by many Christians.
However, this is nothing new. In the Bible, when God's
presence showed up in a tangible manner, it was not
unusual for onlookers to respond with fear. We see this in events like the angelic vision the shepherds had when Jesus was born (Luke 2:8-12,) when the disciples saw Jesus walk on water (Mark 6:45-50,) and when John had his vision of the risen Jesus (Revelation 1:4-17.) Notice that each time,the first reaction of the people who witnessed these supernatural occurrences was to be afraid. However, in each of these cases, these people were assured to "Fear not," or "Be not afraid." In Luke 11:9-13, Jesus makes the solemn promise that if you ask God for bread, He isn't going to give you a stone. According to verse 13,the context of this verse is asking the Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit. The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is something to be cherished, not feared. It is the purpose of this writ to share with you one of the important ways that the Spirit does work in people's lives to draw us closer to Him, and to the ultimate goal: Christlikeness. As one of my favorite Scriptures, 2 Corinthians 3:18, puts it so beautifully: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

In conclusion, speaking in tongues is not necessary for all Christian, if you don't speak in tongues, and lived righteously, you will surely make heaven. You can have the holyspirit in you, and still don't speak in tongues, because it's a gift you have to ask of the father, and he and only he can give you utterance. But the thing is without speaking in tongues you will NOT live in full potential of the Holyspirit in you. You won't be able to pray as you ought to, you can't cast out devils, you can't do/live in the miraculous, you will be so limited in almost all sphere, because speaking in tongues builds you up like an edifice, gives you insight into deep secrets and mysteries, and so so so much more.

Lastly, I usually answer folks who asked me, "must I speak in tongues? Eh??"

I answer with a smile "is it a must to live supernaturally?" Or "is it a must to be a Christian"?

The answers to the above both is NO!

God bless.
*forgive my typos and the long essay


Cheers mate

1 Like

Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 11:32am On Sep 03, 2013


Cheers mate

Sorry mate that is far from the answer...

you post a question and answer stuff... with no real debate to it...
if that is what you use to justify my brother u are lost at the moment
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 12:03pm On Sep 03, 2013

Sorry mate that is far from the answer...

you post a question and answer stuff... with no real debate to it...
if that is what you use to justify my brother u are lost at the moment

See a question


I agree with this write up. Tongues was described by
the Bible as one of the least of spirit gifts but you
wonder how Christians have elevated it to be the
most important second only to salvation.

See the answer


In 1 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul gives us a
basic primer on the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit:
Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy,
discernment, tongues and interpretation of tongues.
Since tongues and interpretation are the last Gift
Paul mentions, some have taken this to mean that
tongues are the least important of the Gifts, and
that we shouldn't really be concerned with them.
However, I would respectfully reply that this
argument is based on a very presumptuous and
inconsistent approach to Biblical interpretation.
Chronological order of how something is listed is not
necessarily an indication of importance. For
example, in 1 Corinthians 13:13 , Paul tells us that
faith, hope, and love remain, yet the greatest of
these is love, in spite of the fact that it is listed
last. Likewise, in a list of sinful activities recorded
in Galatians 5:19-21 , murder is named near the
end of the list. Does that mean that
murder is a less serious sin than the others? Of
course not. Paul definitely did not view tongues as being unimportant. In fact, he devotes an entire chapter in the Bible to teaching on the subject (1
Corinthians 14). In this chapter, he tells the
Corinthian believers that he desires that they all
speak in tongues (verse 5), and
thanks God that he speaks in tongues more than all
of them! (verse 18) Three times in Scripture we are
exhorted to covet (Pursue with passion) the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit-including tongues (1 Corinthians
12:31; 14:1, 39, the same Greek word is used in all
of these Scriptures.) Note that this is worded as a
commandment, not an option. To downplay or
dishonor any of God's gifts is to dishonor God
Himself. May we never, ever fall into this trap.

I answered him too well, and asked him a question too in hope you and/or him would answer.

See the question
In a list of sinful activities recorded in Galatians 5:19-21 , murder is named near the end of the list. Does that mean that murder is a less serious sin than the others? Does it mean he listed the gifts of the spirit in a particular order of relevance?

As for the other questions I asked I answered, was in case you or any other brings it up, you'd have a ready answer.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 12:11pm On Sep 03, 2013

See a question

See the answer

I answered him too well, and asked him a question too in hope you and/or him would answer.

See the question
In a list of sinful activities recorded in Galatians 5:19-21 , murder is named near the end of the list. Does that mean that murder is a less serious sin than the others? Does it mean he listed the gifts of the spirit in a particular order of relevance?

As for the other questions I asked I answered, was in case you or any other brings it up, you'd have a ready answer.

it means you did not read my post.... your answer is wrong.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 12:29pm On Sep 03, 2013

it means you did not read my post.... your answer is wrong.

grin grin

Nice observation..just read d first 12 lines...it almost gave me a migraine

Cheers man!

Your copy and paste was/is grossly and hopelessly wrong


Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 12:38pm On Sep 03, 2013

I answered him too well, and asked him a question too in hope you and/or him would answer.

See the question
In a list of sinful activities recorded in Galatians 5:19-21 , murder is named near the end of the list. Does that mean that murder is a less serious sin than the others? Does it mean he listed the gifts of the spirit in a particular order of relevance?

See what the bible said
1Cor 14:5
'I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied:for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interprete, that the church may receive edifying'

My bro, this verse makes it clear some gifts will always be greater than tongues. Paul said you should rather crave prophesy which is actually preaching than speaking tongues as you then become of more value to the church than when u speak in tongues.

He then goes on to to tell u & me in verse 20 to stop being children by craving tongues when there are greater and more beneficial gifts like prophesy.

For example, a child craves ice cream instead of EBA because ice cream is sweet and fanciful but an adult knows EBA and vegetable soup will do more good to growth than ice cream. I hope this explains it better.

Typing on my phone so can't be more lucid than this

God bless
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 12:40pm On Sep 03, 2013

See what the bible said
1Cor 14:5
'I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied:for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interprete, that the church may receive edifying'

My bro, this verse makes it clear some gifts will always be greater than tongues. Paul said you should rather crave prophesy which is actually preaching than speaking tongues as you then become of more value to the church than when u speak in tongues.

He then goes on to to tell u & me in verse 20 to stop being children by craving tongues when there are greater and more beneficial gifts like prophesy.

For example, a child craves ice cream instead of EBA because ice cream is sweet and fanciful but an adult knows EBA and vegetable soup will do more good to growth than ice cream. I hope this explains it better.

Typing on my phone so can't be more lucid than this

God bless

paul even told them to shut up if no one will interpret because they will be talking to the air
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 1:25pm On Sep 03, 2013
benalvino: Let's begin with a definition. The word "tongue" in the Bible simply means "a language."
Ok.If you had taken your time to fully go through my thread without bias or sentiments and pasting an article you got from an unknown website,You would have seen where i addressed the difference between tongues and unknown tongue shdemidemi brought up.

Paul says:"He that speaketh in an unknown tongue
edifi-eth himself. . ."(1Cor. 14:4).
The word "unknown" is italicized in the King James translation. When a word in the Bible is italicized in the King James translation, that means the word isn't in the original Scriptures. It was added by the translators to clarify the meaning.

Therefore, in one sense of the word, there isn't any such thing as an unknown tongue. For instance, the translators of the King James Version added the word "unknown" in order to convey the idea to readers that tongues are unknown to the speaker. However, tongues aren't necessarily always unknown to everyone, and they are never unknown to God.
Paul operated in divers gifts of tongues(He said their are tongues of men and of angels). Have you heard or seen angels spoke in tongues? NO,that is to say men can(Paul inclusive) speak the language(tongues) of angels.

There is more to being filled with the Holy Ghost than speaking in tongues, but tongues are an integral and an important part of receiving the Holy Ghost, since they are the initial evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4).

However, speaking with tongues does not occur as just one initial experience of being filled with the Holy Ghost, and then it ceases. Speaking with tongues is a continual experience for the rest of one's life to assist in the worship of God.Paul was very matured more than the Corinthians in these gifts,that was why he said i thank my God i speak in tongues(of men and angels) more than ye all.

Sometimes believers receive additional spiritual gifts as well as tongues when they are filled with the Spirit. However, tongues always comes first and is the evidence of having received the Holy Spirit. Acts 19:6 doesn't say that they prophesied and then spoke with tongues. It says they spoke with tongues and then prophesied.
God gives all the gifts of the Spirit to fill a practical need.You see why i said you need to study these things for yourself instead of picking and joining things from a website? What do you understand by Ministry gifts and Spiritual gifts.? [quote]What was the need for tongues?
The trouble with you and many folks is that instead of looking to the Holy Ghost within them to guide and lead them, they are looking on the outside for their answer.

Jesus told His followers, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19). This command posed a problem. How could the apostles go out preaching to all the world when they spoke only one or two languages? After all, Jesus' disciples were very bright, even though most of them were not formally educated. In order to fulfill the great commission, He promised to give them a unique gift from the Holy Spirit. It was a miraculous, supernatural ability to speak foreign languages they had not formerly studied or known for the purpose of spreading the Gospel
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; ... they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17).
The fact that Jesus said these new tongues, or languages, would be a "sign" indicates that the ability to speak them would not come as the result of normal linguistic study. Rather, it would be an instantaneous gift to fluently preach in a previously unfamiliar language.
The red is the OP private interpretations of scripture..Jesus called the outpouring of the Holy Ghost "the promise of my Father" (Luke 24:49; Acts1:4). Peter also spoke of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, using the phrase "the promise of the Holy Ghost," and "the gift of the Holy Ghost." Jesus promised in Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:5,8 that the Holy Ghost would be given that believers
might be "endued with power from on High." Then on the Day of Pentecost, God shed forth the Holy Spirit as He came upon believers (Acts 2:33). And the Holy Spirit has been here ever since for believers to receive.

There are only three actual examples of speaking in tongues recorded in the Bible (Acts chapters 2, 10, and 19). If we look at these three cases,
It was actually more than these examples,what about the Corinthians,Ephesians and other examples in Acts of the Apostles
we should find a clearer picture of this controversial gift.
It is not a controversy sir! You refused to deeply and prayerfully study the subject matter.
"When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven [divided] tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" (Acts 2:1-4).

Fire is a symbol for power. God sent this gift in the form of tongues of fire so they would know that He would empower their feeble tongues in the same way He strengthened Moses to go before Pharaoh (Exodus 4:10-12) and touched Isaiah's lips with a coal from the heavenly altar (Isaiah 6:6, 7).

Why did the Lord wait until Pentecost to bestow this gift? Acts 2:5-11 sets the scene: "And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? ... We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God."

The day of Pentecost was a Jewish holy day that fell 50 days after Passover. Devoted Israelites would come from all over the Roman empire to worship in Jerusalem. God chose this timely opportunity to bestow this gift of tongues upon the disciples so they could preach to the visiting Jews in their native languages. At least 15 different language groups were represented in the crowd that day (Acts 2:9-11)! As a result, thousands of these visitors were converted. Then, after Pentecost, they in turn carried their new faith home to their respective countries.
@bolded is an error,it wasn't because these folks heard the disciples spoke in their language that they got converted,remember these folks were making mockery of the disciples that they were drunk at 9 a.m in the morning.It was actually peter's preaching that got them converted

From this example it should be very clear that the gift of tongues was given to communicate the gospel in different existing languages of the world.
Your premise was full of errors and i pointed them out sir!! grin

Some have mistakenly suggested that the miracle on Pentecost was a gift to hear and understand different languages. It was not a gift of hearing given to the listeners, but rather a gift of the Spirit given to enable the believers to speak (Acts 2:4). It is not called the gift of ears for the listeners, but the gift of tongues for the speakers. Furthermore, the sign was not ears of fire on the listeners, but tongues of fire on the ones preaching.

It is also sometimes suggested that the gift of tongues is a "heavenly language" understood only by God or those with the gift of interpretation. The Bible is clear in Acts chapter 2 that both the disciples and those listening understood what was being preached-"the wonderful works of God" (Verse 11).
Wrong! they just heard them magnifying and praising God in their mother tongues.It was actually peter's message they understood,which pricked their heart and got them saved.Go and study more jare and stop this eisegesis and inferring what the word of God is not saying. grin

Let's look now at the second example when Peter preached to Cornelius and his household: "While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God" (Acts 10:44-46).

Acts 10:1 tells us that Cornelius was Italian, while Peter was a Jew and spoke Aramaic. History also tells us that the servants in a Roman home could be from anywhere in the world. Because there were obvious language barriers at this meeting, Peter likely began to preach through an interpreter. But when the Holy Ghost fell upon Cornelius and his household, the Jews with Peter could understand the Gentiles speaking in languages other than their native tongues. The record is that the Jews heard them "magnify God" in these languages. When later reporting this experience to the church leaders, Peter said, "The Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning" (Acts 11:15, emphasis added).
grin grin This one na your personal interpretations o.
Peter here plainly tells us that Cornelius and his family received the same gift of tongues in the same way the disciples did on the day of Pentecost. In other words, they spoke languages they had not formerly known in a way that could be understood.
Ok,let's see what the scriptures says on these issue,enough of your personal interpretations.
Reading Acts chapters 10 and 11, we see how an angel appeared to Cornelius and told him to send to Joppa, and to inquire in the house of a certain individual for Simon Peter "Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be SAVED" (Acts 11:14).
Neither Cornelius nor his household was saved. They were Gentiles who had become Jewish proselytes( which is to say they understood the laws of Moses written in Hebrew tongues). A person can't be without hearing the gospel. Those of Cornelius' household didn't know that Jesus had died for the sins of mankind and was raised from the dead for our

Therefore, Peter preached to them about Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection (Acts 10:34-43). They believed the gospel message (Rom. 10:9,10), and they were born again while Peter was preaching (Acts 11:14). Then they received the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues before Peter even finished his message.

ACTS 10:44,45
44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the
45 And they of the circumcision which believed [ the Jewish Christians] were
astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that ON THE GENTILES ALSO WAS

Notice that while Peter was still speaking, Cornelius and his household were not only saved,but were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with tongues,Please let's follow the word of God literally not our personal interpretations,the bible never mentioned an interpreter in this scenario.
How did the Jewish believers know the gift of the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Gentiles?
"For they heard them SPEAK WITH TONGUES, and magnify God..." (Acts 10:46).

The third and final example of speaking in tongues is when Paul preached to 12 Ephesian disciples. Acts 19:6 records, "And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied."

Paul was the most educated and widely traveled of the apostles, and he spoke many languages (1 Corinthians 14:18). When the Holy Spirit came upon these 12 Ephesian men, Paul recognized that they were prophesying, or preaching, in new languages. Most likely they spoke in languages common throughout the Roman Empire, since that would be practical for spreading the Gospel. Luke does not say that they received a form of tongues different from the first two examples, so we must assume that it was the same type of gift given at Pentecost.
Another of your private interpretations that is in no way in sync with the word of God.Let me quote the bible cos yours is erroneous. grin

ACTS 19:1-7
1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through
the upper coasts came to Eph-esus: and finding certain disciples,
2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said
unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's
4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the
people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, THE HOLY GHOST CAME ON THEM;
and THEY SPAKE WITH TONGUES, and prophesied.

A question a good bible student should ask when reading this account is how come this folks understood John the baptist preaching of repentance if at all they were foreign folks. John never went outside his scope of influence.

It was clear that these 12 guys were Jewish believers because Moses was preached in all synagogues scattered abroad at that time,from scriptural account they even heard of John the baptist preaching of repentance and possibly were baptized by John's disciple.If they were gentiles folks Paul would have gone on a long sermon for them to be fully convinced because if you track it back to Acts 18: 24.The bible records a Jewish believer named Apollos who knew only the baptism of John BUT HAD NOT EXPERIENCED THE baptism of the Holy Spirit.

You'll find that the only times the gift of tongues was associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is when people from more than one language group were gathered together, thus creating communication barriers.
This is actually a lie from the pit of hell.The bible never recorded such scenarios and i did prove it from scriptures.
Notice that in Acts chapter 4 you have a repeat of the experience described in chapter 2. The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Spirit, but because there were no foreigners present, the gift of tongues was absent. Acts 4:31 says, "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness."
It was actually the threats and intimidation of the pharisees that made the believers to gather and pray.The Spirit of boldness they received is not in any way the baptism of the Holy Spirit sir!The Holy Spirit can embolden believers the more if they could just pray as we see here.

ACTS 4:23,24
23 And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief
priests and elders had said unto them.
24 And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God WITH ONE ACCORD....

The purpose for the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not to mutter or babble unintelligible sounds, but rather to have power for preaching. This is why Jesus said, "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:cool.
Read Acts 2:4 and be liberated.Smh! i don tire to dey type jare,in my hurry to delete your lengthy unnecessary copy and paste job of the Corinthian church i deleted some of my post sef! Regarding the errors please do refer to my thread or go back and study more.Don't always rely on others views and be lazy.Study the bible for yourself abeg.

1 Like

Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 1:38pm On Sep 03, 2013

grin grin

Nice observation..just read d first 12 lines...it almost gave me a migraine

Cheers man!

Your copy and paste was/is grossly and hopelessly wrong
Since i am slow in typing i have spent productive hours replying that erroneous post sef angry AND I BELIEVE all is a waste because of this guy unbelief. Wish he could study scriptures and not rely on creepy materials.That's cheating on his part.It is really a one sided debate.I am done here jare. angry
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 1:45pm On Sep 03, 2013
Candour: @benalvino

I agree with this write up. Tongues was described by the Bible as one of the least of spirit gifts but you wonder how Christians have elevated it to be the most important second only to salvation.

A close relative if mine is having a delay conceiving and a high ranking pastor told her the delay is because she's not speaking in tongues. Imagine my anger and sadness when i heard.

People repeat the same unintelligible words everyday year in year out and they still keep believing they're making sense in the spirit when Christ warned against vain repetition. You really have to wonder

God bless you
It is really a shame that you had to rush in and support an article without reading the contents as a bible scholar that you claim you are. And to say this is the guy that taught us in the grace convention.Chei! grin
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 2:14pm On Sep 03, 2013

See what the bible said
1Cor 14:5
'I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied:for greater is he that prophesied than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interprete, that the church may receive edifying'

My bro, this verse makes it clear some gifts will always be greater than tongues.

Two scenarios here

1. So, in other words, he was wrong in 1 corinth 14 verse 2 AMP?

For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning , because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].

From your analogy of one being greater than the other, Is speaking to men higher than speaking to God?

2. Paul was simply saying in verse 5 that he wish that we might all speak in [unknown] tongues, but more especially [he wants us] to prophesy (to be inspired to preach and interpret the divine will and purpose).

Because speaking in tongues according to verse 2 is speaking unto God and not men. Speaking in tongues won't edify the other, because you are speaking to God not man, and men would not understand what you are saying because their understanding would be unfruitful (v14) . Except that you can interpret the tongues so that the brethren can be edified.

He went further and said that he who prophesies [who is inspired to preach and teach] is greater (more useful and more important to the brethren at the time of preaching/teaching) than he who speaks in [unknown] tongues,

WHY? Because he who prophesy speaks unto men and not God. He is teaching and preaching, that the brethren would be edified. That's why in my other post above, I said there is NO PLACE in the bible Paul or anybody preached or taught in tongues. Simply because according to verse 2 above no one will understand or catch his meaning.

He went further to say that unless he should(the one speaking in tongues) interpret [what he says], so that the church may be edified and receive good from it .

You see why you need study the scriptures by the holyspirit?

Imagine your pastor preaching in unknown tongues, would you be edified at d end of the service?

1 Like

Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 2:18pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: Since i am slow in typing i have spent productive hours replying that erroneous post sef angry AND I BELIEVE all is a waste because of this guy unbelief. Wish he could study scriptures and not rely on creepy materials.That's cheating on his part.It is really a one sided debate.I am done here jare. angry

grin grin abeg wait for me
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 2:20pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: It is really a shame that you had to rush in and support an article without reading the contents as a bible scholar that you claim you are. And to say this is the guy that taught us in the grace convention.Chei! grin

grin grin
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 2:56pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: It is really a shame that you had to rush in and support an article without reading the contents as a bible scholar that you claim you are. And to say this is the guy that taught us in the grace convention.Chei! grin

Actually Bidam, I read every single part of that write up and I agree with it fully. You know you're the best at jumping and running around threads like the proverbial bull in a china shop.I really don't have that much energy grin cheesy

You say I claim to be a bible scholar.well let me laugh @ u cheesy since I believe you are only trying to poke fun, otherwise I believe you & I have talked extensively on this forum and I've NEVER made any claim

As per teaching you at the convention, its the grace of God grin
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 3:00pm On Sep 03, 2013

Actually Bidam, I read every single part of that write up and I agree with it fully. You know you're the best at jumping and running around threads like the proverbial bull in a china shop.I really don't have that much energy grin cheesy

You say I claim to be a bible scholar.well let me laugh @ u cheesy since I believe you are only trying to poke fun, otherwise I believe you & I have talked extensively on this forum and I've NEVER made any claim

As per teaching you at the convention, its the grace of God grin

He was looking for errors and things he points out as errors are not even error...
i will address him later... me and bidam agree on other things but not this one... Jesus did not even speak in tongues... aka Gibs
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 3:06pm On Sep 03, 2013

Two scenarios here

1. So, in other words, he was wrong in 1 corinth 14 verse 2 AMP?

For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning , because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths and hidden things [not obvious to the understanding].

From your analogy of one being greater than the other, Is speaking to men higher than speaking to God?

2. Paul was simply saying in verse 5 that he wish that we might all speak in [unknown] tongues, but more especially [he wants us] to prophesy (to be inspired to preach and interpret the divine will and purpose).

Because speaking in tongues according to verse 2 is speaking unto God and not men. Speaking in tongues won't edify the other, because you are speaking to God not man, and men would not understand what you are saying because their understanding would be unfruitful (v14) . Except that you can interpret the tongues so that the brethren can be edified.

He went further and said that he who prophesies [who is inspired to preach and teach] is greater (more useful and more important to the brethren at the time of preaching/teaching) than he who speaks in [unknown] tongues,

WHY? Because he who prophesy speaks unto men and not God. He is teaching and preaching, that the brethren would be edified. That's why in my other post above, I said there is NO PLACE in the bible Paul or anybody preached or taught in tongues. Simply because according to verse 2 above no one will understand or catch his meaning.

He went further to say that unless he should(the one speaking in tongues) interpret [what he says], so that the church may be edified and receive good from it .

You see why you need study the scriptures by the holyspirit?

Imagine your pastor preaching in unknown tongues, would you be edified at d end of the service?

Brother, your write up is actually begging the question.i Ccalled tongues a lesser gift and you questioned it by asking which was a worse sin in Gal 5:19-21. I gave you the bible's position on the issue. If the bible calls it a lesser gift, my bro I believe it because that is what it is.

God is more interested in the greater good of his children and prophecy does more good than speaking in tongues(in a congregation of believers) will ever do.

God bless u
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 3:10pm On Sep 03, 2013

He was looking for errors and things he points out as errors are not even error...
i will address him later... me and bidam agree on other things but not this one... Jesus did not even speak in tongues... aka Gibs



Actually, I'm not totally sure that He didn't. Jesus
rejoiced in the Spirit (Luke 10:21,) and groaned in the Spirit (John11:33.) This terminology is very similar to the term "Praying in the Spirit," which Paul uses to describe praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14: 14-16.)

However, even if Jesus did not speak in tongues, there are several possible explanations:

1.Since He was God, there were no languages He
didn't know.

2.Since He was sinless, He had perfect communication
with the Father, and therefore, He did not need

3.He was the last person to function as a prophet
under the Old Covenant. Tongues are a New Testament phenomenon. Even if Jesus didn't personally speak in tongues, He Himself stated that tongues would be a normative sign to follow believers (Mark 16:17). The entire New Testament was written by people who spoke in tongues.

I've answered this na. Stop being redundant. If you don't agree with my answer put up a worthy challenge against it
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 3:25pm On Sep 03, 2013

Actually Bidam, I read every single part of that write up and I agree with it fully. You know you're the best at jumping and running around threads like the proverbial bull in a china shop.I really don't have that much energy grin cheesy
Hehehe..funny you of all people should say that.Apart from the deity of Christ and tithes,could you show me which other threads i was doing gymnastics on? Wrong assessment of me really.
You say I claim to be a bible scholar.well let me laugh @ u cheesy since I believe you are only trying to poke fun, otherwise I believe you & I have talked extensively on this forum and I've NEVER made any claim
Ok! my apologies really. cheesy
As per teaching you at the convention, its the grace of God grin
We bless God for that,I noticed you attacked prayers and fasting as works in that convention.Could you please explain why it is so
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Nobody: 3:35pm On Sep 03, 2013

He was looking for errors and things he points out as errors are not even error...
i will address him later... me and bidam agree on other things but not this one... Jesus did not even speak in tongues... aka Gibs
My brother..i said we should discuss not argue about this from a scriptural standpoint.Even with your copy paste article i still addressed some part where the Op goofed big time.I no try? grin

Asper Jesus speaking in tongues is a lame excuse.Gombs has addressed the issue.Moreso Jesus was a man like us yet he prayed all night alone. What did you think he was doing all night?Speaking aramaic to God abi?

Can you speak english to God all through the night?

Without the Help of the Holy Spirit we can do nothing bro.

I can pray in tongues for 5hrs without being tired.It takes the Holy Spirit my brother.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 3:36pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: Hehehe..funny you of all people should say that.Apart from the deity of Christ and tithes,could you show me which other threads i was doing gymnastics on? Wrong assessment of me really.

Haba Bidam I won't take up this challenge. The last time I dug up your past posts to explain something to you, you accused me of a lack of humour, remember grin

Ok! my apologies really. cheesy

Apologies accepted grin

We bless God for that,I noticed you attacked prayers and fasting as works in that convention.Could you please explain why it is so

I didn't attack prayers and fasting my bro. I only showed that the Christian lifestyle lived in love has more effect on preaching the gospel than fasting and prayers. You know your neighbour is more likely to be won to Christ by your live than your show of fasting and prayers.

God bless u bro
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 3:46pm On Sep 03, 2013

Brother, your write up is actually begging the question.i Ccalled tongues a lesser gift and you questioned it by asking which was a worse sin in Gal 5:19-21. I gave you the bible's position on the issue. If the bible calls it a lesser gift, my bro I believe it because that is what it is.

God is more interested in the greater good of his children and prophecy does more good than speaking in tongues(in a congregation of believers) will ever do.

God bless u

True !
Prophecy does more good WHILE PREACHING/TEACHING than speaking in tongues. I don't doubt that, Paul said so in 1 corint 14v5

Dnt get confused na. There's no place in the bible anybody preached in tongues...No place in Nigeria anybody does that too(but maybe in the near future, the church of God would)...but people in the bible PRAYED IN TONGUES...na wa o

Hope you get the two? If you don't understand praying in tongues, pls what did you think Jude 20 was talking abt? And 1 corinth 14v14-15?

14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.

Jude 20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

Notice in 1corith 14 paul spoke abt speaking in tongues, praying in tongues, praising in tongues and singing in tongues. It was wen comparing prophesy which is teaching/preaching the brethren and using tongues to preach-he tried pointing out which would be beneficial more.

Get the diff pls.
I pray in tongues like paul did, and I don't preach in tongues like Paul didn't . But your case looks like I'm teaching/preaching in tongues

1 Like

Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 3:54pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: My brother..i said we should discuss not argue about this from a scriptural standpoint.Even with your copy paste article i still addressed some part where the Op goofed big time.I no try? grin

Asper Jesus speaking in tongues is a lame excuse.Gombs has addressed the issue.Moreso Jesus was a man like us yet he prayed all night alone. What did you think he was doing all night?Speaking aramaic to God abi?

Can you speak english to God all through the night?

Without the Help of the Holy Spirit we can do nothing bro.

I can pray in tongues for 5hrs without being tired.It takes the Holy Spirit my brother.

This got me cracking up...grin grin

Nice question...oya answer can you pray with your understanding all night? Even if you punctuate it with plenty songs you can't.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Candour(m): 4:04pm On Sep 03, 2013

True !
Prophecy does more good WHILE PREACHING/TEACHING than speaking in tongues. I don't doubt that, Paul said so in 1 corint 14v5

Dnt get confused na. There's no place in the bible anybody preached in tongues...No place in Nigeria anybody does that too(but maybe in the near future, the church of God would)...but people in the bible PRAYED IN TONGUES...na wa o

Hope you get the two? If you don't understand praying in tongues, pls what did you think Jude 20 was talking abt? And 1 corinth 14v14-15?

14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding.

Jude 20
But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

Notice in 1corith 14 paul spoke abt speaking in tongues, praying in tongues, praising in tongues and singing in tongues. It was wen comparing prophesy which is teaching/preaching the brethren and using tongues to preach-he tried pointing out which would be beneficial more.

Get the diff pls.
I pray in tongues like paul did, and I don't preach in tongues like Paul didn't . But your case looks like I'm teaching/preaching in tongues

I am glad you accepted that prophecy is greater than tongues in the congregation of believers. If you read 1Cor 14 all thru, Paul wasn't bothered whether it was praying in tongues or preaching in tongues(whatever that means). The summary of the chapter is that in the gathering of believers, pls pocket your tongues except someone can interprets otherwise you're a nuisance to the church.

As per Jude 20, I wonder how praying in the holy ghost translates to speaking in tongues. Am still on my phone now and can't really do a long treatise.

Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 4:09pm On Sep 03, 2013
Bidam: My brother..i said we should discuss not argue about this from a scriptural standpoint.Even with your copy paste article i still addressed some part where the Op goofed big time.I no try? grin

Asper Jesus speaking in tongues is a lame excuse.Gombs has addressed the issue.Moreso Jesus was a man like us yet he prayed all night alone. What did you think he was doing all night?Speaking aramaic to God abi?

Can you speak english to God all through the night?

Without the Help of the Holy Spirit we can do nothing bro.

I can pray in tongues for 5hrs without being tired.It takes the Holy Spirit my brother.

Sorry man it is not lame excuse...
the fact that you guys took the bible out of context is what baffles me...

I will challenge you to come up with all the verses that supports your doctrine one by one and we will discuss and analyze it... I dont want to reply long post or treat more than one verse and question at a time.. we can quote a passage and quote parallel to that passage but they must be on one issue at a time...

If you are ready we can start with your post of first verse which support your stands...

more like starting by defining tongues, like i did in the OP... and try to link it to gibs like people speak in churches... my definition links in to know languages already.
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by benalvino(m): 4:11pm On Sep 03, 2013

I am glad you accepted that prophecy is greater than tongues in the congregation of believers. If you read 1Cor 14 all thru, Paul wasn't bothered whether it was praying in tongues or preaching in tongues(whatever that means). The summary of the chapter is that in the gathering of believers, pls pocket your tongues except someone can interprets otherwise you're a nuisance to the church.

As per Jude 20, I wonder how praying in the holy ghost translates to speaking in tongues. Am still on my phone now and can't really do a long treatise.


Very simple... Why speak if no one understands you... he said shut the hell up if no one can interpret it... but they ignore it and open their mouth speaking in tongue... in the end of the day even them that speaks dont even understands their self...
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Gombs(m): 4:17pm On Sep 03, 2013

I am glad you accepted that prophecy is greater than tongues in the congregation of believers. If you read 1Cor 14 all thru, Paul wasn't bothered whether it was praying in tongues or preaching in tongues(whatever that means). The summary of the chapter is that in the gathering of believers, pls pocket your tongues except someone can interprets otherwise you're a nuisance to the church.

As per Jude 20, I wonder how praying in the holy ghost translates to speaking in tongues. Am still on my phone now and can't really do a long treatise.


Na wa o

Didn't you see me write praying in tongues is diff from speaking (preaching) in tongues

In case you dnt knw praying in the holyghost is same as praying in tongues

1 corinth 14v14 NASB

For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.

Oya quick quiz...did paul pray in tongue? Did he preach in tongues to the congregation?
In churches today, do they pray in tongues or preach in tongues?

I await your answers
Re: The Genuin Gift Of Tongue by Kenny4lyfe(m): 4:21pm On Sep 03, 2013

This got me cracking up...grin grin

Nice question...oya answer can you pray with your understanding all night? Even if you punctuate it with plenty songs you can't.

**Imagine me praying**

Dear heavenly father, please forgive me....
Give me....
**breaks-out with a song**
Holy Ghost!
Do it again.... {You know the rest}!
Then... **falls asleep while at it**

Except the JWs they're different...
They simply...
Don't pray... At all!

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