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Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers - Romance - Nairaland

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Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by bobolekepee(m): 4:02pm On Sep 05, 2013
If your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you, there will be proof in her/his cell phone. You may not even have to go through her/his cell phone to figure it out though. You generally can tell just by the ways she/ he acts about her/his cell phone. If you are in a committed relationship, your cell phones should be an open book. The ultimate test is to let your phone die and ask to use hers/his. One tell-tale sign she/he has something to hide is if she/he won't tell you the password, and she/he insists on putting it in for you. Also, while you are using her/his cell phone pay close attention to her/his body language. One clue that she/he has something to hide is if she/he appears nervous or fidgety while you have it. She/He also won't leave your side while you are using it, and will snatch it out of your hand if she/he gets a text message or phone call...do you agree with this?
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by Dadymonso: 4:15pm On Sep 05, 2013
bobolekepee: If your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you, there will be proof in her/his cell phone. You may not even have to go through her/his cell phone to figure it out though. You generally can tell just by the ways she/ he acts about her/his cell phone. If you are in a committed relationship, your cell phones should be an open book. The ultimate test is to let your phone die and ask to use hers/his. One tell-tale sign she/he has something to hide is if she/he won't tell you the password, and she/he insists on putting it in for you. Also, while you are using her/his cell phone pay close attention to her/his body language. One clue that she/he has something to hide is if she/he appears nervous or fidgety while you have it. She/He also won't leave your side while you are using it, and will snatch it out of your hand if she/he gets a text message or phone call...do you agree with thits?
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by Nobody: 4:16pm On Sep 05, 2013
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by bobolekepee(m): 4:53pm On Sep 05, 2013
Dadymonso: tongue
Y tongue out
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by bobolekepee(m): 4:54pm On Sep 05, 2013
idnoble135: Crap!
Must u comment? Ha! I wonder o undecided
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by Nobody: 5:08pm On Sep 05, 2013
You asked a question addressed to the "forumites". Being one, i gave a reply.
Now stop whining and deal with it.
Re: Cell Phones Are Relationship Breakers by bobolekepee(m): 5:10pm On Sep 05, 2013
idnoble135: ^
You asked a question addressed to the "forumites". Being one, i gave a reply.
Now stop whining and deal with it.
Ok o. Now i see

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