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Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? - Religion - Nairaland

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Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 6:10pm On Sep 06, 2013
This question have been brought between me and some members of denominational churches in my residence and am sure its what is filled up behind the mind of those who go to these churches. I got a response after asking the question of "Where in the Bible did a man on earth appoint himself as a General Overseer? A part of the Bible I came across the word Overseer (singular) was twice in the Old Testament and Once in the New Testament.
The 2 Scriptures of the Old Testament are:
(1) Genesis 39:4 "So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority." This was referring to when Joseph when he was being sold to Potiphar and this was not religious, and
(2) Proverbs 6:7 "Which, having no captain, Overseer or ruler," This was also referring to the ants which had no overseer provides food for themselves.
The Scripture in the New Testament which happens to be the only is:
1 Peter 2:25 "For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls." This was clearly referring to Jesus Christ who is the Founder of the Church because He said "...I would build My Church..." Matt 16:18.
Now searching the Scriptures further, I came across 2 passages that contained the word "overseers" (plural) which happened to be in the New Testament, they are:
(1) Acts 20:28 "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. " This referring to the 7 Elders in which the church in Antioch were asked to choose and who were also called Shepherds, Bishops Or Overseers; and
(2) 1 Peter 5:1-2 "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: 2 Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly;" also referring to Elders who are also known as Shepherds, Bishops or Overseers of the Churches in "...Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," (1 Peter 1:1).
There was no place where it the title "General Overseer" was used in the Bible, with this I happily came to a conclusion as far as the Bible is concerned that those who are called General Overseer/Founder of any church bringing up doctrines (tithe,speaking in unknown tongues, use of musical instruments, allowing women to teach and lead the whole church e.t.c.) which contradicts the Doctrines of Christ do all this for their selfish purposes.
Surely they would see their reward!!!
Beware and do not be Ignorant of what the Bible says! Romans 16:16 made us understand that the church in which the Early Christians attended was the "Church of Christ". Be a member and be added to the Church by the Lord Acts 2:47.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Afam4eva(m): 6:11pm On Sep 06, 2013
No, it's not. It's just another word for "Managing Director". You don't expect Pastors to use "MD", do you? That will sound too business like. They need a humble title hence the need for "General Overseer".

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 6:17pm On Sep 06, 2013
Afam4eva: No, it's not. It's just another word for "Managing Director". You don't expect Pastors to use "MD", do you? That will sound too business like. They need a humble title hence the need for "General Overseer".
Why didn't the need for this title arise and given to anybody in the Bible or were they not learned?
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Afam4eva(m): 6:19pm On Sep 06, 2013
Why wasn't the need for this title given to anybody in the Bible or were they not learned?
Because people in the bible never owned churches as big as we have them now scattered all over the world. Nobody has said the term is biblical. From the meaning of "general Overseer", it means it's the person who's in charge of the church nationwide or worldwide.


Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Nobody: 6:33pm On Sep 06, 2013
Because people in the bible never owned churches as big as we have them now scattered all over the world. Nobody has said the term is biblical. From the meaning of "general Overseer", it means it's the person who's in charge of the church nationwide or worldwide.
re u saying Christianity is a flexible constitution, dat 'd change along with d tins in vogue.

D bible says "i'm dsame yesterday , today n 4eva.

Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 6:44pm On Sep 06, 2013
Because people in the bible never owned churches as big as we have them now scattered all over the world. Nobody has said the term is biblical. From the meaning of "general Overseer", it means it's the person who's in charge of the church nationwide or worldwide.
So what are the functions of the overseers of the church?
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Afam4eva(m): 6:45pm On Sep 06, 2013
So what are the functions of the overseers of the church?
Overseeing the church. He acts as a Manager or a CEO. It's his business church.

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Afam4eva(m): 6:50pm On Sep 06, 2013
ighoosagie: re u saying Christianity is a flexible constitution, dat 'd change along with d tins in vogue.

D bible says "i'm dsame yesterday , today n 4eva.

What bearing does that have on the name you give to the owner of a church. Since according to you, God saying he's "yesterday, today and forever" implies that things have to be how they were then i'll like to know why you speak English in church instead of Hebrew and why you dress the way you dress now to church instead of wearing what was obtained in those days. As times change, Christianity is advanced and not necessarily changed. The tenets will always remain.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Nobody: 7:04pm On Sep 06, 2013
What bearing does that have on the name you give to the owner of a church. Since according to you, God saying he's "yesterday, today and forever" implies that things have to be how they were then i'll like to know why you speak English in church instead of Hebrew and why you dress the way you dress now to church instead of wearing what was obtained in those days. As time change, Christianity is advanced and not necessarily changed. The tenets will always remain. change Christianity is advanced and not necessarily changed. The tenets will always remain. should crave more of our attentions re d operations in our today's churches.
[color=#00009]bros sophisticated apparel or names given 2 a particular church ve nt induced or deduced wat is written in d holy book.

Wen Saul went 2 concentrate d house of Jesse, while he way using common sense 2 mk a pick of d next anointed king of Israel by choosing d first son, God said 2 him "i don't look at countenance, I search d heart.
Wat God is delighted of is wat we do , I tink we shud revamp 2 d bible dayz.
I don't ur meaning of advancement, frm my own point of view , it can only b seen advanced only wen we do d right tin in a beta way dan it used 2b n from all ramifications , d zeal 2ward Christianity has reduced almost 2 ground zero.

Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 7:05pm On Sep 06, 2013
Overseeing the church. He acts as a Manager or a CEO. It's his business church.
You don't need to continue being decieved or stay in deceit.
The Bible never ontained that title because the only Person who is the Overseer is Jesus Christ, Please read what I wrote on the very first post before you comment.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Joagbaje(m): 7:28pm On Sep 06, 2013
This is an unnecessary post. It's just a use of English language it's not a title. It's a functional responsibility . Overseer is a binlical responsibility and having General overseer shouldn't be an issue. It's a description of a responsibility. Lets not get petty with irrelevant things .

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Nobody: 7:48pm On Sep 06, 2013
Afam4eva: No, it's not. It's just another word for "Managing Director". You don't expect Pastors to use "MD", do you? That will sound too business like. They need a humble title hence the need for "General Overseer".
Because people in the bible never owned churches as big as we have them now scattered all over the world. Nobody has said the term is biblical. From the meaning of "general Overseer", it means it's the person who's in charge of the church nationwide or worldwide.
Simple clear cut common sense answers.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 12:50pm On Sep 07, 2013
This is an unnecessary post. It's just a use of English language it's not a title. It's a functional responsibility . Overseer is a binlical responsibility and having General overseer shouldn't be an issue. It's a description of a responsibility. Lets not get petty with irrelevant things .
The Holy Spirit ordained 7 Elders who are also called Sherpherds/Bishops/Overseers in the church at Antioch, why was one further choosen to be the General Overseer? Don't input what you think it is supposed to be relative to how the world go. Our mind is not God's Mind so to do God's will you need to follow exactly what the Bible says not what you think.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Joagbaje(m): 3:54pm On Sep 07, 2013
What of Corinth? Why only Antioch?. What of the office of the pastor,prophet apostle ,evangelist etc? . These are reonsiblitiss and offices ,not titles

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 4:02pm On Sep 07, 2013
What of Corinth? Why only Antioch?. What of the office of the pastor,prophet apostle ,evangelist etc? . These are reonsiblitiss and offices ,not titles
The messages where given to the apostles who started the church, were they 1 in number? Evangelists, Ministers and Preachers and Men of God are not the Leaders of the Church so they cannot make decision but can only recommend opinion based on the Bible. The only Leaders of the Church are to be 7 in number those are the Elders and were 1st choosen in Antioch, going further check the letters written to Timothy those had critical explanations on the officies of the Church, no indication of a Single man to Oversee the Church aside Jesus Christ who is the only Overseer of the church (1 peter 2:25)
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 4:04pm On Sep 07, 2013
What of Corinth? Why only Antioch?. What of the office of the pastor,prophet apostle ,evangelist etc? . These are reonsiblitiss and offices ,not titles
Was there an office for a General Overseer?
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Joagbaje(m): 4:28pm On Sep 07, 2013
Ho is a general overseer? A man that has churches under him. So Paul was a general over seer, John was a general overseer, James was a general overseer.because they had churches under them and they had pastors and overseers in charge of those churches. Satisfied?

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 4:54pm On Sep 07, 2013
Joagbaje: Ho is a general overseer? A man that has churches under him. So Paul was a general over seer, John was a general overseer, James was a general overseer.because they had churches under them and they had pastors and overseers in charge of those churches. Satisfied?
Where in the Bible where they referred to as General Overseer? They were only Apostles and Disciples and that was because they were the only ones who had the knowledge of the truth, none of them were ever referred to as General Overseers. Don't say something that would stand to hinder you on the Last Day. Bewarned!!!
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Joagbaje(m): 5:25pm On Sep 07, 2013
Okay I won't call them overseers again, I will be calling them overseer"s overseer grin

But jokes apart these petty things you raised are insignificant . Let me explain this . Jesus made the disciples to become apostles right?

Luke 6:13
. . . he called unto him his disciples:and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles

But he did give anyone a special title as chief apostle . But look at this verse below

2 Corinthians 12:11
for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.

How did some become chief and chicest Appstle? You see what I mean. It's just an administrative thing. Before we criticize people , lets fine out what they know and what perspective they see and by what revelation and understanding they function lets we the critic become the sinner even though we had good intention .

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Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 12:10am On Sep 08, 2013
Joagbaje: Okay I won't call them overseers again, I will be calling them overseer"s overseer grin

But jokes apart these petty things you raised are insignificant . Let me explain this . Jesus made the disciples to become apostles right?

Luke 6:13
. . . he called unto him his disciples:and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles

But he did give anyone a special title as chief apostle . But look at this verse below

2 Corinthians 12:11
for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.

How did some become chief and chicest Appstle? You see what I mean. It's just an administrative thing. Before we criticize people , lets fine out what they know and what perspective they see and by what revelation and understanding they function lets we the critic become the sinner even though we had good intention .

Did you read further to understand what was been said, who got him Baptised? The Apostles got him Baptised and made him an apostle through the Holy Spirit, so he referred to them as a Higher apostle than he was not that Jesus Gave them the office, don't jump into conclusion on things you are not sure about. Answer this simpile question relative to what the Bible says: Why Didn't The Early Christians Have a GENERAL OVERSEER but had overseers who were still not general.
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by lahchi: 12:10am On Sep 08, 2013
Joagbaje: Okay I won't call them overseers again, I will be calling them overseer"s overseer grin

But jokes apart these petty things you raised are insignificant . Let me explain this . Jesus made the disciples to become apostles right?

Luke 6:13
. . . he called unto him his disciples:and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles

But he did give anyone a special title as chief apostle . But look at this verse below

2 Corinthians 12:11
for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.

How did some become chief and chicest Appstle? You see what I mean. It's just an administrative thing. Before we criticize people , lets fine out what they know and what perspective they see and by what revelation and understanding they function lets we the critic become the sinner even though we had good intention .

Did you read further to understand what was been said, who got him Baptised? The Apostles got him Baptised and made him an apostle through the Holy Spirit, so he referred to them as a Higher apostle than he was not that Jesus Gave them the office, don't jump into conclusion on things you are not sure about. Answer this simpile question relative to what the Bible says: Why Didn't The Early Christians Have a GENERAL OVERSEER but had overseers who were still not general.?
Re: Is The Title General Overseer Scriptural? by Kobojunkie: 8:06pm On May 15, 2024
No, it's not. It's just another word for "Managing Director". You don't expect Pastors to use "MD", do you? That will sound too business like. They need a humble title hence the need for "General Overseer".
General Overseer is humble? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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