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Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President - Education (4) - Nairaland

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Festus Iyayi Is Dead (Ex-ASUU President) / Message From ASUU President / We Wont Call Off Strike Until Our Demands Are Met - ASUU President (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Kingspin(m): 3:02pm On Sep 08, 2013
I dnt understand exertly what ASUU is asking for- is it recurrent or arrears of salaries or infrastructures.. You want FG to make & bring our school to standard and not cash things. How? & When? Which part is if not we will not go back to class.Structures is not food but building/facilities takes time..if it money for the infrastructures or debts tell us that. We are confused. Somethings ASUU will say is not about 87 billion but school infrastructures and others while FG will say take 30billions for arrears as we pay phrases by phrases than take 100 billions to kick off infrastructure..Whats the real demand of ASUU, money or school facilities..Money is now while infrastructures takes short/long term processes.
Is it the money for infrastructures to be release or their own cool cash .FG can sign trillions still be releasing the money in batch year in and out. Whats the real face off btw ASUU/FG


Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by vocalprince(m): 3:05pm On Sep 08, 2013
Abeg make dem do call off this yeye strike!! Am seriously bored at home.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Nobody: 3:07pm On Sep 08, 2013

ASUU what is next on board as students are tired although not all as some are into one form of business or another.please just give up once and for all as these politician are not ready to listen because of 2015 general elections. come to think of it,it is only federal schools that benefit more than state schools. my advice to state schools, is that they should put out as some States can not pay teachers and civil servant not to talk of lecturers.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Adamsynox(m): 3:21pm On Sep 08, 2013
Make i rush drink my garri b4 the thing go rise up ehn wetin u dey talk
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by hamrad(m): 3:33pm On Sep 08, 2013
Ghana close her school for 3 years, and nigerans are paying billions yearlly as tuition there. If this strike will bring solution to our education problem, then i say mmmmmmmmmmm ASUU should continue.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by fasho01(m): 3:41pm On Sep 08, 2013
The greedy fellow in NANS have obviously 'collected' some change to come out & support ASUU(i.e if it is even true).

And who says that's the mind of the majority of Nigerian students'

Students' want to leave school on time so ASUU get your facts right before spewing pooo angry
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Nobody: 3:53pm On Sep 08, 2013
I agree. . .let the strike continue!
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by pobosky20(m): 3:55pm On Sep 08, 2013
FG shouldnt give-in to ASUU's demands because if it does,2mrw other agencies will start bringing on their demands. Sch fees is around 50k-100k plus in public schs. Where all d money dey go? Shey na VC cars dem take fuel?wetin na? Alot of lecturers come to class like 2 wks to exams and teach an entire course in 2 hrs. 70yrs retirement age is not beans!!
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by anuoro: 3:56pm On Sep 08, 2013
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by McLuhan(m): 4:27pm On Sep 08, 2013
It appears that the FG has come to the conclusion that it can no longer fund university education. Consequently, my candid advice to the Government is to close down all the federal universities and make it known to the whole wide world that the country is, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt. By so doing, everyone will know that the country can no longer meet its financial obligations.

Furthermore, since Government will not be expected to spend its money on anything, that will give our politicians the freedom to engage in their favourite pastime, which is looting public funds. Above all, no lecturer will have the grounds to make any demands on Government or to ask it to honour any agreement, since Government shall have declared itself insolvent and the country shall have formally become a failed state.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Nobody: 4:29pm On Sep 08, 2013

you have made a habit of commenting "r" in every thread."
Lol" or "End tym Tyns" would have been better than this.
Tђε̲̣̣̣̥ eariler you seek medical attention tђε̲̣̣̣̥ better Fø̲̣̣я you
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Nobody: 4:29pm On Sep 08, 2013
U again wt ya ' r '
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by easyz(m): 4:30pm On Sep 08, 2013
The strike should be called off pls. NANS is hinsain
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by david290(m): 4:54pm On Sep 08, 2013
Just hope God intervenes cause I am sick and tired of this "season film"
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Uchexxy(m): 5:02pm On Sep 08, 2013
And millions of youths will still buy jamb form next year in d hope of entering dis our current situation. God help us all.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Jessicavizzy(f): 5:21pm On Sep 08, 2013
Rio Fernandez: Please Let the strike continue. Am loving it ohh! So will hustle well well with my hustle. So that, at the end will go back to sch with a Car. Haha. ASUU no gree oh
...c mumu.ur mates r dreaming of getin out of school n fyn sumtin meaningful n hia u are saying rubbish/!!oya na stay for skul till kingdom com bcoz u wanna luk 4 money.4yrz course u wanna use 5/6yrz.stay dey Hustle.

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Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Ofido(m): 5:34pm On Sep 08, 2013
ASUU shld please shut they mouth and start school biko.....
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Zanga007(m): 5:36pm On Sep 08, 2013
Rio Fernandez: Please Let the strike continue. Am loving it ohh! So will hustle well well with my hustle. So that, at the end will go back to sch with a Car. Haha. ASUU no gree oh
dude use ur brain...... After graduating u can always get a car if u re hardworking..... The number of years you will use with this stupid ASUU strike...only God knws...Mtcheew*smh*
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by J0sh007: 6:07pm On Sep 08, 2013
Hmmm...i dnt have much to say...just Fin des temps choses...thats all
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by olaniyanibukun0: 6:55pm On Sep 08, 2013
4 Play:

I wish it were that simple. Which ASUU strike has not been preceded by ASUU demands for increased funding for universities, nevertheless, the strikes are called off as soon as lecturers wages are increased without a commensurate increase in university funding.

I suspect the inclusion of these non-wage demands are a PR stunt for ASUU to give the impression that they are not clamoring for themselves. Further, why is it taken for granted that the Govt shouuld spend circa 500bn Naira, close to 10% of the annual budget, a year on universities when the vast majority of Nigerians won't attend University and instead require the meeting of basic needs like pipe-borne water, basic health care and housing?
I don't agree with you. How many percent of d annual budget should b allocated to universities then? Check the so called developed and developing countries and compare how they treat their universities to ours. Though ASSU might be doing things that may seem selfish in our sight, but one thing I'm sure of is that no matter how selfish it might look like now, students will enjoy the fruit later.. It might not be this generation of students sef. I won't like it if my son asks me what I was doing when the government was busy spoiling the education sector... And I won't be able to give a 'positive' answer
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Hopez456(m): 7:14pm On Sep 08, 2013
Can somebody please tell me the school the ASUU helmsman came from?
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Sajio(m): 7:33pm On Sep 08, 2013
.........Is only a lazy/ unserious student that would want ASUU †̥ continue this strike. For all I know! Either ASUU nor Fg does not have the ppl @hrtm they all fighting for their own interest joor! ASUU should consider the student and stop this politics..... Why won't fg back off the negotiation when ASUU has decided †̥ politicise the struggle. Yes, that whats fg think of ASUU now cos they aren't flexible @all. So rigid!
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by generous: 8:27pm On Sep 08, 2013
the only solution to this strike if for mr president to giv all ASUU officails compulsory retirment abd fix new pple that r eager to do good work cause the president and lecturars in ASUU ar all compromised....mr president retire all of them strike wkd end one time.....causr the student r paying hard for skull fee yet lecturars still need more money...thiefs...Government av released 130bill isnt that enough?..educated armed rubbers
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by onayemi1: 8:43pm On Sep 08, 2013
I must say that ASUU has shown a high level of greed in pressing home their demands. If every other unions should do like they have done, then the country will be in comatose by now. Surely, FGN is equally irresponsible. The two parties must come together and reach a compromise. A lot of our youths are just roaming streets and while away precious time. The future of the country are the victim of this imbroglio.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by chiswaggs: 8:55pm On Sep 08, 2013
God will judge these people.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by akinemma1: 9:01pm On Sep 08, 2013
i love what ASUU is doing.one thing i dislike about we nigerians is that we love to suffer in silence.I am very sure if ASUU president were to be the NLC president during the subsidy palava,the price of petroleum will have remain #65 by now.Well anyway,Lets see who wins at the end
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by akinemma1: 9:03pm On Sep 08, 2013
i love what ASUU is doing.one thing i dislike about we nigerians is that we love to suffer in silence.I am very sure if ASUU president were to be the NLC president during the subsidy palava,the price of petroleum will have remain #65 by now.Well anyway,Lets see who wins at the end.
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by DeNoble1(m): 9:07pm On Sep 08, 2013
ebucha: Selfish, un-innovative,researchless copy-and-paste liars who prefare to lazy about in the name of strike and receive fat unmerited salaries every month end. Even our secondary school teachers are more professional, hard working and enthusiastic than those DONmies(sorry dummies) in our universities who could scarcely relate bookwork to the present society.well, I don't blame them. Its the work less and chop more mentality of our politicians that is causing all this.
I am glad there are still people like you that can reason and study situations. You will live long

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Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by Nobody: 9:52pm On Sep 08, 2013
I don forget wetin i wan type sef...
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by shidof(m): 10:20pm On Sep 08, 2013
Emmy9ite: Was there a poll? I don't remember saying the strike should continue. Please someone should tell me what the school fees of students are used for? Strike will always continue in Nigeria until ASUU can use what they have to get what they want.
hw much au payin as school fees?
Re: Students Dont Want ASUU Strike To End - ASUU President by GOOOGLE504(m): 10:22pm On Sep 08, 2013
david290: Just hope God intervenes cause I am sick and tired of this "season film"

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