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Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things - Romance - Nairaland

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Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Nobody: 1:05pm On Sep 08, 2013
You're not a couple until you're a couple! Four dates in and you're changing your Facebook relationship status,whatsapp status and tweeting things like ''i have finally found love!'', ''i think he's the one'', ''could this be love?'' .
Trust me most guys will run away when girls do things like that. Have "the talk" about where the relationship stands at some point, but give yourself and him the time and space to enjoy the launch of this blossoming romance. It'll all happen in time. Or it won't.

Being Controlling.
Some people can't help themselves. They just have to manage every situation. That behavior repel guys, in particular. Don't try to dress him, don't try to tell him what to eat, don't try to get him to exercise… or to get a job. You started going out with him in whatever state he was in, accept him or move on. Don't fall into the typical trap, "He'd be perfect if I could just get him to change…."

Sure, it's perfectly reasonable to want kids. But no guy wants to be sized up for fatherhood at the outset of the courtship. There's a hint of desperation in bringing up the topic too early. Even if you're THINKING about babies, keep it to yourself.
Let me be totally honest here. Those first few weeks of a new relationship, men are thinking about two
things: "Do I like and respect this woman enough to
pursue a long-term relationship... and when are we
going to have sex?" grin

Ex-boyfriends will come up. And from my
perspective, exes should come up. I've always found that knowing a little bit about the ex and why that relationship didn't work out is healthy and informative. You can learn a lot about a person by listening to how they talk about their former partner. But when that "talk" makes it obvious that u are still carrying a torch for your ex-boyfriend-- or worse, you show symptoms of stalker-like aggressiveness, you won't be getting a
call back. What you should be getting is therapy

Meeting The Parents.
Parental introductions are a major step. Nothing puts the exclamation point on the statement, "We're a couple!" quite like meeting mom and dad. And most dudes are not down for that with just a few dates logged in. Don't push-- it comes off as
DESPERATE and manipulative, especially within the first few weeks of dating.

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Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Enegod(m): 1:10pm On Sep 08, 2013
well said
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Popowaa: 2:47pm On Sep 08, 2013
If u dont get the Romance section poster of the year this year then u need to visit ur village
Enegod: well said
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Enegod(m): 7:16pm On Sep 08, 2013
Popowaa: If u dont get the Romance section poster of the year this year then u need to visit ur village
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Nobody: 9:12pm On Sep 08, 2013
Popowaa: If u dont get the Romance section poster of the year this year then u need to visit ur village
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Tritte(m): 12:40am On Sep 09, 2013
Diz is de 1st tym i'd be readin a post so educating on nairaland.....u gifted not lyk those #dumboz#,always typin end tym fin....
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Brimmie(m): 2:47am On Sep 09, 2013
^^^ And you're one of them.

OP, nice one there!
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by adconline(m): 3:58am On Sep 09, 2013
Some girls talking about marriage when they hardly know what to do with their lives, don't have stable job, unclear goals in life, probably living with their parents. Get yourself together first and talk about marriage later!

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Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Exponental(m): 7:15am On Sep 09, 2013
@op, I disagree with u.
Ur post is applicable when d chemistry of love is not there. U have depicted a relationship that is being "faked" (just trying to make it work) and this ends up in breakups or divorce (as d case may be) irrespective of d pretences.
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by dowjones(m): 2:59pm On Sep 10, 2013
Exponental: @op, I disagree with u.
Ur post is applicable when d chemistry of love is not there. U have depicted a relationship that is being "faked" (just trying to make it work) and this ends up in breakups or divorce (as d case may be) irrespective of d pretences.

It takes more than love to make relationships work. Respect, trust and loyalty are virtues FAR stronger than love (except you're talking about AGAPE love).
Relationship based on the "adrenalin rush" of love usually end up in divorce not the other way round

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Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Nobody: 3:36pm On Sep 10, 2013
Exponental: @op, I disagree with u.
Ur post is applicable when d chemistry of love is not there. U have depicted a relationship that is being "faked" (just trying to make it work) and this ends up in breakups or divorce (as d case may be) irrespective of d pretences.
I gues ur a lady. So just because i feel im inlove with a guy
1.i shd put my feelings out there wen the guy hasnt evn proposed or asked me out yet?

2.i shd try to change him regardless of his feelings?

3.i shd talk abt mkin babies just a few wks into the relationship?

4.i shd force him to introduce me to his parents??

It takes time to build a very strong relationship. U dun start tlkin abt being inlove,mking babies and meeting parents when ur relationship hasnt evn taken off yet. Anyfn dats rushed will lead to a crush
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Nobody: 3:38pm On Sep 10, 2013
Tritte: Diz is de 1st tym i'd be readin a post so educating on nairaland.....u gifted not lyk those #dumboz#,always typin end tym fin....
thnx very much smiley
Re: Dont Turn Your Man Off. Avoid These Basic Things by Nobody: 3:40pm On Sep 10, 2013
OP, nice one there!
10Q ....glad u liked it

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