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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians (11324 Views)
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Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 4:11am On Sep 20, 2013 |
khattab02: I have given you already in the verse you qouted me above. If you think he changed or forged anything and that is what you believe fine no probs ' Laa Ikraaha fid-Diin'. When death visits us, we will all know who is right or wrong or we wait for Qiyammah. Death is Only an Admonition. You Muslims are something else. So because I didn't agree with you, that's why you've taken the extreme of mentioning death to prove your point? Why getting so emotional? Not everyone will agree with your beliefs and am sure you are old enough to know this. Try and accept it, its a part of life.. But before you go ask yourself about the satanic verses that muhammed recited to the people of mecca that led them to worship other gods besides allah for a period of tme. Ask yourself why would allah permit such a thing to happen? Why didn't he protect muhammed from reciting those verses and protect the people from commiting the sin of shirk? Ask yourself these questions. If muhammed was not reciting the quran of his own volition and was getting his verses from allah then why would allah have let shaytan trick muhammed into reciting the satanic verses which led many people into idolatory? Idolatory is something allah hates more than any other sin and it is the only sin he does not forgive. Yet he did nothing to stop the satanic verses from being recited to the people of mecca. Think. . |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 4:47am On Sep 20, 2013 |
NL member: Some Muslims think violence is a monopoly to only one religion ![]() ![]() |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 9:46am On Sep 20, 2013 |
Egypt: Islamic supremacist group threatens to target Christians in revenge for arrests of members who attacked police and local churches Islamic supremacists in Egypt continue their relentless scapegoating and victimization of the nation's Christians, while the world wrings its hands over "Islamophobia." After security forces stormed the village of Delga a couple days ago, and arrested a number of extremists wanted for assaulting the police department and local churches, Gamaat Islamiya threatened to target Copts in retaliation. Source - |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by khattab02: 10:22am On Sep 20, 2013 |
NL member:lol... U are funny. Am not getting emotional neither am I going to the Extreme. Anyone observing will obviously know that I did give you why and reason he won't do such. If you don't believe fine, it ok by me, Almighty God has said there are some who will believe and some it will take time and some will never believe, because the creator far knows morethan what he created. I can go on to give several proves and yet you will say you don't believe or agree fine,it not a must. If you don't believe in the concept of judgement day but aleast you believe we are gonna die right? Now I said when that time come we will truely know or not. Nothing extreme or emotional. Talked about satanic verse? What satanic verse? I don't seems to be amazed when I see different things about Islam by the Media. In the span of 150 years from 1800 to 1950 morethan sixty thousand books has been written against Islam and our beloved Prophet Alayhis-salatu wa sallam. 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by mahdino: 2:26pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
alexis: I am setting up this thread in the religious section (Not under the Islam section) because the moderator for the Islam section hides many of my posts whenever he fells it is necessary. To that effect, I want to discuss an important subject that most people either evade, try to be politically correct about of just too scared to talk about - Here are some of the Muslim victims of genocide throughout history 1. All 70,000 inhabitants of Jerusalem, mostly Muslims, were massacred by the European Crusaders on July 15, 1099, "the blood was ankle-deep". 2. After the massacre of Antioch by the European Crusaders in June 1098 "no Muslims was alive". Massacres of Muslims happen also in Asklan (1099), Aka (1104), Antioch (1098), Beruit (1110) and Tropolie (1102). 3. During the Inquisition, in Spain and Portugal the choice for Muslims were to "leave, convert or be burnt at the stake". The decree was only suppressed on July 15, 1834 after all Muslims were killed or left. Massacres of Muslims happened in Toledo (1085), Lisbon (1147), Cordoba (1236), Seville (1248), Maria (1266) and Granada (1492), "Promises of religious toleration were not kept". 4. The Mongols slaughtered millions of Muslims (1219-1260) in India, Persia, Iraq and central Asia including the Abbasia Caliph and his officials. The sack of Baghdad (Feb. 13, 1258) and the massacred of its population lasted more than 17 days and an estimated two million Muslims were massacred in Baghdad alone. 5. In Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya (1992-present) over than 200,000 Muslims were massacred and over 1.5 million Muslims were wounded, become homeless or exiled. Over 50,000 Muslim women and girls were raped. 6. Some 15 million Africans were taken as slaves to the Americans. More than half were Muslims. More than 3 million perished at sea, more than half were Muslims. 7. Following Deir Yassin massacre, Palestine, April 9-10, 1948, where 250 were killed by armed Jewish settlers, 100's of thousands left their homes in fear. Today there are over 3 million Palestinians refuges and exiles. 8. Israeli Lieutenant Dunhan reported to the command officer, after the October 29, 1956 massacre of Kafr Qasem, where 43 were shot by the army, "minus 15 Arabs ... it is difficult to count ... " 9. During September 15-18, 1982, Israeli-backed Phalagist militia massacred an estimated 50,000 Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. 10. During 1932-1957, at Russia's Arctic Vorkuta concentration camps a total of 6 million died, more than one third were Muslims. 11. On February 25, 1994 a Jewish settler shot dead in cold blood 60 Muslim worshipers at the Ibrahimi mosque, Hebron. Thirty more died when they demonstrated against the massacre. 12. On March 16, 1988, the Kurdish town of Halabja (population 45,000), Iraq, was bombarded with chemical weapons. An estimated 5,000 died and 1,000's seriously wounded. 13. For the last 8 years, the entire population of Iraq has been subjected to brutal sanctions. As a result over 1 million died including 575,000 children. 14. Several thousand Muslims were massacred in Philippines, Kashmir and Thailand (1970's-present). 15. On April 18, 1996, over 100 Muslims were massacred in the UN compound in Qana, Lebanon by the Israeli army. 16. Millions of Muslims civilians were massacred by the imperial powers of Europe in Africa and Asia (1500's to 1900's). 17. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims were massacred during and prior to the partition of India in the 1940's. 18. Thousands of Muslim civilians were victims of Israeli bombings and shelling in South Lebanon for the last 26 years. Hundreds of thousands were displaced. 19.Thousands of Muslims killed by USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a religion! Despite their wars against Muslim civilians, against Hijab, despite their relentless efforts to tarnish its reputation, their intimidations by labeling Muslims as terrorists and fundamentalists, despite all of this, Islam remains the number one religion in terms of being practiced and accepted by the people in the whole world. It is the only religion that addresses your intellect as well as your soul. I wonder what would happen if the enemies of Islam gave it a fair chance to connect to the people without any intervention from the media. It always brings me Joy to be part of this great religion; Islam. All praise be to Allah almighty !!! " He (Allah almighty) it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the unbelievers detest." (Qur'an 9:33) "So, be patient. Surely Allah’s promise is true, and let not the disbelievers shake your firmness ." (Qur'an 30:60) 4 Likes |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 3:36pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
mahdino Here are some of the Muslim victims of genocide throughout history And why are you waiting until now to speak up? Again, this thread is to bring light to the persecution Christians are FACING TO THIS VERY DAY in Islamic and predominately Islamic societies. Let me ask you some question: 1. Are Christians the ones burning their churches in Egypt? Are they the ones killing themselves and blaming it on the Muslim Brotherhood? 2. Is Boko Haram a Christian organization - Don't try to tell me Boko Haram are not muslims; they are! 3. Syrians killing themselves - Shia vs Sunni, are those Christians that are persecuting muslims? 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 4:15pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
khattab02: lol... U are funny. Am not getting emotional neither am I going to the Extreme. Anyone observing will obviously know that I did give you why and reason he won't do such. If you don't believe fine, it ok by me, Almighty God has said there are some who will believe and some it will take time and some will never believe, because the creator far knows morethan what he created. I can go on to give several proves and yet you will say you don't believe or agree fine,it not a must. If you don't believe in the concept of judgement day but aleast you believe we are gonna die right? Now I said when that time come we will truely know or not. Nothing extreme or emotional. Talked about satanic verse? What satanic verse? I don't seems to be amazed when I see different things about Islam by the Media. In the span of 150 years from 1800 to 1950 morethan sixty thousand books has been written against Islam and our beloved Prophet Alayhis-salatu wa sallam. So you don't even know about the satanic verses? ![]() No wonder many of you are still Muslims, you know nothing about Islam. Please read about your religion. 3 Likes |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 5:00pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
NL member: Most Muslims don't read their Quran, they recite it. They get indoctrinated from birth to believe that Mohammad is the best and last of prophets without studying his life or character? Ask them about the Satanic Verses in the Quran where Mohammad claimed Satan lied to him and deceived him into telling Muslims to worship Allah and His daughters - they tell you that it has been abrogated ![]() Yet they claim that Islam is the one and true Monotheistic religion and Christianity is polytheistic. You tell them the truth, they call you a Bigot and ban you from the Islam section - as if that will stop you from posting. You speak publicly about it; they try to silence you. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by khattab02: 5:36pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
NL member:give me the verse. I always see so many claims attributed to Islam. Everyday You see different things all by the media. There is virulent propagander of Islam by the media just like the claims above. 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 7:31pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
alexis:Beautiful. That's exactly what they do, just run their eyes over the words, no critical assessment of what they are reading. Yet they claim that Islam is the one and true Monotheistic religion and Christianity is polytheistic. You tell them the truth, they call you a Bigot and ban you from the Islam section - as if that will stop you from posting. You speak publicly about it; they try to silence you. My brother no be small thing o. They don't know anything and they are not ready to know or accept anything that is not from their 'authentic sources'. If you try to inform them about the less palatable parts of their religion they start crying foul and telling you to stop quoting antiislamic sites. Either that or you get an unjust ban from their oga at the top. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 7:34pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
khattab02: give me the verse. I always see so many claims attributed to Islam. Everyday You see different things all by the media. There is virulent propagander of Islam by the media just like the claims above. I find it surprising that a Muslim needs clarification on his Quran from "infidels" ![]() Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 When Muhammad and his community came under severe persecution, eighty-three of his followers who had no protection emigrated from Mecca to Ethiopia, taking refuge in the ancient Christian country, Abyssinia.1 Under increasing boycotts and pressure, Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22. The statement that Allah was involved with female goddesses while Muhammad and his people were left with men, was cynically discussed by author Salman Rushdie.3 He made the impure account even more obscene. His book was regarded as utterly blasphemous by all Muslims. When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses. Salman Rushdie did not invent the Satanic verses.4 In Sura Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53, Muhammad confessed his mistake, alleging that all prophets were tempted by Satan who inspire them with demonic verses, as if they were actually revealed by God. But later on Allah abrogated those Satanic Verses with new revelations and instructs his prophets with new verses. According to Islam, Allah permits such demonic inspiration to test weak believers and to cut off those with hardened hearts. Never did We send a messenger or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom: That He may make the suggestions thrown in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are hardened of heart: verily the wrong-doers are in a schism far (from the Truth): Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53. Yusuf 'Ali's translation The true, vital issue about the Satanic verses is this. If Muhammad were unable to distinguish Satan's voice from God's voice, then could there be verses in the Qur'an that Muhammad assumed were from God but were really from Satan? Maybe much of the Qur'an is Satanic in origin, in spite of Muhammad's conviction that it was entirely from Allah. The Qur'an clearly states that Muhammad spoke in the name of God and that he said things that God had not commanded him! Next, he charges that all the prophets of God voiced Satanic statements! According to the holy law of God, Muhammad ought to have been put to death as a false prophet! According to the Holy Scriptures, if a prophet spoke anything in the name of LORD that was not from Him, the prophet must be put to death! Muhammad spoke in the name of Allah and then admitted that he had really spoken the words of Satan. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death. Deuteronomy 18:20 (NIV) So, as a Muslim - haven't you seen these verses before? 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 7:35pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
khattab02: give me the verse. I always see so many claims attributed to Islam. Everyday You see different things all by the media. There is virulent propagander of Islam by the media just like the claims above. Muhammad longed to convert his kinsmen and neighbors of Mecca to Islam. As he was reciting Sūra an-Najm,considered a revelation by the angel Gabriel, Satan tempted him to utter the following lines after verses 19 and 20: Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzzá and Manāt, the third, the other? These are the exalted gharāniq, whose intercession is hoped for. Allāt, al-'Uzzā and Manāt were three goddesses worshipped by the Meccans. The subtext to the event is that Muhammad was backing away from his otherwise uncompromising monotheism by saying that these goddesses were real and their intercession effective. The Meccans were overjoyed to hear this and joined Muhammad in ritual prostration at the end of the sūrah. The Meccan refugees who had fled to Abyssinia heard of the end of persecution and started to return home. Islamic tradition holds that Gabriel chastised Muhammad for adulterating the revelation, at which point [Quran 22:52] is revealed to comfort him, Never sent We a messenger or a prophet before thee but when He recited (the message) Satan proposed (opposition) in respect of that which he recited thereof. But Allah abolisheth that which Satan proposeth. Then Allah establisheth His revelations. Allah is Knower, Wise. Another verse was also revealed about this issue and in the second verse Allah declares that the goddesses Muhammed spoke of in the Satanic verses are powerless and they shouldn't be worshipped. That verse is below; Have ye thought upon Al-Lat and Al-'Uzza And Manat, the third, the other? Are yours the males and His the females? That indeed were an unfair division! They are but names which ye have named, ye and your fathers, for which Allah hath revealed no warrant. They follow but a guess and that which (they) themselves desire. And now the guidance from their Lord hath come unto them. There is also a Sahih hadith that narrates what happened when Muhammed recited the satanic verses to the Meccans; Narrated Ibn Abbas: The Prophet performed a prostration when he finished reciting Surat-an-Najm, and all the Muslims and pagans and Jinns and human beings prostrated along with him. Sahih Bukhari 6:60:385 The pagans prostrated because Muhammed had just declared that their pagan goddesses should also be worshipped along with Allah. If this is not enough evidence for you I can also bring proof of the satanic verses from your Tafsir and Seerah. 2 Likes |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 7:44pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
I didn't see alexis post before I posted my reply if not I wouldn't have bothered. Nothing spoil sha, khattab can learn from both posts. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 8:27pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
NL member: I didn't see alexis post before I posted my reply if not I wouldn't have bothered. Nothing spoil sha, khattab can learn from both posts. No big deal mate. I appreciate all you are doing 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by khattab02: 10:36pm On Sep 20, 2013 |
Impressive.. I have said am not surprised by the virulent propaganda against Islam. Non muslims claiming to know the qur'an better than the muslims and that the muslims need them for clarification of their own scripture,hmmm, interesting. Yet the Christians will never agree that anybody knows the bible morethan them. When posed about fabbles and contracdictions in the Bible by Ray Mcblue and his crew many were dodging and saying things otherwise instead of refuting the points raised. again Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam does not his own word only a revelation give to him 53:3-4. Claims that shaitan also inspired the verses of the Qur'an, he can never be , Allah says '' so when you recite the Qur'an , seek refuge with Allah from shaitan the outcast. Verily he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord'' 16:98-99. If Allah says we should seek refuge in him before reciting, how can shaitan inspire anything? Also..... 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 1:33am On Sep 21, 2013 |
khattab02: Impressive.. I have said am not surprised by the virulent propaganda against Islam. Non muslims claiming to know the qur'an better than the muslims and that the muslims need them for clarification of their own scripture,hmmm, interesting. Yet the Christians will never agree that anybody knows the bible morethan them. When posed about fabbles and contracdictions in the Bible by Ray Mcblue and his crew many were dodging and saying things otherwise instead of refuting the points raised. again Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam does not his own word only a revelation give to him 53:3-4. Claims that shaitan also inspired the verses of the Qur'an, he can never be , Allah says '' so when you recite the Qur'an , seek refuge with Allah from shaitan the outcast. Verily he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord'' 16:98-99. If Allah says we should seek refuge in him before reciting, how can shaitan inspire anything? Also..... The Quran is a book for everyone; you don't have to be a Muslim to read and understand it. Notwithstanding, I used to be a Muslim so you have no point. As always, you have side step the question, we have on one hand: 1. Mohammad endorsing polytheism by ordering the worship of Allah & hist daughters. 2. He claimed satan deceived him - So, if he believed in Allah earlier, how would satan deceive him? For you to tell us why your prophet would be deceived by satan and why he allowed worship of 3 goddesses than Allah; you are here saying .......................................... NOTHING Yet you are the same person that want to debate. Someone that can't intelligently refute a statement ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by PastorKun(m): 8:08am On Sep 21, 2013 |
khattab02: Impressive.. I have said am not surprised by the virulent propaganda against Islam. Non muslims claiming to know the qur'an better than the muslims and that the muslims need them for clarification of their own scripture,hmmm, interesting. Yet the Christians will never agree that anybody knows the bible morethan them. When posed about fabbles and contracdictions in the Bible by Ray Mcblue and his crew many were dodging and saying things otherwise instead of refuting the points raised. again Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam does not his own word only a revelation give to him 53:3-4. Claims that shaitan also inspired the verses of the Qur'an, he can never be , Allah says '' so when you recite the Qur'an , seek refuge with Allah from shaitan the outcast. Verily he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord'' 16:98-99. If Allah says we should seek refuge in him before reciting, how can shaitan inspire anything? Also..... Why are you saying there is a propaganda against islam ![]() |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Nobody: 10:18am On Sep 21, 2013 |
khattab02: Impressive.. I have said am not surprised by the virulent propaganda against Islam. Non muslims claiming to know the qur'an better than the muslims and that the muslims need them for clarification of their own scripture,hmmm, interesting. Yet the Christians will never agree that anybody knows the bible morethan them. When posed about fabbles and contracdictions in the Bible by Ray Mcblue and his crew many were dodging and saying things otherwise instead of refuting the points raised. again Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam does not his own word only a revelation give to him 53:3-4. Claims that shaitan also inspired the verses of the Qur'an, he can never be , Allah says '' so when you recite the Qur'an , seek refuge with Allah from shaitan the outcast. Verily he has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord'' 16:98-99. If Allah says we should seek refuge in him before reciting, how can shaitan inspire anything? Also.... After I gave you a Sahih hadith about the satanic verses and told you that I have tafsir and seerah to back up my claim this is all you can say? No defence from you, no counter evidence to prove me wrong, all you can say is that shaytan can never inspire anything in muhammed? Nobody is trying to harm you or lead you astray, we only want to show you the truth. What if you spent the greater part of your life following the wrong religion and in your old age you realise that you made a mistake? Do you have any idea the amount of regret you would go through? Knowing that you can't get your life and years back? Open your mind and find out the truth, stop shutting your ears out of fear. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by tiarabubu: 10:33am On Sep 21, 2013 |
mahdino: Hey just want to know about the genocide the Muslims did to provoke the Crusades that you mentioned in your post. This will also show you that Islam carried out more than 30 unprovoked genocidal invasion of Christian lands till the crusades were launched to stop Islam from overrunning Christians for NO JUST CAUSE. In essence, Muslims started the fight that caused the crusades and the unspeakable violence it help start and today, they are still whining about it. It is important to note that these lands became Christian due to the preaching of the gospel started by people like Apostle Paul however Islam took them by the sword A timeline to educate you AD 610 - Prophet Muhammad receives revelation to be a messenger of God AD 632 - Prophet Muhammad dies but not before giving orders for the invasion of Iraq AD 633 - Muslims invade Syria (a majority Christian nation) and Iraq unprovoked AD 635 - Muslims seize Damascus (an important city of Christian learning) AD 637 - Muslims seize persia AD 637 - Muslims seize Jerusalem plundering the city AD 639 - Muslims invade and seize Eqypt, another major Christian country at the time AD 641 - Muslims seize Azerbaijan, Daghestan, Armenia and Georgia AD 654 - Muslims seize Cyprus another major Christian stronghold AD 668 - Muslims lay siege on Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey), a Christian City, for 7 good years. The inhabitants fought back bravely for their freedom using Greek fire AD 669 - Muslims invade Morocco AD 674 - Muslim invasion was soon to reach the Indus River (Pakistan and co) AD 698 - Muslims invade and capture Carthage (Modern Tunisia) AD 711 - Muslims capture the entire Persian empire including Spain and begin to invade Afganistan AD 717 - Muslims again unprovoked lay siege on Constantinople with more than 220,000 troops, again Muslims repelled. AD 719 - Muslim attack Septimania in France AD 722 - Non Muslims (specifically Christians) begin to fight back, defeat the Muslims at Covandonga and Tours. Charles Martel with 1,500 solders defeats Muslim forces of 60,000 in the battle of Tours saving Europe from Muslim plunder AD 846 - Muslims invade Ostia and Rome damaging churches of St Peter and St Paul. Pope Leo IV had to promise a yearly tribute of 25,000 silver coins to the invaders AD 849 - Again Muslims attack Rome; a powerful storm (divine help?) and an alliance of Christian forces destroy the Muslim ships AD 850 -851 - Christian led by Priest Perfectus begin civil disobedience to their Muslim rulers. Many are martyred AD 880 & 886 - Due to incessant raids by Muslims, Emperor Louis personal travels from Germany to southern Italy to oversee efforts at halting Muslim invaders. Emperor Basil of Byzantine does the same in his lands AD 902 - Muslims capture the whole of Sicily AD 911 - Muslim invaders slice France and Italy in half cutting links to the two nation AD 916 - Greek, German and Italian leaders form an alliance to confront the Muslim incessant harassment of their people AD 1009 - Muslim leader Al-Hakim Amr Allah order all Christian buildings in Jerusalem to be destroyed. false rumor spreads in Europe that the Jews were responsible for instigating the destruction of the buildings. this was to lead to reprisal against the Jews at some point in the Crusades that was to come. AD 1012 - Muslim leader Al-Hakim bi Amr Allah orders the destruction of all Christian and Jewish houses of worship in the land he controls AD 1070 - Christian pilgrims began returning to Europe with information of destruction of holy places,persecution and oppression by Muslims AD 1070 - Brother Gerard begins Order of Knights of the Hospital of St. John (Knights Hospitaller) as a force for the protection of Christian pilgrims from Muslim attacks and persecution AD 1088 - Pope Urban II is elected Pope AD 1095 - Pope Urban II receives ambassadors from the Byzantine Emperor Alexius fro help against the Muslim invaders and sieges that has brought his cities to its knees AD1096 - The crusades begins 2 Likes |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by PastorKun(m): 10:59am On Sep 21, 2013 |
tiarabubu: Thanx so much for this detailed info, I am going to bookmark it and use to address muslims who love distorting history and creating an impression that muslims are the victims. it gets really nauseating when muslims like madhino try to play the victim card whilst ignoring the fact that his religion was birthed in violence, spread by violence and till this day certain sects within the religion practise violence based on their religious convictions. Whilst a lot of the activities of the crusaders remain condemnable today by christian standards fact remains that the crusades were started only after three centuries of islamic invasion into europe and it was established to protect themselves from marauders who were bent on taking over their lands. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by nora544: 11:24am On Sep 21, 2013 |
Pastor Kun: But this didnot stop the muslim to come to europa. What is also very important that the muslim try to get the hole europa and at that time the come two times to vienna, We had the first and the second turky war, and the last it was 1683 when they turky lose. only in german but you can translate it with google. The second turky war when they tried to enter Vienna they have no luck, because the christians fight because they know when they get vienna, than they will get more of europa. When you want to know more about the crusades from europa i can give you more informations. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by Mintayo(m): 12:03pm On Sep 21, 2013 |
tiarabubu:very insightful,and straightforward. We all know that the truth will always stand,it is when what you believ in is a lie that you then use force to retain it...islam was spread by force and violence. Someone said sometimes i go and i quote" the killing in the muslim countries will not stop,because the blood of the innocents butchered by mohammed and his followers are crying for vengeance". May God help us! |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by OJODEL10(m): 7:42am On Sep 22, 2013 |
khattab02: we have the Qur'an and the sahih ahadith as the best and most authentic sources. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by OJODEL10(m): 7:45am On Sep 22, 2013 |
khattab02: we have the Qur'an and the sahih ahadith as the best and most authentic sources.DO U MEAN OTHER HADITH ARE NOT AUTHENTIC? THESE MUSLIMS SELF . SINCE U FOLKS KNOW THEY AREN'T AUTHENTIC Y DO U LEAVE THEM IT CIRCULATION EN? LIAR |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 4:22am On Sep 23, 2013 |
OJODEL10: DO U MEAN OTHER HADITH ARE NOT AUTHENTIC? THESE MUSLIMS SELF . SINCE U FOLKS KNOW THEY AREN'T AUTHENTIC Y DO U LEAVE THEM IT CIRCULATION EN? LIAR They are confused. Whenever you present the truth - they tell you it's not authentic. They say the Bible is corrupt, yet they don't have a copy of the uncorrupt one. It's a direct tactic of lying and playing stu.pi.d. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 4:32am On Sep 23, 2013 |
A PARADIGMATIC EXAMPLE:THE COPTIC CHURCH OF EGYPT - PART2 After describing other forms of persecution against Christians during Hakim's reign, Maqrizi makes and interesting observation "Under these circumstances a great many Christians became Muslims". Maqrizi, a pious Muslim, had no great love for Egypt's Christians, and often made disparaging observations about them in his volumes. His account of their persecution is this all the more trustworthy. Because Hakim's persecution was so terrible and far-reaching, most modern Western historians are forces to acknowledge it. But all too often they portray it as an aberration, the action of a madman, implying that Christians suffered primarily only under his rule. Yet there is no dearth of Muslim leaders throughout the whole Islamic history that have persecuted Christians and their churches. If Hakim is remembered as an insane tyrant, consider Caliph Harun al-Rashid, who is known in the West as a colourful, fun-loving prankster fro the Arabian Knights. Though renowned for decidedly secular pursuits - riotous living, strong drink, and harem of concubines (to the point that a modern day Kuwaiti women's right activist has referred to him as a model of justifying the institution of sex slavery) - Harun al-Rashid was still pious enough "to force Christians to distinguish themselves by dress, to expel them from their positions, and to destroy their churches through the use of fatwas by the imams." Indeed, in 1354, well after the "mad caliph" Hakim was gone, churches were still under attack -- and not just by rules, but by average Muslims, who, according to Maqrizi, "demolished a church anent[next to] the Bridge of Lions, and a church in the street el-Asra in Misr, and the Church of Fahhadin within the precints of Cairo; also the Convent of Nehya in Djizah, and a church in the neighborhood of Bataq al-Tokruni; they plundered the wealth of the churches they demolished, which was great; and carried away even the woodwork and slabs of alabaster. They rushed upon the churches of Misr and Cairo ... Such was the state of affairs for Christian churches under the rule of many caliphs. Thus over the course of nearly 14 centuries, former centers of Christianity such as Egypt became Muslim countries with only Christian enclaves, a few dilapidated outposts of Christianity in a sea of Muslim hostility. And today, as Muslims reclaim their Islamic identity and heritage, to Western approval and praise, such is the state of affairs for Christians churches thought much of the Muslim world at this very moment. |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 5:04am On Sep 23, 2013 |
[size=15pt]CHRISTIAN HOLIDAYS - ISLAMIC HORROR[/size] Christians in the Islamic world today are suffering attacks motivated by the very same diabolical animus as a 1000 years ago under Hakim. Proof of that is that some of the most terrible assaults occur precisely on Christian holidays - Christmas, Easter, and New Year's Eve (which is a major church day in the Middle East). And no wonder, considering that some Muslim clerics insist that "saying Merry Christmas is worse that fornication...or killing someone After some 14 centuries of church attacks and other persecution -- punctuated by a brief Christian Golden Age -- Egypt's Copts began the new year in 2011 once again under assault, at one of their largest churches: during midnight Mass in the early hours of January 1, 2011, the Two Saints Coptic Church in Alexandria, crowded with hundreds of Christian worshipers, was bombed, leaving at least 23 dead and approximately 100 injured. According to eyewitnesses, "body parts were covered with newspapers until they were brought inside the church after some Muslims started stepping on them and chanting Jihadi chants," including "Allahu Akbar". Witnesses further attest that "security forces withdrew one hour before the church blast". A year earlier, Muslims shot and killed 6 Christians as they were leaving church after celebrating the Coptic Christmas Eve midnight Mass in Nag Hammadi. December 25, 2011, was called Nigeria's "blackest Christmas ever. In a number of coordinated jihadi operations, Reuters reported, Islamic terrorists bombed several churches during Christmas liturgies, killing at least 38 people, "the majority dying on the steps of a Catholic church after celebrating Christmas Mass as blood pooled in dust from a massive explosion". Charred bodies and dismembered limbs lay scattered around the destroyed church. This attack was simply a reenactment of Christmas Eve one year earlier in 2010, when several other churches were set ablaze and Christians were attached, also leaving nearly 38 dead. There was no reprieve for Nigeria's Christians when the next religious holiday came, some 50 Christians were killed "when explosives concealed in two cars went off near the Assemblies of God's Church during Easter Sunday Services in Aprial 2012 in a predominately Muslim region". According to the pastor, "We were in the Holy Communion service and I was exhorting my people and all of a sudden, we heard a loud noise that shattered all our windows and doors". December 25, 2012, saw a repeat of the last few Christmases: in two separate attacks, Islamic gunmen shot and killed 12 Christian worshippers who had gathered for Christmas Eve Church services, including one church pastor. Yet, some Muslims want us to believe it is Christians that are causing the problem - they don't want to admit the violent nature in Islam that is existent today - they will tell you, these people are not practicing Islam - NONSENSE! |
Re: Crucified Again -exposing Islams New War On Christians by alexis(m): 5:40am On Sep 23, 2013 |
We haven't gone far and here are Muslims again killing people for no reason 1 Like |
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