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Is Truth Relative Or Is There Just One Truth? by Nobody: 3:35pm On Sep 23, 2013 |
This topic is important since there has been controversies in christendom as to which teaching is true and which one is false. WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE 1. Some believe in a particular thing because that is what they grew up with. 2. some believe a teaching not that they ve really scrutinized the teaching, but because ''that is my church teaching''. many have cast trust in their religious fathers or pastors and wonder how these scholars could be wrong. as such they consider arguing such matters as absurd, pointless and meaningless. after all, they reason, you are just a boy compared to my cherished religious leader. 3. some believe a particular thing because they have attached emotions into it as it agrees with their individual standard not bible's. 4. Some believe cos they think that this is coming from a powerful man of God. (though many pastors have differring believes.) These reasons and more have made many to ignore any arguement or even think that applying logic in spiritual matters is wrong. No matter the reasons you present, it can never penetrate. Many who have seen powerful prove against their former belief have concluded that truth is relative or that the bible contradicts itself as such searching for truth is not essential to serving God. they conclude. But we all know that 'the truth sets you free', and true worshippers worship 'with spirit and TRUTH'. These shows that truth is essential. MUST WE PROVE OUR BELIEF? Yes. “Always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing do together with a mild temper and deep respect.”—1 Pet. 3:15 WHAT EXAMPLE DID THE BIBLE SET? ACTS 17:2-4 ''So according to Paul’s custom he went inside to them, and for three sabbaths he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3 explaining and proving by references [/b]that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead, and [saying]: “This is the Christ, this Jesus whom I am publishing to YOU.” 4 As a result some of them became believers and associated themselves with Paul and Silas, and a great multitude of the Greeks who worshiped [God] and not a few of the principal women did so.'' ACTS 18:28 ''for with intensity he [b]thoroughly proved the Jews to be wrong publicly, while he demonstrated by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ'' So it is good to prove your point beyond doubt. HOW THEN DO WE ESTABLISH A TEACHING AS BEING TRUE? I think the truth is arrived at through meticulous search and arguement on the scriptures which has bearing on the subject. acts 15. Some think that any teaching which is contradicted by any part of the bible is wrong, since all parts of the bible ARE correct. So all part of the bible that has bearing on the subject should be considered before a truth is arrived at. To me it is illogical to believe that two contradictory teachings are all truths that God's spirit supports. YOU CANT BE RIGHT AND WRONG IN A TOPIC. Since truth is essential, we need to be sincere in accepting a teaching which is consistent with all parts of the bible cos 'the truth sets us free'. OUR NOT ACCEPTING A PROVEN POINT, DOES NOT CHANGE THE TRUTH, IT ONLY MAKES US IGNORANT OF IT TO OUR DETRIMENT. Well it is equally true that one may have a true teaching but he doesnt know how to prove it. however, we should honestly scrutinize what we believe because it is important for true worship. learn to make research. gullibility is dangerous as it hangs your faith on a sandy foundation. BUT THIS IS NOT ALL THERE IS TO HEAR ON THIS TOPIC. MAKE YOUR OWN POINT |
Re: Is Truth Relative Or Is There Just One Truth? by Nobody: 3:51pm On Sep 23, 2013 |
Both!!! There is an absolute truth which is objective and is not subject to change; while there is a relative truth which is dependent on one's viewpoint. |
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