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Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by lacreame: 7:14pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
ozo_emeka: till i turned 15so u were a kid... with no responsibility whatsoever. ..I see. its ok den, I get your angle now 5 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 7:43pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
I knew you would use that and I opted to see if you will bring your mind so low. You did. la_creame: 9 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by lacreame: 7:47pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
ozo_emeka: I knew you would use that and I opted to see if you will bring your mind so low. You did.wateva u say dude. or were u nt a kid? nd did you have any responsibility? so how can u understand something you haven't experienced. its ok thou, continue ur thread in peace 2 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Originalsly: 8:53pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
I think the purpose of this thread is not to discourage Nigerians from travelling to the US but to give them an insight of living in America....an insight that is lacking in media...and from most returning home to visit. Some people do become.successful but most don't. Some people think the whole US enjoy sunshine all year round...until they get there. Then there is ego....even in some comments here people are abroad and still viewing some jobs as low paying jobs....Nigerian mentality is still very much alive! Nursing...if you bevome an RN...you are in one of the better paying job. If you are a Nurse Assistant then you are in a lower paying job. Comparison...job status.... a nurse earns far more than a banker...a sanitation worker/garbage man(picks up garbage in the truck)...he makes more than a banker..more than a manager at a store chain similar to Shoprite...more than a manager at a large department store...more than a teacher with less than a Masters degree...more than most pdople that are well dressed and work in those shiny corporate skyscrapers. US will humble anyone...by force. Lastly,...don't ever compare how much someone makes in a month...convert it to naira...and then conclude the level of life you would be living. The cost to rent a bedroom in a house...is the same you will pay for a 2 bedroom house in PH for a year. Look well before you leap...that's all we are saying.BTW...did I mention that you must pass a written test and a serious physical test before you can be a ehmmm.... garbageman? 15 Likes 1 Share |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Luvlagos(f): 9:06pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Whoa, excellent thread, oh my, educative, selfless, real, if you are young and you see these issues like these, then there is hope for Nigeria. By the way I have been out of Nigeria for over a decade, though never really out as I am home multiple times yearly, worked as a professional , travelled very very vastly, but you now what?In these so called developed countries, it's a rat race! Mortgages ( called bond) in some countries is what it is, 'BOND', you are bonded to liability for as long as it takes. I have no issues with people traveling out, it's nice to be exposed, but the issue is when you get caught up in the rat race, by the time you take time to compare your expectation to the reality on ground, time is gone. When people intend to travel, they expect to be very well off, truth is if most people could be shown retroactively what the future holds and the sojourn overseas will be, I promise most will think differently. Problems starts from the so called roll models, actors, artists, etc. nollywood movies who's portrayal of success in the movies are never complete with the characters traveling overseas and returning after years big and rich, portraying the returnees as better and superior than those back home. 'You have spoken and let he or she who has a brain rethink'. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 9:14pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Thank you. I think lacreame should READ this Originalsly: I think the purpose of this thread is not to discourage Nigerians from travelling to the US but to give them an insight of living in America....an insight that is lacking in media...and from most returning home to visit. Some people do become.successful but most don't. Some people think the whole US enjoy sunshine all year round...until they get there. Then there is ego....even in some comments here people are abroad and still viewing some jobs as low paying jobs....Nigerian mentality is still very much alive! Nursing...if you bevome an RN...you are in one of the better paying job. If you are a Nurse Assistant then you are in a lower paying job. Comparison...job status.... a nurse earns far more than a banker...a sanitation worker/garbage man(picks up garbage in the truck)...he makes more than a banker..more than a manager at a store chain similar to Shoprite...more than a manager at a large department store...more than a teacher with less than a Masters degree...more than most pdople that are well dressed and work in those shiny corporate skyscrapers. US will humble anyone...by force. Lastly,...don't ever compare how much someone makes in a month...convert it to naira...and then conclude the level of life you would be living. The cost to rent a bedroom in a house...is the same you will pay for a 2 bedroom house in PH for a year. Look well before you leap...that's all we are saying.BTW...did I mention that you must pass a written test and a serious physical test before you can be a ehmmm.... garbageman? |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 9:17pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Luvlagos: Whoa, excellent thread, oh my, educative, selfless, real, if you are young and you see these issues like these, then there is hope for Nigeria. You have spoken and let he or she who has a brain rethink'. Thank you. Careful consideration is all I am saying. The garbage man on my campus was a "big time worker" in Cameroon. He had money in cameroon to afford a house. Here he is a cleaner, not the head cleaner, and he lives in a house with 10 other people. No exaggeration. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 9:48pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
6. Culture : Nigerians in Nigeria LOVE to emulate American/western culture. They WANT to look like, act like, dress like, feel like Americans. They talk about "summer" like nigeria has "summer" . Very funny. I think of that as a "poor man's reasoning" tattoos .. Haha and don't even get me started with wannabes like wizkid who unfortunately are the EXAMPLE nigerians see as "people who travel abroad" . The dress style is a reflection of what they see on Websites, Instagram and music videos. They even go as far as LIVING their DAILY lives like they see on TV....Amazing! [img]http://4.bp..com/-8GhCa0e5fR0/UcrA_XnoGnI/AAAAAAAAAoM/m6V4336ce5I/s1600/kay-rhoma-front-1024x1024.jpg[/img] [img]http://3.bp..com/-3zn2nxicIOI/UFHQwiXgDoI/AAAAAAAAAKQ/TmuSftqASO8/s1600/dave+t+2.jpg[/img] [img]http://1.bp..com/-j1SB-Mr-hro/UiQoLK6EUgI/AAAAAAAAmow/RIivEzmxG64/s1600/Untitled.png[/img] [img]http://1.bp..com/-VCjbJWaUcv4/UGIGJXFqKwI/AAAAAAAAJqQ/CcnPkM3pyn0/s1600/MR+STEVENATOR+%23TeamNigezie.jpg[/img] What is REALLY funny is that Americans have NO CULTURE and are always seeking to IDENTIFY with other cultures. Why do you think they spend a LOT of money buying "african" memorabilia like masks? Why do you think almost any Black person you see in the US wants to tell you he is from "the motherland" (NYorkers you know all those guys who tell you about "motherland" Africa) Why do you think every black person wants to tell you he is from Liberia, he is "west-indian", Cherookee Indian, "mixed" etc. They lack a culture YET nigerians with a VERY rich culture want to COPY.. smh [img]http://4.bp..com/-tmQQx0F6H_E/UcsuTlpgCFI/AAAAAAAArzM/XlbnWrCcOUc/s1600/ice.jpg[/img] Did you know that in America if you were socks with flip flops (especially Addidas/Nike) you are considered ghetto?? I'm sure ice prince did not know that and thought it was a 'cool trait". NO. ESPECIALLY in NY you don't do that. Copy copy gets you no where. They want to be like you and you want to be like them. They call it "black history" [img]http://www.halifaxcc.edu/halifacts/HalPix/BHM1.jpg[/img] [img]http://jimaxtell.files./2012/02/nafisa-african-dress.jpg[/img] Their professors ENCOURAGE blacks to look that way. Yet you from the culture want to look like what blacks are begging blacks to STOP looking like.. SMH [img]http://2.bp..com/-FZVI4_KRuWE/TigmgSlWAFI/AAAAAAAABbY/SMYrz6u9iLQ/s1600/Ogunleye008.JPG[/img] THE REAL money makers don't do ALLL THAT. [img]http://anastasiaruth.files./2012/11/gbenga-oyebode.jpg[/img] bet you didn't know who that was. That is Oyebode Gbenga Now you know you should know who that is You learn quickly that there are two DISTINCT classes of Nigerians (with sub groups nonetheless) : The Classy people who (most likely are the successful ones) and the Razz (the auto spare parts boys, the ones "making" money, A lot of nigerian hip hop artists, broke etc) One tip: The "classy ones" never hop off nigeria and land in America. They take YEARS planning. 7. Accent : Every Dick and Harry in Nigeria talks in SOME accent. Geesh. From toolz on Tv, to the boy who works in the shop next door, to the comedians, and the actors? All of them have an accent. "you like it Yerr" "Oh yer my bruv did it" "Oi man, where you going?" "Nahh yo, I'm chilling" "It's hot innit" Really so bad. Seriously? EVERY ONE has been to "london" or "out of the country" - Ghana, Togo, Malaysia included? Come on. Why ? I watched an interview with Iyanya where he said he would like to build a house in "MeeAMi" WHAT? Stop it. You look stupid, and very desperate. Omotola has a Times award and she still talks like a NIGERIAN with her Nigerian accent and all. Don't force it. How many "rich" (not boys that have promised money aka artistes and actors, I'm talking Dangote, Adenuga etc) people do you know "have an accent"? You see the trend? Unfortunately all the "Naija boys" want to "sound black" "We outcheeaa yo" This is the result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPP3tQpp6vA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUDpMGz-EB0 Thre truth? Americans have a WIDE RANGE of accents. Just like you have the Calabar accent, Yoruba accent, Hausa accent, Igbo accent etc. Same for America. New Yorkers "TOAWK" differently than those from "Bah-ston", likewise people from "Baldimorh" talk differently from those in "Cahli" and so is it from "Tehxxaz" . So you look stupid when you are in Boston forming a Texan accent. GOD HELP NIGERIA 36 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by fittty(m): 10:55pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Interesting!!! Making it in life isn't about where you are. After all we have lots of Nigerians who have never stepped out of Nigeria and live like kings.... My advise is think before you leap. Not everyone who travels out of Nigeria come back better off... But I'll say from my own experience that Nigerians are good hustlers and can survive pretty well overseas. 5 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by GHPATRIOT(m): 10:58pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
donsax:Gbam!..... I am Ghanaian and I can relate to your Post! Relatives and friends have discouraged me in seeking greener pastures in the West, but I always smile each time they offer me their hypocritical advice because I know they will be going back to the same country they are advicing others not to go. Sometimes they even have the courtesy to inform you that they will be travelling with their children. The Black man is always happy if he can make his brother envious of him, and that is the TRUTH. 15 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 11:26pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Noone is trying to make you "envious" of them. That is a PETTY man's way of reasoning. If you have the means, hustle, and drive in you, by AL mEANS MOVE OUT QUICK.. However thinking that "greener pastures" will MEET you ONCE you leave your country is a LIE. Stop acting like anyone is hindering you from going forward in life. The POINT of this thread is NOT to DISCOURAGE anyone from going to wherever they feel like but to MAKE sure each person moving (rich, poor, inbetween) makes the INFORMED decision. Do you marry a girl just by looking at her instagram pictures I guess you won't so why would you MOVE (relocate YOUR LIFE based on what you watch on TV?? ) Did you LISTEN to what they were saying or did you just ASSUME they were making sure you did not move anywhere? Africans and petty thinking... Did you for once say hey, so why is this like this and how do YOU go about it? Good luck moving, don't call Africans who are "ESTABLISHED" when you get there Snobs because they will SNOB the LIVING HELL out of you. GH PATRIOT: 3 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 11:31pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
Hope you do KNOW that MANY nigerians are DYING to "go back home" to the point there is a WEBSITE for it. http://movebacktonigeria.com/ Please make informed decisions. Stop saying Nigerians are not trying to come back to nigeria. donsax: NO matter the racist, no matter the ghetto...No matter the debt......America is still far better than Nigeria in all way.... 1 Like |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 11:41pm On Sep 29, 2013 |
[img]http://thoughtincarnate.files./2011/02/beggar-angel2.jpg[/img] [img]http://nursing322sp10.files./2010/03/12.jpg[/img] Detroit Subway area New York City Washington DC (Michelle Obama served food inside) Mind you this place is NOT far from the White house, you can WALK here. Read about it here http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2009/03/michelle-obama.html [img]http://aadragna.files./2010/08/dc-homeless1.jpg[/img] In front of the Washington Congress house (I.e House of Senate) Mind you some of these people ONCE had a home (they are CITIZENS, you ARE NOT) NYC [img]http://2.bp..com/_nswHPYi_dEw/SwxPL_xkE8I/AAAAAAAAI6Y/rbxTFXL98JM/s400/P1010737.jpg[/img] NEW YORK [img]http://3.bp..com/_YfFGRqeDZfY/TNF3AHtvYfI/AAAAAAAAHOk/G2Lp_jGls10/s1600/Ghetto+Italia.jpg[/img] TEXAS [img]http://lebbeuswoods.files./2010/04/slumsny-1a.jpg[/img] Austin Texas [img]http://www.scc.losrios.edu/Images/CorineStofle/Ghetto.jpg[/img] Dallas, Texas fittty: Interesting!!! Making it in life isn't about where you are. After all we have lots of Nigerians who have never stepped out of Nigeria and live like kings.... My advise is think before you leap. Not everyone who travels out of Nigeria come back better off... But I'll say from my own experience that Nigerians are good hustlers and can survive pretty well overseas. 2 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by kpolli(m): 12:31am On Sep 30, 2013 |
donsax: NO matter the racist, no matter the ghetto...No matter the debt......America is still far better than Nigeria in all way.... Sigh... Only a lazy man won't make it in Nigeria If you can't make it in Naija forget ever making it any where else.... Except u wanna do something illegal 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by barackohandso(m): 12:36am On Sep 30, 2013 |
I don't think the OP is trying to discourage people from going to the US, especially if you're going with the plan of staying permanently, and as an average (poor) citizen at that. @ OP, from your posts so far, I can decipher that » Average citizens find it hard to survive over there, so how much more immigrants. » America is not all rosy and sparkling, they put the good places on TV for people to see. » People go homeless and live in boxes once you can't pay your bills. » Racism is high, and on the increase at that. Believe me, we know all this and much more. But at the same time, we're Nigerians and we love adventure and exposure, not forgetting that the average Nigerian is a born hustler. Let an average Nigerian experience all this hardship over there before accepting that it's true, afterall we're used to it. Our version of racism here is ethnicity, and believe me it's as bad, if not worse than the western version. We're a third world country from the poorest continent in the world, so where else do you expect us to copy clothing style and fake accents from? Technology came from there, so believe me it's normal for an average Nigerian. Note that not all Nigerians do or think like this, but the average Nigerian does. 5 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by fittty(m): 12:37am On Sep 30, 2013 |
First time I got to the US I was shocked to know beggars exist in the US too. Most people in Nigeria believe every part of the US is clean and developed. They believe every american is living large. I wouldn't blame them, its what they watch on tv. I'm not discouraging anyone from traveling abroad neither am I encouraging it. My own advice is to always have a plan and know what you want in life. My brother played the US visa lottery and when the result was out he won but before the result came out he had started a business which had started booming. He didn't go for the lottery win and today he doing very very well in Nigeria. Not everyone is opportuned to make it in Nigeria but they have higher chances of making it in the US than in Nigeria. 7 out of 10 who travel to the US always make it. Come to think of it, why was US visa lottery ever introduced? If it isn't a bed of roses in the US why would America come up with "US Visa Lottery" ? 5 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Allohrandy(m): 12:45am On Sep 30, 2013 |
GH PATRIOT:A dog in Ghana or Nigeria can not become a lion in America. Success don't depend by going to the west but by hard work and a little bit of luck. Immigrants have a tougher time achieving the American dream than native American. 4 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Allohrandy(m): 1:33am On Sep 30, 2013 |
Success don't really depend on whether you reside in the Nigeria, States or in any Western countries but hard work and luck. We have equal chance of making it anywhere. There are some prominent Nigerians that once lived in the states or Europe but decided make it in Nigeria. Mike Adenuga was once a taxi driver in the states , MI use to wash toilet in the streets of Detriot. Dbanj and Don Jazzy were once in UK hustling before deciding to make it Nigeria. Even Dangote spend 2 years hustling and schooling in Egypt before relocating to Nigeria. if they had all remain in the West believing Nigeria is bad, they probably would not have become successful. 4 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Originalsly: 1:43am On Sep 30, 2013 |
Please....can someone upload a pic of Tonto Dikeh so that this interesting topic can be rushed to front page? 2 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 3:43am On Sep 30, 2013 |
fittty:Best advice fittty: Come to think of it, why was US visa lottery ever introduced? If it isn't a bed of roses in the US why would America come up with "US Visa Lottery" ? US, UK and other developed countries benefit from offering "visa lotteries" Think about it, all the "big companies" you know do community service and sponsor a charity organization. Is it because all the chairmen and board members "love helping people" ?? Figure that one out. The Immigration Act of 1990 established the Diversity Visa (DV) program, where 55,000 immigrant visas would be available in an annual lottery, starting in fiscal year 1995. The lottery aims to[b] diversify the immigrant population in the United States[/b], by selecting applicants mostly from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States in the previous five years. Once the US census count deems the immigrant population "diverse" enough. This whole visa lottery thing will end. America is no fool. They function on HEAVY PR. They know you will RATHER eat american shit than eat like a king in your country. THINK ABOUT iT, America BORROWS money from the Prince of Saudi, so any body who is NOT a friend of the Saudi Prince, ends up in war against America. 2 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 3:46am On Sep 30, 2013 |
THANK YOU. The West Allows you to SEE the opportunity that was right in front of you in Nigeria. Allohrandy: Success don't really depend on whether you reside in the Nigeria, States or in any Western countries but hard work and luck. We have equal chance of making it anywhere. There are some prominent Nigerians that once lived in the states or Europe but decided make it in Nigeria. Mike Adenuga was once a taxi driver in the states , MI use to wash toilet in the streets of Detriot. Dbanj and Don Jazzy were once in UK hustling before deciding to make it Nigeria. Even Dangote spend 2 years hustling and schooling in Egypt before relocating to Nigeria. if they had all remain in the West believing Nigeria is bad, they probably would not have become successful. 1 Like |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 3:48am On Sep 30, 2013 |
Our very own wanna be rihanna Originalsly: Please....can someone upload a pic of Tonto Dikeh so that this interesting topic can be rushed to front page? 5 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Nobody: 3:50am On Sep 30, 2013 |
Afam4eva: Machines do the washing. The latino guys who don't have papers clean inside when the car is out, and you have to tip them. 1 Like |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Nobody: 4:20am On Sep 30, 2013 |
lol the TD Pic |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by mysticgal(f): 8:18am On Sep 30, 2013 |
i lav this thread,eye opener |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by philfearon(m): 9:24am On Sep 30, 2013 |
la_creame: ozo emeka, how long have you stayed in nigeria?Seems to me You have not been reading this Thread or seeing this thread as What it is... @first bolded,Who told you? Them right?Try and visit them and see things for yourself... @2nd bolded,my brother,only a lazy man will not make it in Nigeria...The thing is,most Nigerian youths want fast cash,fast everythin,usually influenced by What they see on Tv... Bro,just like the Op has said,unless you have money before going to America,you will definitely be better off staying in Nigeria...Laziness,thats what is killing most people here... 3 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by 9icegee: 9:29am On Sep 30, 2013 |
all u guys that wanna travel abroad, take note, i didnt just say america, i said ABROAD, how many of u have ever experienced earthquakes, hurricanes, extremely cold whether conditions almost all year round (and am not talking about Ur regular harmattan season here, am referring to many digits bellow zero celcius), and d several uncertainties living in another man's land can bring (too many has already been mentioned so I wont bother repeating dem again)? u don't just know how good u have it here till u go c how difficult it can get elsewhere. Hence, pls my brothers, instead of complaining how bad Nigeria is and how well u wud prefer to be shipd out, STAY BACK IN YOUR COUNTRY AND TRY TO BE THE CHANGE THT U WANT 8 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Nobody: 10:51am On Sep 30, 2013 |
Intelligent discourse. Following. . . |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by fizokey(m): 1:59pm On Sep 30, 2013 |
This thread is a real eye opener and has changed my perspective about the U.S. This is where you get to read about the REAL AMERICA. Secondly: I think Nigerians especially the music artistes all suffer from "Cultural Cringe" or a cultural inferiority complex. I always feel ashamed seeing them on TV sagging trousers, forming fake american accents...smh 2 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by Ugosample(m): 5:43pm On Sep 30, 2013 |
What i know about the US? It is a unique country, the most diverse country (in New york city, newspapers are published in more than 400 languages) they draw strength from their diversity, attracted the best minds from the world over from Albert Einstein to Steve Jobs e.t.c. Admits their society is not perfect but indoctrinates their people from childhood that the USA is the best country on earth and they strive to live up to their name. One of the few countries where the Child of an immigrant is the president(kenya), governor of Lnuisiana(india) former governor of california (Austria) speaker of the house of representatives (Poland) and the list is long. Looking at the entertaiment industry, some of the biggest stars are foreign born eg Rihanna (Barbados) Minaj(Trinidad) Akon (US born of Senegalese descent) Drake (Canada) Wale (US born of Nigerian descent) the world wants to be like them. The Chinese, Japanese, African youths want to identify with the culture (which is a bit hollow anyway) and if i go on, space will fail me. That is why America remains the number one destination for Immigrants. Do you get it? 4 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by kpolli(m): 7:31pm On Sep 30, 2013 |
Worst part is that instead of Africans to look at the moral of this topic and learn, they accuse Nigerians abroad of not wanting their progress.... As usual, everyone is the root of your problem... You couldn't survive in Nigeria yet you claim every Nigerian has hustling mentality; they can live anywhere..... Most Nigerians end up doing something shady to survive... First learn how to win in your home before you go and play away 19 Likes |
Re: You want to COME TO AMERICA - Do You REALLY Know America? by ozoemeka(m): 8:29pm On Sep 30, 2013 |
9icegee: BE THE CHANGE THT U WANT BEST ADVICE EVER. IT does not GET BETTER abroad, a liar that was made a pope is just a LYING pope. I never even mentioned the weather. I bet if a Nigerian witnesses an earthquake they would run back to Nigeria. 1 Like |
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