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The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). - Religion - Nairaland

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The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 12:52pm On Oct 03, 2013
Read the following scriptures carefully and understand. Exodus 20:1-6, Exodus32:1-26, Deut 4:14-19, Deut 5:6-10, Jeremiah 7:18, leviticus19:4, leviticus 26:1, leviticus26:30, 2 kings 17: 9-20, 2 kings 23: 24, Revelation 21:8, 1 cor 12: 2, psalm 115:4-9, Isaiah 2:8, Isaiah 45:16, Ezekiel 14 : 6, micah 5:6- 10, habakuk 2:18- 20, Romans 1:22- 25, 2 kings 1:1-4, judges 2: 11-15, 1 John5:21, matthew 4:10, Acts 19:21-28, 33- 41, psalm78:58. This scripture is enough for the wise. Anyone bowing down to image, statues or what have you is in danger and he or she need to come out from it now. If you are going to church where they make image( idols), run now cos you are in danger of hell fire also those that worship or honour Mary as they call it should desist from it if not, they would face the wrath of God. GOD hate idolatory to the core. When the wise men from the east came to where Jesus was born they fell down and worship Jesus instead of Mary that was also there ( mattew 2:11), but many today worship mary and use her name in prayer. Some people also make and bow to idols. Repent now and be saved. Thanks.

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Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 1:44pm On Oct 03, 2013
Ukuts gp: Read the following scriptures carefully and understand. Exodus 20:1-6, Exodus32:1-26, Deut 4:14-19, Deut 5:6-10, Jeremiah 7:18, leviticus19:4, leviticus 26:1, leviticus26:30, 2 kings 17: 9-20, 2 kings 23: 24, Revelation 21:8, 1 cor 12: 2, psalm 115:4-9, Isaiah 2:8, Isaiah 45:16, Ezekiel 14 : 6, micah 5:6- 10, habakuk 2:18- 20, Romans 1:22- 25, 2 kings 1:1-4, judges 2: 11-15, 1 John5:21, matthew 4:10, Acts 19:21-28, 33- 41, psalm78:58. This scripture is enough for the wise. Anyone bowing down to image, statues or what have you is in danger and he or she need to come out from it now. If you are going to church where they make image( idols), run now cos you are in danger of hell fire also those that worship or honour Mary as they call it should desist from it if not, they would face the wrath of God. GOD hate idolatory to the core. When the wise men from the east came to where Jesus was born they fell down and worship Jesus instead of Mary that was also there ( mattew 2:11), but many today worship mary and use her name in prayer. Some people also make and bow to idols. Repent now and be saved. Thanks.
for ur mind u don creat thread dy wait for pple to coment..
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 2:01pm On Oct 03, 2013
Did i compel anyone 2 comment on the post neither are you. I just gave d word of God if you like take it or leave it. You are on your own
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 2:07pm On Oct 03, 2013
woky: for ur mind u don creat thread dy wait for pple to coment..
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 7:20am On Nov 24, 2013
woky: for ur mind u don creat thread dy wait for pple to coment..
the catholic are victims of this practice, as they usually bow to images like they do in shrine
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 8:17am On Nov 24, 2013
Ukuts gp: the catholic are victims of this practice, as they usually bow to images like they do in shrine
I don't pay attention on what hypocris write about my church~~ i measure it in inches

Don't criticize what you don't/can't understand..
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 9:08am On Nov 24, 2013
I don't pay attention on what hypocris write about my church~~ i measure it in inches

Don't criticize what you don't/can't understand..
do u think i am criticizing ur church? U know dat i'm not
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 9:17am On Nov 24, 2013
what do you mean by this

Ukuts gp: the catholic are victims of this practice, as they usually bow to images like they do in shrine
hope u knw the meanin "criticise "
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 9:30am On Nov 24, 2013
woky: what do you mean by this

hope u knw the meanin "criticise "
is that nt true. Or u people have stop bowing to image of mary.
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 9:37am On Nov 24, 2013
Ukuts gp: is that nt true. Or u people have stop bowing to image of mary.
Abegi. . . . Go stand for sun
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 9:47am On Nov 24, 2013
woky: Abegi. . . . Go stand for sun
stop waving it off. It is d truth
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by MrTAnonymous(m): 10:01am On Nov 24, 2013
Smh,silly thread!!! embarassed

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Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 10:04am On Nov 24, 2013
Mr.T Anonymous:
Smh,silly thread!!! embarassed
no matter what u say, the truth stands. We must flee from idolatry
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 8:24am On Nov 25, 2013
Idolatry is evil. Let us desist from it now
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 8:35am On Nov 25, 2013
Mr.T Anonymous:
Smh,silly thread!!! embarassed
very silly indeed
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 9:19am On Nov 25, 2013
woky: very silly indeed
the truth always look silly u know. But u cant do anything against the truth.
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 9:21am On Nov 25, 2013
Mr.T Anonymous:
Smh,silly thread!!! embarassed
i know u atheist wont accept this.
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by woky: 10:21am On Nov 25, 2013
[quote author=Ukuts gp] the truth always look silly u know. But u cant do anything against the truth.[/quote ] this boy you lyk looking for trouble
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Ukutsgp(m): 11:58am On Nov 25, 2013
[quote author=woky][/quote] truth is bitter like they say.
Re: The Danger Of Idolatory(image Worship). by Nobody: 2:04am On Dec 10, 2013
Ukuts gp: Read the following scriptures carefully and understand. Exodus 20:1-6, Exodus32:1-26, Deut 4:14-19, Deut 5:6-10, Jeremiah 7:18, leviticus19:4, leviticus 26:1, leviticus26:30, 2 kings 17: 9-20, 2 kings 23: 24, Revelation 21:8, 1 cor 12: 2, psalm 115:4-9, Isaiah 2:8, Isaiah 45:16, Ezekiel 14 : 6, micah 5:6- 10, habakuk 2:18- 20, Romans 1:22- 25, 2 kings 1:1-4, judges 2: 11-15, 1 John5:21, matthew 4:10, Acts 19:21-28, 33- 41, psalm78:58. This scripture is enough for the wise. Anyone bowing down to image, statues or what have you is in danger and he or she need to come out from it now. If you are going to church where they make image( idols), run now cos you are in danger of hell fire also those that worship or honour Mary as they call it should desist from it if not, they would face the wrath of God. GOD hate idolatory to the core. When the wise men from the east came to where Jesus was born they fell down and worship Jesus instead of Mary that was also there ( mattew 2:11), but many today worship mary and use her name in prayer. Some people also make and bow to idols. Repent now and be saved. Thanks.

so I asked you which church you attend in your other thread critizing the catholic church and you ran away and came over here. lmao
Since you said in your other thread that catholics and t.b Joshua followers will go to hell, I asked you which church do you attend so that we can follow your heavenly pastor. Alas, Immediately I asked that question, you abandoned the thread and ran away.
Why are you so ashamed of naming your church, rather hiding behind your keyboard and attacking others.
If you are scared of naming your church, how are you going to convert the hell bound team of catholics and t,b Joshua team nah?

cant stop laughing.

I dare you to mention your church

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