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Why Do People Sleep In The Church? - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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10 Funny Ways People Sleep During Sermon / Why Do People Sleep In Church / Why Do People Sleep In Church (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by ohpydbest: 2:30pm On Nov 10, 2013
May be the pastor sermon is boring
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by sakaguchi(m): 2:30pm On Nov 10, 2013
When the sermon is boring I presume. Last week, I was getting drowsy in church but soon woke up with my eyes glistening at what is happening right infront of me. 2 deacons and 3 pastors were napping too. smiley smiley wink grin wink
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by eyenCalabar(m): 2:32pm On Nov 10, 2013
israel boy: Church trekked to the world
world ran into the church
hundreds of pastors-millions of deluders
hundreds of churches-millions of wars
words of love shared-lots of haters....

At the END, our beautiful eyes, *nt like eyerinze* what it sees most TIME..tells to us that all of the THINGS in this world is vanity

In Calabar, we refer to this set of humans as umene

The only reason people sleep in church is the devil himself. Why? Because the only thing the church offers is the Word of God. When the Word comes to you, you become renewed, get safe and become a better person. The Word stirs faith in you for a miracle. Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So the devil seeing that the only thing we need to do is just to listen to the Word and receives, dispatches his demons to cause sleep, distractions and a whole lot at that hour and these usually happens to the weak in faith (here am referring to the Christians still living carnally yet Christians) so that they can go back and still remain the same person that came. Refuse to sleep in church my people else you'll always remain the same person that you've always being.

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by emmybliz(m): 2:34pm On Nov 10, 2013
From the pic, its obvious 65 percent of the church members are sleeping, meaning both the sermon and the church is boring
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:39pm On Nov 10, 2013
@OP, u ask a very gud qstn but followed it up with the wrong pix. i'v seen dat pix a long time ago and certainly cannot be a church.

everybody sleeping? Dats impossicant.
Deep sleep with the mouth wide open? Impossicant.
I dnt know wot meeting dat is, but wot i know is dat its not a church.

Churches have urshers, one of their responsibilities is to wake pple sleeping.

So my dear, dis can't be a church, therefore i can't give u an ansa to ur qstn.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:41pm On Nov 10, 2013
they r seeing vision/revelation
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Vicjay1(m): 2:42pm On Nov 10, 2013
1. A working AC is strong factor.
2. Boring sermon.
3. Devil is playing lawn tennis with ur head.
4. Depending on the type of food u ate to church..................
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by midnitestar(m): 2:43pm On Nov 10, 2013

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Dahmum(f): 2:45pm On Nov 10, 2013
@op,so dat somppl like u wyd be distracted n loss concentration on recivin dr blessings.#mumu#
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:47pm On Nov 10, 2013
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:49pm On Nov 10, 2013

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Pattey(m): 2:54pm On Nov 10, 2013
Afam4eva: Satan gives them a very heavy knock on the head grin On a more serious note i've always wondered that also. I used to sleep in church especially in night services and the sleep is usually the strongest and sometimes, i would wish that a bed be presented to me at that spot. The funny thing is that i always pray that the service comes to an end as soon as possible and when the service eventually comes to an end, the sleep disappears.

Someone may be possessed grin
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by modidd(m): 2:54pm On Nov 10, 2013
cowleg: May be those guys are under anointing
is it only boys are under the anointing?
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Ediss(m): 2:54pm On Nov 10, 2013
because the sermon is boring and we cubed Saturday night. Now preparing for swimming pool side things cheesy
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:58pm On Nov 10, 2013
Afam4eva: Satan gives them a very heavy knock on the head grin On a more serious note i've always wondered that also. I used to sleep in church especially in night services and the sleep is usually the strongest and sometimes, i would wish that a bed be presented to me at that spot. The funny thing is that i always pray that the service comes to an end as soon as possible and when the service eventually comes to an end, the sleep disappears.

I fell under this sleep anointing today again. The worst part is that immediately I got home Nairaland and Facebook took the sleep away.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by austinoeze(m): 2:58pm On Nov 10, 2013
can't you see that non among them is holding a Bible. that's sure not a church.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 2:59pm On Nov 10, 2013
D pics is real cuz I don fall from white chair inside church b4.....mine was a very dull preaching...so I don't blame dem especially if d church preaching is 3hrs long like mine....dats a day I will neva forget
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Zikdik(m): 3:03pm On Nov 10, 2013
I just laugh when this sort of issue comes up. Think about it- if people can barely spend an hour in a church without getting screwed like this, how are they supposed to spend eternity in a very similar place?

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by free2ryhme: 3:04pm On Nov 10, 2013
Sylvyangel: Nairalanders whats your take on this? Why do u think people sleep in the church during service

A cross section of some church members sleeping in the church

Na club dem go foR saturday night
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by alfredo4u(m): 3:05pm On Nov 10, 2013
End time sleeping
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by ignis: 3:06pm On Nov 10, 2013
They could be under annointing.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Horo(m): 3:11pm On Nov 10, 2013
They were forced to attend church services

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 3:15pm On Nov 10, 2013
greatgod2012: @op, that your photo up there isn't real.
definitely na haba
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Gwekzy: 3:21pm On Nov 10, 2013
What's up wit dis boring this boring that? I dnt seem to understand.. A church aint a night club u know..it can't be boring if U there for the right reasons

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Nobody: 3:24pm On Nov 10, 2013
gringrin grin grin……………… boredom
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by drnoel: 3:27pm On Nov 10, 2013
wat do u expect them 2 do, when they are foirced ti listen to a boring sermon
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Chrisx1x(m): 3:27pm On Nov 10, 2013
I dnt knw.i tink there is an evil spirit behind it.i usually find myself feeling sleepy during nite vigil n when am reading late at nite do only time sleep disapear s is when am chating.i dnt knw y
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by critique101(f): 3:32pm On Nov 10, 2013
Counted like 8 sleeping people in that picture
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Gayigaskia(m): 4:06pm On Nov 10, 2013
U guys should go the mosque there is no room for sleeping there during prayer.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by ChiSun27(m): 4:28pm On Nov 10, 2013
This can't be a church. Haba!!!! Were they druged?

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Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by Originalsly: 4:33pm On Nov 10, 2013
Glorified_Tunde: Only when your spiritual fire is down, then the demon "distraction" finds a way of hindering you from listening to the message.

It is demonic to sleep in church during the service, if you take notice, people sleep just when the sermon starts!
Maybe they are forced to go to church by their parents.....don't want to listen nor look at the devil incarnate on the pulpit trying to get richer.
Re: Why Do People Sleep In The Church? by docjuli(m): 4:34pm On Nov 10, 2013
That pix is still travelling.
2tex: @OP, u ask a very gud qstn but followed it up with the wrong pix. i'v seen dat pix a long time ago and certainly cannot be a church.

everybody sleeping? Dats impossicant.
Deep sleep with the mouth wide open? Impossicant.
I dnt know wot meeting dat is, but wot i know is dat its not a church.

Churches have urshers, one of their responsibilities is to wake pple sleeping.

So my dear, dis can't be a church, therefore i can't give u an ansa to ur qstn.


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