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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders (31831 Views)
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Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by HAH: 11:30pm On Dec 20, 2013 |
I will like belong to a care group in Abuja. If there is none can we start, one here in Abuja just to help us overcome this our challenge socially . 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by BrainBoulevard: 6:24am On Dec 21, 2013 |
Maybe writting"T his" will make me feel better |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 5:47pm On Dec 21, 2013 |
Krystalxxx: everybody is hiding thier pictures abi? Dont worry i will come and visit allllllll of u to see you face to face...after that i wont complain of no pics on all ur If im not shy,who will be (dettol)As for me, i just dont like my face/personal info hanging out there in internet space. The consequences are my worries. Anyways, i see you're doing fine now. Keep it up dearie. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 5:56pm On Dec 21, 2013 |
HAH: I will like belong to a care group in Abuja. If there is none can we start, one here in Abuja just to help us overcome this our challenge socially .Em.. I am not Abuja based hence .... However, why dont you start drawing up the modalities and lets see if we'll be able to make it happen in two cities. My concern is, this particular program can jeopardise the safety of members, as leting out sensitive details might give criminals undue advantage (since there wil be no way out of depression without tiny details popping out)- corrections are welcome pls. However, i've been thinking up something realy close to this. With time, i'l share. Good job man. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 6:19pm On Dec 21, 2013 |
Brain Boulevard: Maybe writting this will make me feel better,Maybe not.I'm just ready to do anything to stop me from being depressd.Maybe the major issue i have is getting some1 tht understands d way i feel.For me,i dont even understand the way i survive these episodes at times and the wrst decision i make is to use alchool to lift my spirits;i always end up in far worse situations where i get drunk everyday.i've not eaten since tuesday;just water and alchool:i ve gradually lost all opportunities i ve had in this past few yrs;i've got innovative brains but i'm d most unstble person on plannet earth all due to depression;immaginge i missed my last african tech innovation award in south afrrica cos i was using alchool to supress ma depression and i was high 4 3days:my peeps are always quick to see this as a spiritual rather than medical problem:And it seems insane driving down to yaba to get help:now m begining to feel maybe theres no help after all,Why should it just be me;y cant leave a normal life like just everybody::::God had better help me fast before i do something about this::Alot of us can relate with much of the things you've said so far. Brother, i'm personally feeling your pain right nw. Attimes life can be realy tough i tell you. I can vividly remember my episodes back then. But now, am a happy jack again. Never a dull moment. Brother, we feel your pain. You can lean on our shoulders. If you take one or two advices here, am sure you'll bring smiles to the faces of mom and dad again pretty soon. Perhaps, you can start by telling us what you think is feeding your depression. Would be glad to read more from you soon. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 11:08am On Dec 22, 2013 |
thanks,im doing a good job of staying afloat i guess @ bettermike 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 5:50pm On Dec 22, 2013 |
@bettermike, you are our new counselor o. How are you doing bro? @krystalxx is good to know you are doing ok. @brain boulevard, i wish i can be off help or atleast give an advice. Bettermike said it best. Merry Xmas and Happy sunday to y'all 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 8:59am On Dec 23, 2013 | @counselor. Am doing okay. Thanks and very merry happy chrismas to you too bro. Hope the year turned out splendid for you. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Originalsly: 1:50pm On Dec 25, 2013 |
Just read what OP said in the beginning. I guess you are not in Africa period and probably in the U.S. I don't like the idea of you taking a shot at Africans being basically ignorant of depression and anxiety and how to deal with it. Why do you think Africans should see things the way you do? Since your people are not ignorant about these disorders and know how best to treat them then why is it that the suicide rate is wayyyy higher in your developed enlightened civilized world than in ignorant Africa? Not that Africa can't do better but certainly get your house in order first before casting stones. 2 Likes |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 5:45pm On Dec 25, 2013 |
Originalsly: Just read what OP said in the beginning. I guess you are not in Africa period and probably in the U.S. I don't like the idea of you taking a shot at Africans being basically ignorant of depression and anxiety and how to deal with it. Why do you think Africans should see things the way you do? Since your people are not ignorant about these disorders and know how best to treat them then why is it that the suicide rate is wayyyy higher in your developed enlightened civilized world than in ignorant Africa? Not that Africa can't do better but certainly get your house in order first before casting stones.Nice points bruv. Nice! THEY THINK THEY KNOW HOW BEST TO APPROACH DEPRESSION, YET SUICIDE RATE IS SKYROCKETING OVERTHERE. Plus she speaks from a world where they assume that they hold the solution to all. Worst of them is their GAY thingy. They think they are ALWAYS RIGHT because they are more technologically advanced. Well, let me remind them that the west, due to greed and selfishness have made lots of bigtime mistakes in the past which cost humanity plenty grief (slave trade, apathied in south africa etc). They are repeating history again with this their know it all attitude. I shake my head because where these white boys are leading us to is PURE UNADULERATED DOOM i tell ya. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Romeo4real(m): 1:43am On Dec 29, 2013 |
Dear All, I am a Life Transformation Coach and NLP Practitioner. Amongst other things, I specialize in Self Development, Personal Growth, Motivation & Inspiration, Negative Self Talk, and Relationship issues (for individuals), and would like to offer my knowledge, expertise and services free to this thread. Depression is real; however, it does not have to be the life sentence it is for so many, and there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel. If you are looking for someone to feel sorry for you and have a pity party, then I'm afraid i cannot help. However, if you want your pain acknowledged, but determined to move forward, and build a better future for yourself, then i am here for you. All depression stems from emotional pain; as do all addictions. This means depression is a symptom, and not the cause. Conventional medication simply treats the symptoms, often ineffectively and with side effects. My philosophy is to resolve the underlying emotional issues. This will not be easy, and it can be painful; however, it is not how bad you want something, but how hard you are willing to work for it. You can contact me here, or at Please use #Nairaland as a reference. Confidentiality is assured. 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by bettermike: 10:12am On Dec 29, 2013 |
Romeo4real: Dear All,This is exactly what i've been saying ever since. Coodoos bro. 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 8:38am On Jan 04, 2014 |
Hi romeo I've tried reaching you through your email adress but I got no reply so far? Did you. get my message pls? And to everyone here,wherever you are,happy new year |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by onila(f): 9:19pm On Jan 04, 2014 |
teamdepressionbitches ![]() |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Romeo4real(m): 8:16pm On Jan 09, 2014 |
@Krystalxxx - A very Happy New year to you. No, I haven't seen any emails form you; it may have automatically gone to my spam folder. My email address again is -, or you can try |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Anonymous007: 10:24am On Jan 10, 2014 |
I c ma spirit pumping high,so i deny d fact,am getting stable. U get concern u label me dry,atleast am done nt giving chances. Chance 2get ma brain getting fried 4 I tink of d goodies and it hoping me high Hope 4d bera,as i luk 2ru ma life,i prefer 2disguise. 2d problem am facin,someone else is worst and stil nt tired because he believe life culd b dicey So i kind of disguise lyk all tin is equal but 2d reality life string lyk a wave. 2day it mite b down bt 4 2morow it is comin up. Life has tot me so much,d best of it bin readines,2get ready 2fight wateva mood swing,2laff little and smile alot,2wateva isue i conquer wit my simple smile,i treat everytin tin lyk d 2ru heoro am born2b. It dosnt ave 2end here bt i cnt continue,di7 story of my life,u ave 2help me smile 2it,by so doin u ve learn 2solve urc,its a simple trick,just try 2smile... 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by chiboy11(m): 5:58am On Jul 03, 2014 |
Romeo4real: Dear All,avoid mr @romeo4real he is so dubious - Earlier I posted dis topic here but due to d loss of data on Nairaland it washed off n am here to repost it again. Do not send money to mr Keni Bamigbola-Davies in UK he s a pure Hungry scam n dupe , he uses d user name @romeo4real n claim he is a body instructor. What hapen betwen us ? March I sent him 14k as he requested to send me body enhancing medicine to enable me gain weight but this hungry criminal after colecting my money sent me drugs dat ve expired 2yrs Ago , I refuse to take in expired drugs n resent his fake drugs back to him. Up til dis very moment his conspirator dupe of a mother haz only payd me 7k n I ve not seen my balance. I understand dis is ow he dupe pple of dier money by sending dem expired drugs n. Wen u ask for a refund dey ask u to resend dem back d medcine of which u wud neva get ur money. Don't fall for his sweet mouth,the said guy is jobles in UK n dis is howhe haz been feeding his self n parents here. Cheers pals long live Nairaland 2 Likes |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by chiboy11(m): 5:59am On Jul 03, 2014 |
Romeo4real: @Krystalxxx - avoid mr @romeo4real he is so dubious - Earlier I posted dis topic here but due to d loss of data on Nairaland it washed off n am here to repost it again. Do not send money to mr Keni Bamigbola-Davies in UK he s a pure Hungry scam n dupe , he uses d user name @romeo4real n claim he is a body instructor. What hapen betwen us ? March I sent him 14k as he requested to send me body enhancing medicine to enable me gain weight but this hungry criminal after colecting my money sent me drugs dat ve expired 2yrs Ago , I refuse to take in expired drugs n resent his fake drugs back to him. Up til dis very moment his conspirator dupe of a mother haz only payd me 7k n I ve not seen my balance. I understand dis is ow he dupe pple of dier money by sending dem expired drugs n. Wen u ask for a refund dey ask u to resend dem back d medcine of which u wud neva get ur money. Don't fall for his sweet mouth,the said guy is jobles in UK n dis is howhe haz been feeding his self n parents here. Cheers pals long live Nairaland 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by tolu4you: 4:32pm On Jul 03, 2014 |
Hello my fellow nairalander, i need your help. I know im suffering from anxiety disorder right now and i have been trying to control this but no good result. i need help please..... |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 8:38pm On Feb 27, 2015 |
@ Depressionkills. Thank you is an understatement. I have learnt sooo much from you hun. Please come back online. I've emailed you and I pray we make contact. I really wanna know how you are Angel? Please say hi. ![]() Big air hug. I send you light love and happiness in abundance. ![]() |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by HumbledbYGrace(f): 10:10pm On Feb 27, 2015 |
Can't believe I was once a victim, only God can and will make a change in your life, if you ask him and let him. Happy new year guys. 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 12:07am On Feb 28, 2015 |
HumbledbYGrace: You over it now? How you feeling? Any advice? I've been suffering with anxiety for nearly 3mnths now. I can't leave the house. I was blessed the company I work for had home workers option so now I work from home. It's a vicious cycle because in order to get better I need to go out and not isolate myself but if I go out I have anxiety attacks. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 9:11am On Feb 28, 2015 |
Glad to know that this thread is still active. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by HumbledbYGrace(f): 2:10pm On Feb 28, 2015 |
Dimples192:I went for counselling sessions but they didn't help me, what you need to do is to identify what is it that's disturbing you, how have you been like that? Have you tried therapy? |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by sundaymike59: 9:45am On Mar 01, 2015 |
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Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by kelechiMarie(f): 10:37pm On Jun 05, 2015 |
Another way to get over it? Just don't feel!get rid of all dem stupid emotions. Never let anyone put you down,do not give a **** Live! Breathe! Rock your world. Let go,as for me ain't going back to depression. Those days are over 1 Like |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 12:53pm On Jun 06, 2015 |
kelechiMarie: I like that, you're a fighter. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by kelechiMarie(f): 1:04pm On Jun 06, 2015 |
Krystalxxx:awww thanks dear |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by ayokunlei(m): 8:37am On Sep 10, 2015 |
baby124: Interesting... I like your Nature, I wish I have your type of Nature, but still, God knows the best. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by ayokunlei(m): 4:46pm On Sep 10, 2015 |
[quote author=bettermike post=19747085] NONSENSE! Yes, i insist Depression is a disease that results from a habit. Take it or leave it. You can allow those cheap authors to fool you more (comparing depression to the likes of cancer). And am sure your big nose did not block your tiny eyes when i also mentioned that DEPRESSION IS A DISEASE. *back to issue*. Just like alcoholism results from a habit of drinking too much alcohol; Depression likewise results from a habit of sadness. Again, just like drunkeness doesnt infect the drunk, depression results from allowing yourself to be continually sad (resulting from any significant loss of parent or job or fortune or any frustrating event for that matter). And just as i earlier recommended, you do not need drugs to get out of depression. All you need do is change the habit that's feeding the disease. I.e. Sadness. [/quote I think no one wishes to be depressed... To some people, it's nature... But we cant change nature, however, we can train our nature. |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by indoorlove(m): 9:03am On Sep 21, 2015 |
i am very great full to everyone here, few months ago i stumbled on this thread, and ever since my life has never been the same. comments, advise and suggestions here help build a new me. gradually, am beginning to enjoy my life. i no longer judge myself like i used to. thanks everyone!!! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: A Thread For Those Suffering From Depression Or Anxiety Disorders by Nobody: 5:18pm On May 22, 2016 |
Am shading tears as I am typing this. My depression problem has really slowed down my success pace a great deal!am now been seen as a failure by my family and neiboughs,without knowing what am passing through. My problem is related to fear of been contacted hiv which will eventually lead to serious depression and then cause a serious devastating havoc to my everyday life.for the past seven to eight year, my joy of life has been short-lived. The worse part of it is that people around you have no single knowledge about what you are going through.the see you as not being a serious person,a lazy person,and un ambitious and confused being. Am dying everyday inward! And nobody seems to come for a help. I used to be a very vibrant and ambitious boy while growing that I assisted the family financially at a very tender age,but since this anxiety and depression set in,I totally lost my vibe! I sulk my pillow and bed everyday and night with tears. It may surprise you that I have gone for HIV test about 8times since this seven years of depression,but I have never slept with a woman before!this problem has really killed my romance life cos I can't touch any girl without having fear of contacting HIV virus from her. I don't really blame people around me cos the are ignorant of what am going through. Though,I have not been close to committing suicide,but most times I don't bother about the value of my life that I may cross road without minding much about if vehicle is coming or one case,I was nearly been run my a mark trailer. Please,doctors or psychologists in the house help me out before my life end up wastefully.I reside in ph,rivers can get to me through my email or this number 0703954531.thanks and GOD bless you as u seek to help me. |
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