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Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 5:52am On Oct 30, 2013
Salvation of the Spirit, Soul and Body

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23

Paul also shows in the New Testament that man is a tripartite being, made up of the spirit, soul and body. But Paul went further by saying man needs to be preserved blameless unto the coming of Christ, he is to be preserved blameless spirit, soul and body, that is the salvation of man should be total. Though man was saved when he accepted Jesus as his lord and personal savior, he still needed to be kept safe till the second coming of Jesus Christ.

When anyone becomes born again, the bible says he is spiritually born. It is established that anyone without Christ is spiritually dead, because God is life and if he is separated from God, he is separated from life. Accepting Jesus as your lord and personal savior quickens your spirit (that is, gives life to your spirit); the spirit was dead as a result of sin, but life as a result of the new birth (Christ).
For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
1 Peter 4:6

When you became born again, only your spirit as it were was born again (spiritually born), nothing happened to your soul and body, that is why when someone gives his life to Christ he might not feel any sensation or change in his body. This does not mean the person is not genuinely saved, he is, it is just that his spirit man is the only part of him that got born again or transformed, the soul and body needs to follow suit, but that sometimes takes time depending on how diligent the man is and the assignment he is to fulfil on earth.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1-2

The soul and the body need to be transformed equally as the spirit, but this has a lot to do with us, and it takes a gradual process as we continue in Christ Jesus. The soul of man had been corrupted as a result of the fall, and it has continued like that for a long time, the soul can only be transformed by the word of God (the spoken word of God and the revealed one which is the bible). Man had walked so long in the flesh and he is now so accustomed to the flesh that, living in a new way in the spirit is somewhat difficult. As a result of us becoming a new being, we desire new things as the spirit works in us to will and to do of the father’s good pleasure, but there is a problem, the old nature is still there in our flesh and will always raise its head in opposition to the work of the spirit in our lives. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Galatians 5:17. The mind is the seat of the flesh; when anyone just gives his life to Christ, because the flesh is more natural to the mind the spirit and the mind will always be in opposition, and the flesh will have a high tendency to yield to the mind than to the spirit whenever there is conflict. The yielding of the flesh and the mind is vice versa, the flesh yields to the mind and the mind yields to the flesh depending on what the man is mostly given to, (either he is walking in the spirit (spiritually minded) or according to the flesh).

Of a truth, for us to able to walk in the spirit, we need to give ourselves as living sacrifices to God, but the problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off the altar, so it is a thing we do continually and daily, like Paul said I die daily. Continuously surrendering our lives and living sacrificially for God as we render selfless services in the kingdom guarantees a well lived life in the spirit. But first and foremost, our minds needs to be renewed constantly by the word of God, we need to fill our minds with the word of God to the extent that we become the word, and the Holy Spirit finds every necessary tools in us to be used as we are pruned to become like Christ.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossian 3:16

The bible enjoins us that the word of God should dwell richly in us, or that we should be so full with the word. This is because we are to be and do the word, but there is no way we could do that if we do not have the word in our spirit. The word of God is not just meant to be in our heads, but also in our spirit for the Holy Spirit to be able to make use of the word of God in us. If the word is just in our head, it will lead to spiritual pride (the bible says knowledge puffeth up), and would not do us much good, but if it is in our spirit, we will be able to live and walk in the spirit. The bible says, walk in the spirit that you may not gratify the lust of the flesh and also that, if we live in the spirit, let us therefore walk in the spirit, Galatians 5:16&25. The reason so many do the dictates of the flesh is because they do not have the word in their spirit, God knows that we are not good at all and nothing good lives in us (that is in our flesh, Romans 7:18), so He desire for us to have the word in our spirit in order for the Holy Ghost to make use of it, so that we can be changed or transformed, be that which God intended for us, and be kept blameless spirit, soul and body unto the second coming of Christ.

The reason for the word also is that, we would know the will of the father and be able to commune with Him spiritually, but if the word is not in our spirit, then we would not amount to much, it will always lead to self gratification and thinking of oneself more than is necessary, and our salvation might even be jeopardized. We are supposed to have the word so much in us that, whatever comes in contact with us comes in contact with the word (Just as in the case of Jesus when He was tempted by the devil). We should be so full that, we constantly study the word, meditate on the word, speak the word, act the word, sleep the word, and can do nothing aside from the word. A Christian who lives like this will never fail nor fall, but the one who do not is short sighted and on the verge of loosing everything, even the salvation of his soul 2 Peter 1:8-11.

The word of God is the purifier for our soul and does the work perfectly, Jesus told the disciples you are cleansed by the word I have spoken to you. The word of God cleanses our minds from every junk and filth that may hinder us as we progress in the journey of faith. The word of God is the mind and will of God, so as we continue in the word, we become familiar with the mind and will of God in our walk with Him. The word of God is the manual for our lives and as we read and study it, we get the understanding on how we are to walk and what is expected of us in the Christian journey. We need not live lives of compromise; many do because they don’t have the word of God in their spirit, we need to have the word of God in our spirit and not just having head knowledge of the word, for the bible says the letter kills but the spirit gives life. The word of God is life, as we continue in the word; the word becomes living and active in us and the Holy Spirit breaths life to the word in us.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 5:54am On Oct 30, 2013
For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.
1Chorintians 2:16

As we continue in the word, the mind of Christ is being shown in us, because we already have the mind of Christ when we accepted Him as our Lord and personal savior, but as we continue in the word it is shown in us; for the bible says we have the mind of Christ. The purpose of God for us is that we become like Christ on earth, and this can only be possible as we continue in the word. The bible also says 1 John 4:17c ……………….because as he is, so are we in this world, we are to become like Christ in the world, though we already are like Him because His life had been imputed into us at salvation, so when the father looks at us He sees His son, but the manifestation of this life needs to be in our lives, though this comes gradually as we continue in the process of maturity and being kept safe to heaven.

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
1 Corinthians 9:27

Our bodies can never be transformed while we are still on this side of eternity, save when we die. When we die we are going to take a new body which is spiritual and our present body will be done away with forever, this present body is full of weaknesses and limitations, but the spiritual body is not. We were still alive when we gave our lives to Christ, only the spirit was transformed but the body experienced no change whatsoever and neither was it transformed, so in other for us to keep the body under or in check, we need to constantly discipline ourselves. The body is subject to the mind so once your mind is renewed, the body will follow in obedience. But there is every need to constantly bring the body under, just like Paul says in the scripture above, because the body can never be hundred percent subjected, this is the reason that every Christian must daily discipline himself, and also cultivate the habit of fasting.

Fasting subjects the body faster and better than any and every other way, though it is not the only way and should never be abused, for it can easily be abused if care is not taken. Fasting is a way of disciplining the mind as well as the body, but this is not to be abused; fasting must always go with knowledge. The knowledge of the word of God grants us understanding when we fast, when we fast, it should always be accompanied by the word of God, fasting without the word is just a hunger strike and could be disastrous. Fasting is a spiritual exercise that every Christian must engage in, it is not that fasting draws us closer to the father (though it is true, but not as we many at times think), fasting weakens the flesh and gives us the opportunity to spend more time with the father and be light enough in order to fulfill purpose. I enjoin all to study Isaiah 58 concerning fasting.

The spiritual importance of fasting can not be undermined; fasting is like praying and other spiritual exercise that has so many benefits in the subjection of the flesh, spiritual growth and blessings. This spiritual exercise ought to be practiced often for spiritual growth and health. But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. 1Timothy 4:7-8

The transformation of the spirit is instant, but that of the mind and bringing the body under, is a lifetime work. Your mind can never be completely renewed while you are still on this side of eternity, and your body can never be totally subjected, giving the right occasion, they will surface and the work will start all over again. This is what many forget, especially those that by the grace of God have gained considerable amount of victory over the flesh, when they relax feeling they have subdued the flesh and that it can never surface again, then the flesh get the better of them. This kind of Christians and those that do nothing, are the ones that fall into the sin of the flesh that even unbelievers don’t fall into (unimaginable sins for a Christian). No matter how long or well you have succeeded in subduing the flesh, when giving the right occasion, the flesh will surface and the fall will be alarming, it will even seem as if the person had never been disciplined or serious as a Christian when it happened.

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:27

Our spirit, soul and body is meant to be preserved blameless unto the coming of Christ, because though our spirit which is the real man is saved (transformed), the mind and the body is not. The mind is renewed by the word of God and transformed with time (always a work in progress), but the body is brought under subjection and can never be transformed, because at the second coming of Christ we shall receive a new body which is spiritual. As a result of the mind and body not being transformed, there is high tendency for the individual to live in sin, thereby defiling the temple of the Holy Ghost. The bible says anyone that defile the temple of God, God Himself shall destroy, 1corinthians 3:17; Jesus is coming for a holy and blameless church, and that do not just mean the salvation of the spirit, but of a whole and total man. God is more concern about the salvation of the total man, the spirit, soul and body, because a man that is not kept blameless spirit, soul and body, will always live contrary to the father and that will bring about spiritual confusion. As it is established that though a man received Christ at first, the devil may lead the person to Hell if care is not taken, so for this not to happen God wants us to be kept blameless till the coming of Christ so we wouldn’t stand the risk of being led by the devil to Hell. As we are kept blameless, we daily contend for our faith and in this God is glorified (though when a man accept Jesus as Lord and savior, it is almost impossible to go to Hell, but spiritual carelessness makes it possible at times).

Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Jude 1:3

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
1Timothy 6:12

God gave us so much, the bible says He has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the Heavenlies and also that He has given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness, the reason is not farfetched, He wants us to be saved totally. Also the devil knew all that has being given to us, and that we have all that we will ever need to live for God and be kept blameless till the second coming of Jesus Christ, so he never cease to contend for this things, in order for us to be led astray and loose out in all that God has prepared for us in Heaven. There is every need to contend for our faith if we want to survive in this fight of faith.

We daily contend for our faith because right from the day we gave our lives to Christ, the devil went to work seeking how he might steal from us, kill us both spiritually and physically, and eventually destroy us by sending us to Hell. Even though we were once saved, there is very high tendency for us to walk according to the flesh, so in order for this not to be so, we daily contend for our faith by renewing our mind constantly with the word and speaking the word daily, disciplining ourselves, and spending time in prayer daily in His presence. This is not supposed to mean our salvation, or that when we don’t do these things we are not saved, or that when we do we are saved, but rather to be seen as the fruit of salvation. We don’t do these things to be saved, but rather we are saved which is why we do these things.

God do not do things in half, and do not save just a bit, He has the power to save us wholly, and that is exactly what He did.

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Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Eebrahym(m): 5:59am On Oct 30, 2013
This people are here again with their abnormally long post..................just passing sha
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by sylvar02(m): 6:26am On Oct 30, 2013
Eebrahym: This people are here again with their abnormally long post..................just passing sha

End time things
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 6:34am On Oct 30, 2013
Eebrahym: This people are here again with their abnormally long post..................just passing sha

U should have at least read a little and see what God would do in ur life, u dont judge a book by its cover u know?

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Joshthefirst(m): 7:42am On Oct 30, 2013
Thank you sir. For this edifying message.
I agree with it. It has helped build me up this morning. I will continue to keep the flesh under by continuing in the word of God. My life will continue to bear witness to the message that Christ saves from sin. In Jesus' name.
Blessed be the name of the lord.
May the church rise up. May we walk in God's word
God bless you sir.


Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Joshthefirst(m): 7:44am On Oct 30, 2013
Eebrahym: This people are here again with their abnormally long post..................just passing sha
don't you like to read? Its a good habit. If you had started reading that, I don't think you would have stopped
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by SecretDreams(m): 9:31am On Oct 30, 2013
Wonderful write up bro, too bad the media is so anti-christian, threads like this should make front page.

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 1:40pm On Oct 30, 2013
Joshthefirst: Thank you sir. For this edifying message.
I agree with it. It has helped build me up this morning. I will continue to keep the flesh under by continuing in the word of God. My life will continue to bear witness to the message that Christ saves from sin. In Jesus' name.
Blessed be the name of the lord.
May the church rise up. May we walk in God's word
God bless you sir.

Thank God bro, I am happy u are blessed by this n we all shall be kept safe unto the day of Christ.

Stay blessed n remain rapturable
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 1:41pm On Oct 30, 2013
Secret_Dreams: Wonderful write up bro, too bad the media is so anti-christian, threads like this should make front page.

Thanks bro, the world of God will continue to grow n prevail n there is nothing the gates of hades can do about that!
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Nobody: 3:49pm On Oct 30, 2013

hmmm. tripatite being? pls make research on that verse very well.

Dont change the meaning of born again sir. born from water and spirit. Your physical body is involved.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Victosin09(f): 5:52pm On Oct 30, 2013
Pastor Olu, God bless u. More of this in Jesus' name.

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 5:59pm On Oct 30, 2013
Victosin09: Pastor Olu, God bless u. More of this in Jesus' name.

Amen sis, and God bless u too real good.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 6:01pm On Oct 30, 2013
JMAN05: @op

hmmm. tripatite being? pls make research on that verse very well.

Dont change the meaning of born again sir. born from water and spirit. Your physical body is involved.

Sorry bro u are the one mistaken 'cos there is a difference between salvation n bornagain.

Maybe u should read my write up on bornagain n u will get the picture.

Stay blessed n remain rapturable
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 8:11pm On Dec 01, 2013
Are you prepared for the second coming of Jesus?

Spending unique quality time in the presence of the Father daily to pray and read the bible, will keep one spiritually inclined and alert!

Stay blessed and remain rapturable
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Alwaystrue(f): 9:03pm On Dec 01, 2013
@Pastor Olu T, thanks for taking time to post this. It is enlightening. Jesus came as ransom for our sin and restore our fellowship with the Father through quickening our spirits and thus restoring life/commnication to God. We are now like Adam was before sin though we are still prone to fleshly actions and memories of past life which we have to gradually renew our minds of, to have the same mind of Christ.
This is where many do not yet understand that Christ has given us all that pertains to life and godliness by our new spirit so it is left to us to pursue this in our souls for it will be terrible to lose the soul despite what Christ did for us when we refuse to work out our salvation.

Hear Jesus:
Luke 21:19
By standing firm, you will win your souls.

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Alwaystrue(f): 10:13pm On Dec 01, 2013
My husband and I just finished a discussion of salvation and I gained this:

Ephesians 2:18
18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

Our spirits are reconciled to and with God.

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.

Our souls are transformed as we behold ourselves in the mirror of the Word of God with eyes of the Spirit.

Philipians 3:21
Who will transform and fashion anew the body of our humiliation to conform to and be like the body of His glory and majesty, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself.

Our bodies are to conform to be like the body of His Majesty. We put it under subjection.

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by ayoku777(m): 5:25am On Dec 02, 2013
Alwaystrue: My husband and I just finished a discussion of salvation and I gained this:

Ephesians 2:18
18 For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

Our spirits are reconciled to and with God.

2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit.

Our souls are transformed as we behold ourselves in the mirror of the Word of God with eyes of the Spirit.

Philipians 3:21
Who will transform and fashion anew the body of our humiliation to conform to and be like the body of His glory and majesty, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself.

Our bodies are to conform to be like the body of His Majesty. We put it under subjection.

Fully agree with this. This is what i've been trying to say. Regeneration of the spirit, reformation of the soul and redemption of the body. They are all different and don't happen simultaneously; and are not instant except for regeneration of the spirit. Thats why i don't call a christian who still sins a sinner.

Hmm i always say 'we will get there' when i wana sign out of an argument. But now we are really getting there. We will still be united in faith and knowlegde. I believe it.

Say hi to your husband for me. Guess you don't argue with him as with us here. grin

God bless

1 Like

Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Alwaystrue(f): 6:25am On Dec 02, 2013

Fully agree with this. This is what i've been trying to say. Regeneration of the spirit, reformation of the soul and redemption of the body. They are all different and don't happen simultaneously; and are not instant except for regeneration of the spirit. Thats why i don't call a christian who still sins a sinner.

Hmm i always say 'we will get there' when i wana sign out of an argument. But now we are really getting there. We will still be united in faith and knowlegde. I believe it.

Say hi to your husband for me. Guess you don't argue with him as with us here. grin

God bless

Lolz, thanks.
A sinner is he who sins, excuses the sin and is confident in the sin not a righteous man that falls, repents and uses the grace of God and help to keep him from falling, not keeping him fallen in sin.

That is what I had always been talking about if you read my posts well.
And that is why we said when people stop at the spirit restoration and now fail to work out their salvation claiming they are saved and need to do nothing more, the above explains they are the ones to hold on to the faith and possess their souls for the soul needs to be saved and it is by the word of God that happens.

Because I do not agree with all everyone says here especially when they give their own opinion without biblical inspiration or are giving rational thought to spiritual things should not be seen as argument.

I don't take such things hook line and sinker because I am a woman, if you call that argument then that is your opinion again. Lol.
Good morning Ayoku.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 8:49am On Dec 02, 2013
Alwaystrue: @Pastor Olu T, thanks for taking time to post this. It is enlightening. Jesus came as ransom for our sin and restore our fellowship with the Father through quickening our spirits and thus restoring life/commnication to God. We are now like Adam was before sin though we are still prone to fleshly actions and memories of past life which we have to gradually renew our minds of, to have the same mind of Christ.
This is where many do not yet understand that Christ has given us all that pertains to life and godliness by our new spirit so it is left to us to pursue this in our souls for it will be terrible to lose the soul despite what Christ did for us when we refuse to work out our salvation.

Hear Jesus:
Luke 21:19
By standing firm, you will win your souls.

Thank God sis, good morning to u and Ayoku.

Thank God for agreeing to the truth of the scriptures, this is true humility unlike what many think. "Humility is agreement with the truth" I dont know why I am saying this this morning bt I guess the Holy Spirit is speaking to someone.

And like bornagain Ayoku said, we are all work in progress growing up to maturity n we will get there someday!

God bless u sis, n say me well to ur husband!
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 6:35pm On Dec 03, 2013
Walk in the spirit that u might not gratify the lust of the flesh Galatian 5:16.

The Christian walk as from our being saved is a walk in the spirit as against the flesh, in living an overcoming life n being kept safe unto the second coming of Jesus!
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 9:00am On Dec 06, 2013
There nothing as Hell and the judgment to come messages being a gospel of FEAR as many claims, but that we should preach the Goodnews and only say those things that are pleasing. The gospel is supposed to be encompassing, and the message of eternal condemnation is fully part of the Goodnews and ought to be preached alongside every other truths in the bible.

The truth remain that however the message is being preached, unrepentant sinners will still find it offensive, so we ought to preach the GOODNEWS as Paul , the Apostles, and the early Christians did!

And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.

Acts 24:25

Stay blessed and reminded rapturable
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by Liv4Christ: 10:15am On Dec 06, 2013
Pastor Olu T: Salvation of the Spirit, Soul and Body

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23

Paul also shows in the New Testament that man is a tripartite being, made up of the spirit, soul and body. But Paul went further by saying man needs to be preserved blameless unto the coming of Christ, he is to be preserved blameless spirit, soul and body, that is the salvation of man should be total. Though man was saved when he accepted Jesus as his lord and personal savior, he still needed to be kept safe till the second coming of Jesus Christ.

When anyone becomes born again, the bible says he is spiritually born. It is established that anyone without Christ is spiritually dead, because God is life and if he is separated from God, he is separated from life. Accepting Jesus as your lord and personal savior quickens your spirit (that is, gives life to your spirit); the spirit was dead as a result of sin, but life as a result of the new birth (Christ).
For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
1 Peter 4:6

When you became born again, only your spirit as it were was born again (spiritually born), nothing happened to your soul and body, that is why when someone gives his life to Christ he might not feel any sensation or change in his body. This does not mean the person is not genuinely saved, he is, it is just that his spirit man is the only part of him that got born again or transformed, the soul and body needs to follow suit, but that sometimes takes time depending on how diligent the man is and the assignment he is to fulfil on earth.
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1-2

The soul and the body need to be transformed equally as the spirit, but this has a lot to do with us, and it takes a gradual process as we continue in Christ Jesus. The soul of man had been corrupted as a result of the fall, and it has continued like that for a long time, the soul can only be transformed by the word of God (the spoken word of God and the revealed one which is the bible). Man had walked so long in the flesh and he is now so accustomed to the flesh that, living in a new way in the spirit is somewhat difficult. As a result of us becoming a new being, we desire new things as the spirit works in us to will and to do of the father’s good pleasure, but there is a problem, the old nature is still there in our flesh and will always raise its head in opposition to the work of the spirit in our lives. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. Galatians 5:17. The mind is the seat of the flesh; when anyone just gives his life to Christ, because the flesh is more natural to the mind the spirit and the mind will always be in opposition, and the flesh will have a high tendency to yield to the mind than to the spirit whenever there is conflict. The yielding of the flesh and the mind is vice versa, the flesh yields to the mind and the mind yields to the flesh depending on what the man is mostly given to, (either he is walking in the spirit (spiritually minded) or according to the flesh).

Of a truth, for us to able to walk in the spirit, we need to give ourselves as living sacrifices to God, but the problem with a living sacrifice is that it can crawl off the altar, so it is a thing we do continually and daily, like Paul said I die daily. Continuously surrendering our lives and living sacrificially for God as we render selfless services in the kingdom guarantees a well lived life in the spirit. But first and foremost, our minds needs to be renewed constantly by the word of God, we need to fill our minds with the word of God to the extent that we become the word, and the Holy Spirit finds every necessary tools in us to be used as we are pruned to become like Christ.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossian 3:16

The bible enjoins us that the word of God should dwell richly in us, or that we should be so full with the word. This is because we are to be and do the word, but there is no way we could do that if we do not have the word in our spirit. The word of God is not just meant to be in our heads, but also in our spirit for the Holy Spirit to be able to make use of the word of God in us. If the word is just in our head, it will lead to spiritual pride (the bible says knowledge puffeth up), and would not do us much good, but if it is in our spirit, we will be able to live and walk in the spirit. The bible says, walk in the spirit that you may not gratify the lust of the flesh and also that, if we live in the spirit, let us therefore walk in the spirit, Galatians 5:16&25. The reason so many do the dictates of the flesh is because they do not have the word in their spirit, God knows that we are not good at all and nothing good lives in us (that is in our flesh, Romans 7:18), so He desire for us to have the word in our spirit in order for the Holy Ghost to make use of it, so that we can be changed or transformed, be that which God intended for us, and be kept blameless spirit, soul and body unto the second coming of Christ.

The reason for the word also is that, we would know the will of the father and be able to commune with Him spiritually, but if the word is not in our spirit, then we would not amount to much, it will always lead to self gratification and thinking of oneself more than is necessary, and our salvation might even be jeopardized. We are supposed to have the word so much in us that, whatever comes in contact with us comes in contact with the word (Just as in the case of Jesus when He was tempted by the devil). We should be so full that, we constantly study the word, meditate on the word, speak the word, act the word, sleep the word, and can do nothing aside from the word. A Christian who lives like this will never fail nor fall, but the one who do not is short sighted and on the verge of loosing everything, even the salvation of his soul 2 Peter 1:8-11.

The word of God is the purifier for our soul and does the work perfectly, Jesus told the disciples you are cleansed by the word I have spoken to you. The word of God cleanses our minds from every junk and filth that may hinder us as we progress in the journey of faith. The word of God is the mind and will of God, so as we continue in the word, we become familiar with the mind and will of God in our walk with Him. The word of God is the manual for our lives and as we read and study it, we get the understanding on how we are to walk and what is expected of us in the Christian journey. We need not live lives of compromise; many do because they don’t have the word of God in their spirit, we need to have the word of God in our spirit and not just having head knowledge of the word, for the bible says the letter kills but the spirit gives life. The word of God is life, as we continue in the word; the word becomes living and active in us and the Holy Spirit breaths life to the word in us.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 8:33am On Dec 07, 2013
[quote author=Liv4Christ][/quote]

There is nothing "like once saved forever saved" at least not the way many of us believe it. The truth remains that as the world deteriorate and evil reigns, the love of many for the Lord would wane and many would return to the world or start living lives of compromise. So only those that remain steadfast, holding on to their faith to the end and not compromising, the same shall be saved and rapture when Jesus comes!

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Matthew 24:12-13

Stay blessed and remain rapturable
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 12:25pm On Dec 10, 2013
If u ain't kept blameless spirit, soul, and body unto the coming of Christ? Then u have something else coming
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 1:48pm On Dec 22, 2013
Alwaystrue: @Pastor Olu T, thanks for taking time to post this. It is enlightening. Jesus came as ransom for our sin and restore our fellowship with the Father through quickening our spirits and thus restoring life/commnication to God. We are now like Adam was before sin though we are still prone to fleshly actions and memories of past life which we have to gradually renew our minds of, to have the same mind of Christ.
This is where many do not yet understand that Christ has given us all that pertains to life and godliness by our new spirit so it is left to us to pursue this in our souls for it will be terrible to lose the soul despite what Christ did for us when we refuse to work out our salvation.

Hear Jesus:
Luke 21:19
By standing firm, you will win your souls.
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 3:00pm On Jan 01, 2014

End time things
Re: Salvation (spirit, Soul, And Body) by PastorOluT(m): 8:08am On Jan 05, 2014
We are in the last lap of our race on earth and would soon give accounts of our sojourneying on this side of eternity. The bible says we should be wise as serpent and gentle as a dove, also it says it is required in stewardship that a man be found faithful.

Let us all arise from our slumbering and receive the light and life of Christ running with focus and perseverance the final lap of the race we are called to!

Seeing wherefore brethren that we are compassed around with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us do away with every sin and weight which easily beset us, and running this race with perseverance that is set before us. Looking unto Christ the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was placed before Him endure the cross, despising the shame and has sat at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2

Stay blessed and remain rapturable

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