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Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) - Art, Graphics & Video (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 6:19am On Dec 05, 2013

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Bitchmob5: 9:19am On Dec 06, 2013
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by leverage12(m): 11:42pm On Dec 07, 2013
Nice Work guys, Really missed this thread. I hope to post a Portait Picture I drew today by tommorow. Cheers.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by benjibabs(m): 12:22am On Dec 09, 2013

Below is my second drawing.

I had trouble depicting the hair on my face, like my eyebrows and mustache. Also, separating my color from shadow was not easy. Any suggestions you can offer in this areas?

So, where is everybody? I'd hate to win the prize unchallenged. tongue

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 7:57am On Dec 09, 2013
leverage12: Nice Work guys, Really missed this thread. I hope to post a Portait Picture I drew today by tommorow. Cheers.

Hi, thanks for contributing. However, we've all agreed that this thread is for those following the lessons, so DO NOT post your portrait drawing here, please go and create your thread to do so. Thanks.

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 8:01am On Dec 09, 2013
benjibabs: Hi,

Below is my second drawing.

I had trouble depicting the hair on my face, like my eyebrows and mustache. Also, separating my color from shadow was not easy. Any suggestions you can offer in this areas?

So, where is everybody? I'd hate to win the prize unchallenged. tongue

Lol, hair is always hard. One good suggestion I got from someone is to draw it the way you would any other part, in other words, don't overthink it. Shadows are hard, so what I'm going to do is show you a technique called Mapping and then we'll go over the basic guidelines for positioning features. Well done.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 1:30pm On Dec 13, 2013
Nice thread dear, dix myn. I xtil av a lot to learn nd m ready to. Xo plx check ma work nd correct my mixtakex. I wil drop anoda wen u correct dix

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by benjibabs(m): 5:32pm On Dec 17, 2013

Lol, hair is always hard. One good suggestion I got from someone is to draw it the way you would any other part, in other words, don't overthink it. Shadows are hard, so what I'm going to do is show you a technique called Mapping and then we'll go over the basic guidelines for positioning features. Well done.

Thanks for the comment. I look forward to the next class.

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:02pm On Dec 18, 2013

No, this isn't copying. Every woman I know, learned how to cook soup by first watching her mum/aunt/sister. Learning by sight is also very useful in Drawing. Today, we're going to study the work of Henri Matisse, a french painter (Google him). He drew with a very elegant line, no short strokes. And that's what we're going to learn. I'm going to put up some pictures of his drawings, and we're going to copy them. They seem easy, but he used no erasers, no short dashes and drew them fluidly. So, for this class, we're going to use[b] a black biro to draw[/b](ha, I don catch una where they erase like 20 times!). Do all 4 drawings, no tracing and no shading. This exercise is to help you loosen up your wrist. Notice how Matisse didn't shade or make short dashes, he simplified his subject till he could use just a few lines to depict it. Check the links to see more of his works.


What you are essentially practicing here, is what is known as Gesture Drawing: capturing the essence of your subject. Practice this, because in the next class, we're gonna start Life Drawing, or drawing people. Which is very hard.

Now, let's all try.

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by EfemenaXY: 12:14pm On Dec 20, 2013
Great thread you've got here Onegai - wish I knew how to draw.

You guys are truly gifted...(sigh)...
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by joycenovotny: 1:22pm On Dec 20, 2013
amaziiiiing! I really didn't know drawing a hand could be so simple! Now I have a reliable guide. Thanks a lot.

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 1:35pm On Dec 20, 2013
Efemena_xy: Great thread you've got here Onegai - wish I knew how to draw.

You guys are truly gifted...(sigh)...

Actually, you can learn how to draw. Drawing is like cooking, all can learn, but those who can master it are called Artists. Follow the thread from the beginning, and do the exercises. You'll be surprised. For more info, contact nry258@hotmail.com, for classes.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 6:01pm On Dec 21, 2013
Onegai: So, here's a simple exercise using our Tonal bar we created. Take a white object that's simple. I recommend white because, until you train your eyes on Colour Theory, you're gonna have an issue seeing differences in values between colours.

Place it on a book or table and make sure only one source of light is hitting your object. In my image, source of light is a window from the right. Draw the shape carefully and then look at your object, and look at your tonal bar. Begin to shade your object according to where light is hitting it and using your tonal bar as a guide. If there's no light touching one side of your object, use your tonal bar to estimate how dark that side is.

Post your results, everyone! Here's mine below.

Hint: pick objects with simple shapes. You're not helping yourself by picking a complicated object. Start with simple stuff, draw it well, then move onto advanced stuff. Too often, people meet me wanting to learn Figure Drawing, they've drawn some stuff, yet will struggle to draw a box and get demoralized. Just take things easy, and reward yourself with lots of great drawings, after you've drawn simple stuff diligently and frequently.
OMG! The box looks as though it's standing. M gonna try mine
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Nobody: 6:05pm On Dec 21, 2013
Jst startd following the thread again, wat is the latest exercise? @op
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yame014: 6:45pm On Dec 21, 2013
my first attempt...@onegai pls I need all the.necessary corrections..I'm still practising how to draw each with a continuous line...thanks
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 8:57pm On Dec 22, 2013
yame014: my first attempt...@onegai pls I need all the.necessary corrections...thanks

Hey there, there's no image showing. Try re-attaching it. Thanks.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by KenNwadiogbu(m): 2:37am On Dec 23, 2013
Wow! I love this topic!!! Kudos to the owner. Seen lots of inspiring artists... Older and some my age range, but very lovely artworks. So we talking drawing with hand, okay, maybe 4 of my pencil-drawn works (+a lil bit of painting sometimes) "MIGHT" inspire you a lil bit...

Can't post full step-by-step due to limited uploading slots, but you can see them on my blog...

Be inspired y'all
Kenart Creation©

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yame014: 6:44pm On Dec 24, 2013

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 10:27pm On Dec 24, 2013
yame014: .

I like these. Did you notice you had to make smooth, fluid lines instead of short dashes? That's how to draw, that smooth wrist movement. Well done and Merry Christmas.

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by yame014: 2:45am On Dec 25, 2013

I like these. Did you notice you had to make smooth, fluid lines instead of short dashes? That's how to draw, that smooth wrist movement. Well done and Merry Christmas.

wow...thank you very much. I should post my 2nd trial after xmas because the pictures weren't clear enough during my first trial...merry xmas to you too.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 6:04pm On Dec 26, 2013
If you'd like, we can organize a get-together in January, do a sit-down and learn more about Drawing. And for more Art information, please read my blog http://alizarene..com/ there'll be more info there. Thanks.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by benjibabs(m): 4:40am On Dec 29, 2013
Here are my drawings.

Happy new year in Advance!


Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by benjibabs(m): 10:48pm On Dec 29, 2013
. . . and the last one.

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Affegott(m): 10:24pm On Dec 30, 2013
I wonder where I am always when inspiring topics like this are going on... The distraction of Front page I guess. Good Job you re doing Madame Professor

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by AleshKeem(m): 3:10pm On Jan 02, 2014
Onegai: If you'd like, we can organize a get-together in January, do a sit-down and learn more about Drawing.
well, that would be cool, I'm an Artist too, but we never stop learning.
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 7:35pm On Jan 02, 2014

Happy new year, folks. Let this be your awesome year.

I know we've talked about shading before, and did an exercise in creating a Tonal Bar. And I mentioned that there were different styles of shading. One, is the method I use, Soft tones, which is consistently darkening (like painting) the tones of whatever you're depicting. You need a soft pencil or a piece of charcoal to do it.

Another method is Cross-hatching, layering short distinct lines over your figure to create dimension and shape to the face.

Let's look at the work of a prominent contemporary Nigerian artist, Wallace Ejoh. He did both these portraits live (that is, the model posed for him for about 40 minutes. For those coming to the Drawing class, we're going to start doing that). You guys tell me which shading method is which.
For more on Wallace Ejoh's work, please take a look at these links. He's considered a master portrait artist.


Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 7:47pm On Jan 02, 2014
LESSON: We're going to try out both methods of shading. Soft tones and Cross-Hatching. Please study Mr. Ejoh's drawings closely and use the same methods.

Our model today, we've drawn her once. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for someone's grandma! grin

Please do 2 drawings of the picture below, one with cross-hatching and another with soft tonal shading. For cross-hatching, use a HB or 2B pencil. For soft tonal shading, use a 5B pencil. Remember to draw a box and look at the picture and use comparative measurements to draw your figure (i.e if her headtie is close to one edge of the picture, in your drawing, her headtie should be at the same distance from the edge of your box). Also remember to use fluid lines (like the Matisse exercise, I DON'T want to see short dashes when you're drawing the figure, I only want to see those short dashes when you're using cross-hatching method to shade).

Post your results, let's take a look and grow together.

Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by AleshKeem(m): 8:57pm On Jan 02, 2014
Onegai: Hey guys, we will have weekely challenges and Drawing lessons. For those of us in Lagos, there's a weekly class that holds in a comfy public area.
Where is the venue?
Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by Onegai(f): 8:18pm On Jan 03, 2014
Alesh Keem:
Where is the venue?

That was last year, this year, it will be organized, with fees and a gallery for venue. We'll inform everyone.

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Re: Let's Draw! A Hand (Lessons on how to draw) by benjibabs(m): 9:43pm On Jan 03, 2014
Wow!!! I give it to Wallace. The smaller drawing (shaded one) is just too cool. I can literally count the hair on the head of the model. grin
Simple and scanty eye browse gave me nightmare when I drew my face. cheesy I wish I could watch him draw. Anyway, I should be able to do a good copy job. grin

Grandma coming up soon!!!


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